posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 04:15 PM
Now, not many of us are not accustomed to talking to a plant. How does one go about opening up his or her heart to the spirit of the plant? It comes
from intention, it comes from desire.
Before you approach an entity, it is important that you stop and consider a few things
#1 What am I trying to achieve with this communication?
#2 Am I trying to do this so I get a swelled head, having powers someone lacks?
#3 Am I REALLY going to keep this friend?
#4 If I am not answered right away, or if I don't get how to do it, how should I react?
#5 HOW do I do this in the first place?
Let's knock these babies out one by one.
#1 What am I trying to achieve with this communication?
If your answer is, make a friend, connect to the spirit world, learn more about myself, and someone else, or uncover information, please continue.
If on the other hand your purpose is to start a communication, and then neglect this entity, if you want to do this to gain powers, STOP. This is not
for you
#2 Am I trying to do this to get a swelled head, or attain powers others lack?
If you want to have something to mentally elevate yourself above others, stop. If your primary objective is power and not companionship, stop. Many
people think that once they start talking to spirits they can boss them around and become a demi-God. They don't like being controlled any more than
people do, and are just as likely to burn you for being abused. You work with spirits, you do NOT control them.
#3 Am I REALLY going to keep this friend?
This one is important. If you just want to establish communication, only to then ignore this relationship, do not proceed. Doing so will not only give
you a bad reputation among the spirits, but will also hurt friends. It is one thing to be ignored all the time. Quite another to make a friend and
then find they truely do not care about you.
#4 If I am not answered right away, or if I do not get how to do it, how will I react?
If you will get upset about not having an immediate answer, this is not for you. Trust me, you are likely to be frustrated for awhile before you can
communicate well. It's like going to another country where no one speaks your language. Understanding what is being said, or even if you are being
communicated with can be a challenge.
Give it a few months. If you talk to your desk for 5 minutes a day every day for a month, you will know more about the desk than you can even imagine
right now. In fact, you might not even know how you know about this desk, but you will. By the end of the season, the desk will be teaching you much
about life, that you will be able to apply and use as you go through your day.
#5 HOW do I do this in the first place?
It's a matter of intention. Relax. Do it in a relatively calm state of mind. Approach the spirit with reverence. You don't need to worship it, it's
the same as you. However, show it respect, give it time to answer. Try not to have an expectation.
Speak into your heart, tell the subject that you want to get to know them. Explain that you are not adept at this way of communication, and are trying
something new. Try to make a friend. Speak in your mind to the spirit. Ask questions, answer any questions they may ask. Sometimes an actual phrase
will appear in your mind, but usually you will get a feeling, or mental imagery to interpret. These messages are profound. They are not easily
understood, especially when you begin.
As you practice, your skill to interpret these messages will increase. Your perception will become more accurate as you begin to let go of bias
concerning what the message may be. Initially, some of the lessons you may learn will seem pretty obvious, and no big deal. EXAMINE THESE! What may
seem common sense will always have hidden layers, and a depth that you cannot understand right away.
After your conversation, try to get as much information out of each bit of dialogue as possible.
This sense of reverence is critical! I cannot stress it enough! You may not realize it now, but approaching with a solid focus, and intention behind
each question and exchange will make your own communication more powerful. The more frequently you interact with a given spirit, the more powerful
your connection, the more protective the spirit will become of you, and will begin to bestow upon you some of their qualities.
As you build this relationship, you will be giving a bit of yourself, and the spirit will give a bit of itself in exchange. You will have a strong
energetic connection. It is here that you will in a sense learn that you and the spirit function as one, yet seperate. We have a similar level of
connection with every other spirit, HOWEVER, without the built up relationship, we are not concious of this connection, and the qualities that we
share with each will not manifest to a noticable degree.
Be persistant. As you begin to understand your place in nature, you will learn to see life all around you. We are not alone. We are working with
everything else in existance.
By building these relationships with spirits, with nature, our minds expand, and make us more aware of what we really are. It is then that we begin to
really live, and live well.
When your life is in harmony with nature, your works will be powerful. When your qualities are those of abundance, and not lack, even 10,000 knives
cannot make you fold. Nothing can be taken away from spirit, nothing.