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Pyramids - Human Or Alien Made?

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posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 04:10 PM
I think this guy in another forum was correct -

Apr 21 2006, 05:20 PM
Went to the grave with Edward Leedskalnin.

"The Secret To The Universe Is 7129 / 6105195"

"Gave my heart an engagement ring, She left everything, Everything I gave her, Oh sweet sixteen"*

I just found the statement "Edward Leedskalnin would only respond to precisly two rings at his Rock Gate"

cos(6105195) = cos(45)
45x16 = 720 = 360x2 = 2 rings

cos(7129) = cos(71)
71x16 = 1136 = the speed of sound

Edward knew the secret and it went to the grave with him.

*"Sweet Sixteen" By Billy Idol.

Just as a note Ed had a 30 ton block at coral castle which is pretty dam heavy..

[edit on 4-9-2007 by Freezer]

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 07:53 PM

Can you please site your sources on these "diaries and palace records" of the building of the pyramids? Otherwise, nobody is going to believe you (especialy myself)

I would truly love to, but i havnt seen these kind of sources on the internet.

Ive seen them in a few books, however.

Ill try to search for you.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by Octavius Maximus

Aight, I mis-spoke regarding the "no tools" statement. my disbelief of copper tools creating these pyramids is too strong.
These are the tools claimed to have been used in achieving the precision found at this wiki page
....selected quote below....

At completion, the Great Pyramid was surfaced by white 'casing stones' – slant-faced, but flat-topped, blocks of highly polished white limestone. These caused the monument to shine brightly in the sun, making it visible from a considerable distance. Visibly all that remains is the underlying step-pyramid core structure seen today, but several of the casing stones can still be found around the base. The casing stones of the Great Pyramid and Khafre's Pyramid (constructed directly beside it) were cut to such optical precision as to be off true plane over their entire surface area by only 0.5 mm. They were fitted together so perfectly that the tip of a knife cannot be inserted between the joints even to this day.
The passages inside the pyramid are all extremely straight and precise, such that the longest of them, referred to as the descending passage, which is 107 m long, deviates from being truly straight by less than 6 mm, while one of the shorter passages with a length of just over 15 m deviates from being truly straight by a mere 0.5 mm.

That is EXTREME precision in a time without iron tools. The "iron age started about 1000 years later.
People believe copper chisels/drills were used to this perfection in even 5 lifetimes? I'm not saying with absolute certainty that it's not possible, but it stretches rational thought like a rubber band holding a brick.

This is why I have such an issue with the hieroglyphics missing in the pyramid but only found above the king's chamber. Tools at that time seem too weak.

Add into the mix that it's also speculated that the pyramid was made 10,000 years ago which pre-dates the use of copper in tools. Talk about a bag of lit fireworks if that were proven true.

I'll have to dig up what the hieroglyphs said above the King's chamber to revisit that as a new point of interest because from what I remember it didn't make literal sense and resembled the Egyptian knowledge currently known at the time of discovery; which is why speculation persists that the hieroglyphs were "planted" to validate the Khufu claim.
Using the same argument that rituals were "INCREDIBLY" important, it doesn't make sense if that were the case to write anything within the pyramid, even if it were blessing Khufu, because the harmony within the structure would be "off" by using that thought pattern.

I have the utmost respect and am in complete awe regarding the accomplishments of the Egyptians. The stonewalling of further investigation into the pyramids after claims of more chambers discovered combined with even more issues that would make this particular post a novel, raise legitimate questions that I still haven't really been given resounding answers.


posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 04:30 AM
Pyramids can affect gold and perhaps other metals.

Pyramids induct energies or aether.

Humans, properly electrochemicaly attuned, alledgedly can become possessed in the aether or feel the light relaxing sensation. And is why the tomb was placed inside. The energy perhaps links up to a fourth dimensional portal as speculated by several people on earth. But then again, when i die, dont think id want to spend eternity with my corpse in a dank dark room.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 04:55 AM
Wow! What an incredible ride. Kudos to Kurious for the links. The only thing I am sure of after all this is how little we really know. As far as the egyptian reliefs it is astounding how similar they all are in design. I remember reading about two years ago a group or scientist (sorry I can't remember exactly) wanted to metal cast the top of the pyramids and were summarily denied by the Egyptian government. I also read the pyramids were once ordained by white marble which was dismantled and used in the building of much of Cairo and other cities. The tops were said to be inlaid by gold. Hmmm, huge capacitor sounds like to me like the simple vase filled half with wine with a copper wire running thru it and a neutral lining between two conductive plates, the first dc battery. The ark of the covenant is said to be made similarly, some who got to close at certain times if it was within magnetic waylines got an instant tan and an early retirement. As frustrating as this post and threads have been I believe everyone here has come away enlightened. Thank you, John

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:06 AM

Aight, I mis-spoke regarding the "no tools" statement. my disbelief of copper tools creating these pyramids is too strong.
These are the tools claimed to have been used in achieving the precision found at this wiki page
....selected quote below....

Please, dont trust wiki. You need to see these tools in life to know how precise they are.

Luckily i have this chance

That is EXTREME precision in a time without iron tools. The "iron age started about 1000 years later.

Consider the Romans, a tad later, sure. But they built an aqueduct which was 59 miles long and went at a constant gradient of 30cm of height every 10 or so metres.

Being a Master craftsman today is nothing compared to an ancient engineer.

People believe copper chisels/drills were used to this perfection in even 5 lifetimes? I'm not saying with absolute certainty that it's not possible, but it stretches rational thought like a rubber band holding a brick.

It doesnt to me. Again, only the real basic tools are required for this job, it just takes skill, dedication and time. All 3 of which the Egyptians had.

Add into the mix that it's also speculated that the pyramid was made 10,000 years ago which pre-dates the use of copper in tools. Talk about a bag of lit fireworks if that were proven true.

Its incredibly difficult to date such things with any degree of accuracy. Stone is unliving so more conventional dating methods such as radiocarbon dating become useless.

They are all a uniform shape, so looking at similarities in architectural style with other buildings becomes impossible.

I'll have to dig up what the hieroglyphs said above the King's chamber to revisit that as a new point of interest because from what I remember it didn't make literal sense and resembled the Egyptian knowledge currently known at the time of discovery; which is why speculation persists that the hieroglyphs were "planted" to validate the Khufu claim.

That may be true, but any person who desacrates such a monument is less than human in my eyes.

Using the same argument that rituals were "INCREDIBLY" important, it doesn't make sense if that were the case to write anything within the pyramid, even if it were blessing Khufu, because the harmony within the structure would be "off" by using that thought pattern.

But building a pyramid wasnt a ritual. A pyramid was nothing until it was completed.

Pyramids can affect gold and perhaps other metals.

Pyramids induct energies or aether.

I can affect gold by hitting it with anything of any shape, whats your point?

also read the pyramids were once ordained by white marble which was dismantled and used in the building of much of Cairo and other cities. The tops were said to be inlaid by gold.'s%20Pyramid%20outer%20casing%20closeup,%20100-25tb.jpg

The gold is said, yes.

But white marble is a no no. Its actually polished limestone.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 01:11 PM
when working with mag res, a chisel is not needed. freezer, yes the ring is of high value because it is a constant without an end, which is needed when trapping your mags from your source.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 10:09 PM
...if they didnt need chisels, why have we found ancient Egyptian Chisels then?

Sorry bout the image problem, here it is again


Dammit! it still doesnt work

Right...Go to google images, type in 'Pyramid Limestone'

First image there.

The pyramid still has the top of its original limestone casing.

[edit on 5-9-2007 by Octavius Maximus]

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 10:10 PM
Why do people insist on making something more complex than it has to be?

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 08:36 AM
Because people get unhappy when they dont understand something they lots of hard work and good experience.

They find it easier to just blame something which is impossible to gods or aliens.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Octavius Maximus
Because people get unhappy when they dont understand something they lots of hard work and good experience.

So your claiming to understand how the pyramids were built? Your claiming to understand how they brought these rocks all the way to the top of a 4 story pile? Your claiming that 100's of 1,000's of slaves and workers all were so precise in their labors that they made this monstrous formation absolutely symmetrical and perfectly aligned with the stars without making a single mistake? What contributes to that sort of synchronization?

They find it easier to just blame something which is impossible to gods or aliens.

Is it easier or just more reasonable? Why would they not put this effort towards something that would benefit society, rather than just a big pile of stones? Was their king really worth it to them, or was there a higher purpose?

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 08:03 PM

So your claiming to understand how the pyramids were built? Your claiming to understand how they brought these rocks all the way to the top of a 4 story pile? Your claiming that 100's of 1,000's of slaves and workers all were so precise in their labors that they made this monstrous formation absolutely symmetrical and perfectly aligned with the stars without making a single mistake? What contributes to that sort of synchronization?

Ive already said so in this thread, the effect of the precise nature of Egyptian culture and extelligence has on its people is immense.

It takes time, dilligence and experience.

They find it easier to just blame something which is impossible to gods or aliens.

Is it easier or just more reasonable? Why would they not put this effort towards something that would benefit society, rather than just a big pile of stones? Was their king really worth it to them, or was there a higher purpose?

more reasonable?

Building a pyramid DID benefit society. Their King was not only the son of Ra, the king of the gods and god of the sun, but also he was the earthly incarnation of Horus, or Seth, or Both.

by following the demands of the Pharaoh to the letter, and making his tomb perfect in all accounts, they gained the favour of not only their leader, but they gained the favour of the gods themselves, and did not risk being destroyed by them.

Just look through this thread for my posts, ive answered most of your questions in them already.

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