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Israel Should Move to Canada or Alaska, Ahmadinejad Says

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posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 03:58 AM
Boys, ever hear the term "load up on guns"? Iran is playing a dangerous game that it cannont win. They ride camels into war, we drive TANKS! They want to wipe Isreal off the map, ironically Hitler wanted to wipe the jews off the map, that worked out real well for him. Iranians will be hiding in the hills with OBL, probably sharing the same tent for the rest of their short lives once we get there. I'm tired of people crying about this and that. Liberal people in america need to realize that they rise and sleep under the very blanket of freedom provided by OUR military, and will continue to be provided by OUR MILITARY! You want to sleep in that damn tent in the middle east? Well pack up your snoopy lunch box, and put on your feety pajamas, and see if your views get you anywhere over there. They chant "death to america"! That should make you physically sick. That should make you want to go and FIGHT for your country! They threaten us everyday! Maybe you didn't hear me, THEY THREATEN US EVERYDAY! Why are we not in the streets 7 million strong chanting "death to IRAN"?? THEY ARE!!! Why are we not burning their flag? They burn OURS!! They drag our dead soilders through the streets showing off! Why dont we? Why do we continually sit by and listen to this garbag coming out of Iran? We should call up a couple thousand of hard nosed killers that we have here and turn them loose over there. We should empty our prisions full of killers and psycho's and let them run wild over there, give them an opportunity to make right with society for their wrongs. WAKE UP! It's time to load up on guns.........but you liberals will tuck tail and run when it comes time to throw down. God bless the US!!! Show them what force is. You call us bully's, show them what a bully does.......he punches you in the god damn nose, and then you steer clear of ever trying him again.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 04:55 AM
You know what, just drop the bomb over there already and be done with it. No more talk........ Actions speak louder then words. No more Iraq, no more afghanistan, no more Iran, no more suicide bombers, no Syria, no more Saudi's sending planes into buildings, no nothing. No more Hiliary, no more Pelosi, no more retarded democrates wanting to increase taxes just chinese lead tainted toys. A nuclear bomb is JUST A BOMB! Set it and forget it! And to all the liberals if your great-great grandfather heard the way you talk about your country, and the way you question the way he provided freedom for you, he would take you out back and beat the hell out of you, and when you started crying that beating you is wrong, he would take off his belt and beat the hell out of you some more. Drop the bomb already.........let GOD sort them out.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by 4thDoctorWhoFan

Palestine was not an established nation being run by Palenstinians. You are not going back far enough in history. It was not always called palestine.

By your logic, usa shouldn't exist, since, it was the native indians and mexican land if you go back far enough.

your argument is that ... the oldest occupiers of the land claim all rights ... then, you should stop trespassing yourself. Simple as that ... but, if you claim, that is different, well you are a hypocrite. You can't have it both ways, you can cherry pick rules to suit your agenda.

If that land belongs to Israel because they were there a few thousand years ago, then, we need to redraw all the maps ... if you claim that Israel deserves nukes, then, you can't say other nations in the area can't, because they have a different color skin.

Get you decisions straight, then rule them across the board ... will you make the rules better suit your life? or Israel?

If you are using religion as part of it ... G-d's Will shall come to pass regardless of the bumps we create along the way ... you have no influence, if He wishes it to happen now, it will, later, so to will it be.

I guess ethics, logic, and reason have left ATS.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 06:00 AM
if you want the truth about whats really going on watch this film the story of the century:

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 07:39 AM
The truth about what Mahmoud Ahmadinejad really said.

Lost in translation

Experts confirm that Iran's president did not call for Israel to be 'wiped off the map'. Reports that he did serve to strengthen western hawks.

So there you have it. He never said that Israel should be wiped off the map. So can you warmongers please stop saying that he did. Let's stick to the facts.

Here's another interesting article about the controversial Richard Dawkins speaking about jews. I don't agree with all his views in regards to religion, but what he says about Jews is spot on.

The power of Jews and how they influence American foreign policy. More indepth look.

Another interesting article - Brown aide plays down an attack on Iran and basically says that anything the American admin says should be taken with a pinch of salt. They have no credibilty when it comes to the truth. Wow atlast they are beginning to see the truth. I'm just wondering why it took so long.

In regards to Iran. It look like you American's stand alone. Well you'll always have that blood sucking parasite on your back for comfort - the Israeli regime.

Anything the America admin says should be taken with a pinch of salt. Looks like your credibility is whining.

You know what, just drop the bomb over there already and be done with it. No more talk........ Actions speak louder then words. No more Iraq, no more afghanistan, no more Iran, no more suicide bombers, no Syria, no more Saudi's sending planes into buildings, no nothing. No more Hiliary, no more Pelosi, no more retarded democrates wanting to increase taxes just chinese lead tainted toys. A nuclear bomb is JUST A BOMB! Set it and forget it! And to all the liberals if your great-great grandfather heard the way you talk about your country, and the way you question the way he provided freedom for you, he would take you out back and beat the hell out of you, and when you started crying that beating you is wrong, he would take off his belt and beat the hell out of you some more. Drop the bomb already.........let GOD sort them out.

You on crack or something. How can you justify the death's of millions of innocent people. Then you talk about morality when it's so blantantly obvious you don't even know what it means and you certainly dont practise it yourself.

My grandad fought during WW2 and was highly decorated and if he was alive today. I know he would be very proud of me. Better to be on the side of morality and speak the truth, than be an ignorant fool. The people he would be disgusted with are those people who so blindly follow their corrupt politicians and soak up all their lies and propaganda like a sponge soaks up water. There's too many sheep in this world and not enough shepherds.

P.S conspiricyMAN85 - Your link ain't woking. Could you post a working link please.

[edit on 8-10-2007 by kindred]

[edit on 8-10-2007 by kindred]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by pookie

This is a discussion about a statement from the President of Iran. What it is not about is theories with no sound evidence such as the one you tried to toss in while calling zionist and bush nazis. Why dont you sit back and think out something to post that will add to discussion instead of spewing out some made up conspiracy that has zero evidence.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 10:13 AM

How many of you actually know the History of Iran, or why maybe Iranians are somewhat hostile to the US?

Start by looking here.

Iran 1921-1979

Note the bits about allied intervention at the end of WW2, and the bits about the CIA and Operation Ajax.

Then check this

Iran Air Flight 655

Its not that the people there "hate your freedoms". Its more to do with the fact that the US and the West have been buggering about with theirs for so long that they are sick of it.

Education people. Find out about the world. Try and look at it from a different perspective.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 01:23 PM
I think that Iran should have snowmen planted in the ground so that when the Soivet Union invades, they feel right at home

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by neformore
Note the bits about allied intervention at the end of WW2, and the bits about the CIA and Operation Ajax.


Funny you bring this up neformore

It is EXACTLY why I chose this as a user name.

We are spending trillions to establish a democracy in Iraq. Yet few peopel realize that the CIA at the behest of the British government diposed the democraticaly elected leader of Iran, Mohammad Mossadeq, and placed the Shah in power.

This set up the whole chain of events that lead to the Islamic revolution in Iran.

So its really a mess of our own making. too bad the neocons did not spend more time in History class eh?

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Beachcoma
If they really want to learn, they'll do a Google search or something. If they know how it's spelt but do it anyway, it shows that they have to result to name-calling to make a point. Again, no point wasting time arguing with those sort of individuals.

What, never heard of satire? I thought you were a writer!

Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, the purpose of satire is not primarily humour but criticism of an event, an individual or a group in a clever manner.

So name calling can be considered 'clever'

Of course, it could just be a little light hearted attempt at humor, to bring some air to this stifling hate-fest

But go ahead and continue assuming you know.

ps. Normally love your posts by the way

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by FreeThinkerIdealist
By your logic, usa shouldn't exist, since, it was the native indians and mexican land if you go back far enough.

Sorry, but thats not my logic. The land was NOT a nation when the first people from overseas occupied the land. Its was a desolate wasteland with nothing but savages roaming around. They lost, we won. End of discussion.

your argument is that ... the oldest occupiers of the land claim all rights

That is not my argument, pay attention please.

if you claim that Israel deserves nukes, then, you can't say other nations in the area can't, because they have a different color skin.

It has nothing to do with the color of skin.
It has to do with the fact that Iran is being run by lunatics and cannot be trusted.

Get you decisions straight, then rule them across the board
I have but you just don't agree.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by Malichai

i hate no one---you cant read my mind so how can you make such a flippent statement as if it were a fact?----i am well aware the world is full of hypocrites that pretend to be religious worshipers of the true G-D but are not----even if the majority of my fellow jews do not do all they are supposed to does not change G-Ds plans and what They are working out down here on earth in spite of us.the prophetic book of zechariah could not be fulfilled if judah was not living on G-Ds land right now------G-D says They are going to bring all nations against jerusalem and judah in the end time and that all of them that burden themselves with it are going to be cut to the process 2/3 of judah are going to die and the 1/3 that are left will be refined as gold and silver going thru the fire then Messiah returns to save His people and in the process destroys the invading armies.the blood of those He executes runs for 200 miles as deep as a horses bridle hangs in its mouth------apparently bullies only understand violence and at this time they will receive their fill of it from G-D and if you think i feel like getting in Messiahs way ----forget it---i'll do what i'm told thanks !


posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by 4thDoctorWhoFan
Sorry, but thats not my logic. The land was NOT a nation when the first people from overseas occupied the land. Its was a desolate wasteland with nothing but savages roaming around. They lost, we won. End of discussion.

It's true that it wasn't a single nation across North America, but it still isn't with the Europeans.

There's the South (French) and North (British) in the states, Quebec (French) and the rest of Canada (British) as well as Mexico (Spain). That's 3 nations in all with variations making 5.

What do you know of these indian nations that existed before the flood of Europeans came?

But, most of all, where do you get the idea that they were all savages? What constitutes a savage in your mind and how are they different from Europeans? You talking about Christianity?

Just to stay on topic, if Isreal came to situate in North America, would things really be any different? What the heck would change?

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by 4thDoctorWhoFan
Sorry, but thats not my logic. The land was NOT a nation when the first people from overseas occupied the land. Its was a desolate wasteland with nothing but savages roaming around. They lost, we won. End of discussion.

Are you talking about the "savages" who respected and cultivated the land and respected nature? Sure they had battles but I don't know of them attempting genocide.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by 4thDoctorWhoFan
Sorry, but thats not my logic. The land was NOT a nation when the first people from overseas occupied the land. Its was a desolate wasteland with nothing but savages roaming around.

Wow, quite shocking but it does shine some light as to where your thought porcesses roam: Hint a dark and oh so scary place.

I could just as easily chalk your comments above as simple trollery, but I took the time to become aquainted with your posting history and view on things and sadly have concluded that indeed you are representing your thoughts.

That being said and at the risk of being off topic here you do realize that the native American population had a highly evolved civilization in terms of social structure, technology (yes I said technology) etc. To simply dissmiss them as "savages" is the height of ignorance IMHO. Also if the Americas was such a wasteland then why come at all?

Also they were "Green" before it became trendy in our day and age

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you skipped history one day and went to see the Rambo marathon down at the Bijou. But this type of mindless chest thumping patritism seems to have afflicted many these days
So perhaps Ill cut you some slack

It has nothing to do with the color of skin.
It has to do with the fact that Iran is being run by lunatics and cannot be trusted.

Oh the irony, you just refered to the native Americans as savages yes a meer few sentacnes later proclaim yourself to be "tolerant"

Ill bet I can get tons of people think the US is being run by a lunatic and cannot be trusted? In fact does the run up to the Iraq war jog you memory?

[edit on 8-10-2007 by Operation AJAX]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by 4thDoctorWhoFan

your moving avatar is fantastic----i think it would give them a chuckle if they got to see were talking about the loonies runing iran---i agree with you----that country never seems to change very much for ? some reason-----it was a battle ground between G-Ds angels led by michael and gabriel against the would be god of this world satan and his fallen angels back in the prophet daniels time shortly after 586 bce.--daniel 10:13/20 and it would appear the same confrontation is being repeated daniel12:1 in our time.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 05:17 PM
I guess the depth of what he is trying to get across was lost at the begining with the bad quote, and followed by ignoring the rest.

Mind control. There are many simple mehods that work most of the time. Get people passionate. Angry, happy, tearful, or anything else that triggers the mind lock. After that reason must overcome the mindlock.

What the Prez of Iran is trying to do is put the shoe on the other foot. And it hurts the foot, but it can open the eyes. Some say you can read a book by simply stepping on it if you run with both shoes on the other foot. But thats another subject better for a different thread.

On the other foot America must give up the land of Alaska, a strategic location rich in resources, surrounded by water, and populated with many people you sympathize with and maybe even consider as co-nationalists.

According to UN resolutions that America cannot veto, this land will become property of party know as 'The Jews', all Alaskans that they may drive out by force must flee in fear of their lives forever giving up any previous rights. And those rights were nothing more than an illusion to begin with. This Jewish State will discriminate against all non-Jewish persons still residing in the land of Alaska. Both America and Canada [and possibly Russia] may be invaded at will, their land occupied and their people repressed provided that Alaska declares its measures are simply self defense.

I could go on, but the shoe hurts enough already. Someone else finish if you like.....

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by 4thDoctorWhoFan
Sorry, but thats not my logic. The land was NOT a nation when the first people from overseas occupied the land. Its was a desolate wasteland with nothing but savages roaming around.

I think the Sioux, and the Cherokee, and the Hopi would disagree with you.

However, be careful with your descriptions, because words have power, and if Bush decides to get silly with nuclear bunker busters in Iran, and the whole thing escalates, then theres every possibility that the land may just become what you've described above.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by 4thDoctorWhoFan

ouch--i see you have your hands full with the critics---well i'm glad that we were allowed to have a home here in north america anyway-if it wasnt for the freedoms we have and the isolation from europe the world would be in much worse shape. europes other nations would have been exterminated by the nazis and it would be totally a german continent and japan would probably have done the same to all of asia. i doubt if the indians that live around here would have got involved trying to help the world by themselves.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by yahn goodey
if it wasnt for the freedoms we have and the isolation from europe the world would be in much worse shape. europes other nations would have been exterminated by the nazis and it would be totally a german continent and japan would probably have done the same to all of asia. i doubt if the indians that live around here would have got involved trying to help the world by themselves.

You know, the sheer ignorance of some people never ceases to amaze me.

I suggest you learn some history, and maybe a little humility, and if you are the Christian that you appear to want us to believe by your quoting of the bible, maybe you could ask God for a bit of forgiveness for your belittling an entire race of people.

[edit on 8/1007/07 by neformore]

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