reply to post by 4thDoctorWhoFan
You are still thinking in the current mindset. I can understand. It is hard to break from the chains of what you know to see what is possible. This
is the reason why I said it hasn't worked, and most likely won't for a long time.
You do realize, it doesn't have to be the way you say. In a PURE society, you could go for what you want, not be told what you can do. Everyone
works together and for each other. Possessions? Well, since we make things for everyone, everyone has it. I'll admit, replicators would make it
easier to achieve such enlightenment.
It doesn't have to be 'Alas, Babylon' ... it could be true idealism. You would truly rather have paper and metal? Can you not see that if
everyone worked together, we would have everything? People who desire to create new technology, like Tesla, would do so and make things amazing ...
people who like to toll in factories (of whom I know many) could do it. You don't see how easy McDonald's itself would be, if money were not
involved? Can you not see how they would be fully staffed, since labor percentages and waste costs are no longer a factor? As smart as I am, I could
handle McDonald's in such a life, because, I can come home to my loving family, in a place that is always well taken care of by professionals, with
well running or new appliances, with abundance of food to have healthy meals, to associate with my fellow citizens because they are not in an angered
state from bills and wants ... I could go on, but the point should be made. It doesn't have to be worst-case scenario if the TRUE meaning of that
type of society is realized ... in fact, the true meaning of it is the best-case scenario ... anything else is a failure of the ideal.
What you have to do is take a step back and look at things with peace and harmony in your mind. From reading your posts elsewhere, that may be hard
for you to do. You have formed your opinions of the world, most likely without spending time with the people you hate to make sure who they are.
Blind hate is ridiculous.
This will sound weird, but I hope it makes the point of not discriminating against others you don't understand. As a child, we see everyone equal,
there are no separate groups that we define people as, but we see them all as people. As we grow older, let's say middle/high school age, we see
false groups form. Most of us have heard the terms - preps, hicks, stoners, geeks, jocks, etc. Some of these groups intermingle, but some of them
are exclusive from each other. Now, some of these kids may have been friendly in the past. But really, they are all still human, still people. If
you spent time in each of these groups, they all respect each other, they all have wants, wishes, dreams ... the only real division is an illusion.
Knowing an individual, you may still see their life influence, but you see their human qualities ... the love, the sorrow, the anxiety, the fear ...
they all smile, cry, laugh ... now ... this is still true as adults ... we are all the same, but, we have accepted a false belief that we are
different from each other ... the names of the groups are different -republican, hippie, yuppie, liberal, american, chinese, german, italian,
japanese, israeli, iranian, christian, buddhist, atheist ... but the illusion is the same, we are all flesh and blood, with family, friends, hopes,
dreams, love, pain, fear, desire ... I just wish everyone could wake up to this.
There is a group of people who live out an example of this society, though you don't recognize it, and, it is becoming more rare today. If you look
at a small tribe ... they have no money, yet, they live in a well-established, happy community. There are those who go for food, those who cook and
care for children, those who heal ... all without money. Though your greed will say, that is no way to live! they have dirt under their feet ...
well so do you if your floor is concrete. Their medicine isn't proven! Well, ours has proven side effects that are usually worse than the problem
... and we don't cure as much as we treat. The only thing that they don't have, that is really necessary is a water system including sewage. So,
is that enough to hold you back from a utopia? Isn't everything else we claim we need a luxury? I admit, I like a/c ... but I can do without
phones, internet ... i have done without tv ... but, if we are living in a free society, then the power is free to, the a/c units, the tvs, the pcs,
internet connections, phones and lines, EVERYTHING is available to everyone ... not some restrictive non-sense that you tried to create with your
Do I see this happening any time soon? NO. Why? Because people believe the way you do. People are too attached to hording everything for
themselves aka greed. Which, I just so happened to mention in my original post. Would you turn away the hand of your child if they are in need?
Your mother? Do you realized that the people we leave in the streets starving is someone's child? The people you hate overseas are people's
Wake up and see what this world really is, that is all I am asking. I am not telling you to give up your freedom. I am not asking you to support
tyrants. I am asking you to open your eyes, form your own opinions on information you gather. Realize that hate only brings more hate. If you wish
to criticize Islam as you do, than, you better well have studied the Qu'ran, taking comparative religions courses, etc. If you are going to
criticize Christianity and Judaism, you better have read the New Testament and the Old Testament, translated from the oldest text, or have read the
Greek and Hebrew text.
Ignorance would be forming an opinion without due research. Ignorance is prevalent in the world today, especially in my once beautiful and loving
country. It makes me sad, and makes me wish to move away. Which I might do one day regardless of the state of things ... since, living elsewhere
always brings new perspectives and insights. Don't worry, my desire is to go to an ally, the one we nuked, btw. The only one to be nuked during
war, by the country who tries to stop others from having 'nuclear power'
Please stop all the hate and mistrust.
on topic
China could destroy us at any time if they wished, which is why I think they won't.