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posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 12:00 AM

Okay, settle down there lilblam

Let's not have you tell me to do anything, as I don't tell you to do anything, agreed? I'm absolutely calm and settled down. Thanks... moving on.

first off, lets get back to 'reality', and use the word 'dimension' rather than 'density', because density means the amount packed into a specific space, if they are higher densities then they're the same as us.. but, well, heavier. If you mean the consciousnesses are more dense, then just say 4th Dimensional beings, rather than density.. its annoying.

If you're annoyed, that's absolutely your problem, and honestly I do not care. You have a personal idea that I am talking about "dimension" when I'm not talking about timensions at all. If you simply don't understand why I don't use the term dimension, I'd not advise that you tell me it annoys you so therefore I should stop. Again, I'm sorry it emotionally touches you. Tough.

There are infinite dimensions, and only 7 densities. Being in a different dimension says absolutely NOTHING about your consciousness. Densities are dependent on your frequency resonance vibration, the rate at which you "vibrate" and reflects in your perception. Instead of being annoyed, you can ask for clarification instead? But then again, you're not really using your mind are you? Well it's obvious in the next statements you make...

Now, I'm going to ask you not to make 6-7 points per post, because you based the last 5-6 on the first 1, which had a serious flaw, which you even bring up outside of that point.

Let's see what those holes are then... Here's the statement I made:
You forgot one little part - so who made God? If he ALWAYS existed, then he'd never make us if time does exist, it'd take him eternity before he decided to make anything. Unless God is timeless, which means time does NOT exist! And if he is timeless, he cannot CREATE anything because if time doesn't exist, there is no such thing as Creation. There is only being. If something "comes into being" and time doesn't exist, then that thing ALWAYS WAS.

You say:

Okay, this is the first point you made, and it is FULL to the brim with holes.

Now let's see you patch my holes!

I said: If he ALWAYS existed, then he'd never make us

You said:

? This makes no sense, even when combined with

if time does exist, it'd take him eternity before he decided to make anything

So those 2 statements make no sense? But I just explained everything in my first post on this thread... I said if the universe is eternal, we cannot exist, as we'd never arrive at the time period we're at now. This is the same for God, that if he always existed, he can never wait eternity before creating us.. since you can't wait eternity and THEN do something. Are you sure that doesn't make sense?

You said:

If he always existed, apparently he'd never make us, now, if he's outside of time, and always existed to those within time, then he could at any point in our time, 'make' us

But if he is outside of time, where the hell did TIME come from then? If you are outside of time, how could you CREATE time? You CAN alter someone's perception to make them believe that time exists, but that doesn't make it exist. It will only falsely appear to that someone that it does.

If time does exist, there's no reason it would take him an eternity to do anything. He could do it in any amount of time, there is no law saying that inside an eternity or an infinity there is no single part.

As I've said before, there are infinite integers, but integers still exist. So do decimals. The fact that there is an infinity between 1 and Infinity does not mean that there is an infinity between 1 and 1.01.

True, there are parts inside eternity, but there's one problem. When you're talking about mathematical eternity, or the fact that there are infinite numbers, you can randomly just pick one number and say it's part of eternity. You do know that mathematical (number) eternity runs both ways, but you can still pick any number as part of that eternity.

The same won't work with time, because you don't "appear" in the middle of eternity of time, you have to GET THERE in a linear fashion by going through TIME starting at the beginning. If there's no beginning, you could never get anywhere at all, because there'd always be eternity of time behind you.

With numbers, you didn't have to start at NEGATIVE INFINITY to pick out a random number. With time you MUST start at the beginning. If you don't start at the beginning, then there really is no time...

If you're still thinking about GOD who is outside of time, then the question still remains, if he is outside of time, who is inside the time? And if WE are inside the time, who created TIME for us? The only way we can be inside time and someone else be outside (like God) is if time doesn't exist, but we THINK it does. If it truly DOES exist, then everyone would be bound by it. Why? You cannot have someone outside of time, because then it doesn't explain where time would've come from. We know it cannot be infinite, so someone would have to create it. But you CANNOT create something in a timeless state of being. Things in that state either always "are" or don't exist.

If God is timeless that does not mean that time does not exist. It means god is unaffected by time

Like I said, if he's unaffected, then where did time come from? And if you were timeless, time can't stop for you. If it ever existed for you, it'd always exist for you.. unless it NEVER existed but you THOUGHT it did. If you only THINK it does, then it's your PERCEPTION that's altered, and that's about it. You can close your eyes and you perception would be that it's dark, but it doesn't mean it is. Then you can open your eyes and darkness is gone. But if someone shuts off the light, the only way to get out of the darkness is to turn the light back on, which means it would effect EVERYONE, unless of course some people had their eyes shut, so they'd still be in the dark. It's a matter of perception!

from this, God would almost definitely exist outside of time. It is like a river, and he has a boat. We, the fish, are caught in the current, the river goes around the earth, and God can snip-snap teleport himself to any point, and affect us! That's the point of God! He can do anything!

Ok but why are WE on that river? Who put us on the river? God might lie to us and tell us we are on a river, but he can never create time and put is on it. If time never existed, it never would. If it did exist, it always would. But if it always existed, then NO one created it, and then we cannot ever get to any point as there'd be infinity behind us.

A timeless God CANNOT create time, because in a state of timelessness, creation doesn't really exist. Creating something means that it was NOT there before, but AFTER you create it, it then exists. But in a timeless state, there is no such thing as before and after, is there?

I said: There is only being. If something "comes into being" and time doesn't exist, then that thing ALWAYS WAS
and you said:

That just does not make sense. If something just appears, and time doesn't exist, then the thing cannot have been something forever, because forever is a concept of time.

If time doesn't exist and something DOES appear, then it has always been.. therefore it can only be your PERCEPTION that it was "just created" but in reality it always was. What I mean by "forever" in this case isn't past/future forever, I just mean it just IS, it had no beginning, or creation. Beginnings/Creation are time-based concepts! Does that not make any sense to you? You cannot START something or CREATE something if there's no time. Anything that exists, exists. Anything that doesn't, doesn't. Nothing COMES into being. Therefore, anything that is ever possible, already IS.

And what's possible? EVERYTHING is possible.

And now, jesus lilblam, you think you are any less gullible for believing that you are going to ascend your physical body and move into the next dimension with a bunch of hippi #tards just because you want a change?

First of all, I do NOT believe anything. Second, I'm not going into any dimension, because I am already multi-dimensional. I do however hope to move one density up. I don't know how many "hippi #tards" are coming with me, but if you say so, they must, because your word is golden.

Get a grip man, thinking it will happen and trying to convince others it will doesn't make it happen

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, I'm just proposing a possibility and giving logical reason for it. What's a reason for moving to 4th density, timeless being? Well first, I realise there is no time and I am still in 3rd density. 2nd, I no longer revel in the simple "pleasures" that keep 3rd densities addicted to life. I'm no longer really compatible with this density level..

It is a sick cruel joke being played on you.

If you think it's a joke, please be my guest and laugh. If you think it's sick or cruel, those are your opinions and your perception, but you are free to judge anything based on your preconceptions and "knowledge" of what's real and what's NOT a sick and cruel joke. It's your choice.

There is no dimensional shift about to happen.

I hope repeating that over and over makes you feel better about it, I really do. In fact, if it really upsets you, you can even pretend I never mentioned anything.

It is the psychosis of a generation.

So now you think this generation has a severe mental disorder, aka it's insane. Again, I encourage you to keep telling yourself that, and you can tell that to anyone you please! Whatever makes you feel better...

There were cars, then planes, then a major war, then technology started, then the world ground to a halt, then it started up again with another major war, then we had nukes, then computers, then we were in space, and there was another war, and the government was brought to its knees, then the personal computer, then the internet, 2 wars in iraq, major attacks in the US, it is an entertainment form. Just like a person who watches a bunch of action movies in a row will want to see big action in the next movie they see, we have experienced major changes in the last century, and we expect more.
An earth-changing event, something new, terrible or great, but hoping that it is that we ascend to a new reality is not the best way to see your hopes fullfilled!

I think you misunderstand what it is to be going up to 4th density. It has nothing to do with those "spiritual promises" of ascension and love and light. Do you really think I'm moving up to Heaven or something? Let's get real, that's an ideology that makes you feel "good", and it seems good enough for those insecure souls who are afraid to face reality that there might not BE a perfect, blissful place entitled "Heaven". 4th density will involve struggle, pain, death, chaos, entertainment, and you NAME it. It is just as rounded and balanced as anything, so don't assume that it is my hope to escape the "evils" of this world or something. Nah, I welcome ALL experiences, be they negative OR positive, as they are equally important for me to learn from. 4th density simply provides a different array of experiences, as I'm bored with 3rd density, and all your technology. All of your "love" your "marriage" your "wars" your "conflicts" your "friendships" your "trust" your "honor" your "nationalism" your "entertainment" ... the list goes on. 3rd density lessons are almost complete for me. If all that I named (among other things) still intrigue you, then you're welcome to continue to exist in this density for as long as you desire. You can even ignore the possibility that another "existance" outside what you know is possible. It's interesting that you believe in an all-powerful yet separate entity "God" but not a different world, on a different level of consciousness.

Hope for the creation of a subspace engine, hope for the answer to the questions of life, hope for world peace, hope for clean energy, hope for something that makes sense! It is like choosing to try and win the lottery, or to get a good job, you can slack off and have your life suck and never win that lottery, but you can work hard and ensure yourself that awesome job.

Subspace engine would benefit those who want to survive here without fossil fuels and have a comfortable existance, but that's not my hope.
I do hope for the answer to the question of life, and I seek it with my mind, and it's working. But it IS an infinite question, and an infinite quest. You cannot ever know everything there is to know, there will always be another level on top of that, which you have not foreseen or perceived yet. Infinity is fun like that!

Now, world peace would be nice, and it would also terminate a lot of lessons that people receive during stuggles and war. So if there is world piece, people no longer receive the negative lessons (just as important as the positive ones, for perfect balance) from conflict, chaos, death, war, etc. Do you want peace? Try to figure out the reason for all the wars, try to look within human nature, to see what is the DRIVE of those who wage wars. This is at least what I do, I try to UNDERSTAND, not to CHANGE. If you want to CHANGE THE WORLD, you are welcome to do so. I want to understand the world, learn from it, and move on. I have no reason to change a single thing, it is perfect the way it is to me.

If my "hopes" do not make sense to you, then perhaps we are vibrating at different resonance frequency vibration, where you have more "worldly" desires to change/improve/alter the world, and I just want to learn from it, not touch a thing, and quietly move on. Does it upset you that I post online with this information?

I have nothing against you or anyone, and I appreciate your well-meant comments. If they're not well-meant, well I appreciate those too. Criticizm is always good, and every time you or someone else mentions something do you know what I do? I question EVERYTHING that I know, and think about it from scratch to make sure I am not lost/confused/led astray. I keep rechecking and double checking myself and always re-assess any knowledge that I have OVER and OVER, and question it all, ALL the time.

Anything I say, just take it as opinion. It may be fact to me, but to anyone else it is only an opinion. So take it all with a grain of salt, all I ask is that you THINK about it, or will that be a problem? Maybe by thinking about it objectively, you will arrive at a similar conclusion, and maybe not. It doesn't matter, and I welcome any and all opinions about what I say.

But if you think you KNOW that everything I said is a lie, that I belong with those "#tards" as you term them who falsely believe they're going to "ascend" to escape this world or something, that's your choice.

Sorry this had to be so lengthy, but I wanted to reply at every point you made individually, without bias. Notice I never told you to settle down, because commanding someone is futile unless they choose to obey. I cannot force you, now can I?

Amazingly religious people choose to obey an invisible God, because they think he will force them into Hell. Another grand illusion, illusion that someone can make you do ANYTHING you'd not want to do. Ever. But such is their choice.

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 12:21 AM
First off, I never said you were going to heaven.

Second off, I, too, question everything, that is why I am not going to be forcefed your bull#.

Third, Yes. My word is golden, You can do whatever it will take for you to become '4th densitisimal!!!' and r0xx0r your b0xXoRs for all I care, becase you're just some ignorant kid who'll end up killing himself because the whole world didn't change when his outlook did. I'll be the theoretical physicist sitting comfortably in my job as a professor, and you'll be dead, or on the streets begging, because you've been 'enlightened' to the 4th density.

I don't know where the f u c k you learned logic, but your teacher might as well as smacked you over the head with a sack of bricks because it doesn't exist in you.

Whoever fed you all this about 7 'magickal densities' that are the hierarchy of the universe should be dragged into the street and shot, or perhaps given an award, they've taken a further step towards ridding the world of you and those like you.

Next, where the #ING HELL do you get off saying that you question things, and I don't, so you're right, and I'm wrong? You don't #ing know # about me, or what I do, and I'd really like to see you never assume you do again.

I am not some moronic 8 year old who thinks mommy and daddy pay for their satellite, we're all going to heaven when we die and jesus loves me because I say so, I'm also not some crackpot who is convinced of the coming of the NWO within minutes, those 'things' that are everywhere inside people's heads or Bush being more than a money-thirsty oil tycoon! I'm an above-average intelligence Canadian, I'm an aspiring physicist, I'm a good person, I'm popular, and I sure as #ing hell don't want to hear two peeps about it out of you!

This argument is over.

[Edited on 23-1-2004 by Viendin]

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 01:05 AM
So basically if you're bored you move up a density?

I don't think anyone will ever experience everything this world has to offer. There's too much for one person, too many lessons?

As for this whole time is an illusion thing, I agree that time doesn't exist, as I said before it's the measure between changes. So like it or not, things change, the difference between them is time. Everything changes constantly, everywhere. And the difference between that you perceive as time.

And believing there is no time I don't think helps anyone, it's something you have to deal with because it dictates your life, all these little changes.

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Viendin
First off, I never said you were going to heaven.

Second off, I, too, question everything, that is why I am not going to be forcefed your bull#.

Third, Yes. My word is golden, You can do whatever it will take for you to become '4th densitisimal!!!' and r0xx0r your b0xXoRs for all I care, becase you're just some ignorant kid who'll end up killing himself because the whole world didn't change when his outlook did. I'll be the theoretical physicist sitting comfortably in my job as a professor, and you'll be dead, or on the streets begging, because you've been 'enlightened' to the 4th density.

I don't know where the f u c k you learned logic, but your teacher might as well as smacked you over the head with a sack of bricks because it doesn't exist in you.

Whoever fed you all this about 7 'magickal densities' that are the hierarchy of the universe should be dragged into the street and shot, or perhaps given an award, they've taken a further step towards ridding the world of you and those like you.

Next, where the #ING HELL do you get off saying that you question things, and I don't, so you're right, and I'm wrong? You don't #ing know # about me, or what I do, and I'd really like to see you never assume you do again.

I am not some moronic 8 year old who thinks mommy and daddy pay for their satellite, we're all going to heaven when we die and jesus loves me because I say so, I'm also not some crackpot who is convinced of the coming of the NWO within minutes, those 'things' that are everywhere inside people's heads or Bush being more than a money-thirsty oil tycoon! I'm an above-average intelligence Canadian, I'm an aspiring physicist, I'm a good person, I'm popular, and I sure as #ing hell don't want to hear two peeps about it out of you!

This argument is over.

[Edited on 23-1-2004 by Viendin]

Someone sure seems upset lol. So you tell ME to calm down, while you put on this little act? Does the cursing and put downs make you feel better about yourself? Well, like I already said before, whatever makes you feel happy!

Am I forcefeeding you anything? Do my opinions and posts make you feel really threatened and insecure in your comfortable world view? Because I'd hate to say anything that'd suddenly make you uncomfortable... you might lose your "cool" and cuss me out, tell me I'm illogical, and basically come up with a whole bunch of other stuff to call me. Like I said, whatever makes you happy! You can even call me Satan himself, the granddaddy of evil, if it pleases you!

Now I am some ignorant 8 yr old who has no logic, and deserves to be "dragged into the street and shot" along with anyone else who thinks like me. You'd LOVE to rid the world of anyone like me, and anyone who supposedly "taught me" those slanderous heresies that I dare corrupt your poor innocent mind with. Really, WHATEVER MAKES YOU HAPPY! :-)

But just like you said, you'll make sure you're a rich, smart, physics professor, and I will probably end up being a beggar on the street. Yup, you really pulled one over on me, I guess you win! Oh wait you also said I might be dead! Well you sit in that comfortable office chair, please by all means do so. I hope it is a nice, soft, expensive leather chair that brings you a lot of pleasure and joy, and I hope you get a lot of money! Whatever makes you happy!

Next, where the [V] HELL do you get off saying that you question things, and I don't, so you're right, and I'm wrong? You don't [V] know (c) about me, or what I do, and I'd really like to see you never assume you do again.

You know, everything you say, including the way you say it, really speaks for itself. Ask anyone reading this...

I'll ignore the rest of your comments. Now, you think I was arguing with you? No, I was merely explaining areas of my post that you seemed to not understand at all. Thus far, the only "8 year old" around here appears to be you. Where do I get off assuming something like that you may think... yes, where indeed...

[Edited on 23-1-2004 by lilblam]

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by MrDead
So basically if you're bored you move up a density?

I don't think anyone will ever experience everything this world has to offer. There's too much for one person, too many lessons?

As for this whole time is an illusion thing, I agree that time doesn't exist, as I said before it's the measure between changes. So like it or not, things change, the difference between them is time. Everything changes constantly, everywhere. And the difference between that you perceive as time.

And believing there is no time I don't think helps anyone, it's something you have to deal with because it dictates your life, all these little changes.

Time seems to dictate your life, for now. But if your perception is altered, it wouldn't do that any longer, now would it?

Now, you cannot perceive that there is no time quite so easily, but you can understand it. That understanding alone very much helps me. The same reason Einstein's Theory of Relativity cannot really be "perceived" or help you in your daily life. But does it make it truly useless?

Also about the lessons. Who says you only have one lifetime to do these lessons? And who says everyone needs the same lessons, and the same number of lessons and that they should be taught to them or experienced in the same manner? You could be learning hundreds of lessons per day, while someone else could learn 3. Besides, I never said I experienced everything this world has to offer, because once I am beyond a certain threshold of understanding, all those experiences that I did not receive (maybe in this lifetime anyway), I no longer desire. Money? Power? Entertainment? Movies? Videogames? Travel? Well I'm interested in TRUTH, not distractions/illusions for the most part. Sure things can be entertaining and fun, but they're not the focus of my existance, as they are for many others. Prime example is our friend Viendin. He revels in money, power, and popularity.. these things are what matter to him, as he stated:

I'll be the theoretical physicist sitting comfortably in my job as a professor....

That's one of his goals, and notice it is not really the field that interests him. It is the comfortable situation and money that is created, hence the emphasis on that part. Also:

I'm an above-average intelligence Canadian, I'm an aspiring physicist, I'm a good person, I'm popular, and I sure as [V] hell don't want to hear two peeps about it out of you!

As you can see, he passes judgement on himself and thinks he is better than the "average" person. He also considers popularity important, or at least important enough to mention to ME as that should make me jealous or upset... else he wouldn't use that. One last note, see the way criticizm emotionally impacts him and he is not able to control himself and goes into a state of anger/insecurity? Well those things I am trying to overcome entirely, as they are part of this world and I've learned most of what I need from them. I do not easily succumb and let my emotions rule me in such an easy manner. Belittling others also doesn't make me "happy" nor dragging them out and killing them in the street!

Proving that I am better than the "average citizen" or "popular" also doesn't boost my ego, as EGO is something I am trying to get rid of. It is one of the big reasons people like VIENDIN (and there are MANY MANY people like him) act the way they do. I hope this helps.

Weird how he can CLAIM to be above average intelligence, and then instantly create a post such as that. Makes you wonder, what else does he "claim" but will fail to live up to?

[Edited on 23-1-2004 by lilblam]

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by lilblam

If time exists, then we know for a FACT that energy is eternal.
If energy is eternal, we must have eternity behind us in the past.
But we cannot have eternity behind us, because we can never GO THROUGH eternity to get where we are.
Because eternity means NEVER ENDS, so we'd STILL BE WAITING before being created out of energy.
By we I mean ANYTHING, so NOTHING would ever exist, it'd first have to wait eternity before it can be shaped.

couldn't time just be a circle?
eternity in both directions which fold in on each other.

contained infinity
the universe - infinite but expanding?

all there is are contradictions.

conflict leads to resolution.
resolution meets new conflict
onward forever.

that is progress, time, and life.

sorry for the choppy, free verse post. Discussing time and eternity is not something i do well with normal thought/sentence structure.

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 01:49 AM
Sure you can think of it like a circle, with any point being both, beginning, and end. Very good concept. But I must ask the question then, how long have we been spinning around on that circle? If forever, then it just goes right back into my argument that you cannot do that... at all. So if we're spinning around in many cycles, and there are infinity of cycles, we couldn't possibly be spinning for eternity before reaching the cycle we're on now... see what I mean? Although, it would be possible to look at the entire circle from the outside perspective and see us spinning on it. But that means it is our perception that's spinning around a circle in a linear fashion, and not really "time". We "think" there's time, that's all. Others can see the entire circle at all times...

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 01:52 AM
This is an interesting thread.
lilblam, thanks for the answers, but I have more questions.
I'm just curious about the lessons - Do you know how many, what kind of lessons etc. Is this time theory a lesson? Does everyone have to learn it? How do you know that there are even things you have to learn? Is it similar to nirvana or something like enlightenment?

Ack, whats going on?
Where are these ideas from?
Sorry if I'm straying OT a bit.

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by lilblam
But that means it is our perception that's spinning around a circle in a linear fashion, and not really "time". We "think" there's time, that's all. Others can see the entire circle at all times...

But time is what allows us the see ourselves at various points on the circle.
Whether it is we or the circle that is spinning doesn't matter. It would appear the same from the outside.
Time is what seperates the me reading your post from the me responding.
If time didn't exist, I'd be both.
I'd be everything all at once.
I'd be the circle.

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by quango

Originally posted by lilblam
But that means it is our perception that's spinning around a circle in a linear fashion, and not really "time". We "think" there's time, that's all. Others can see the entire circle at all times...

But time is what allows us the see ourselves at various points on the circle.
Whether it is we or the circle that is spinning doesn't matter. It would appear the same from the outside.
Time is what seperates the me reading your post from the me responding.
If time didn't exist, I'd be both.
I'd be everything all at once.
I'd be the circle.

The problem is, you ARE the circle. Do you think those nuts who meditate "I am one with the universe" in yoga classes are crazy? Well perhaps... but the meditation is solid!

There IS no circle, and there IS no spoon !

You are the circle, and yet there is no circle. Your whole being is intrenched in linear thought, and there is no difference or time delay between your question and your response. You knew both, it is your perception that made you think that one is separated from the other. I am also you, and you are me. We are absolutely one and the same thing. If we have an illusion that we are separate entities, that's our problem

Because our brains are infinite, or have no limit, we are the same. Why? Because 2 things that are infinite are exactly the same thing aren't they? If I knew everything there was, and you knew everything there was, would that not mean we know exactly the same thing?

So anyways, I cannot really explain to you a timeless perception, as I do not yet have it. I can speculate and maybe even come close, but I'd still not know for sure. But you know, patience is a virtue. I have other things to learn (and so do you) before either of us moves on to any other density. Learning is gradual, one step at a time. It might be from a different perspective or perception, and might take absolutely different forms, but it is still one step at a time, building layer upon layer of knowledge.

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by lilblam
The problem is, you ARE the circle. Do you think those nuts who meditate "I am one with the universe" in yoga classes are crazy? Well perhaps... but the meditation is solid!

There IS no circle, and there IS no spoon !

You are the circle, and yet there is no circle. Your whole being is intrenched in linear thought, and there is no difference or time delay between your question and your response. You knew both, it is your perception that made you think that one is separated from the other. I am also you, and you are me. We are absolutely one and the same thing. If we have an illusion that we are separate entities, that's our problem

Because our brains are infinite, or have no limit, we are the same. Why? Because 2 things that are infinite are exactly the same thing aren't they? If I knew everything there was, and you knew everything there was, would that not mean we know exactly the same thing?

So anyways, I cannot really explain to you a timeless perception, as I do not yet have it. I can speculate and maybe even come close, but I'd still not know for sure. But you know, patience is a virtue. I have other things to learn (and so do you) before either of us moves on to any other density. Learning is gradual, one step at a time. It might be from a different perspective or perception, and might take absolutely different forms, but it is still one step at a time, building layer upon layer of knowledge.

I have to admit, I was baiting you so you'd say that for me. I agree 100% w/ you. However, my goals seem to lie in the exact opposite direction from yours. (Although we'll both end up in the same place eventually.)
To me, saying I am the circle, there is no circle, you are me, and me is you, is so self evident that it has lost all meaning.
I have lost sight of the point of it all.
And I'm currently combing through every inch of existence to find it.

(i have a bad memory for an infinite being.)

So to me, time does exist and is very important. I'm trying to understand why the 'splintering' of the Oneness occurs.

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 06:38 AM
Ahm, this point isn't made for my sake, it is made for the sake of physics.

Physics Professors really don't get paid much, they get paid 40-60 thousand a year in a good job, and there haven't been many physics openings lately, because they wiped out the maximum work age where they force them to retire, the guys can work until they die.

Because of this, and the end of the cold war, funding to University physics programs has been cut short and people rarely become professors anymore.

My personal aim to become a professor isn't one of money, popularity, or even power. Believe it or not you have guessed me wrong, as the reason I have become so heated on this subject is because it is unfounded, it is not a proof, and it tries to fly in the face of physics.

The second reason I've grown so unhappy is because the whole reason you've made this thread seems to be to 'free' the minds of 3rd density people, so that they can join you in ..condensing? to the 4th level.

Because of those, I feel your motives on nonexistence of time are highly questionable, and your original statement does have numerous problems.

In doing my duty I have failed, I went the way of intentional force rather than calm logic, and I knew it from the moment I hit submit last night, so I knew that I may as well have thrown all of my weight into sounding 'mean'.

Lets wait 15 years, see if you raise up a denitial level, and see if the world has a major shift. If either happens, I'll owe you a coke.

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 08:24 AM
although the original theory in this post is interesting, I am not entirely comfortable with its logic. However, I cannot dispute it. for interests sake I have my own theory and would be interested in others thoughts on it. it's a kind of 'mind clamp' theory which I mused over a little while ago. it's a bit of a hotch potch of ideas but in escence seems have some viability at least to myself and a number of acquaintences.

let's say that 'time' consists of the entire history and future of the universe. ie what i am doing now (typeing this) is an inevitable and preset action on the 'time line'. My 'mind' happens to be 'clamped' to this particular moment in time (or segment of time). Therfore I am experiencing this 'now'. ANother mind may be 'clamped' to a moment during WWII and therefore be experiencing whatever is associated with that moment. A conversation I hold with a colleague 'now' may not necessarily be 'now' for that colleague - he may be experiencing now as sometime in the past or future / neither 'mind' would ever be able to determine this. If the mind is 'travelling' along the time line in a forward direction this would allow history to be a valid concept for that particular 'mind' but the 'future' would not be available.
You can then theorise that whatever a 'mind' is (and I do not have any theories on this
, may have the ability to 'clamp' onto another portion of the time-line via perhaps another dimension. I satisfy myself that this may explain some 'past-life' experiences. I'm still thinking about other consequences of an entire time line and the possibility that what is 'now' to my mind is not necessarily what is 'now' to another mind. I visualise time as having a beginning but no end (time being abstract for the distance along the experience-time-line).
I apologise in advance if this seems a little disjointed and pointless, but I have returned from the pub after discussing this with colleagues and bundled it together as an afterthought...


posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 08:44 AM
i dont wana sound stupid but your saying that i could be typing to you and your in a different "time"???

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 08:57 AM
not exactly. I'm saying that my 'mind' may be 'tuned' to a different point in time and that what you are seeing as 'now' is not necessarily the same 'now' that I am seeing.
For may be experiencing 'now' as next Tuesday (as far as I [my mind] am [is] concerned). I am experiencing now as today and have just read your post but to you [your mind] that may be in the past (by several days or years perhaps).
I'm trying to theorise that 'now' may not be synchronised accross all 'minds' (if that makes sense).

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Viendin
Ahm, this point isn't made for my sake, it is made for the sake of physics.

Physics Professors really don't get paid much, they get paid 40-60 thousand a year in a good job, and there haven't been many physics openings lately, because they wiped out the maximum work age where they force them to retire, the guys can work until they die.

Because of this, and the end of the cold war, funding to University physics programs has been cut short and people rarely become professors anymore.

My personal aim to become a professor isn't one of money, popularity, or even power. Believe it or not you have guessed me wrong, as the reason I have become so heated on this subject is because it is unfounded, it is not a proof, and it tries to fly in the face of physics.

The second reason I've grown so unhappy is because the whole reason you've made this thread seems to be to 'free' the minds of 3rd density people, so that they can join you in ..condensing? to the 4th level.

Because of those, I feel your motives on nonexistence of time are highly questionable, and your original statement does have numerous problems.

In doing my duty I have failed, I went the way of intentional force rather than calm logic, and I knew it from the moment I hit submit last night, so I knew that I may as well have thrown all of my weight into sounding 'mean'.

Lets wait 15 years, see if you raise up a denitial level, and see if the world has a major shift. If either happens, I'll owe you a coke.

I'll take you up on the coke. If it doesn't, I'll buy you a beer (If I have any money).

Anyways, no offense taken, and I understand your frustration. I'm not trying to force any opinion on anyone, I'm also not trying to forcefully wake anyone up from anything. I offer what I know, and if it makes sense to someone and they want to research it further, then by all means please do. My goal is to spark interest in certain people, not to get them over to "my side" so they can all go ahead and advance with me, I do not yet know IF or WHEN I'll be going anywhere. I do know that there are certain "signs" that help identify if the person is ready to move on, but I'm also no expert.

I think you are confusing me with TRAINEDFORTHIS, because he obviously has motives and lies through his teeth. 90% of his statements are just religious drivel combined with a hint of conspiracy, wrapped in a "Because the Holy Spirit told me so, so therefore I am right" logic. He has an agenda. I have no such thing!

So I'm just sharing my thoughts and ideas openly, to see if anything comes of this. I may know something, but I won't ever try to convince you that I am right. I'll tell you what I know, and the logic (if any) behind it, and you can do whatever you like with it, including completely disregarding everything I ever say.

That's all!

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by lilblam

What I CAN back up is that time does not exist. That's ONE illusion I know for a FACT is an illusion.

Here's some help:

Time is greatly misunderstood in third-dimensional reality:

you believe that time is measured in minutes or degrees. Time is much vaster than you realize. In actuality, time codes and plays with information, allowing you to move into realities simultaneously by stretching, distorting, curving, and twisting time around. You can get on an elliptical curve of time and experience many realities by simply going around the elliptical curve and discovering that, as time is not "solid," neither is reality.

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 08:54 AM
Honestly, Time is lights history. Man made time to keep track of light. Thats it.

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 11:31 AM
You may be right that "there is no time," but there is a more simple explanation. Consider that we are actually slightly in the future, by way of the delayed effect of perceptions, how the nervous system works.

Given that certain people have faster metabolic rates than the average, they would be at an advantage. Einstein wrote that consciousness has a great deal to do with his theory about time-space. indeed both are integral. So it may follow that "there is no time," but there is "time-space," given such as stated above is sound, logical, and true.

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 07:19 PM
when you think about it, time is a word we created with a definition to explain things that already happened, are happening now, and things that haven't happened yet

trying to explain the way the universe works (discussing time/infinity/eternity) is over our heads as human beings, just like the Egyptians when they couldn't explain why the Nile river flooded the same time every year, so they started the calendar, and when they couldn't figure out why it rained, they said it was a God and gave it a name

something that was over their heads, they created a word with a definition and explanation to satisfy themselves, and I think that is what time is, another example just like that, and we have yet to discover the true workings of "time" and the universe

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