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Pyramids - Human Or Alien Made?

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posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 11:30 PM
OK, first we're talking about the Great Pyramid. (just so we don't have too broad a scope)

What do you mean by a 'long period of time'?

If you look at the common theories, it was supposedly built within 23 years, the reign of Khufu.

They did a time and motion study and discovered that even if you increase the workers at some point there are diminishing returns (people get in each other's way, no place to house them, etc.).

From Wiki:

A construction management study (testing) carried out by the firm Daniel, Mann, Johnson, & Mendenhall in association with Mark Lehner and other Egyptologists, estimates that the total project required an average workforce of 14,567 people and a peak workforce of 40,000. Without the use of pulleys, wheels, or iron tools, they surmise the Great Pyramid was completed from start to finish in approximately 10 years.

Opinions vary, but numbers in the range of 20,000 to 50,000 to one initial estimate of 100,000. So it's in a fairly narrow range; IOW, we're not talking a quarter million or anything.

What did you have in mind for figures? Do you have a cite?

Just curious...

PS, by the way, there are some aspects of the build that are unresolved, such as how they did the final courses and how they placed the Cap Stone. IOW, having a gazillion laborers isn't going to help if you reach a point where there is no leverage or a place to stand or the ramp becomes so large it's bigger than the pyramid. So, time and numbers of laborers is not the whole answer.

[edit on 29-8-2007 by Badge01]

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by agent violet

Why would you not reveal the "instrument"?
If hundreds of thousand of peasants knew the "instrument" to build the pyramids at one time and a man knew the"instrument" to build the coral castle and kept the secret to himself, I feel as a fellow human who searches like everyone else for knowledge and also freely gives it if it's helpful to others, statements like yours seem to need ANY sort of justification.
Otherwise your statements sound like so many others who "know the truth" but don't "reveal" for "reasons they cannot divulge"
I just have so many harsh words that beg to be written but I'll give you a chance to at least somewhat explain a valid reason for why you wouldn't tell.. such as "mankind wouldn't know how to handle the truth because it would destroy itself with it" Not even giving a reason for not telling looks fake. Sounds fake. and is bundled up with a million other "fakes"

Otherwise, read "the Sirius Mystery" written by Robert Temple, explain how the Dogan knew about Sirius and the orbital paths of surrounding planets not even able to be seen by the eye or modern instruments till the 90's, explain how they have plant-life like no other on Earth with capabilities like none other on Earth, explain why metal bands are stranded throughout pyramids like giant conducting componets, explain the religious myths that mirror one another among cultures that traverse oceans and then come back and tell me "overwhelmingly" made by humans. Man I could rattle off hundreds of hours of research topics that suggest man was not alone involved...

Facts "overwhelmingly" suggest that if they were made by humans (which I believe as well) then they were guided and taught by "aliens" and this "instrument" you tuck away should be revealed in the same way as teaching mathematics for others to benefit and learn to help others learn and evolve. i

Also a common thread among people who claim these knowledge treasure chests regarding "ancient" technology keep referring to "soon" it will be revealed.
With as many conspiracies out there, the ancient knowledge lost in the sands of time is my pet peeve. if anyone knows and isn't telling because of some "plan" they think will reveal itself, then join line of thousands of others whose timelines just keep fading away..
I can't even believe I actually wrote this much on here.. it must be the amount of hours I've put in the past few days..


posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 06:33 AM
Well not to put too fine a point on it, but I can think of half a dozen legitimate reasons for not divulging everything.

Writing a book; member of a group that 'purchased' this information so it's proprietary; told by someone in position of authority not to say certain things; discovered that the thing is dangerous and telling the public might cause harm and liability...

But I can tell you if you read the thread and use some search engines and read a little you'll see that she virtually tells us what it is.

After all, not to be coy about it, but isn't it more fun to figure it out yourself, kinda like a hard crossword puzzle?

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 06:51 AM
So noone is going to reply on my point about the fake Hieroglyphs?

Oh well, all that work for nothing.

nah, it was pretty simple really.

A construction management study (testing) carried out by the firm Daniel, Mann, Johnson, & Mendenhall in association with Mark Lehner and other Egyptologists, estimates that the total project required an average workforce of 14,567 people and a peak workforce of 40,000. Without the use of pulleys, wheels, or iron tools, they surmise the Great Pyramid was completed from start to finish in approximately 10 years.

Wait, why didnt the Egyptians have pulleys or wheels?!

The most definatly DID have pulleys and Wheels!!!

Badge- Your defending her saying that someone may be writing a book.

So wait, your putting a price on opinions?


posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 07:12 AM
Oct, no I'm not defending her or claiming the Egyptians had no tools or pulleys.

1. I quoted wiki - those were their words about pulleys not mine. How you interpret the meaning of what that quote said is up to you. (maybe the meant it didn't -require- pulleys, not that they didn't have them)

2. I just said 'legit' reasons. I never said I agreed with them or that it wasn't a bit frustrating when people talk about 'secret' things.


posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Octavius Maximus
So noone is going to reply on my point about the fake Hieroglyphs?

Oh well, all that work for nothing. nah, it was pretty simple really.

Uhm, that was my post and I stand guilty as charged. Although I personally never claimed the "ancient image" was in fact real, I can see why you would take issue with it's source. The site I linked to does, in fact, infer that is an ancient image/device. I cannot vouch for its validity. Sorry if I spread dis-info. Nice catch and good eye. I am still learning and stand corrected. I appreciate your due diligence.


This thread does have me inspired and intrigued. I look forward to more discussion.


[edit on 30-8-2007 by kinda kurious]

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 09:47 AM

1. I quoted wiki - those were their words about pulleys not mine. How you interpret the meaning of what that quote said is up to you. (maybe the meant it didn't -require- pulleys, not that they didn't have them)

I think when you have human labourers pulling stones weighing several tonnes, you will want pulleys and wheels.

Also, we must remember that a large amount of the workers were not slaves. Some were nobles who considered it an honour to work on the Pharaohs burial monument.

2. I just said 'legit' reasons. I never said I agreed with them or that it wasn't a bit frustrating when people talk about 'secret' things.

Well its obvious she doesnt want to keep it secret, since she mentioned it. If she truly wanted to keep it secret, then she would have held her tongue.

She didnt. to me that means that she is lying, or that she doesnt keep a secret well.

If she is lying, then i hope she doesnt continue.

If she cant keep a secret well, i apologise, and hope she doesnt return simply so she keeps the secret with which she was entrusted.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 05:53 PM
For Octavius Maximus

I think I have found a real and verifiable image for you regarding the images depicting some sort of device. They are from Dendera.


While this site does a fair job of de-bunking them as "lamps" they are nonetheless actual photos similar to the ones I posted before.

Also something similar here:
( Scroll to middle of page. ) Looks like these were photoshopped with
emoboss filter.

Do you still stand by your claim of fake Hieroglyphs?
Just attempting to set the record straight here.


[edit on 30-8-2007 by kinda kurious]

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 06:46 PM
I do not say much on here...but I do agree with Bspiracy.
If agentviolet does know what instrument was used and how to activate this instrument, and does not want to tell anyone about it...then why did she say anything at all? She is being like "I know a secret...nee neer nee neer!"
And if badge01 and skyfloating both figured it one is keeping them from saying what it one is "not allowing" them to tell, they are just going along with the "let's keep a secret and see how many people we can anger" attitude.

All I am saying is

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 08:56 PM
Thanks muchly Kinda Kurious, that is intriguing.

well firstly you have to take a few things into account.

firstly, It is in a temple to Hathor, the Egyptian Goddess of Fertility.

secondly, at the base of the 'device' it is a lotus blossom, a very potent symbol in Egyptian mythology, as one of their beliefs is that Ra, the sun god, is born every morning from a Lotus blossom.

thirdly, Inside the devices protrusion, you can see a serpent.

Now, The Lotus and the Serpent are links to one thing, Ra crossing the underworld.

In Egyptian Mythology they believe that when Ra Crosses the underworld he does so on a bark (a small ship). While crossing the water level begins to drop, this is because the serpent Apophis (a symbol of Chaos) is drinking the water.

Every day Seth needs to kill Apophis so Ra can continue on to rise the next day as the sun.

Now, here you can see the Lotus blossom, a symbol of life (Ra's birth), in a temple of Hathor (goddess of fertility), pushing out a great beam, with a serpent in it (chaos)

Could this not be a symbol for creation itself?

Life springs from the lotus blossom, and it is ordered, but within it lies chaos.

Im not claiming this is true,its just an idea, but you must remember that Egyptian Hieroglyphs are INCREDIBLY Symbolic. Especially the ones in temples. putting some sort of device for building pyramids into their art is strange enough, but putting it in a temple to Hathor makes absolutly no sense at all.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Octavius Maximus

Wow, that is some fantastic insight. I am fascinated by your description and theory. It seems the more I learn about this stuff, the more I don't know. You obviously have advanced knowledge of that culture.

If you could point me to any specific links where I might gain further knowledge, that would be great. I find alot of dead-ends by simple Google searches.


posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 09:48 PM
I believe they are entirely human made. You shouldn't underestimate human ability; capable of great success... and great failure.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 09:56 PM
Thanks KK, i was just hoping to open your mind to other ideas.

This is where my information comes from
The internet may be limitless in size, but its size means the truth is harder to find.

I will give you some wiki Pages, however. Which may help or destroy my theory.

This is full of conjecture however, people on wiki are acting as if the story was believed to be actual truth. I Theorise that the Egyptians knew this was all symbolic.

Also, in Egyptian myth the gods could be in multiple places and forms at once.

I believe they are entirely human made. You shouldn't underestimate human ability; capable of great success... and great failure.

A truer thing has never been said, although it is frequently forgotten.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Badge01

Proprietary info?They built pyramids with this supposed "instrument".
What I am asking here is not to divulge what the instrument is. I'm asking for a legit reason from the person who claims to have this "knowledge" why they wouldn't tell.
It makes no sense to say that "she can't tell why she can't tell" becasue it's already been told that there's knowledge to tell.. tongue twister there..

Crossword puzzle comparison?..
Why don't you compare this to telling someone who missed being schooled for ten years, telling them that there are "numbers" that people regularly use and you use these numbers to figure things out.
"Good luck.. I've told you about them, showed them to you now go do some algebra"

I taught 5 people today techniques in my field that has taken me 4 years to learn and thousands of dollars of training.
It's ALREADY proving to be rewarding.
I have gained respect, new friends and plans are now being laid out for some major business actions because I was willing to divulge "secrets" that others in my field have not and will not teach others.

I will take the words said in this forum and I'll search for the answer so "plainly" visible for everyone to see yet after all this time it isn't common or fringe knowledge or being applied and used in modern construction.
I still say that not even explaining WHY you can't divulge after saying you know is just silly and brands that person a fraud.

We must evolve together instead of playing games. Instead of helping others understand, it's reduced to "figure it out from the clues" when instead if divulged then the group can use the info as a stepping stone..

Lying is worse.

Once again, this is my pet peeve..


posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 02:21 AM
ok if i'm going to make anything clear on this thread it is going to be this one thing, and this one thing alone.

i hinted at a device that was used in assembly of the great pyramid.
a device where in itself it is tremendously known by scholars, laymen, and many alike. it is of fairly if not of, more than fairly common knowledge. this device however, was not the only thing used. people along with the device had taken part in the creation process.

as i said in the beginning of this thread and as i say now, i will not reveal how the device is activated nor charged.
now i did not say i have a 'timeline' until i reveal it, because i, to put it simply will not reveal the method.

[edit on 8/31/2007 by agent violet]

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 06:44 AM

i hinted at a device that was used in assembly of the great pyramid.
a device where in itself it is tremendously known by scholars, laymen, and many alike

Hmm, i think i know what it is.

it is of fairly if not of, more than fairly common knowledge.

Yes, im getting warmer.

this device however, was not the only thing used. people along with the device had taken part in the creation process.

alright, so people were used as an adjunct to this device.

as i said in the beginning of this thread and as i say now, i will not reveal how the device is activated nor charged.

I believe it was activated with a strong flick of the wrist, and charged with a long stretch of the arm.


Its a whip, isnt it?


posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by agent violet

Scholars and Laymen know? Where? Why have they not said ? Why so many books, documentaries, websites, groups etc if it's so widely known?

My only true question is WHY would you not reveal the "method" of charging. What possible reasoning do you have?
Is it because us "other" humans would use it for evil purposes?
Would it shatter our belief systems?
Would it cause the world stock markets to crash?
Would you spontaneously combust?

Heavens no, I would never try to pry such groundbreaking knowledge away but I, and I'm sure others, would like to know what reason could push you to take such a stance of silence if you DID know. That isn't an unreasonable request is it?


posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 02:09 PM
The DEVICE is what is commonly known.

The process of getting it charged and then activating is not. again, i will not reveal this process, you are more than welcome to speculate why; as many of you have and many of you will probably continue, but i will not reveal anything having to do with the process of charging nor activating it.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Bspiracy

I think she just wants people to learn to think. I must agree. The problem with knowledge is that everyone wants to know but few are willing to think.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 02:27 PM
Ok..... agentviolet, will you at least say if any of the answers to how the pyramids were built given by researchers and professors are correct?

I mean has anyone on the discovery channel, or anyone who has made thier ideas public, been right so far?

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