All I wanted from you was a simple weather report site , no waves. Instead I get NASA,DIA,FBI, OHS, KGB, commies,conservatives, patriots,
ghostbusters,tinfoliers, and Cayce fanatics, all up in my tail. Oh Yeah, you're gettin in that pink car and act like you're havin the time of your
Dave - "I just don't get it! Sending Luke to Tatooine to grow up with Anakin's HALF BROTHER does not make sense! Admit it! That would be the
first place to look! Who's payroll is Lucas on anyway?"
Springer - (to himself) "doesn't he realize Star Wars is fake?"
Dave: So you know the Thorazine rifle you gave me to use on Lear when he goes out of control? Well, he was doing his "I'm a Little Teapot"
routine and just when he went to show his spout, I drew a bead on him. But he was wobbling around so much, I missed. Caught some state senator's
wife in the neck with the dart. Think that'll be a problem?