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USA must go!

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posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by ConstantlyWondering

Lol Never saw your avatar, and I really dont understand it, all im saying is that I hate fat people? maybe not then, just fat people live in america.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by ConstantlyWondering

Originally posted by Branchly
I think that USA has a SERIOUS weight problem.

Hey, stop committing on my avator! Just kidding.

Some of us need to lose a few pounds. I could lose 100lbs and be almost to my ideal weight. It is a concern but not all Americans have let themselves go like me.

Nice one.

An American that has a sense of humour? You're a rare breed my friend

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Okay, since everyone is on the Americans are horrible and evil and we need to stop being bullies, why don't you folks all gather together and stop US from having the war in Iraq.

Since we are bullies, and invaders, and domineering, and you fear us invading your country along with everyone else, stop us!

Rally together and blockade the evil tide. Since our contributions are only hindering people, get together and stop us!
Since we are so dumb and complacent and don't know what we are doing, please, by all means, stop us.

Because it is sooo easy to sit on the sidelines and be snarky and resentful, instead of doing something about it.

as for mcdonalds, I am sorry about that. The McD corporation(and Wal-mart) is almost as powerful a force as our leaders. And not an easy thing to be rid of.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Liamoville

I dont know what it is, Ide probably get eaten alive literally living in the USA, ide be the chilli in the bowl

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Branchly

wow, another insightful educated post. Maybe your remarks are making up for something you are lacking?

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

Go and eat a cream cake.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by rxnnxs
reply to post by muzzleflash

killing is not the answer.
but as we speak someone is...

If the Iraq war is the worst we have, we are very lucky.
Every war in our past was 1000000x worse, by all means.

ho, brr, times 60 and we got it.
[edit on 19/9/2007 by rxnnxs]

first of all, Neither you or me is killing anyone
second of all, the people doing the killing right now are of all nations on earth, not just mine.
third of all, dealing with the american govt is far more tricky than dealing with any other govt - give us the american people some time please, we are doing the best we can to educate the sheep of simple facts, and its really difficult , and Your attitude is NOT HELPING ME AT ALL
your actually inflaming other americans to want more war....
plz stop - im trying my best to explain things to them and its becoming more and more difficult for even myself to stay with peaceful resolution

but peace i will remain with, and Diplomacy. I am following my american hero's dreams of peace, like RFK mlk jr , jfk thurou ceasar chavez thomas jefferson etc

the men/women of peace come in all colors of all cultures. and we must drop our attitude of resentment for each other immediantly, if we have any reasonable hope of stopping this downward spiral into possibly the deepest abyss we have ever seen

and about you thumbing your nose and saying "its only 60times worse"
by using #'s of bodys alone to calculate the tragedy of a war. thats not showing the full impact of a war, theres far more factors than body's alone.
just look at the political -socio-economic aspects of past wars, look at their Mentalitys on a grand scale.

In todays war, we the people of the world have the right to stand up and condemn the govts of the world freely (for now)
We the ppl of the world can condemn iraq and bush FREELY with impunity
with little fear of repercussions.

We are a freer world today, and war is thus Far less horrifying.

We are allowed to speak about it. And not die for that.

Cant you see how wars of the past were EXPODENTIALLY worse because of how concrete the institutionalization of war Actually was??

Men lined up and hacked each other to pieces with swords and axes, face to face.... and loved it

War was Expodentially worse and more horrifying back in the day. You think what they do now is bad, go get in a time machine LOL. Take some guns tho, cuz you will DEFINATLY need them (almost the second u step out of that time machine)

Now please, Work with me here to resolve the worlds conflicts. By removing your attitude. And i will kindly drop my atittude.

And we can go have a beer, and a great time togeather!
I invite everyone to do the same!!

Dont worry about Bush so much, we the american ppl will eventually find a way to solve this. Please have a little faith(and god help us some Patience). And dont throw wrench's in the good guys machine. (us peaceful americans trying to solve this conflict without more killings occuring - or thefts) This is hard enough a job to pull off , without needing more derailment.

Now, lets go have that Beer and drop this stupidity, which ill admit im partaking in right now.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:16 PM
Our leaders are considered criminals by all but 36 countries. The reason we don't have a revolution is the PATRIOT JUICE. They have sprayed it everywhere and it has made us stupid.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:18 PM
That is a really good point, but the only problem is that humans are never satisfied. Humans by nature put themselves first. Humans look down on one another. Just take a look at this thread. Humans have overpopulated and divided even more than ever. America is a prime example of being divided amongest ourselves. Everyone thinks they are right and everyone is wrong. Humans will never change. We might come together for a short period of time during crisis but even that unity passes. Americans in here are united because of this thread but if one of us cut the other off on the road, someone is getting the one finger salute.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:18 PM
In my industry I work with a lot of people who are nearing the end of
this life here on Earth. The last thing on their mind is international
politics and maneuvering. Their primary concern is if they did a
good job with their family and if they made a meaningful contribution
in some way to society. In the end, PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY is
what will matter to all of us. 99.9% of the discussions you've had
with people on ATS, at work, etc.. will mean zilch to you when you're
about to take the big leap into the unknown. Think about THAT when
you get worked up over these threads. Keep things in perspective
and your life priorities in focus. You'll be VERY glad that you did.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

And if your meaning brain, thats one of the most stupid things ive also heard, because if what your saying is true, ide probably be dead from the lack of brainage.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:19 PM
Thats a point,

America still goes on about it being the 'greatest country in the world' and everything and they're all so patriotic.

But theres nothing to be patriotic for you lot now, theres no American Dream anymore, It's really not that good of a place to live anymore.

[edit on 19/9/07 by Liamoville]

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by UofCinLA

While there is valid points on both sides I think you went way wide of the mark. It's quite clear the OP is talking about the American government while everything you mentioned was invented by it's people. Two completely different things. I am American and I dislike the current administration but I have more than an abundance of love for our people. See the difference?

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:23 PM
I have been all over to 6 different European countries and they were nice places full of history and people that were great to drink with but I could think of no other place to live then the U.S.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:23 PM
We be try to do our best to makes they world a better place to lives in.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:24 PM
In some respects I can sympathise with the OP, although I don't subscribe to the "US must go" philosiphy, more that Bush really does need to go and the kind of systematic cancer that the neocons have been spreading needs to be wiped out of US politics.

I was thinking about this the other day. If you had said to me 20 years ago that the US was likely to let the nuclear genie out of the bottle whilst pursuing its own interests invading a foreign country I'd have laughed at you, told you that you were an idiot and walked away.

These days, with Bush in the White House, not only do I believe its possible, I'm waiting for it to happen and hoping that it doesn't spread globally.

Clinton I liked. He seemed like a straight talking guy. OK he got blown in the Whitehouse and tried to cover it up, but in all honesty thats not exactly the same as being responsible for opening up Pandora's Box in the middle east and being idirectly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. Yet you guys impeached Clinton, and Bush just seems to be laughing all the way to the bank. That, to me, seems like some kind of perverse moral inversion, and makes me wonder just what on earth is going on in the mind of your average American.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Branchly

Is that the best you can do?

I must of hit a nerve....

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
reply to post by Branchly

Is that the best you can do?

I must of hit a nerve....

Your post's in reply to him are proving what? Grow Up.

[edit on 19/9/07 by Liamoville]

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:27 PM
He is lucky she is giving him that much attention. I gave up on him.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:29 PM
Well you didn't because you just replied didn't you?

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