posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 11:40 PM
A recent thread posed the question "If you were a terrorist, what would you do next?"
After postings extending aprox 5 pages, the thread appears to have been pulled, trash-canned. I have been unable to elicit an explanation as to why
this was done; perhaps, as often is the case, foul manners and personal attacks, inconsistant with this board's T&C's were to blame.
Again, I do not know.
I do know that I had made a posting to that thread, the gist of which I'd like to re-submit here, at this time. Bear in mind that this is purely
speculation on my part, but I believe it could tie in to what many of us here seem to be catching the "spoor" of.
In that earlier thread (and in threads even earlier) I postulated that a likely target for terrorist exploitation would be the nation's railroad
system; specifically, the freight carrying portion of the system.
I proposed that with easily obtained, indigenous materials, and information readily gleened from both the internet and by simple observation,
terrorists already "in-country" could turn the nation's freight rail system into a co-ordinated delivery system for "weapons of massive
The very nature and scale of the rail system itself would serve as proof against effective preventative efforts: there would be no workable
alternative short of shutting the entire system down, and then reducing the traffic through the system to a tiny fraction of its normal volume to
ensure safety.
The result of such a "Cure"?
Given that the vast majority of this nation's food, raw materials, and manufactured products are, at least at some point, shipped by rail, the
immediate effect would be localized shortages of all these items.
The immediate economic effect would be utter chaos.
The ultimate effect, given the current state of the US economy, potentially an economic collapse not seen since the Great Depression.
What might follow such an occurance, politically, is anybody's guess.
I have to believe that our elected officials and those responsible for our nation's security are cognizant of the danger.
Many of the actions we've seen taken over the last couple of years, and especially the last few months (and weeks!), seem to indicate their growing
awareness of some sort of rapidly approaching, looming threat.
Something undefinible, and apparently, unavoidable.
Something that has driven many in positions of power within the US and allied governments to consider even the most Draconian of measures, previously
unthinkable in a free society, to be considered as possibly "prudent".
Now, as they said in Chicago back in 1968, and to an even greater extent thanks to the internet, and sites like ATS:
"The Whole World Is Watching!"
And waiting.