reply to post by coryblood
You are asking the right questions, how do we know that the Bible is true or not ? What's so special anyway about the Bible and why do people believe
in it and the stories like Noah's Ark, and Adam & Eve, God & Satan when surely we know so much more today than we did even 25 years ago, I mean just
look at the progress we've made - we've abandoned the donkey in favour of the car, and generated global warming, we've replaced the typewriter with
the computer, we have automatic self-cleaning flushing toilets, dish washers, the automatic washing machine, and my all-time favourite - the electric
toothbrush ! With all of these rapid advancements in technology and comforts, and the discovery of fossils and dinosaur bones surely we can be
street-wise and not be fooled so easily by the proverbial wolves in sheep's clothing coming out with their pseudo-theories which are not based on
anything more than opinion and speculation.
I have never been against the Bible, I think it is full of good instructions on how to live life, respect one another and not interfere with one
another's fundamental freedoms and rights. I would have liked to live in a world where everyone loves their neighbour as their self, and love
abounds, and everyone feels the grace of God and God's approval, support and not condemnation, I have often thought that the Bible has the "Blue
Prints" for creating a really good society model. The problem is that people are not able to live according to the rules. For example in the Bible
- the laws for Israel were that everyone was given their own piece of land as a possession for eternity, there was no charging interest if you needed
a loan, and if you lost all your money then you would be sold into servitude, however every Seventh year there was to be a rest year, when the
servants could go home, and even if all of your land had been sold, in the year of the Jubilee after 49 years everything would be returned. The
punishments were also different than we have today, for example if a thief got caught he would have to make restitution of what he stole plus four
times more, if he couldn't pay he would be sold into employment. What is the reality today - the majority of people are in a permanent and perpetual
enslavement with no inheritence,while a small few gather in greed all of the countries resources and tax payers money and are greedily shoveling it
away into their own deep never ending pockets and those of their families. Why can't man live acording to the rules of the Bible - The Ego, the
power of Greed, the Corruption of Power and the lack of a Conscience for his fellow man and a lack of a conscience to a higher power.
What are the facts for the truth of the Bible ? This question you should always ask about anything people claim to be true. I worked before in a big
company where the tax payer was funding "International Experts" 20,000$ a month to go overseas on USAID projects and help out developing countries,
most of these guy's were - sorry to say it - thick as pig Sh*t. Never trust an expert for anything they just go along with the flow - didn(t
everyone say the Earth was flat and laugh at the Bible which said it was round?
Have you been able to read and absorb the Bible just like a normal detective story. Chances are that you can't read it. People say where Bibles are
selling well, sleeping pill tablet sales decrease. There are forces at work blocking reading.
Did you know for example that the Bible talks about Dinosaurs ? Dinosaurs were only discovered by man in the mid 1800's I believe. The most exact
science is mathematics, and mathematically speaking the probability of evolution is zero. Just think about it how did Bees and Flowers evolve, they
need each other to survive. Why do things live ? All Sciene is based on the BELIEF that because we saw something happen, it will repeat.