posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 07:41 PM
Okay. Due to a few request in my u2u box and permission from AOG for the parts he was involved in I am going to attempt to make sense of what
happened to me last fall. I will try to tell it in the order it happened. I am not a writer and I am not good at my flow of thought, but I will do
my best.
First thing is that last year right after becoming a member on ATS I had severe ringing in my ears for about a year. It recently got better.
In September I was sitting on my bed and I heard this sound in my closet which was right accross from my bed. The sound was like a fast helicopter
blade or a bullwhip or even a loud cat purr. It made an image in my mind of a tiger passing through a ripple of liqued glass. It was not a sound I
have ever heard and there was no source to make the sound. I decided to believe it was some kind of dimensional tear or something.
Right around this time I began talking with AOG about the ringing in my ears. He told me about the two threads he spoke of in this thread. We spent
hours and hours talking about all kinds of things and I became interested in the story and emailed lexx, who was then unicron.
Next thing was I was sitting on my couch and looked down at my left upper arm and noticed a shiny gold fleck. I thought at first it was a piece of
gold glitter but when I went to get it off me I noticed that it was shining when there was no light source it was shadowed yet it shined. I looked
closer and it was not a perfect square, it actually was very thin, almost transparent and rough on the edges. Suddenly there was a red/blue flash of
light that hit the gold thing. Then it had an image on it that was a head and shoulder shot of a man with long dark hair. It moved in a wavy
movement on the fleck. I looked away and back at it and there was a secondary image on it, up higher and in a smaller scale. The other image was
several hooded figures in a *procession* or line moving in the same wavy fashion. It reminded me of monks and it was a side veiw of them. The face
was bigger and in the center whereass the hooded figures were smaller, facing sideways and moving much faster, but not going any where. Just moving
like wavy back and forth motion. It reminded me of a hologram by it's effect. It seemed to be sitting on a pore of my skin. I don't know if it
landed on me or came out of my skin from the pore.
My daughter walked in and I was startled and I didn't want her to know what I saw so I basically jumped back into reality and forgot about it till
the next morning.
I emailed the address of the D.A.V.I.D contact and began talking to him. He had a gay website attached to his mail. I didn't look at it because the
two guys on the opening page looked like young teenaged males. I thought maybe it was a trick to get bad porn on my computer so I never looked any
further at that. He told me he wasn't necessarily gay.
He did things to scare me sometimes, like linked an link that had you look for Waldo and when I was intensely staring at the
screen a scary image of a girl like on the ring suddenly jumped out at me and scared me to death.
He would say things like "I am right outside your house" and he would say things to get me to invite him in. Like can I come have coffee with you
and things like that. He would say he was coming over was that alright with me, etc...... I actually kept copies in notebook of some of our
Meanwhile............. I was also meeting a freind online to do an energy experiment to have several people gather at their pc's and come to the
link and we all held our hands toward the chat room to send energy while listening to "Duel of the Fates" from Star Wars, after the song we changed
up and began holding our hands outwards towards the computer to send forth the energy, starting the song over. First time nothing happened and it
kind of felt good. Second time I did it a week later when it was over and I was ready to come out of the concentrated energy flow I had a hard time
shaking it off. It felt like something had a hold on the back of my neck and was paralyzing me. It took a few minutes to get the movement back and
I was scared. It felt like something was attached to me. Another girl in the group said the same thing happened to her. I never went back to
Next odd thing happened when I was chatting with AOG and I felt/saw something in my peripheral vision on the left side by my temple on my face it was
black with silvery circular ripples from the center out. It just hovered there. It reminded me a speaker cone by it's shape. It stayed for a few
minutes then was gone.
Then a few days later or so I was getting ready to go to sleep and I kept having vacuum pressure feelings in my ear that would wake me up. Then
another night in bed right before I fell asleep the sound that I had heard in my closet was surrounding my neck in a circular manner. It made the
same sound only it moved from my neck down through my body in a circle surrounding me and stopped at my waist and then was gone.
Next I went to the thread by Alien Agenda called Proof Positive of Alien Contact. On that thread there was a method to "contact greys" it was to
meditate using colors and the four quadrants of the brain in a circle 8 pattern by using a certain color for each quadrant. Ok, I did that and when
snapped out of the meditation, feeling like nothing had happened I looked down to type and saw that my arm was bleeding. My right forearm had a pool
of blood sitting there and two burn like marks by the center which had a hole. the marks were kind of like this ) ( I say they were burns because
the skin wasn't penetrated but they were like this sores. The center puncture that was bleeding was a small hole. I scratched the area with my
finger nail and felt something sharp in there. I scratched it out and there was a tiny peice of what looked like clear sand or glass. I looked at it
under my magnifying glass and saved it and showed my family. I had never left my chair during this time to have injured myself.
The last thing was a week or so later and I woke up with a pretty deep hole in my arm close to the earlier effected area. It was deep and healed from
the inside up. I looked things up on the computer and found it to be similar to what people call a "scoop" mark. As it healed it was like a
bulls eye bruise. White around the middle with dark bruising on the outer edge. I do have pics of this. The bruised circle was the size of a
For awhile I couldn't sleep because when I would try I would be awakened right before falling asleep by popping pressure things in my head. Once it
felt like a square vacuum sucked out of the back of my head.
Sometime during this time I had a strange dream that I was sitting on a square table with men sitting around the table and I felt I gave permission
for something. Reluctantly but it was as if I had no choice. The dream was full of blue and gray fog.
Since those things happened one of my daughters had a miscarriage early on in her first and only pregnancy. My other daughter who already had 2 kids
had a molar pregnancy two weeks after her sisters miscarriage. For those who don't know a molar pregnancy is where the body created a "mole" in
the uterus as if there was a fetus, but the fetus is no longer there. Doc's don't know much about it and all of them pulled out a book to read when
attempting to explain it. Seems no one really knows about this phenomena.
This is a lame version of what happened and doesn't include much about the AI specifically and there are more details in between but this is a quick
telling to give an idea of what those months were like.