Well, it is your fault for focusing on the date and not the issue, granted, it is in the title, so I give you that much for not thinking for
Let me tell you, right now, travel ... go see the country, appreciate the freedom of driving down an interstate and stopping where you want, when you
want. Visiting whatever quaint little town or big city you choose along the way. Sleep in rest areas or $10 hotels. Experience what makes this
country great, then ... think about those FREEDOMS being pulled from underneath you.
This is what your problem is. I could care less about planes ... in fact, if they banned ALL big airliner commercial flights forever, it would have
no effect on me ... since I never fly, and unless I visit another country, never will, and I could still take a boat. I wouldn't take away the
right for citizens to fly themselves, that is for sure. Heck, John Travolta flies his own jumbo jet from his back yard about 10 miles from my
Freedom. If you don't like it, please, hire a dominatrix and live in submission. Don't force your fetishes on the rest of society. You could
always move to a place that suits your desires more ... honestly, I plan on moving for this reason ... the culture I plan to join one day has a
higher level of societal respect ... it is just how they are ... unlike a lot of places here. I don't try to make laws to force people to be nice
and considerate, no, I found a place where people are raised that way and it is the natural course of things. I think all of you liberty haters
should find yourself a nice comfy controlled place to live and move there.
BTW JM, you don't even have the backbone of a communist ... even they are willing to fight for themselves ... you are willing to give up
everything. If I could, DHR, since someone has said that is who you are, I would show you happiness, friendship, and what freedom is about, so you
would know to stand up for it. It is a weakness of mine, helping lost causes, because not all of them are really lost. Put your energy to something
that matters. Giving up rights and freedoms doesn't protect you and your loved ones, it sentences them to restriction and sorrow. Imagine not being
able to see your child because of restrictions, not being able to visit your parents because of some silly rule they made up.
For me, I will do what I need to when the time comes. I don't worry about the date, I just keep my eyes open to the reality. I will stand behind
those that wake up in the last moments and encourage them, if it really gets as bad as it looks.
You know what, looking back over John Titor's stuff ... it looks like the timing was a bit off, but the path is still similar for the most part. A
name change here and there.
I am peaceful, and preach love. But don't bend over backwards and give up your freedom of choice, nor anyone else's freedoms for them. I will not
have you telling my family and close friends they are not allowed to travel to keep them safe, what kind of life is it if you are not allowed to do
peaceful things as you choose in your own country that waves the word freedom around to kill people in other countries?
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--Benjamin Franklin
"Live Free Or Die; Death Is Not The Worst of Evils."
--General John Stark, July 31, 1809
Liberty or Death ... Don't Tread On Me
Maybe more of you should have paid attention in history class. You all would understand what the foundation of the country is ... that is right, the
foundation ... so if the country burns from its corruption, it can once again be built on this very strong cornerstone which has supported the
pursuit of happiness for many over the years.
"To think that empowering the government to randomly monitor and search individuals without warrant ensures the safety of the public is taking a step
back to every dictatorship that has come and gone. Let's not forget, Adolf Hitler became dictator of Germany in response to a "national crisis"--
the Reichstag fire of January 1933."
Don't make so many millions of soldiers blood and sweat mean nothing by handing over yourselves to corporate controlled false democracy. They are
there to SERVE US. They are there to ENSURE our FREEDOM ... not take it away. If they fail, we have the right to evict them and change it all, and
unless they try to use their false power to coerce us, we could do this all very peacefully ... before the rest of the world must step in and save us
from our liars and thieves losing trillions of dollars, spying on their own, keeping technology, health, and nourishment from its people.
The things going on are atrocious ... but WE can change them. WE don't have to let them walk on us. WE can decide to get our homeless off the
street, feed our own starving children ... Imagine if the money spent in Iraq, went to the suffering children in our own country?
But no, most of you are too greedy to have given the money to children, but are scared enough to believe a liar so they can profit behind closed doors
and laugh at your ignorance. At least Hitler was a good orator that moved the people, this guy and his buddies are hated by the majority of his
citizens, and they have gotten away with quite horrible things. If they can't have a speech, including Guiliani, without saying 9/11, then smile, is
it really a tragedy to them? Their whole false sense of success has depending on the poor fateful day. I wish they would all grow a pair and act
like real men. Fight on the front line themselves, or apologize for using our youth to go after oil, which has not been ADMITTED by one of their
That is ok, most will just say, but America is always right, well, yeah, most of the people are, the nutjobs in office and the ones that follow them
aren't. America includes Canada and Mexico, btw, and if you want to get technical, America would be both Northern and Southern continents. So,
yeah, America has the right idea, but these goons don't. Killing people doesn't solve anything, if you think it does, put yourself on the front
line with your family beside you ... since you are so brave and are willing to allow people you never met to die 'for oil'. Thank the ex-fed for
that one.
It is amazing all the war mongering fools that talk big on here that hide behind their computer. Why aren't you in the M.E.? Too scared?