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When will you stand up for your country?

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posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:31 PM
Do you think that if Bush used The War on Terrorism as an excuse to suspend presidential elections that this would provoke any sort of mass reaction and what form, if any, passive resistance, armed insurrection or what?

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:33 PM
First of all, I'd like to know how we "got rid" of that "most intelligent" President.

His time was up, his terms were over, time to step aside.

Bush faces the same thing and will step aside when his time is done.

How can I enter into a rational debate when you start off misrepresenting the facts?

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by arius

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel
This is not true i am not attempting to create insurrection in your country, i am asking the american people here on ATS what would be the straw that broke the camels back? and when that straw breaks what would/could you do about it?

Now were being constructive!

As currently stands a significant percentage of the united states population are freedom loving, gun toting, NRA card carrying rugged individualists. Thats what most of the americans I know are like. I think that the world sees what hollywood and our media lets them see. More people know whats going on than you would think. You would really be surprised to know how many people walking around are packing heat. We have a line that just won't be crossed, period. Win, lose or draw it doesn't matter but you'll know we had a hold of you.

With the pep talk finished I think the straw that would break the camels back would be a military take over of mainland USA by our own military or some other direct abrogation of the constitution taking away our right to vote.

I know man, it shines a beacon that your all armed then at least in worst case scenario u could defend yourselves at the very least and defend your liberties..

On a side note i have been to your country many, many times from the age of 5 upwards. ok i never saw Mr Mouse with a sawn off down his pants but i am slighltly accustomed to the culture, my online freinds are all americans through other activities on the net .. yes my family even has property there. so dont think i hate the place , infact its the total opposite.

i post because i DO care.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Freeborn
Do you think that if Bush used The War on Terrorism as an excuse to suspend presidential elections that this would provoke any sort of mass reaction and what form, if any, passive resistance, armed insurrection or what?

I think it would be an interesting time in which to live. Not necessarily a nice time in which to live.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel

you know it makes me laugh , you guys can get rid of one of the most intelligent presidents you have had in recent times for getting a certain [Profanity Removed] 'lady services under a table.' (apologies mod)*

First of all, we didnt "get rid" of Clinton, he served the two terms that our constitution allows a president to serve.
2nd of all, times may have seemed "nicer" during his administration but most people dont remember that he sold "gave away" technology to the Chinese for campaign contributions, which in my opinion was a treasonous act.
That alone did more damage to our country than anything Bush has done.
By the way if youve read any of my past opinions of Bush, I dont think very highly of him at all.
He was also the Governor of my home state and I had huge misgivings about him then as well.
Now this is just my opinion but I still believe that someone else, I dont know who, calls most of the shots in this country and the president is just a puppet.
Seriously though, what were our options, especially in the year 2000?
Al (the petrified tree) Gore? I could be wrong but he had Jimmy Carter written all over him

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:40 PM

Now this is just my opinion but I still believe that someone else, I dont know who, calls most of the shots in this country and the president is just a puppet.

shadow government huh..the miltary machine ? or NWO? in your opinion?

the impeachment was the beginning of the end tho? no? how could a country trust its leader after blatantly lieng to them .

i apoligise for the inacuracy of my clinton assesment , however the above in my 'opinion' is still relavent.

how long did he serve after these events? if it was a long time i am even more worried than when i started the thread.

[edit on 15/8/07 by Quantum_Squirrel]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by SwatMedic
First of all, I'd like to know how we "got rid" of that "most intelligent" President.

His time was up, his terms were over, time to step aside.

Bush faces the same thing and will step aside when his time is done.

How can I enter into a rational debate when you start off misrepresenting the facts?

sry for my innacuracy of the clinton situation but i belive it was the begining of the end ? no?

'most intelligent' --- didnt he do wonders for the economy and officaly had a really high IQ?

[edit on 15/8/07 by Quantum_Squirrel]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:48 PM
Clinton was impeached in dec of '98 and acquitted in feb of '99. His term ended in 2001.

I guess I have issue with the "tone" of the subject. It sounds like to me that the original poster is saying that the United States is in need of its people rising up now...that things are so bad its a rhetorical question....and why arent we on our feet doing something about it now.

If that is not the case and its a serious question that could be posed to any resident of any free country (the UK as well) I would have to say that there probably wouldnt be one thing but a build up of many things that would lead to revolution. Loss of free speech, right to vote etc etc. It would have to be some really agregious things though and I dont believe we are anywhere near something like that happening.

Things certainly arent rosey but an uprising is many decades away.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel

shadow government huh..the miltary machine ? or NWO? in your opinion?

the impeachment was the beginning of the end tho? no? how could a country trust its leader after blatantly lieng to them .

i apoligise for the inacuracy of my clinton assesment , however the above in my 'opinion' is still relavent.

how long did he serve after these events? if it was a long time i am even more worried than when i started the thread.

[edit on 15/8/07 by Quantum_Squirrel]

To be honest with you, I really dont know who or what organization calls the shots around here but I am willing to bet that it is sort of a collection of people that are in very powerful positions in the business and the military.
One group controls the corporate side of the US and the other group controls the Military decsions.
Ive always found the Illuminati and Skull and Bones theories interesting lets also not forget that the very first time that I heard any mention of an NWO, it came out of GHW's mouth (Bushs Daddy).

I believe the famous "cigargate" scandal happened about midway through Clintons 2nd term but I am thoroughly convinced that if a President was allowed to serve more than two terms, Clinton would still be in office

[edit on 8/15/2007 by Kr0n0s]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by SwatMedic

If that is not the case and its a serious question that could be posed to any resident of any free country (the UK as well) I would have to say that there probably wouldnt be one thing but a build up of many things that would lead to revolution. Loss of free speech, right to vote etc etc. It would have to be some really agregious things though and I dont believe we are anywhere near something like that happening.

Things certainly arent rosey but an uprising is many decades away.

It is not your system that i am attempting to draw into question but the current president and his use of it .. i thought many things were already building up.

Also sometimes an uprising can just be a collective voice against the current situation like i said if 3 million people marched on washington could you remove him if needed? i am in no way advocating you to all load your weapons and go out shooting government officials.
but ty you have answered the original question

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:55 PM
argh experiencing some lag issues with the site causing me to dbl post .. sry

[edit on 15/8/07 by Quantum_Squirrel]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:56 PM
Man this stuff gets boring. We the people voted him and every president into office and next year we will vote a new one in plain and simple. No need to rise up and take the government over for we just vote new people into it. BTW if we did kick them all out of office who do we put into place?
The only colossal mistake in Iraq was greatly underestimating the ignorance of the people and the level of evil the terrorist were willing to go.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
The only colossal mistake in Iraq was greatly underestimating the ignorance of the people and the level of evil the terrorist were willing to go.

wow dude Deny ignorance remember!!

We went to war with IRAQ under False pretenses WMD..

the 'terrorists' of which i assume you speak are the 9/11 ones? i think they all came from saudi arabia and were trained in afghanistan ( i believe the terrorist training camp videos in Iraq were later proved to be false also) now you tell me why are we in IRAQ?..and like my original question states when something is done that is the final nail in the coffin for you .. what would that be? and what would you do ?

i cant believe you would just sit around thinking oh well the terms over in a years time and just sit there and do nothing ..or maybe u would?

[edit on 15/8/07 by Quantum_Squirrel]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 07:08 PM
Well, if you spend a great deal of time on this board you would certainly think that a revolution is coming. This board is very anti-government and it tilts so far to the left I have a hard time keeping my laptop upright.

So what do you get but mostly one viewpoint. When the other viewpoint makes a statement it gets screamed down. You see while everyone screams for their rights and freedoms, if your opinion differs from theirs its then that they seek to take those freedoms from you.

Its being done all over this country on college campuses; rallys for gun control, free borders, impeach Bush. Yet try to stage a rally that supports the other side of those debates and you will get shouted down or thrown off the stage.

The media is no different. They now exists to push a political agenda. What you see on the news is the pulse of one half of America. Yet half this country is considered to not be left of center and you rarely hear that side of things.

So when you say that you are under the impression that people are ready to stand up against the govt, I think you are basing that on one side of the situation. Its hard not to when youre bombarded with that one side all the time everywhere you look.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by SwatMedic
Well, if you spend a great deal of time on this board you would certainly think that a revolution is coming. This board is very anti-government and it tilts so far to the left I have a hard time keeping my laptop upright.

if i was to take everything on this board to seriously i would be in a state of perputual fear, if u take even 20% of everything here as truth you would conclude that nuclear war is going to start everyday , aliens are about to land ...every day... and that lots of people are reptiles go's on and on ..i try to take it all with a pinch of salt .

i guess thats why its the worlds leading conspiracy site tho

[edit on 15/8/07 by Quantum_Squirrel]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by SwatMedic

Don't assume too much. Even more moderate and conservative thinkers can see we are headed in the wrong direction and are looking to change course.

Also, change does not HAVE to equal violence. However, if we are presented with violence it would be suicide not respond in a like manner. I, personally, reject violence unless either myself or another is threatened directly.

I would not consider myself a liberal by most standards and I am looking for quick and decisive change. I like the more serious tone this thread is taking. Thanks Squirrel, SwatMedic, et al.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 07:30 PM
I agree. Headed in the wrong direction is one thing but "taking action" like the original question asks is no where in the near future.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel
wow dude Deny ignorance remember!!

We went to war with IRAQ under False pretenses WMD..

the 'terrorists' of which i assume you speak are the 9/11 ones? i think they all came from saudi arabia and were trained in afghanistan ( i believe the terrorist training camp videos in Iraq were later proved to be false also) now you tell me why are we in IRAQ?..and like my original question states when something is done that is the final nail in the coffin for you .. what would that be? and what would you do ?

i cant believe you would just sit around thinking oh well the terms over in a years time and just sit there and do nothing ..or maybe u would?

[edit on 15/8/07 by Quantum_Squirrel]

Hi Quantum_Squirrel

I didn't say anything about why we went to war I said the only "colossal mistake" of the war.

No I'm not talking about the 9/11 terrorist from Saudi, I'm talking about the world wide terrorist that continue to keep us in Iraq, and the ignorance of the Iraqi people who want to ethnic cleans each other.

The actual “war” was over and done within a week, but this aftermath of nation building has become the front lines for every terrorist group/nation. To top it all off the majority of the Iraqis would rather kill each other off than to repair their nation.

If you are going to debate me get off of page one of the war and at least debate what my post says.

BTW I have done three tours in Iraq and been in the military for 27 years, so I don’t get my info off the “if it bleeds it reads news crap” I have seen up front the good, the bad, the improvements, and the systemic destruction of those improvements.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 07:45 PM

Thanks for your service, in both the good and bad times.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 07:47 PM
Hi Xtrozero
( QFE on swats thanx to you)

thank you for quantifying your original post now i can respond correctly.

this thread is not meant to be a debate about the war in Iraq and quite frankly how could i argue from miles away (with just current media for information) against someone with first hand experience of the situation..

i have relatives fighting over there right now and some of the things they have told me make my hair curl .. like kids waving at troops as they pass then unloading an ak-47 at the jeeps as they know you are inlikely to return fire against a child..

the war in IRAQ is just part of the current equation.

i am talking about a cumaltive effect that seems to be taking place ..9/11..wars.. foreign policy...patriot act , unwarranted wire tapping etc etc ...

so if u would pls answer the original question at the end i would be extremely intrested to know your honest reply as a person having been in the middle of it.

What would be the last straw for you? and when that straw was drawn what would/could you do about it?

or do you feel there isnt a build up of problems and everything is sailing along fine ? on this board it would probably be a minority view but nonetheless a completely valid one .. i await your response

[edit on 15/8/07 by Quantum_Squirrel]

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