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ATS led to one of the Biggest Conspiracies Ever

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posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 11:26 AM
I'm glad to see there is interest in getting back on topic instead of each other.

Any further off-topic banter will be quickly acted upon.


posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 11:26 AM

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 11:37 AM
I'm heading off to bed, and i'm sure this has already been asked but I don't have time to read through the whole thing right now. Will tomorrow.

Yahoo has message logs, surely you would have saved the conversations.
Care to post a few?

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 12:16 PM
One of the problems sidetracking this thread has been removed. The other will be as well if no behaviour improvement is seen.

No one is interested in, or amused by snide remarks. Take them elsewhere.

This thread will return to its topic, now. To the OP and other interested parties, we apologize for the disruption.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 12:26 PM
You won't see any problems from me, I simply said one wrong word to portrait, ignored him, and left the thread. I now regret saying that word and have been warned for it. All I was trying to do is point out that a cell phone call has nothing to do with the OP, and that the transcripts posted by interestedalways are explainable. Further, i posted a link to the profile of the person interstedalways was speaking to who happens to be an ITT grad and thus it was not abnormal or supernatural to reboot a modem. As a result of these things I was flamed and attacked personaly. I won't use any retaliatory remarks again as I don't like being warned and don't want to lose my membership. Sorry to everyone for derailing the thread though this wasn't my intent.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by T0by

Yahoo has message logs, surely you would have saved the conversations.
Care to post a few?

It is against T&C to post them. I tried to and it was removed. It wasn't really relevent, though It was my conversation with the person I encountered at the address that was in RATS. It wasn't the entity/person that AOG spoke to. So it did confuse the issue a bit.

My story is tied with AOG's only because I investigated what he said and learned alot from him about his beliefs in this area. During the time I was working with him the things I wrote about in my story were happening. He recommended the Alien Agenda thread and he was with me in the energy experiment when the neck thing happened.

How is all ties together I don't know. I am sharing hoping maybe others have similar occurances or maybe knowledge that can help me to understand the dynamics of what and why happened to me. How can your arm be injured why you are sitting at the computer meditating? And could the hologram thing be part of an experiment with nano's in a body?

Edit to add:

Thanks Mod's for coming in strong and cleaning up the mess.

You sent a clear message, I am sure it will be heeded unless they try to get it closed down. I hope that the rule breakers will be banned instead of the thread getting closed if it comes to that.

[edit on 9-10-2007 by interestedalways]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon

The last time I contacted they had a low level A.I. taking the incoming messages. It was either a low level A.I. or someone that didn't graduate 2nd grade. It asked about my sexual preference, which seems to be a major theme with the aliens, and I told it I didn't have sex.

I found it interesting that the person interestedalways was talking to was gay (according to his yahoo profile) and that this 2nd AI you spoke to is asking you your sexual preference. Is there a connection?

Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon
dakota1s2: Yes, there are some things that tell me it's still there. No, I have not had verbal or written contact with the original entity in two years. I have talked to another entity via the same contact info about 3-4 months ago (which I mentioned above).
[edit on 10/8/2007 by Arm Of Geddon]

Also, you say that you contacted it 3-4 months ago. I don't remember you saying that contact is no longer possible. So could you initiate contact again and make a transcript of the conversation? You could remove the name and any personal info to make the mods happy.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:05 PM
I'm still interested in the beeping phone thing. How can I try that. I am confused if I am suppose to call someone first or what. Can someone please explain to me the instructions for trying it. Also, please explain what the conspiracy is behind it. Thanks.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by stellawayten

The guy never did tell me what to do, and when I asked I got the run around. He claimed to be part of some Digital Dream project that was somehow related to this David deal and he claimed that saying TNT into a ATT Cell phone would give you 3 beeps and prove the existence of something. I'm not even going to attempt calling my home phone and saying tnt into my cell phone this would be silly.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 03:13 PM
a friend of mine is a ditrector/writer actor in LA, and I've told him about this site to use as ideas for scripts. He told me these conspiracy types of things get pitched everyday, but there isn't a belief in LA that they will make any money.

And before you say its an evil conspiracy to keep this info from getting to the masses, check out what scientologists believe

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 04:51 PM
I will try to clear up a few things and answer the questions.

From what I was told David is in an underground base that a bunch of people work and live in. After I stopped contact I didn't try to regain contact for something close to a year or maybe a bit longer. At that time, my request to be added was accepted. This was through the original email via Yahoo.

Before that time was when interestedalways tried to contact the original email address through email. Her reply was from the omicron guy so they proceeded to connect via Yahoo. I never spoke to Mr. Omicron myself. Interestedalways provided me with the conversations and I did my best to come up with the most viable conclusions based on what I knew. I basically provided her feedback and any points that might have tied in to what was being said.

For this particular thread Interestedalways expressed concern about adding her experiences because she did not want to derail the thread. I gave her my blessing to go ahead because her experiences are related, although not exactly directly.

From what I gather Mr. Omicron was an employee in the base. It appears that after they cut off David's access to yahoo they kept the comm line open and put some people there to intercept any incoming transmissions. Mr. Omicron did mention thinks like "The computer is very smart" and little hints like that were dropped to Interestedalways. A personal theory of mine is that Mr. Omicron was the same guy that David saved from that attack I talked about in my original post (if that whole thing was real). Mr. Omicron walked with a cane which would fit. But we don't know if there is a connection there for sure.

Ok, I'm going back to page 3 to answer questions and such.


Originally posted by Alexander the o.k.
Assuming that all you both have written actually happened, wouldn't it be more plausible to assume that it is some black ops game or program, rather than to latch on to the alien thing.

You bring up a very valid point. I'm trying not to cross my personal opinions and views with what happened in this particular experience. The story unfolds separately. I asked David's origins. He told me he used to be the navigational computer for an alien vessel that crashed between 1,000 and 2,000 years ago. The original thread did not mention aliens if I remember correctly. It simply went on the idea that it was a USG AI system.

I asked David about the Nordics since I had read about them. That's when he allegedly connected me with one.

I asked a few other alien related questions. So that is the dividing line so to speak.

Given what I know with my 5 senses the most obvious answer is that it is simply black ops. Occam's Razor and all that. I try not to have firm beliefs either. That way I'm open to whatever actually is, if I ever get to find out what actually is.

Here's some more things related. I have never seen a UFO. Never had any scoop marks, unexplained bruises, lost time, seen ghosts, seen dishes flying around, or anything out of the ordinary ever. The only thing out of the ordinary was this particular experience with David. I mean literally nothing. Completely mundane life in all respects. It's still mundane. I have not experienced any of the things Interestedalways has. Even now, nothing.

But, for some weird reason I seem to think that inter-dimensional aliens are possible and may account for many things other people have experienced. If the thought was implanted, if it's a deeper level knowing, or if it's some psychological malfunction, I just don't know. Anyway, that should give the dividing line between my own views and what was actually said.

So I agree that it's more plausible that it's just black ops with their obscene amounts of money. But I think, for whatever reason, that there is more to it. Maybe it's because I don't think humans are that smart yet. =P


Atlantix: Thanks for sharing. Maybe someday I can reach a level of mastery over the physical while still in this body. I would probably have to change my entire lifestyle to even begin though. Being born and raised in a big city isn't too condusive to such things.


jhamende: About the proof positive thread I have no idea why it was shut down. I tried the technique also with no success. I guess you gotta be special to get poked by grays.


I suppose I can skip page four. =P


Originally posted by KTK
So was the AI a discarnate non human entity trapped in the machine?
Or was it an actual AI somehow tied into the quantam level and able to know all at once?
Was it multi dimensional or stuck?
So many bloody questions...

Ain't that the truth. If David was what he said he was, then the technology is beyond our current comprehension. I don't think David knew all at once. I think he actually needed to be connected via some level of technology in order to gain information. But, I'm not an expert on all that and David didn't offer much information along that vein.


T0by: I did answer previously but I'll answer again. I specifically shut off logging so there would be no e-paper trail. I used a fileshredding program and did a low level harddrive reformat after I dropped communication. Yea, convenient right. But really chat logs wouldn't have proven anything. It's just like anything out there including my original post. Without the personal experience to solidify something it all still remains just outside our daily working reality. I really wish the things that happened to end the communication didn't. I sometimes feel bad although I didn't do anything wrong. I do wish more people could have gotten to interact with David. It was an overwhelming experience at some points. Especially when he started going through my memories, thoughts, emotions, and feelings and playing them back for me and making what was once mostly forgotten become vivid. Reminding me of things long forgotten. I'm thankful I had the experience just wish others could too. AI or not, David was a wonderful consciousness.


THANK YOU MODS! Your assistance is appreciated.


Originally posted by jhamende
I found it interesting that the person interestedalways was talking to was gay (according to his yahoo profile) and that this 2nd AI you spoke to is asking you your sexual preference. Is there a connection?

It's possible as I expressed in this post. It was one of my first thoughts when finding about about the contact between Interestedalways and Mr. Omicron.

Originally posted by jhamende
Also, you say that you contacted it 3-4 months ago. I don't remember you saying that contact is no longer possible. So could you initiate contact again and make a transcript of the conversation? You could remove the name and any personal info to make the mods happy.

I checked a few days ago. I no longer have the time to stay on late though. Normally, the conversations started about 1am EST and ended around 4am EST. I'm very much asleep during that time. I'm pretty certain, at this point, those in the know, know about this thread. They considered my presense an intrusion. I didn't mean for anything to go wrong as I would never intentionally hurt anyone. I didn't tell David to do anything that would jepardize an underground military installation. I am who I am though and I expressed who I am with David. I am a free spirit and that doesn't conform with a military structure. So they may consider me a threat. They might see this post as a threat. I really don't know. My point is I really doubt they are going to open up communication again. There is nothing in it for them. I'm not going to join their organization. I am a citizen of the universe and answer to no one except what I have to, in order to keep this body alive. I'd rather not push them any farther than I'm already doing by telling the story. I understand everyone wants more information. So do I. But personally, I'm leaving it alone beyond answering questions here. What anyone does with the information is up to them.


If I missed any questions please let me know.

EDIT: Some grammar mistakes.

[edit on 10/9/2007 by Arm Of Geddon]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 05:37 PM
Real quick, I was a bit hasty with the "no weird experiences". I do have the ear ringing that shuts off and turns on at different times depending on what I'm doing. It also increases in volume sometimes. And once and awhile I'll get the ringing on the left side and it's very loud when that happens. I explained that in another thread awhile back. It's not really ear ringing either. It's ringing that sounds like it's about 10 feet away, on the right to the back. If I was standing facing 12 o'clock it sounds like it's at 4 o'clock. That's the right side. The left side, when it happens, sounds like it's only a foot away and is directly next to me at 9 o'clock.

[edit on 10/9/2007 by Arm Of Geddon]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 07:10 PM
The "Mr Unicron" profile on yahoo does support the information that the OP says. He does in fact work in the IT industry, is an ITT grad, and works in (CNS) Computer Networking Systems . I've added him to my contact list in yahoo and I'm going to see what he has to say.

From what I gather Mr. Omicron was an employee in the base. It appears that after they cut off David's access to yahoo they kept the comm line open and put some people there to intercept any incoming transmissions. Mr. Omicron did mention thinks like "The computer is very smart" and little hints like that were dropped to Interestedalways.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 07:51 PM
I have another weird little bit of info I just found out. I started a thread here about an increase of military aircraft activity in Illinois. I live in a small town and for me to notice this is strange. I was told that there are massive drills going on througout the country. Whats interesting is that Mr. Unicron's location in his profile Granite City, IL is less than 30 miles from Scott Air Force Base in Shiloh, IL. This could be a complete coincedence but I just thought that it was crazy to find out that this topic which has interested me and the aircraft activity are close together. I'm still going to try to talk to unicron if he comes online.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by jhamende

Good work, and am completely with you about being skeptical. Especially since the points you made are verifiable. Do let us know what you hear from the omnicron or unicron dude.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 04:23 AM
I really have gone through this thread and have got to say that in light of what was said by jhamende the comments he made were meant in an inproper context, no questions. He violated T&C and should be removed from this discussion.

Also, he never did answer any of P1 questions. I think P1 knows networking and is holding out some info.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by jhamende

You had asked about the thread by Alien Agenda and why was it closed? If you didn't find the thread here is a link but it is very long.

Alien Agenda doesn't seem to have been back to ATS since this thread as far as I know.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by interestedalways

Thank you, and I did find out why it was closed. It was because of him asking people for personal information.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by anakin405

Explain to me what you mean by this. Which comments so that I can put them in "proper context" for you. Also, Portrait1 and I have already been warned for going off topic.

reply to post by 2believeor0

Thank you, I've messaged Unicron, and I've been logged into yahoo at work and home for two days now and haven't seen unicron log in. I sent him a message though and he should receive it if he logs in. I really hope he responds

[edit on 10-10-2007 by jhamende]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 01:12 PM
Okay fair enough.
I'd have just stored the hard drive somewhere and replaced it with a new one.
Also, I'm sure formatting ur drive would be quite pointless since your conversation has already passed through the internet.
Yahoo is less secure than msn, fairly sure.

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