We are surrounded by life. Everything has life, a conciousness, an existance. Each of us do. Every plant, animal, rock..Every spark of fire, roar of
thunder, drop of rain that has ever existed. All of this is conciousness. Within every conciousness exists on a tiny scale, every other conciousness.
On a large scale, each individual conciousness/entity also belongs to a collective mind. This is God. We are the atoms that make up God. God is an
impersonal collective entity, that simply acts as the totality of oneness with all that exists.
Each entity that exists within God can be considered as a "spirit." Or as an energy. Or as a thought form, etc. Depending on the model you adhere
to. All of these are correct.
Each entity that exists within this collective fulfills a few functions.
#1 It has a conciousness.
#2 It is interdependent on the collective.
#3 It acts as both a causing agent, and an effect to a cause.
#4 It's form gradually changes over time until it's form is no longer recognizeable as such.
There are many other functions, but they become more and more abstract and difficult to understand.
Let me give you the example of a shirt. A shirt is created, this is the cause. As it exists it continues to fulfill a role, whether that role is fill
a drawer, warm a body, etc. After time, the shirt gets worn out, and eventually, it is no longer recognizable as a shirt. Very few of us keep one long
enough to wtach it become something different.
People are the same. We are born, we live. We interact with the world around us, we age, our bodies deterioate, and our form changes. The knowledge we
gained is not lost, it remains as it always has, in the collective mind. However, in the current state we are in now, as the human form changes, and
we are reborn, we do not maintain our knowledge, in general. Instead, we forget everything, or much of what we have learned.
As a human being, we need the temperature to be at a certain level. We need water, and food, and exercise, and mental stimulation. If we do not get
proper exercise, if our food is not nutritious, if the water we drink is not pure, if we breathe in a shallow manner, our health will decline, and we
will deteriorate more quickly than if we functioned and fueled our bodies the way nature intended. By working along with the design of nature, our
performance will be much higher, than if we operate in a way other than we are designed to.
Now, what does all this have to do with the Spirit World? Everything. Many of us disrespect ourselves by operating in a means other than we are
designed to. We mentally abuse ourselves. We are mentally and socially conditioned to think and act a certain way over eons. As a result, we drift
further from nature.
Then, we disrespect nature. We waste food, step on ants, pollute the oceans. We treat our possessions as things, and do not treat them with respect.In
our minds, animals exist to serve us.
So, we disrespect ourselves by operating contrary to our nature, and then we further seperate ourselves from nature and disrespect it by trying to
dominate rather than live in harmony with it.
As a result, we are effectively deaf, dumb, and blind. The Spirit World is all around us. It is constantly trying to give us messages. Physical
manifestations of disasters, wars, illness...In the last 50 years asthma, autism, obesity, and many other malodies have become common place, when once
they were rare. With all of our science and technology, we still cannot see the cause.
Nature is trying to warn us. The Spirit World is screaming. It is begging us, it's brothers, sisters, children...We need to wake up.
All around us we are surrounded by life, if only we could listen. The wind is giving us messages. The air we breathe nourishes us and tries to convey
secret knowledge that we lost long ago.
Everything around us has that potential, to give us messages. Everything that exists has a role it plays, and also a higher spiritual conciousness
associated with it.
Deja-vu, dreams, visions, gut feelings, this is the spirit world trying to tell us "hey, wake up. I have much to teach you." But we ignore it. I bet
the majority of people reading this probably have music playing, or a tv in the background, several windows, open, IMing. We cannot even enjoy a
single thing, we convince ourselves we need to have this this and this and this and some of that, and still we are not satisfied, we are not happy.
Remember when I said a micro version of all entities exists within you? In this way, and others, we are interconnected with all. One need look no
further than inside themselves to find the infinate abundance of God. We having everything already. We are never alone, for we are surrounded by life,
by friends and family, we are supported by the entire universe.
We are like handicapped children to Nature. We are loved, it understands that we cannot see, or hear. I tries to teach us, but we do not listen, we
cannot, we don't know how. It's trying to tell us, listen, or you will continue to hurt yourselves, and your bretheren.
Spirits are all around telling us to please wake up. It pains them to see us so crippled. But as long as we convince ourselves they don't exist, we
cannot demonstrate them in a lab, we will be deaf and blind to their wisdom.
When I look at the lamp on my desk, it would be easy for me to sell a present my grandmother bought for my birthday years ago. But it has been there
for me. Amusing me with it's interesting shape, providing light. It has seen me hurt, and seen me smile. I look deeper into the lamp, and ask what it
has to teach me. I learn of the pain of not being able to help those you wish. I learn the patience and the perserverance to continue to fulfill your
role, in hopes that your words will one day be heard. I learn the comfort and warmth of knowledge. I understand how I at times function much the same
as this lamp. I learn that even though the answers are plain to see, and revealed for the masses, that still they may be ignored. I learn that
sometimes you must be quiet with your message, and wait for the correct time to shine for it to be apreciated. I learn so much from this lamp, my
friend who guides me.
We are surrounded by life, by spirit, but we refuse to hear what they are teaching us. It is a shame, but yet, they persist, for one day we may