posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by addvantage666
If she is an adult now there is nothing you can do but pray for her..and if she asks your advice give it to her in love. thats the only way to make
a difference. She obviously felt she was not getting enough affection; not your fault by any means..most families are not very huggy lovvy these days,
and kids seeking affection will settle for forms not very wise if they cannot get it any other way. Some have deep seated needs that exceed the norm
and that is why they go to extremes to get it; there is always a deep psychological compnent to all this.
It sounds as if you were not able to really sit down and discuss this with her..find out why she relates to mild abuse to get feelings of some kind
that please her.If you approach her without any condemnation or judgemental outlooks she will open up and let you know, although it may take time and
be difficult at first. But, as an adult she is entitled to do what she pleases and involving the cops or anyone else will only push her away and
aggravate the situation. It is a private matter between two consenting adults, and the time to stop it has long passed . Now try and see if you can
build a rapport with her and find out WHO she is and what would make her happy..satisfying deep needs, which may be very simple, can bring about
change that no amount of shame and nagging and cops will ever accomplish.
I feel for you; it is not easy. Bad things happen to good people. But you have a daughter, she is alive and healthy, and you have the chance to
really establish a relationship, maybe for the first time ever..not uncommon at all..that will allow both of you to open up and see what lies in both
of your hearts. No matter what she ends up doing, at least you will not lose your daughtyer, and can make sure that the future holds the promise of
good things and close contact. Good luck.