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Alien Creatures In Space!

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posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 02:53 AM
The Tether Blob and John Lear...

Im going on gut instinct here....that blob appears to be s living amoeba like creature.

The video is pretty darn convicing. The way the blob is moving strongly sugguest a living creature of some kind. It is curious about the tether arm and is observing it. I mean CMON man! It makes TWO passes appearing to be directly at and under it.

Its pretty well focused. I dont see how one could argue against that. I bet the video that we DONT see is full spectrum. From standard video(color)to X-rays.

Uneducated but a good possibility theory...
Man...the satellite didnt burn off break off or whatever...
Or bit it off...or is just so full of GOP vigor that its laser like conservative policies of truth and the American Way were just TOO MUCH STEELY RESOLVE for the tether arm to deal with(copyright Fox News 2008)

Id say "I wonder what John Lears theory on this is" but even as a long time lurker I know that he just ends up damning himself every time he tries to come up with something.

I do respect Mr. Lear. I DO believe theres a pretty good bit that hes been privy to that the rest of us non-elites would be shot for knowing. I really enjoy his stuff. Hed make an amazing sci fi writer. But Im not going to know...aimless condesending responses etc etc...
He says hes almost broke....dude...your dad invented the LEAR JET for Buddhas sake! Unless you really really like coc aine then I guess just 1 or 2 mill in checking alone means your poor...

Hmmm maybe that blob IS John Lear!(Copyright 2008)

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:18 AM
I’d have to say….to the op of this thread……these ‘creatures’ look more like artificial craft that have an organic quality to them, like from the tv series Stargate Atlantis with the Wraith technology, organic technology and all.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by andre18
I’d have to say….to the op of this thread……these ‘creatures’ look more like artificial craft that have an organic quality to them, like from the tv series Stargate Atlantis with the Wraith technology, organic technology and all.

Well, if there could be 'shape-shifting reptilians', why 'not shape shifting UFOs'??

But seriously, what would be the need to have a shape shifting UFO?
But then again, what do we know about the alien mind?

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 04:50 AM
I don't think any of the videos shown are lifeforms at all. I think we just assume that spacecraft have to be solid static objects.
I think the worms are spacecraft that can change the shape of their hull and we are witnessing very advanced technology that is beyond our comprehension so we say" it's a giant worm". It's not. Worms can't live in space. I feel that they definitely have little alien pilot's inside.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by takeastepback
There could certainly be life in outerspace. Even in a vaccum life could evolve, just as it does at the bottom of the sea under impressive amounts of pressure.

Huge amounts of pressure are certainly not pleasant for life, but at least there is warmth, since these critters always huddle close around volcanic "chimneys" and they have food available, even when it's just minerals in some rare cases.

The vacuum of space is something else entirelly. For life to evolve there it would have to instantaneously be capable of gathering space dust (as food?) from huge areas of empty space, which means it would also have to spontaneously evolve some sort of interstellar propulsion (you can't wiggle your tail to propell yourself in vacuum), not to mention spontaneously evolving some sort of insulation from the complete lack of warmth, at temperatures, where molecules completelly stop vibrating and at the same time insulation from temperatures when it would get cooked.

Evolution is a slow and gradual process. In the cold vacuum of space it couldn't even start, never mind progress into something viable.

Something evolving on a planet and later moving into space is another matter entirelly. But this would most likely involve some huge space ship for an environment to live in. For something to evolve into a sustainable space dwelling creature, it would most likely require at least some integration of technology and biology - super space cyborgs...

Mystic vibrations don't really help to survive out there, i'm afraid.

[edit on 11-1-2008 by deezee]

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 06:30 AM
Well one of the picures is a jellyfish pasted into a sky with photoshop.

I believe there is more out there but it won't look like easy artwork

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 06:39 AM

But seriously, what would be the need to have a shape shifting UFO?

Maybe to adapt to different types of atmosphere (or general conditions) on different types of planets ? Think about it , if your ship could adapt to the conditions on different planets and to the conditions in space , wouldnt it be helpfull

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by jaamaan
Well one of the picures is a jellyfish pasted into a sky with photoshop.

I believe there is more out there but it won't look like easy artwork

umm didnt know they had PS in 1974 ...
"Photograph taken on November 17, 1974 by Mr. Lauersen at
Viborg, Jutland, Denmark."

now I know why this porgram is so succesfull , they had over 3 decades time to improve it

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

Not shape-shifting craft, just organic in the movie alien 3, the android women had organic parts.....and so I suspect these craft also have organic parts, or the entire craft is organic....remember...the DNA structure can hold so damn much information in it.....compared to BS standard modern computers...imagine how fast our computers would be if they had DNA like comparison is storage data, a tera-bite would be nothing....

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Strapping Young Lad
Its pretty well focused. I dont see how one could argue against that.
Did you saw my out of focus test? I know it is not as good as it should, but I think it can show that out of focus things do not look as we expect them to look.

And if you have a digital camera you can try it for yourself.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 07:37 PM
I cannot think of a single property seen in UFO's that cannot be replicated with nanotechnology. Shape shifting, phase shifting, glowing, cloaking.....

...the limits are more likely to be in our imagination.

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