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Interaction with the Spirit World

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posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by RedDragon
Hey when you get some scientific EVIDENCE for anything you said, post it because you may be one of the most famous men in history then. Until then, you're just another nut making psychobabble without evidence (faith-based thought). It really makes ATS look bad; here you're supposed to deny ignorance yet you encourage it because faith, belief without evidence, is the definition and ultimate form of ignorance.

[edit on 10/3/07 by RedDragon]

Unfortunately, it is not the type of thing I can prove. I'd like to, though not for acclaim, I don't need to be hounded constantly. It's like imagining a beach, and then trying to prove it. Though you really imagined a beach, there's no way to show it.

I also mentioned numerous times that I have no evidence, and can prove nothing whatsoever. I will like to add, however, that science is a wonderful thing. However, it's only now just catching up with things we've known for thousands of years.

Everything is connected, everything is one. Science laughed, then they realized later that everything is made up of energy, and in fact is connected.

We were the first ones to talk about acton and reaction with the law of causality. It wasn't until much much later that Science caught on.

Everything vibrates, nothing remains the same forever. Again, Science is late to the game with these rules.

While you are correct, there is NOTHING I can prove, Science is best served with a skeptical, but open mind. If you are deadset on disproving something, you will overlook anything that may possibly indicate otherwise.

Thanks for your reply.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 05:08 PM
Hey TheGreySwordsman !!!!!

Are you able to share one or two profound messages that have come through to you in your experiences? What object were the messages from and share an insight of life from their perspective.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 05:31 PM
How very interesting. You and your thread come along right when I'm questioning myself and circumstances around me. Thank you, it was an enlightening read and did provide me with a little guidance that I happen to have needed now.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 09:08 PM
Beautiful Thread.

Really; reading stuff like this empowers me to do better.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Cyber_Wasp
Hey TheGreySwordsman !!!!!

Are you able to share one or two profound messages that have come through to you in your experiences? What object were the messages from and share an insight of life from their perspective.

First, I'm sorry, you don't have to use the full handle. TGS, Grey, Swordsman, whatever you prefer.
I was just thinking that I felt bad about everyone typing the full nick.

I'll share a few messages. While they may seem broad, as if they were several teachings, I assure you, they are a single one.

First I'll share a message from the moon. From her, I learned of prudence. It is not always a good idea to present yourself strongly. Sometimes, you need to be a bit more restrained that others may have a fair exchange. There are, however times when you can and should apply your full presence to an issue or situation. Moon also teaches that at times in our lives when those we love seem gone, or someone has passed on, simply because we cannot see them does not mean they are not there. It is also prudent to let things happen in cycles, if you have too much of something, it will lose potence. If you take too much of a medicine, you will grow immune to it's effects. If you use a strategy too often, your plots will be defeated. If you eat a certain type of food in great quantitiy and do not vary you will from intolerant of it. There will also be times in our lives when things are going well, and others when our ability seems to fade. This is natural, however, as you progress through the upward spiral path of life, your lows should be higher, and your highs, higher still.

From my Hawk guide I learned that it is vital to take in the whole picture. If we look at a single problem, we will become focused on it, and the issue will seem much larger than it is. However, when we look at the whole picture, we realize how small the issue is, how we came to it in the first place, what it's true purpose is, and how to avoid future obstacles. He teaches me that when you have an objective that it is important to observe the world around you. As the world changes, you will have to adjust your plans. By taking in a larger, broader view, you can more safely and freely navigate through your life. It is very easy to be held down and bound to worldly matters, however if you let go, and see above it, you will begin to realize what's really going on around you. Narrow vision will blind you to opportunities, and leave you vulnerable to peril. By keeping your eyes open, you will see these coming a mile away and be ready to meet them. While on the path of life, you will face difficulties, however, if you don't let yourself be bound by them, your heart can soar, and allow you to move through them before long.

And finally, from my car. From my car I learned a lot about human needs, and human nature. I was feeling banged up after a martial arts class. I was sore, and worn. My car spoke to me with kindness and said that I shouldn't worry about the little pains. Though, like my car, I'm not 100%, these little issues cannot prevent me from doing what needs to be done. My car also taught me that proper nourishment, and encouragment will eliminate many problems before they occur. He spoke to my heart and let me understand also, that though a person may look one way, or though an obstacle my seem large, that looks do not nessicerily guarantee a certain experience. A person can look difficult to throw from their size, however, their point of balance is harder to recover once taken. He taught me to endure difficult or boring episodes of my life, and said much of developing power of spirit. One must endure in life. My car may sit outside in sun, rain, ice, snow. It may not drive for days and days at a time. However, when the time comes to get moving, he performs. This is much like a human, in our lives we face challenges, aches, pains, we may miss someone, or get bogged down by worldly problems. We need to accept the highs with the lows and then do what needs to be done when the time comes. The worst of times will always pass, and after facing a time of great trial, lesser worries do not seem so great as they once would have.

Each of these teachings could be expanded upon vastly, but I have shared with you a good sample. I hope that this helps to inspire you to be relationships with those around you.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
How very interesting. You and your thread come along right when I'm questioning myself and circumstances around me. Thank you, it was an enlightening read and did provide me with a little guidance that I happen to have needed now.

It is funny how sometimes, when we are thirsty, and all we can see is sand, the sky opens up and delivers a great swell of rain when it is needed most.

I'm glad I could help you.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by GrimTroll
Beautiful Thread.

Really; reading stuff like this empowers me to do better.

Thank you. This is really the type of thing I like to hear. I can be thanked endlessly, but it it actually helps someone to move forward, and that person is willing to take action, then I feel I have done what i set out to do. Thank you for your support.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by TheGreySwordsman

When you stop playing, you start dying. This is important.


Even though you have posted so many things that are very important to how one should view the world around them, I have to say the quote above is probably one of the most poignant. Regardless of whether anyone agrees with anything else you have to say. That should be something that resonants with all who read this thread. If it doesn't, well, it should at the very least be food for thought. I suggest, and feel free to agree/disagree with me on this, that all who have been reading the posts here consider watching movies such as Princess Mononoke, which touch on many of the concepts that have been discussed here. In many respects it is a very Shinto movie... of course that is to be expected from Miyazaki. Anyhow, that's all I have for the moment. Just thought I'd share, keep up the great work.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 12:27 AM
To TheGraySwordsman,

Where your at now, I have been there, done that and moved on. Playing around with Familiar spirits will get you burned. I don't play with them nor do I ask for their assistance in anything. However, I know them and they know me and during any confrontation with them I never loose.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 02:11 AM
i like your post and agree with what you have said. i, am not disrespectful to nature. i have compassion for all living things. even a leaf on a small, perceived as weak, bush. however, how do we stop war? that's the one thing common man has to figure out so we can overcome the dark forces.

to quote bob marley, it's a disgrace to see the human race live the rat race.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 06:06 AM
Hey Grey !!!!!!

Thanks for your insight and reply to my last thread.

I am understanding what you are saying and the way that messages come through. I have been working on my awareness and in particular with my higher self and am constantly amazed at the messages that come through.

That in itself is a lot to learn but I know that part of awareness is in what you are saying about the spirit world as well. I have to tell you that initially it does my head in when look at anything now as anywhere you look there is a community of entities all going about their business when you think about it in this way.

Part of what the higher self teaches is that we are all one and that we are all connected. So being aware of this and acknowledging that this includes everything around us and not just humans is a starting point. I understand your point about how you go about making friends. If you apply what you say to just people, you see hundreds of people each day, yet you do not go on a crusade to be all their friends. Most times a polite hello and acknowledgement is fine to a stranger who crosses your path during the day.

Now I know why I have always been reluctant to through things out that I don't use anymore.

I am looking around my desk here.........It still does my head

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by pstrron

I appreciate your concern. I was once where you are. Proud and strong. More powerful than any entity I encountered. I was pushy, special, seperate. How miserable my life was, looking for a world to conquer. The thought of connectivity offended me, I was individual! Instead of making friends, I would do battle with any entity that crossed my path, and never lost. The world was mine to defeat. No, my opponent is within, and I do not try to conquer. Instead of sitting in a world that is dead and lifeless, I am surrounded by companions and advisers. I thank you for warning me, though I do not plan on going back to fighting. There are enough problems to be overcome, I don't need to create problems that aren't there just to prove I am strong.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by TheGreySwordsman

Originally posted by RedDragon
Hey when you get some scientific EVIDENCE for anything you said, post it because you may be one of the most famous men in history then. Until then, you're just another nut making psychobabble without evidence (faith-based thought). It really makes ATS look bad; here you're supposed to deny ignorance yet you encourage it because faith, belief without evidence, is the definition and ultimate form of ignorance.

[edit on 10/3/07 by RedDragon]

Unfortunately, it is not the type of thing I can prove. I'd like to, though not for acclaim, I don't need to be hounded constantly. It's like imagining a beach, and then trying to prove it. Though you really imagined a beach, there's no way to show it.

Yeah, I was about be, "lilke your imagination?" No need to; you brought up the analogy for me. This whole thing is imaginary.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
How very interesting. You and your thread come along right when I'm questioning myself and circumstances around me. Thank you, it was an enlightening read and did provide me with a little guidance that I happen to have needed now.

Come on, don't be rediculous. You are the kind of person that religion caters to. Someone comes along and says he has all the answers and you just buy into it like a sheep following the herd. He has no evidence, so he has nothing. Think objectively for yourself. The man admitted that he isn't rational, and the opposite of rational is insane.

Faith = belief without evidence = doorway to insanity

Without evidence, anything makes sense to believe in. That includes the tooth fairy, Santa, etc. That's exactly how real this and anything spiritual and religious is: for the weak minded, insane, and not real at all.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by LooseLipsSinkShips
however, how do we stop war? that's the one thing common man has to figure out so we can overcome the dark forces.

Here is where you get tricky. In order to stop war, you have two options. Forcing your will on the masses, and changing the hearts of the masses.

No matter how powerful anyone may become, you cannot force your will onto someone else. You can manipulate them into believing you are not being forceful. As long as man wants to fight and destroy, he will. Unfortunately, nature will only tolerate her children to destroy so much.

It is heartbreaking, I want you to know. When you look on at your family. They hurt each other, kill each other, rape the land, abuse all resources, and they canoot even hear your pleas to stop. Your children and killing each other.

Mankind is ruled by the darkness. They are motivated by lack, and have created a God of lack that they pray to. This God enforces ignorance on us all. This God is that voice inside that tells us we are weak, ugly, stupid, that we are poor, that we don't have this or that. This entity is quite real.

The belief in lack is what motivates all war and battle. If the collective entity they have created can be defeated, and trasformed so that it no longer promotes negativity, so that the little voice in our heads is gone, then the people will be able to hear their brothers and sisters calling to them.

Our minds are full of rambling. Insulting rambling, and we think that voice is us. It is not. It is cluttering our minds with nonsense, and trying to keep out the messages we are being bombarded with daily.

In defeating this entity, our brothers and sisters will begin to wake up from their deep sleep. Break free of their programing. But the Dark One rules over this world with tension. Tension obstructs energy flow. Rigid thought, narrow vision blocks out all the wonder. Tension is conflict, it teaches us that life is a constant struggle to get ahead, or just make due. Tension is brainwashing the masses into believing we have to be stuck with nothing, and that we live in a dead world.

It is this entity that erases our memories when we are reincarnated. It never used to be so in the ancient times. When a being was reborn, they would still retain knowledge and experience. But some men had a desire for this black creature to claim out hearts and minds, and so it was born, and it does it's job well. When man decided that nature was his enemy, he severed his connection with reality.

How to defeat this entity, stop war? We can defeat the enemy within ourselves. Each inch of freedom you earn yourself, makes it easier for others to do the same. By seeking self-mastery and further mind expansion, you can see through the illusions, and others will start to wake up. But in order to prevent wars from happening again, in order to live in peace, this entity must be yanked off his throne. It is the most powerful thoughtform diety ever created. Nature can help, but we cannot force people to change their minds, they must do it on their own.

If I could offer to you a solution that would end wars, I would. But sadly, I can't. Men have been waging this battle far longer than known history can record. This world that most of us live in is a dead world, a prison world, with lies and propaganda preached to us constantly, even in our sleep. Programed from birth to eat, sleep, and think a certain way. Telling everyone that THERE IS NOTHING ELSE! I can tell you my friends, that this lie we live is NOT true.

We can only struggle to free ourselves, and spread the message, freeing one person at a time.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Cyber_Wasp
Hey Grey !!!!!!

Thanks for your insight and reply to my last thread.

I am looking around my desk here.........It still does my head

It may seem overwhelming. But don't try and take in too much or you won't retain much at all. Don't cling to these things, just let your mind expand, and over time your point of view will shift.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by RedDragon

Yeah, I was about be, "lilke your imagination?" No need to; you brought up the analogy for me. This whole thing is imaginary.

I quite agree, though not in the way you picture. It is all in your head, you just don't realize how big your head is. The imagination is the vehicle of the mind. Every idea, every thought, and formula begins in the imagination. Everything that has ever been built has begun in the imagination. Yes, all of this is imaginary.

spelling edit

[edit on 4-10-2007 by TheGreySwordsman]

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by RedDragon

I suggest you don't make assumptions about people and also that you question your own belief system as to why you feel you can speak for all of mankind regarding faith. I follow no religion, nor man, faith I have found on my own, as well as my experiences with the paranormal. Just because you're blind and can't see, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by RedDragon

Look, you don't have to believe anything that is mentioned here. You don't have to believe anything that you don't want or have the patience too... but needlessly flinging mud in a this type of forum seems rather pointless. You are entitled to your opinion, and I realize some of what has been discussed here can be viewed as rather esoteric, etc. At the same time I find it hard to understand how someone who is that combative over people calmly discussing their spiritual beliefs would even be a member of a site such as this. It's kind of like when the Chinese mindlessly invaded Tibet..... you just swoop in to spew your venom. If you can't discuss this in an adult manner, please be on your way. Don't be a douchebag just because you disagree. Seriously.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 09:51 AM
Our friend, RedDragon has inspired me to expand a bit more. For this I am thankful.

The way to interact with the Spirit World is via the imagination. When you envision something, or rather -in- vision something, you are using the eyes of the mind.

Your imagination is the vehicle with which you travel the Spirit World. The Spirit World, as touched on, is infinate abundance. It is the creative world. This is a very important point. When we set out to create something, the process begins in the imagination. It is a product of the Spirit.

The more vivid your imagination is, the more powerful the information your bring back, the more effective your inner journey will be. If you train your imagination so that it is as vivid as the real world, you have something. Images are crystal clear, and well defined, you feel the ground beaneth your feat, you can smell the crispness of the air. You hear your footsteps, and the rattingly of leaves, you can taste the salt in the air if you are near a sea, etc.

The more vivid your mental pictures, the more information can successfully be recieved from the Spirits.

What obstructs our imagination? You guessed it, our inner foe. He rambles, tells you it's fake, boring. He is the voice of religion when we are told not to let our minds wander. He is the voice of science when we are told we cannot prove this work.

When we travel internally, we can will be changed. Our travels can effect us even more strongly than movement of the flesh. The world is real.

Everything is made up of energy. We've established this. Thought gives energy it's form. Perception, imagination. DESIRE...FEELING drives thought. Everything you could possibly want IS a desire. To have sex, to get strong, to heal a loved one, to have a car, to lose all desire. These are all desires.

When you combine powerful desire, feeling, with vivid mental pictures, you combine your two greatest weapons to create the most powerful force in the world. INTENTION.

Strong feeling, vivid imagination. Folks, desire is the fuel that powers the imagination. If you are doing something in the spirit world, without intention, nothing happens! If you are trying to heal a person without intention, nothing happens! If you are trying to call a storm without intention NOTHING happens!

You need to train your imagination, train your intention. This will give your inner journies power!

As you interact with the Spirit World, you need to have a clear intention, or your mind will wander, and you'll lost. You will then become vulnerable to the dark. By having intention, you are empowered to move, and cause change in the creative fabric of the universe.

It is critical that both your imagination and your intention are strong, and well trained. If not, you're a sitting duck. Doing these types of journies without intention, without power, you might as well chum the water, wrap yourselves in steak and dive into a great white feeding frenzy.

Also, silencing our inner foe is also critical. If you do not, he will try to lead you astray.

You need also to develop concentration, focus. Here are two exercises to silence your foe.

#1 Breathe deeply. Close your eyes, clear your mind as best you can. Count each breath up to 108, and back down to 0. Each time a thought pops in your head, forgive yourself, and continue. With regular practice, the foe will be quite silent.

#2 Take a black square cloth and lay it flat. In the center, place a small, round white object. It is your objective to stare at this object. Do not let yor mind wander. If it does, relax, and continue. Don't let your eyes wander on the cloth, and ignore any optical effects that will occur. Just breathe, and look at the white object, try not to blink. Do this for 5 minutes a day, you focus will improve greatly.

Before attempting any inner journies, do your homework first. Silence your foe by practicing the last two exercises. Make your intention powerful. Build your creative imagination by making it more vivid.

By following these four steps, your mind will be properly trained, and you will be able to safely navigate the spirit world, and yoru works will be effective and powerful. However, always continue to practice these 4 skills. Let them grow and become strong. The stronger they are, the more powerful you will become, the more rewarding will be your relationship with nature.

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