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Police caught on tape threatening to destroy and invent evidence

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posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:28 PM
This event reminded me of a Cops episode where these cops pulled over a pickup truck with three kids wearing togas in the bed. The truck was driving with no lights. The three kids were being initiated into a fraternity. Anyways, the cops try to tell them what they were doing was unsafe not only to themselves, but to other drivers. Each kid sat in there shaking their heads, spouting off to the cops.

I just mentioned that because we all went through the same maturity process and I was just as guilty as the guy in the video when I was his age as far as thinking I knew everything.

I'm not saying the cop was right, maybe he was having a really bad night and then this schmo comes along to top the whole thing off, I don't know, but I can understand it to a degree.


posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:30 PM
What stops them from just destroying the camera? How is he transmitting?

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:32 PM
This is nothing new.Business as usual in small towns like I'm from.When I was in high school there was always stories of cops taking drugs from people they stopped and letting them go in exchange for not telling.Forcing teenage girls to do "favors" in exchange for not getting them into trouble.Hell,they've even been known to bury people they have problems with here.....It's like they're some sort of mad Gestapo that only serves to give the illusion of safety while running roughshod over the citizens behind everyone's backs.

I've experienced this type of thing a few times...I got into a lot of trouble when I was a teenager and was told by a friend who's aunt was on the police force that my name was on some sort of list.Literally every time I went out at night a cop would follow me.One night I had a blow out not too far from my home around 1 A.M. and being somewhere I didn't feel safe to stop and get out I kept going trying to get the car home.I had no idea a cop was behind as sparks were flying etc.,and I was concentrated on not letting my car go off the road.Next thing I know there are like ten cop cars in front of me blocking the road.I stop,thinking something has happened,and when I pull over I see a cop walking in my direction.I pull my license out and when he asks to see it I hold it out the window.Next thing I know my arm is being twisted and I'm forced out of the car and thrown hard against the hood.All the cops had their guns out holding them on me and screaming "Why were you running from us boy?!".When I tried to explain I got shoved harder against the car,and eventually they took me to the station where I continued to try and explain what happened.I had drunk a couple of beers that night before leaving my friends house and they asked if I would take a BAC test.I refused until my parents or lawyer could get there,scared and shaken over the way I'd been treated.They slapped me with a little something called "Implied Consent".A real trap of a law that basically says if you refuse to be tested then you are saying you are intoxicated.

Well when I went to court I told my lawyer that he needed to ask to see the tape from the policeman's cruiser and it would show the way they treated me.During a recess they went back there to look at it,and when he came out he said all it showed was me driving in front of him with sparks shooting off the wheel,and when I pulled over the tape messed up,and they told my lawyer it must have been damaged.After requesting to view the tape the cop dropped all the nonsense about me trying to run from him and just tried to get me on a DUI.

So to some it all up,I ended up with a DUI,and probation for a blown out tire because these cops weren't willing to listen to my side of the story.They're just there to help the city collect our money for whatever reasons they can find,and I think the ones in charge are just fine with that.


posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:38 PM
Typical cop and typical abuse of power. For every 1 cop out there who is good there are 99 who are like this meathead.

wonder why no one trusts cops anymore ?? watch the video again.

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:39 PM
I was wondering how long it would be before someone came by to defend the actions of this officer who is CLEARLY in the wrong. Listen to what is being said very carefully. In the middle, when the cop calms down he ask a question then tells his "suspect" not to agree with him just to agree with him. If he disagrees it is ok. Near the end, the "suspect" disagrees with him and he right away threatens to take him to jail.

As for the comment that he is in a dark PUBLIC parking lot and the cop has a right to see what he is doing, yes that is true to an extent but NOT this cop. He is outside of his jurisdiction unless he is witnessing a felony. So anyone can make an argument that he was a "suspicious vehicle" but if you are out of your jurisdiction you have to report it to someone else, not go and investigate it yourself.

"He has had issues with cops before" - Are you kidding me? From what I could hear it sounded like an off duty cop assaulted him. A Grand Jury threw out whatever he was charged with, and the city settled before he sued them. If anything that is an admission of guilt from the City, so how you can try to turn that situation around as a negative towards the "suspect" is completely ridiculous.

People who continue to make excuses for the police who violate the law and act like bullies are the reason why these cases are becoming the norm and not the exception. Just listen to this cop trying to instigate the situation even when the "suspect" says NOTHING. "Come on BOY, dont you have something to say BOY, back talk me again BOY" when in fact I didnt see any "back talk" what I saw was someone who was questioning this officer and asking to know what he did wrong. That is HIS RIGHT to do so, what that is NOT is "giving him an attitude" which by the way is NOT against the law either!

This cop BLATANTLY LIES through out this whole tape. "Swerving" "not using a trun signal" all these things are proven FALSE by watching the video. Yet you still defend the actions of this officer?? What is wrong with you people?? Are you so blind that you can not see that what this person is dealing with can EASILY be YOU next time.

[edit on 10/9/2007 by section8citizen]

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:41 PM
This is TYPICAL, people. These pigs would have falesly arrested the kid and perjured themselves, as 99% of all cops do ( according to Norm Stamper, former Chief of the Seattle police) had the kid not had a camera with a secure source!! The cops KNEW that they were lying, bullying stupid swine and they also knew that it could only get worse for them ater that.

The only mistkes the kid made was in begging and pleading and acting scared; the filthy cops feed on fear of the the transcript, the cops get excited and express great pleasure with thinking that the kid was ' sorry ' and folding up. The right thing would have been to call their bluff and not waste time with all that talk. Lay it out simple for the moronic pigs:

I have NOT broken any law. I have given you my ID. My cameras recorded me using my turn signals and NOT speeding. I have this set up for just a case as this, and you are being watched right now and my attorneys will be thrilled to see what you do next!! I will make no comments and no statements, and unless you are arresting me, leave me alone and stop violating my Constitutional rights.

The shut up and let the fool steam and blab all he wants; the really effective part of all this is that the cop has a choice: either falsely arrest you and get sued, or let you go. They will let you go most of the time IF you remain CONFIDENT and FIRM. NEVER let a cop see you hesitate or seem to be scared or worried; act totally confident and smug, as if you KNOW what deep crap the cops will be in if they violate your rights.

Cameras, especially with a secure source, are a MUST for anyone that expects to be treated properly by the filthy pigs that roam our streets. Liars, and bad liars at that...but the kid made the mistake of arguing with them..all you have to do is state your position, in as few words as possible, and let the cops think that you are leading them into a set up!! That is the MOST effective way to get their attention and get them to focus on the law and not their bad attitudes and power trips. If the cops think that you are just playing a role and setting them up for trouble, they will get rid of you like a hot potato.

Cops HATE to be filmed and recorded because they are so guilty of LYING and FALSE CHARGES that if all citizens were to record them, the arrest rates and conviction rates would plummet.Most of a cops day is spent bluffing and lying and intimidating the public into giving up their rights, that is a fact. If all citizens demanded that their rights were observed at all times, the poor frustrated piggies would actually have to OBEY THE LAW for a change and follow the rules!! They HATE following rules, even though the hippocrites demand it from us all the time, of course.

Let the cops know immediately that you know your rights and expect them to be respected. Tolerate no nonsense and lies from a pig. Advise them that they will be held to account for all of their actions, and then just shut up and let them do whatever they will. If they screw up and arrest you falsely, then get a lawyer and fight it. Never plead guilty. Never make any statements to a cop. Make them sweat, a lot. Make them think that if they mess with you, they will have to answer to someone else for it..not you but their bosses and your attorneys. THAT will get them polite real fast.

Cops are accustomed to acting tough and demanding answers and they lie like dogs to get you to answer them and to scare you; its all bluff and garbage..they would never say such things in a court..they just lie on the stand. It is common. MOST cops lie on the stand; they do it routinely, all the time. It is business as ususal for a cop to twist the words of a citizen and lie outright to make a case stick. That is why a camera that records audio is a necessary tool for justice in this day and age. Remeeber the old saying" An armed society is a polite society"? Well, in this case, a citizen equipped with a camera can keep the pigs from violating their rights and telling too many outright lies.

Recall the lies told by the cops in the case above: Threatening to arrest the kid for ' failure to follow a lawful order" !! Thats a laugh!! It had to be a LAWFULL order, and an order to answer questions is NOT a lawfull order!! It is an ILLEGAL order and can be legally ignored!! NO COP can order you to give up a Constitutional Right, like the right to remain silent, and the right not to discuss anything whatsoever with a cop. Cops have NO RIGHTS to expect us to talk to them or chat with them when they stop us and interfere with our lives, bothering us.

But the cops LIE and insist that they have all the answers and all the power and that they know all the law; most of them are woefully ignorant of the law and very few cops ever care about the law, only in getting revenge for alleged ' attitude ' issues. To HELL with cops that have a problem with attitudes!! Where does it say that we must kowtow and lick the boots of the pig stormtroopers to get their approval? Who says we must all obey them when they speak? Why should we be intimidated by some pack of drooling, moronic college dropouts who are bullies and sadists and power hungry simpletons actying out a childhood fantasy to be ' tough ' when the know down deep that they are moral and physical cowards?

Cops should be treated as servants, right? Protect and SERVE, right? Well, do you fear your servants? No, you pay attention to them only when necessary and do not expect them to bother you without good cause, right? They are supposed to be respectful and deferential and subdued and quiet. NOT bullying and bluffing and lying and pushy and trying to instigate trouble..willing to lie and falsely charge, like the filthy pig in the above case said over and over: " I can come up with 9 more charges "..I can picture this demented scum slavering as he assumes his position of authority and bullies kids around.

Pathetic and sorry examples of what a bad cops is, and they are the norm. MOST COPS lie without shame; MOST COPS abuse the citizens; MOST COPS perjure themselves on the stand; MOST COPS are willing to VIOLATE the LAW in order to make themselves the ' winner ' of a confrontation with an innocent citizen. MOST COPS are liars and crooked and jerks; the few decent cops are in the minority, for sure. No question about it. Cops lie, cops cheat the system, cops bully citizens, and trhey are proud of it. Sick.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Umbrax

Yes, this is a great idea. Not just because of police, but all other criminals as well.

Although, as we saw in the video... if police and other criminals are willing to cross the line they will attempt to destroy the evidence.

What you need is a wireless usb camera setup running through a cell phone to your encrypted server someplace else. Not something most people have access to.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love

I'm not saying the cop was right, maybe he was having a really bad night and then this schmo comes along to top the whole thing off, I don't know, but I can understand it to a degree.


So if a cop is having a bad night that gives him the right to abuse his authority?

What made this kid a "schmo" because he asked what he was doing wrong? Because he did not feel the need to asnwer questions that were NONE of this cops business. Because he didnt want to bow down and kiss this cops shoes?

I do not see what there is to understand. The cop is DEAD WRONG. The officer is purposefully trying to instigate and esculate the situation. Listen to how he calls him "boy" numerous times in a row. In an effort to demean him and belittle him and as he continues it becomes apparent that the cop is trying to get a rise out of the kid so he does do something wrong. But you understand??

Let me tell you what I understand. Idiots like this cop have been glorified in Hollywood. Idiots like this cop are becoming the norm. People like you refuse to see the wrong in it. This one is on tape, it is not one person's word vs the cop (such as the 8 month pregnant women who was tazed) this is one you can clearly see and yet.... still you defend the action of the cop. What is it going to take before you see the problem? WHy do people have to wait till it happens to them before they will even stand up and open their mouths?

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:48 PM
I hate to keep beating a dead horse, but welcome to a police state.

Those officers need to be held accountable. Those in charge of these officers need to be held accountable. Those in charge of those in charge of these officers need to be held accountable. Those in charge of those in charge of those in charge of these officers need to be held accountable. Those in charge of those in cha........ wait a minute... Law enforcement?... Isn't that eventually part of the executive branch of our government?

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
Oh I watched the whole thing. It's just a difference of opinion.

Did I miss the part where the kid said why he was driving around with a camera on? I know it's his right as an American citizen and all, I'm just asking.


Why should the kid have to answer the question?? If it is his right to do so, like you admit, WHY would he have to answer that question. IT IS HIS RIGHT TO DO SO, there is your answer!

I do think the kid did answer it though, is that not when he explains his law suit and his previous abuse from an officer?

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:53 PM

See, this is always how these threads go. You're either for the cops or against the cops, how George Bush of you. I like to take these instances one at a time, not just lump all cops into one category. When the cop first pulled up he was just asking a normal-toned question, in fact he asked a few normal-toned questions. When he realized he was getting nowhere, and that's where you get when you deal with a smartass, he lost it. Was the cop wrong for that, damn straight, who knows, he may be right now regretting that decision and wishing he had it to do over again, you don't know, but for me to just bunch all cops in one pile because of situations like this, well I'm just not gonna do it.

Smartasses know exactly how to push your buttons, even when they're agreeing with you. The cop fell into the trap and lost control.

Maybe people living next to that parking lot are glad that suspicious cars are being checked out, who knows.

As far as the guys run-in with the off-duty cop, we're only hearing one side of the story, who knows if he's even telling the truth. You assume he is.


[edit on 10-9-2007 by Dr Love]

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by Dr Love

He wasn't lumping all cops in the one category. He was addressing THIS specific incident, with THIS cop that YOU are defending so fiercely. What's the deal with that? Did you skim his posts?

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 02:02 PM
One bit of advice I can give to anyone is don't give any cops an attitude.

In my law class, my professor (also a defense attorney) had a case where a Georgia State Trooper pulled over a vehicle that was going 1 mile over the limit. The driver gave the officer an attitude and the officer charged him with enough crimes to put him away for 2 years in jail.

[edit on 10-9-2007 by DJMessiah]

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 02:02 PM
Absolutely appalling behavior on the part of the officer in question.

I've always been more than complaint when I've been pulled over (rare occurances), but I've noticed a trend in the aggressive tactics on the part of several officers as of late.

Part of me says "Hey, things are a lot more dangerous out there for them, maybe it's just a sign of the times." but after seeign this video, there is no way, shape or form that I have any sympathy for this officer.

Even if the kid declined to answer questions (guarenteed to irritate lawmen and make one look suspicious) that officer went far across the line in what is proper conduct for an Officer of the Law.

I smell Bacon Butt on this guy.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 02:02 PM
What I meant was that the thread has deteriorated into a cop bashing thread, just like it always does.

It can always be argued that the kid has a RIGHT to be there, but does he really NEED to be there. He's got a camera rolling for cryin' out loud. He was actively LOOKING for something to happen. If he was there with the intent to sell drugs, before he actually makes any transaction, does he have a RIGHT to be there??? The cop said people have been stealing cars and whatnot out of that parking lot.

Real life is not black and white.


[edit on 10-9-2007 by Dr Love]

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 02:11 PM
Well I challenge you go back and read any of these types of threads and show me one instance where I say something different from what I am going to say now, again, for the uptenth time... I am FOR cops who do not abuse their authority. I am FOR cops who UPHOLD the law. Please show me one post I have made when I lump cops into one category? I find this sad, it is the SAME argument you always see from people who support officer who act improperly. "Your just against all cops" "I'd like to see you when YOU need a cop" Whats next? Your gonna call me an Anarchist?
Very George Bush me?? Your perception must be twisted or you are heavily medicated. No one in the Bush Administration gets held accountable for anything I demand that this cop and cops just like him ARE held accountable.

What makes this kid a smartass in your opinion? Because he asked what he did wrong? Cause he wanted to know why he was being harassed by this cop? Asking for "The Law" to be clarified to you is not making you out to be a smartass. This kid was right!! Everything this kid is being told is a lie, but if he questions it he is being a smartass?? Please explain that me.

Smartasses know exactly how to push your buttons, even when they're agreeing with you. The cop fell into the trap and lost control.

Now let me make sure I have got this right... The officer is a trained professional. Trained to keep his cool in times of stress, trained on how to question people, but this "Smart ass" knew how to push his buttons by agreeing with the cop? By saying "Yes sir" politely and with a subdued tone of voice, he was "asking for it"? Yet the trained cop who is trained to be in control, lost control. Awwww the poor guy [/saracsm]

As far as the guys run-in with the off-duty cop, we're only hearing one side of the story, who knows if he's even telling the truth. You assume he is.

I am not assuming anything. The fact that the city settled the case gives it more than enough credibility. Obviously the city thought they could not win and this kid had a case if they settled it. I don't have to hear both sides of this one to come to a conclusion.

[edit on 10/9/2007 by section8citizen]

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 02:19 PM
I ask any of you once again:

"It can always be argued that the kid has a RIGHT to be there, but does he really NEED to be there. He's got a camera rolling for cryin' out loud. He was actively LOOKING for something to happen. If he was there with the intent to sell drugs, before he actually makes any transaction, does he have a RIGHT to be there??? The cop said people have been stealing cars and whatnot out of that parking lot."

What say you?

For the record, I've strongly argued against officers' reactions in other threads like this.

You know what, one day when our police officers are working in conjunction with our military, sweeping the streets and peoples' homes, this pervasive attitude of hating cops is all going to come back and bite us in the rear. Does this officer have a history of this sort of behavior?


posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
What I meant was that the thread has deteriorated into a cop bashing thread, just like it always does.

It can always be argued that the kid has a RIGHT to be there, but does he really NEED to be there. He's got a camera rolling for cryin' out loud. He was actively LOOKING for something to happen. If he was there with the intent to sell drugs, before he actually makes any transaction, does he have a RIGHT to be there??? The cop said people have been stealing cars and whatnot out of that parking lot.

Real life is not black and white.


[edit on 10-9-2007 by Dr Love]

Yes he needs to be there, he is picking up his friend and even tells the cop that! The cop responded with "Oh yeah he is my friend too. My best friend."

So what if he is driving around with a camera on! That does not mean he is trying to cause trouble. Is the bank trying to get robbed by installing security cameras? That logic is ridiculous on the most basic of levels.

Who is bashing ALL COPS?? Not me! I am bashing this cop, he is wrong. His actions are ILLEGAL and he is a COP!

Lets say he was selling drugs (which he wasn't) would he still have a right to be there? In the US of A the answer is yes. Until he actually commits the crime it is his right to be there.

I am still amazed at how you have not addressed the fact that this cop was out of his jurisdiction. So the cop actually had NO RIGHT to question this kid in the area that he was at. Would you be so quick to defend the cop if he was from California and he was question and pulling over people in NY?

So what if the cop walked up and asked him nicely? What the cop saying nicely was all BS and the kid knew it. The cop even knew it. As this kid defended himself you can hear the cop get flustered and begin stuttering until he comes up with "suspicious vehicle" then that is when he begins raising his voice. You don't find it interesting in the least that the cop ask him to get out of the car and immediately begins threatening and intimidating the kid? That is normal behavior? can you defend the actions of THIS COP? This case, this video, this cop?

You admit the cop is wrong but yet it is ok for him to be wrong? Do you have this same type of forgiveness for who actually DO break the law or do you reserve it for cops who break the law?

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by section8citizen
Yes he needs to be there, he is picking up his friend and even tells the cop that! The cop responded with "Oh yeah he is my friend too. My best friend."

So what if he is driving around with a camera on! That does not mean he is trying to cause trouble. Is the bank trying to get robbed by installing security cameras? That logic is ridiculous on the most basic of levels.

....Lets say he was selling drugs (which he wasn't) would he still have a right to be there? In the US of A the answer is yes. Until he actually commits the crime it is his right to be there.

Well, we'll agree to disagree on whose logic is flawed.


[edit on 10-9-2007 by Dr Love]

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 02:29 PM
The cop has a right to check up on the situation to some degree.Usually a quick stop by to ask a question or so,and then they'll drive around now and again just to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary.The thing here is threatening to "make up" a lot of charges just to get the guy jailed for "talkin' back to me boy!".I don't care if he was talking back,I don't care if the guy called the cop every name you can think of,the cop still should not have threatened to use his "powers" to cook up false charges against this guy.Besides that if the cop had actually suspected him of buying or selling drugs wouldn't he have at least asked him something relating to that?Checked his eyes to see if he was sober,searched him for wads of cash or drugs?Seems to me he was just making an excuse as to why he's bothering this guy.

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