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Warning: Revelations

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posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 12:33 PM
AmItheone, I take it that you believe in "Lahaye's Theology."

Lahaye's Theology

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
AmItheone, I take it that you believe in "Lahaye's Theology."

Lahaye's Theology

No. I disagree. I read the article as I am not familar with Lahaye's Theology. However, it does not line up with what the Bible says. I cannot expound here more as it will take many pages and graphical illustrations why the common theories of the rapture, the 144K, the tribulation, etc. have many holes and they all end up making errorneous conclusions. I've watched the video "Left Behind" series and countless endtime movies as part of my research. I don't agree with them. So many things are missing.

This is the effect when one doesn't integrate all the books of the Bible. The timing is distorted.

In brief: True Christians will suffer intense persecution from the anti-christ. They will be murdered, their properites looted, jobs taken, love ones seperated and they cannot buy and sell. If you watched the movie schindler's list, this is what will happen to the true Christians who stand faithful to Jesus Christ no matter the cost. Many so called Christians will fall away because of this intense persecution. Brother will betray brother and the father his child. What is left are those true Christians from the heart. They will not even shrink to death.

Nope, they will not be ruptured here. They will only be raptured when they see the 2 prophets laying dead in the street raised up by God after 3 1/2 days. After that, the Great Tribulation starts which is on the 7th Trumpet and on the 7th Plague.

And, nope, christians are not raptured in order for God to save them from the anti-christ. True Christians were already tortured and killed, sawn asunder, fed to the lions, burned at the stake, crucified upside down, and what have you in the past, and they were not raptured. They endured to the end, which is their death. As Jesus said, just as they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. We have to go through many tribulations in order to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Is this rapture secret? No. True Christians will know the event exactly when the rapture happens. They will count the trumpets and plagues.

After the 6th trumpet and plague have finished, the Christians left alive will wait in anticipation, raising up their heads and wait for the shout, "COME UP HERE!!" - the ressurection call and rapture. Everyone will see this world changing event.

The only secret thing is the the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. No one knows the time nor the hour of His coming.

The reason why God needs to rapture Christians is that He is saving them from His Wrath where the world will experience great cosmic calamities in expression of His fierce fury.

It will be far worst than the flood. Imagine this, the atmosphere will vanish gradually, exposing people from harmful radiation from space. Atmosphere receeding, oxygen level falls, atmospheric pressure falls, temperature rises. Volcanic eruptions, mega tsunamis, great earthquakes, asteriods as big as a hundred weight will fall from heaven, all islands will disappear. The sun will bombard the Earth with Super flares and super CME's. I think the sun is going nova at this time.

Who can escape this? It's an overkill 100 times over!! Not only the Earth is affected, all neighboring planets as well, as the sun unleashes it's full fury. In the interest of fairness, God has already warned the world to repent through His prophets for 6 times before the great tribulation happens. The situation with Pharaoh and Moses will happen again as men have hardened their hearts and did not incline their ears to hear the warnings. What they did instead is they persecuted the Christians!! They murdered them and looted their properties.

Anyway, wait for my website next year. It's a very long expounded detailed explanation.

Sorry for the long post.

[edit on 30-10-2007 by amitheone]

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Xeven

Can Satan decide to repent and ask forgiveness? I mean if he is an angel he gota be smart enough to know when the gig is up?

No he can't. He has been condemned to death. He and his fallen angels have all been condemned but they have a job to do until that time.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 09:44 PM
I wonder why the bible is so contradictory itself, base on my understanding, the contradiction already begins on the first page of the bible. I am not a Christian by the way.

(In the beginning) Man was created on the sixth day but after the accounts of the heavens and earths(Adam and Eve), it says that before vegetation grow and no man work the field, Lord God created man from the dust and blew life into the nostril of him. That's where the problem comes in; the third day was when vegetation start growing and man(Adam) appears on the sixth day.

I also notice the different terms used to address the divine such as God, Lord God, the Lord. It led me to believe that there is more than one God in the Bible. I saw in the bible on the sixth day when man was created, God says, "let us create man in our image" pretty much confirm it.

And when the Lord God found out that Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, he was upset about it. He said they(Adam and Eve) have become like one of us, knowing good and evil and he decide to banish them from the Garden of Eden because He don't want them to eat from the tree of life(immortality). I thought this God has shown that he is afraid of his own creations and want to rule by himself.

I also notice the obession with certain number in the bible like 7(trumpet, angel, heads, and if someone kill Cain, he will be avenged 7 times), 4(the 4 wrath of God; flood, fire(meteor), hurricane, earthquake), 12 (12000*12=144000), and in the Revelation mentioning about 24(multiple of 4 or 12) other humans and 4 living creatures guarding the lamb or something. I guess the most unique number would be 7 and 4.

Lastly, if we were to mix in the Mayan prediction(21 or 23 december 2012 (EOTW)) and Bible prediction and work backwards, will we be able to find out almost exactly the supposed disasters that will happen on earth?

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by DarkMonk

I wonder why the bible is so contradictory itself, base on my understanding, the contradiction already begins on the first page of the bible. I am not a Christian by the way.

(In the beginning) Man was created on the sixth day but after the accounts of the heavens and earths(Adam and Eve), it says that before vegetation grow and no man work the field, Lord God created man from the dust and blew life into the nostril of him. That's where the problem comes in; the third day was when vegetation start growing and man(Adam) appears on the sixth day.

Mankind, the races, were created on the sixth day. Adam was formed on the eighth day. Vegetation was growing but Adam was created to "till the ground" a farmer, to raise crops for cultivation. The races were to hunt, fish, etc.

Also, tilling the ground is an analogy for what Adam was formed for. He is the blood line through which Christ would come. The sons of Adam are to till the ground - plant seeds of truth in the world. They are to take the Word of God to all others.

I also notice the different terms used to address the divine such as God, Lord God, the Lord. It led me to believe that there is more than one God in the Bible. I saw in the bible on the sixth day when man was created, God says, "let us create man in our image" pretty much confirm it.

There is only one God, one Lord - our Father. When He said, "Let Us," He was speaking to the Elohim, the angels and the Son.

And when the Lord God found out that Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, he was upset about it. He said they(Adam and Eve) have become like one of us, knowing good and evil and he decide to banish them from the Garden of Eden because He don't want them to eat from the tree of life(immortality). I thought this God has shown that he is afraid of his own creations and want to rule by himself.

No, that isn't correct. He didn't want them to live eternally in a state of sin.

I also notice the obession with certain number in the bible like 7(trumpet, angel, heads, and if someone kill Cain, he will be avenged 7 times), 4(the 4 wrath of God; flood, fire(meteor), hurricane, earthquake), 12 (12000*12=144000), and in the Revelation mentioning about 24(multiple of 4 or 12) other humans and 4 living creatures guarding the lamb or something. I guess the most unique number would be 7 and 4.

Numbers are VERY important throughout the Bible and they do have meanings.


posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by amitheone

AmItheone, then I am glad we can agree... The whole "Left Behind" stuff is only making people develop a false hope. To me, it's part of the great delusion that the bible speaks of. Really, it's nothing more than a form of escapism.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
reply to post by amitheone

AmItheone, then I am glad we can agree... The whole "Left Behind" stuff is only making people develop a false hope. To me, it's part of the great delusion that the bible speaks of. Really, it's nothing more than a form of escapism.

Many christians will be so discouraged and so disappointed when they realized that there is no rapture happening when the anti-christ rules begins. Many will think that God has abandoned them and left them to suffer. I'm worried that many will lose faith and fall away. "Where's the rapture? Have we been betrayed??"

I am praying that Christians don't just relay on what their leaders say. They should study the Bible and check for themselves to see whether what is taught is true or not. They should not just sit around and hear, they should do some homework, dig the Bible like a archeaologists, dedicate their time on it. The truth is all there.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by amitheone

Many christians will be so discouraged and so disappointed when they realized that there is no rapture happening when the anti-christ rules begins. Many will think that God has abandoned them and left them to suffer. I'm worried that many will lose faith and fall away. "Where's the rapture? Have we been betrayed??"

Unfortunately, that will happen. I, and many others, have tried to tell "rapture" believers that it's not even biblical, at least not in the manner that they think it is. However, our warnings fall on deaf ears. Many professed Christians have no ears to hear and no eyes to see..

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Just shows you that religion is blind and people make of it what they like. So many versions of christianity - which one do you go for? I mean what is the correct version of christianity?


posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 12:40 PM
There will be so many people who will just blindly take the Mark Of The Beast, without even giving it a second thought! That's what is scary!

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by shihulud
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Just shows you that religion is blind and people make of it what they like. So many versions of christianity - which one do you go for? I mean what is the correct version of christianity?


Yes, I had that dilemma before. In order to protect yourself, read the Bible and make an effort to understand it. Attend Bible hermeunitics. Get active with the words, make it alive. Search for truth like searching for gold.

Remember, the church, the pastors, fellow christians does not have the power to save you, only Jesus Christ can. Have a relationship with Him, and you'll be fine.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Blueangel7
There will be so many people who will just blindly take the Mark Of The Beast, without even giving it a second thought! That's what is scary!

I think christians will be given a no choice situation here. Either they accept it or die. They can die without food and water as they cannot buy and sell. They can die being hunted.

I believe the mark will be a religious mark. I believe the government of the anti-christ is religion dominated. Remember what is written, "Do not WORSHIP the image of the beast".

Worship denotes religion.

[edit on 1-11-2007 by amitheone]

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Xeven
reply to post by whirlwind

Can Satan decide to repent and ask forgiveness? I mean if he is an angel he gota be smart enough to know when the gig is up?

Lets wait and see what they look like then decide on policy lol.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by DarkMonk

(In the beginning) Man was created on the sixth day but after the accounts of the heavens and earths(Adam and Eve), it says that before vegetation grow and no man work the field, Lord God created man from the dust and blew life into the nostril of him. That's where the problem comes in; the third day was when vegetation start growing and man(Adam) appears on the sixth day.


Genesis 2

4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens-- 5 and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no man to work the ground, 6 but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground-- 7 the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.


No contradiction here. The plants and vegetation is still on the 3rd day and man on the 6th day.

Seeds were the first component of a plant to be created, that's why no shrub, plants, vegetation, and etc. had yet sprung up because there was no rain. No rain, no water. However, streams came up to water the ground. The seeds can now grow. The keyword here is "Sprung up" meaning, have yet to grow because you need to water the seed first. You can't grow seeds without water. Biology 101, dude.

As written, no man yet to work the ground as man was only created on the 6th day. That's why God assisted the seeds by bringing water from the ground so they can start growing.

As written above, Heavens and the Earth, plants, and then man. The same sequence as Genesis 1. Nothing has changed.

Don't just read the Bible, you have to understand it and backed up by a solid foundation in Science.

As with your other conclusions, my goodness, please study the words well. Attend Bible hermeunetics, dude.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by amitheone

Originally posted by shihulud
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Just shows you that religion is blind and people make of it what they like. So many versions of christianity - which one do you go for? I mean what is the correct version of christianity?


Yes, I had that dilemma before. In order to protect yourself, read the Bible and make an effort to understand it. Attend Bible hermeunitics. Get active with the words, make it alive. Search for truth like searching for gold.

Remember, the church, the pastors, fellow christians does not have the power to save you, only Jesus Christ can. Have a relationship with Him, and you'll be fine.

Sorry but being atheistic in nature precludes me from believing in yours or anyone else's god. I find most religions abhorrent and unnecessary.


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