posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:41 PM
This is TYPICAL, people. These pigs would have falesly arrested the kid and perjured themselves, as 99% of all cops do ( according to Norm Stamper,
former Chief of the Seattle police) had the kid not had a camera with a secure source!! The cops KNEW that they were lying, bullying stupid swine and
they also knew that it could only get worse for them ater that.
The only mistkes the kid made was in begging and pleading and acting scared; the filthy cops feed on fear of the the transcript, the
cops get excited and express great pleasure with thinking that the kid was ' sorry ' and folding up. The right thing would have been to call their
bluff and not waste time with all that talk. Lay it out simple for the moronic pigs:
I have NOT broken any law. I have given you my ID. My cameras recorded me using my turn signals and NOT speeding. I have this set up for just a case
as this, and you are being watched right now and my attorneys will be thrilled to see what you do next!! I will make no comments and no statements,
and unless you are arresting me, leave me alone and stop violating my Constitutional rights.
The shut up and let the fool steam and blab all he wants; the really effective part of all this is that the cop has a choice: either falsely arrest
you and get sued, or let you go. They will let you go most of the time IF you remain CONFIDENT and FIRM. NEVER let a cop see you hesitate or seem to
be scared or worried; act totally confident and smug, as if you KNOW what deep crap the cops will be in if they violate your rights.
Cameras, especially with a secure source, are a MUST for anyone that expects to be treated properly by the filthy pigs that roam our streets. Liars,
and bad liars at that...but the kid made the mistake of arguing with them..all you have to do is state your position, in as few words as possible, and
let the cops think that you are leading them into a set up!! That is the MOST effective way to get their attention and get them to focus on the law
and not their bad attitudes and power trips. If the cops think that you are just playing a role and setting them up for trouble, they will get rid of
you like a hot potato.
Cops HATE to be filmed and recorded because they are so guilty of LYING and FALSE CHARGES that if all citizens were to record them, the arrest rates
and conviction rates would plummet.Most of a cops day is spent bluffing and lying and intimidating the public into giving up their rights, that is a
fact. If all citizens demanded that their rights were observed at all times, the poor frustrated piggies would actually have to OBEY THE LAW for a
change and follow the rules!! They HATE following rules, even though the hippocrites demand it from us all the time, of course.
Let the cops know immediately that you know your rights and expect them to be respected. Tolerate no nonsense and lies from a pig. Advise them that
they will be held to account for all of their actions, and then just shut up and let them do whatever they will. If they screw up and arrest you
falsely, then get a lawyer and fight it. Never plead guilty. Never make any statements to a cop. Make them sweat, a lot. Make them think that if they
mess with you, they will have to answer to someone else for it..not you but their bosses and your attorneys. THAT will get them polite real fast.
Cops are accustomed to acting tough and demanding answers and they lie like dogs to get you to answer them and to scare you; its all bluff and
garbage..they would never say such things in a court..they just lie on the stand. It is common. MOST cops lie on the stand; they do it routinely, all
the time. It is business as ususal for a cop to twist the words of a citizen and lie outright to make a case stick. That is why a camera that records
audio is a necessary tool for justice in this day and age. Remeeber the old saying" An armed society is a polite society"? Well, in this case, a
citizen equipped with a camera can keep the pigs from violating their rights and telling too many outright lies.
Recall the lies told by the cops in the case above: Threatening to arrest the kid for ' failure to follow a lawful order" !! Thats a laugh!! It
had to be a LAWFULL order, and an order to answer questions is NOT a lawfull order!! It is an ILLEGAL order and can be legally ignored!! NO COP can
order you to give up a Constitutional Right, like the right to remain silent, and the right not to discuss anything whatsoever with a cop. Cops have
NO RIGHTS to expect us to talk to them or chat with them when they stop us and interfere with our lives, bothering us.
But the cops LIE and insist that they have all the answers and all the power and that they know all the law; most of them are woefully ignorant of
the law and very few cops ever care about the law, only in getting revenge for alleged ' attitude ' issues. To HELL with cops that have a problem
with attitudes!! Where does it say that we must kowtow and lick the boots of the pig stormtroopers to get their approval? Who says we must all obey
them when they speak? Why should we be intimidated by some pack of drooling, moronic college dropouts who are bullies and sadists and power hungry
simpletons actying out a childhood fantasy to be ' tough ' when the know down deep that they are moral and physical cowards?
Cops should be treated as servants, right? Protect and SERVE, right? Well, do you fear your servants? No, you pay attention to them only when
necessary and do not expect them to bother you without good cause, right? They are supposed to be respectful and deferential and subdued and quiet.
NOT bullying and bluffing and lying and pushy and trying to instigate trouble..willing to lie and falsely charge, like the filthy pig in the above
case said over and over: " I can come up with 9 more charges "..I can picture this demented scum slavering as he assumes his position of authority
and bullies kids around.
Pathetic and sorry examples of what a bad cops is, and they are the norm. MOST COPS lie without shame; MOST COPS abuse the citizens; MOST COPS
perjure themselves on the stand; MOST COPS are willing to VIOLATE the LAW in order to make themselves the ' winner ' of a confrontation with an
innocent citizen. MOST COPS are liars and crooked and jerks; the few decent cops are in the minority, for sure. No question about it. Cops lie, cops
cheat the system, cops bully citizens, and trhey are proud of it. Sick.