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Bible corrupts

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posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 02:52 PM
I didn't read every post on this thread but I would like to add my opinion to the topic.

If anyone has read the book "The Secret" (or watched the movie), it basically states that people have the ability to control what happens in their lives because of the "law of attraction". The things or ideas that you focus on the most and "give power to" attract what happens to you in your life. So if you always worry about not having enough money, you will never have enough money. Whereas if you always "know" that there will be money in your life, the money is always there. Your own nervous system acts as a "transmission tower" and attracts whatever you focus on.

I believe that this is true and people have always had this ability, but the government doesn't want us to know we have this ability because it would give the people more control. So the whole concept of God and religions were created to make people think that "miracles" and such are created by "God" and we should be thankful to him for "answering our prayers".

I personally am very against any type of organized religion and I have never read the bible, but I have been a believer in God all of my life. I have to say that whenever I prayed for something in a certain way, I always got what I asked for. What I mean by that is... instead of asking God to solve a problem for me, I would always ask God to help "me" find the solution to a problem. And when I ask it in the most unselfish way and knowing that I was perfectly willing to put all of my effort into helping myself without expecting "him" to do something "for" me, I always got what I asked for.

This leads me to believe that I really was using the universal "law of attraction" to bring to me what I wanted in my life. The more I think about it, the more I suspect that maybe God doesn't really even exist and maybe I really am more powerful than I've given myself credit for. And maybe we all have that power and not even realizing it because it's been kept a "Secret".

[edit on 15-9-2007 by annestacey]

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by jbell1011

Allow a Buddhist's words to describe your laughable ignorance(this is from some guy I met in South East Asia:

"You forgot one thing, religion always wins! It is like a flood. If you think plugging the Dam's holes with toothpaste will do anything, live in that fantasy. The water always finds a way. Forget which one IT is, the flood of religion always wins. Look at Russia. The Communists tried for 80 or so years to stop religion, and they got no where, Your Christian God now calls his flock from China, not Europe. An I can already see the revival of religion in Europe. Look at your world, when Europe crumbles, they will find help in God once again. It is funny to see this people think they can stop the flood. They will all drown, as have so many others."

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 05:57 AM
Annestacey, I think I have mentioned it in another threat concerning God's existence, but anyway: I prayed for a colleague of mine. This colleague was, apparently, in a very serious state of hypothermia. Also apparently, this member of my employer's workforce seemed to have taken a rest in the breathing department after some time...

Sarcasm and irony finished: As far as I know, I have prayed for a dead colleague, and three hours later he was walking around in the unit. It would have been futile for me, to ask God to help me find a way to overcome this.

As for the rest, God hates Religion. Religion is based on the principle of "I do this and God answers that way." Religion is based on maybe reaching some kind of happy hereafter if we do enough good.

The Roman Catholic Church, claim that Salvation is through Mother Mary, ascribing John 14:6 to her (and you shall be VERRY hard pressed, to find them preaching or even mentioning this verse).

Islam, the Crusades, the Inquisitions, Freemasons, Jesuits, Dominicans, Illuminati, Bilderbergers, Charismatic Christianity - these all have one common denominator: they all were started by the RCC, either to find the true Christians to annihilate them, or, in the case of Islam and the Crusades, to capture Jerusalem for the RCC. Islam turned against their masters and kept Jerusalem, so the RCC got any and every man who wished to fight, some of them, if not the majority, hardened criminals. The crusades were never about Jesus or God. They were about the Pope, who still wishes to proclaim himself God inside of the Temple.

Which shall be rebuilt, in time. Only convince Judaism and Islam that Isaac and Ishmael were one and the same son. Then the Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock may be torn down and the Temple rebuilt, for the religion shall then be considered the same and therefore, the land on which the Temple shall be built, shall still belong to Islam. No land that fell under the rule of the Submission (the meaning of Islam) shall ever belong to another religion or faith.

And Allah is not the same as God of Christianity. Islam denies that God is the Father; God and Love are never mentioned in the same perspective; Jesus was a great prophet, but not the Son of God; The Holy Ghost, is not mentioned in the Qu'ran.

The Just shall live by Faith, it is written. That is why no Religious person shall ever enter Heaven, no matter how devoted a Catholic you were. Your works shall not save you; your Salvation shall lead to good works.

A special note on the Charismatics: it has already been mentioned that, in 2012, when "God becomes visible as each of us," that the blood will flow in the churches, for the "New Generation (Charismatics)" shall be commanded to get the "Old Generation (those who actually test what is said against what is preached)" which refuses to believe anything but the Word, out of the way. Sound pretty much RCC or Islam to me...

As for Atheists? Well, as they say: all dressed up and nowhere to go!

... wherefore satan then claims them for Hell...

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 11:35 AM
I personally don't see the need for hell. If God loves all, and is all powerful, why does he have competition? Maybe there is a dungeon of Hitler types and the like, but God loves all last time I checked.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

I personally don't see the need for hell. If God loves all, and is all powerful, why does he have competition? Maybe there is a dungeon of Hitler types and the like, but God loves all last time I checked.

God does love all of His children but (there is always a but) He does have some "If's" attached to that love, or at least to the promises of that love.

He has 10 commandments, not 10 wishes, and as we are all sinners, even though we try not to, we will at times sin. He recognizes that so sent His Son. If we believe in Him, If we repent, etc. we receive salvation.

I don't believe in hell either, at least as many think of it today but there is a separate place for those who don't follow the If's. To a Christian that place would be hell if you loved Christ and yet ended up without Him through the millennium. To those who weren't Christian, they would KNOW there was a God and Christ and that they missed the boat, at least for 1,000 years. Again, a type of hell.

However, at the end of that 1,000 years there is a lake of fire that some will go into.

He doesn't have competition but He does have one that tries to deceive us, that tries to keep us from loving and following Christ. That is our test and it will determine on what side of the gulf we go to during the millennium. (Luke 16:26)

We have to know that at the end of days Satan comes first, pretending to be Christ, to deceive all that he can, and it is said to be many.


posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 02:10 PM
Well, you could tell a deceiver. If he says love all, it's Jesus. If he says love all and give me 5 bucks, he's a lie.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

Well, you could tell a deceiver. If he says love all, it's Jesus. If he says love all and give me 5 bucks, he's a lie.

There are a lot of those around, aren't there?


posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 03:01 PM
Let me tell you all a little story. My sister bought fifty guinea chicks for her Tennessee home. I took four home with me. Since they all looked alike I put spots of nail polish on their little heads & named them one, two, three & four. I put them in a cardboard box & they got out. I put them in a dog pen & they got out. While running errands one stop was to drop off donations at the Good Will. Most of my self-talk is to Jesus, so I'm saying, "Lord, what am I going to do about these little chickens?" As I rounded the corner of the parking lot there sat a wooden platform heaped with....CHICKEN COOPS! There were also two warming lamps, four feeder trays, two water bottles with drinking basins & a how-to booklet. The Creator wants to have a friendship with you. You are more spirit than flesh & when you experience His awesome ways you can't help but want more. I have never heard His audible voice as my aunt has, but He has spoken to me a few times. He only said a few words each time, but His voice is unmistakable. As we continue in these End Times, keep your eyes on Israel, the apple of God's eye. Amazing how one small spot on the map is the world's focus, just like Jesus said it would be right before He returns to take the earth away from Satan. May God's richest blessings be yours....

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by SandyLeak

As we continue in these End Times, keep your eyes on Israel, the apple of God's eye. Amazing how one small spot on the map is the world's focus, just like Jesus said it would be right before He returns to take the earth away from Satan. May God's richest blessings be yours....

Thank you for that story Sandy....It is wonderful to be a child of God.

May His blessings be yours too.........Whirlwind

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 04:34 PM
alright, can someone tell me how a book that openly condones misogyny isn't a corrosive document?

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

alright, can someone tell me how a book that openly condones misogyny isn't a corrosive document?

Those that love God and Christ don't think of His Word as being a corrosive document or have a problem with being part of a marriage where the wife and husband are a solid unit. The man is the head but that doesn't mean he can abuse her, ridicule her, etc. They treat each other with love and respect.

What you are seeing as being corrosive and relegating women to slave status isn't what others see, feel or live. They are happy in their marriage and relationship with God. The closer they are to God the more solid their marriages are - usually, not always.


posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
reply to post by Sun Matrix

thou shalt not kill... just perfect in the same book that glorifies multiple genocides

how about you provide 1 accurate prophecy?

There are numerous prophecies that have been fulfilled, but none that would convince anyone who cares not to believe. However, no answer is better than one that provides the evidence.

In fact the one prophecy that is 99.6% fulfilled is one that anyone can replicate the evidence by simply going to the historic record and see it for themselves.

The prophecy is found in Rev 13:18 and conjoined to Rev 17:9, 10.

Seven heads are seven mountains, and are seven kings, five are fallen, one is, and the other (7th) is not yet come, and when he comes, he will continue a short space. And the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is 666.

These two verses are conjoined by the chiastic parallels found in the whole book of Revelation. The entire chapter 13 holds 7 chiastic links with Rev 17.

The seven heads are the popes; the "heads" of the beast. When the numbers of these seven heads are added up, they total 665. So this leaves 665/666 as fulfilled, and 1/666 remaining to be fulfilled.

The entire documented evidence is explained in full at

Other readers' observations are included that note the extreme accuracy of the interpretation, as it links through over 30 distinct points of fulfillment.

Having personally witnessed this fulfillment, and explained it fully, there has never been anyone to refute the evidence, nor refute the alignment; even if they deny it, they cannot touch the evidence.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
alright, can someone tell me how a book that openly condones misogyny isn't a corrosive document?

In a perfect world, there would have never been the need for a Bible. It is written because of the condition we are in. There are many evils written in it. But it is the only guide out of the fix we're already in. A real "traveler's guide to the universe.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Tell me young man, why do you think it promotes hatred of women?

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by SandyLeak
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Tell me young man, why do you think it promotes hatred of women?

You may not know but in Genesis it says she had a child from the Serpent and broke some pretty big heavenly laws there.


14 So the LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this,
"Cursed are you above all the livestock
and all the wild animals!
You will crawl on your belly
and you will eat dust
all the days of your life.

15 And I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring [a] and hers;
he will crush your head,
and you will strike his heel."

It's probably a big cover up that this is never mentioned like many other Biblical things we should know about but society shuns it out. Like the Angels and women making a new race of beings.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 01:43 PM
We all break Heavenly laws. Our entry into heaven has less to do with how good we are, but how good God continues to be. We commit sin & there are also sins of omission. Things we should do but don't. Things we should say, but won't. I used to feel guilt about "Love thy neighbor as thy self." I don't do that & don't feel it in my future. God brought to mind that people are so awesome & have so much potential they can come to a spiritual maturity where they are able to love their neighbor as their self.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by whirlwind

The Bible speaks of God's love ( to include Christ's love ) as being "unconditional" - by definition that means there are no ifs. The message of Christ ( and the New Testament ) is that salvation is by God's grace ( through faith, I understand, just bear with me here ), whereas the Old Testament is where well over 300 laws are laid out. ( check out all the Judaic laws listed in the first 5 books of the Old Testament )

I forget which reply mentioned this, but man's spirituality has evolved, so the message that is sent to us evolves too. The point of Christs life was to show that the old Law was finished as Christ, according to Christian doctrine and the New Testament, had fulfilled it. People now live under Grace. God is Love, unconditional Love, which is not an easy concept for us humans to understand.

I have read the Bible from cover to cover, studied many portions of it, even given a little sermon from behind the pulpit of a Baptist church. I also reject Christianity ( to include Catholicism and all the other denominations ) for many of the reasons mentioned in this fascinating discussion. To put it briefly, my #1 problem with ALL organized religion is the dogma. How can any finite human claim to know the absolute truth?

People, religious and state leaders, have claimed to know the truth, and base their beliefs on religion as they lead their people to corruption. It amazes me that some of you have said, basically, that there must be a reason for God-ordered genocide. How can there truly be a justification for genocide? Because people are flawed and claim the truth on their side.

One last opinion: the true nature of God cannot be understood by our finite minds. The closest that I've come is believing God is infinite - without limit. Everything that exists is the physical manifestation of God. This includes both creative forces and destructive forces, both of which are necessary in this existence. Therefore I do not believe in Hell, or for that matter an angry, jealous god. Hell is symbolic of our assumed separation from God ( lemme just say now before I forget that I don't even like the label "God" as it personifies something that cannot be limited to such a simple singularity ). The anguish of a soul that feels all alone in the chaos of existence is like a lake of fire ( and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth ). Religion, like politics ( or civics ), and even economics are all tools of control implemented by mankind as we try to subjugate one another. Therefore all religions are somewhat imperfect and corrupt.

The Bible says that scripture is given by the "inspiration" of God, not the dictation of God: it is all subject to interpretation. I believe it is a mistake to put too much emphasis on texts essentially written by man, but at the same time respect the wisdom that can be found therein. Likewise, I believe every religion has texts that were just as "inspired" as Christians claim, and there can be found wisdom as well ( everything with a grain of salt, of course).

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Nyrossius Maxim

The Bible speaks of God's love ( to include Christ's love ) as being "unconditional" - by definition that means there are no ifs. The message of Christ ( and the New Testament ) is that salvation is by God's grace ( through faith, I understand, just bear with me here ), whereas the Old Testament is where well over 300 laws are laid out. ( check out all the Judaic laws listed in the first 5 books of the Old Testament )

Thank you for your really well thought out post Nyrossius Maxim. With much of it I find I agree... but not all.

God's love is unconditional as He loves all of us. However, we must love Him back to receive His promises. He does everything He can to make that happen and is very longsuffering but there will be a time when it's "too late Charlie".

Even then, those that don't accept Christ before His 2nd Advent are given yet another chance (actually it can't be considered a 2nd chance as they never had a chance to begin with when you consider what they are taught). At the end of that time it is finished. (Rev.20)

I forget which reply mentioned this, but man's spirituality has evolved, so the message that is sent to us evolves too. The point of Christs life was to show that the old Law was finished as Christ, according to Christian doctrine and the New Testament, had fulfilled it. People now live under Grace. God is Love, unconditional Love, which is not an easy concept for us humans to understand.

If it were unconditional, completely unconditional, His dying for us would make no sense. I believe the point of His life was to show us how we need to live, what we need to do to find that eternal life and knowing how very fallible we humans are, took our sins upon Himself. All we must do is believe He died for us and ask for forgiveness. Those are two of the very few conditions.

I have read the Bible from cover to cover, studied many portions of it, even given a little sermon from behind the pulpit of a Baptist church. I also reject Christianity ( to include Catholicism and all the other denominations ) for many of the reasons mentioned in this fascinating discussion. To put it briefly, my #1 problem with ALL organized religion is the dogma. How can any finite human claim to know the absolute truth?

There, we agree. I don't reject Christianity but the different religions men have made from it are divisive. As you say, no one or no one sect will have the absolute truth.

People, religious and state leaders, have claimed to know the truth, and base their beliefs on religion as they lead their people to corruption. It amazes me that some of you have said, basically, that there must be a reason for God-ordered genocide. How can there truly be a justification for genocide? Because people are flawed and claim the truth on their side.

People are flawed but God is not. He has rules, both Old and New Testament. Until those are followed there will be war.

One last opinion: the true nature of God cannot be understood by our finite minds. The closest that I've come is believing God is infinite - without limit. Everything that exists is the physical manifestation of God. This includes both creative forces and destructive forces, both of which are necessary in this existence. Therefore I do not believe in Hell, or for that matter an angry, jealous god. Hell is symbolic of our assumed separation from God ( lemme just say now before I forget that I don't even like the label "God" as it personifies something that cannot be limited to such a simple singularity ). The anguish of a soul that feels all alone in the chaos of existence is like a lake of fire ( and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth ). Religion, like politics ( or civics ), and even economics are all tools of control implemented by mankind as we try to subjugate one another. Therefore all religions are somewhat imperfect and corrupt.

Again, I agree with your idea of hell. To not be with God would be hell for one that loves Christ. For others it would be hell as then they KNOW there is a Christ and they aren't part of Him. I do believe He is a jealous God and a God of vengeance because He tells us that He is. He warns us that He is.

The Bible says that scripture is given by the "inspiration" of God, not the dictation of God: it is all subject to interpretation. I believe it is a mistake to put too much emphasis on texts essentially written by man, but at the same time respect the wisdom that can be found therein. Likewise, I believe every religion has texts that were just as "inspired" as Christians claim, and there can be found wisdom as well ( everything with a grain of salt, of course).

That is difficult to do. I believe you must have a basis of truth to judge other words and works by. Christ said that we find Him in the volume of the Book. To do that we must know that it is truth. The texts of other religions, those that don't follow Christ and God, may be inspiried, but by whom?

There are many things that are not at all open to interpretation in the Bible. They are very straightforward. We, as children of God, should know what they least that is what I believe He tells us through His Word.


posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by SandyLeak
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Tell me young man, why do you think it promotes hatred of women?

because i've read the works of paul. where he tells women to obey their husbands, to not wear anything fancy, to cover up, and that they're less than men.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by whirlwind

Well, I guess now would be a good time to bring up Faith. "For by grace are you saved, through faith..."
Faith being defined as belief in things with the evidence not seen.
I believe ( call it faith, if you will ) that the most important messages of the Bible are Unconditional Love and Faith. Its my personal belief that faith in something- anything- is the key. Now, we can argue as to what exactly one should have faith in, but I think basic faith ( that there is more to reality than we can percieve right now ) is the most important. Whether its Christianity, Buddhism, or even Atheism ( the atheist has faith, I believe - you just gotta dig to get it out! ) is not the most important.

Now, combine faith with unconditional love ( the greek word is "agape" ) then you have the building blocks for a peaceful, and I would even say holy way of life.

Of course, this is just my opinion, but I have faith in this idea.

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