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natural cures "they" dont want you to know about

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posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 08:21 AM
well I don't know much about the book or the guy who wrote it, but a freind of mine bought it and was saying that his sister used the 'acne cure' or remedy, whatever. And he said it worked, and worked well.

I just thought that would be vital to the discussion. So 1 thing works I guess.

Now if anyone else had results, or lack there-of, you should post them.

Then we'll pretty much all know for sure, right?

But right now I can say, 1 thing works.

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 08:54 AM
i do admit many people have strong evidence against trudeau, and your opinions have made me change my view on him a little i still think he is good, at least he is doing something to push natural cures and expose government corruption, i would rather idolize him over a politician or journalist or government worker anyday, i still respect him and thats my flat oppinion on him. thanx for everyone who posted and gave advice and constructive criticism or just their oppinion.

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by paul76
Hey Tankthinker..Sorry if I'm of the thread, but i saw your post with interest. I suffer with terrible heartburn, I take omeprazole to control the production of acid in my body, without them my life is a constant misery. I don't like to take a tablet everyday, and wish to try this Apple vinegar. Where can i get this vinegar? And can you remember how long it had a lasting effect on your dear father. Thankyou very much.

I suffer from GERD myself (reflux) and take PPI's and there comes a time when your body becomes too alkaline in your stomach and certain bacteria and other nasties start to grow (caused by excessive consumption or decrease in stomach acid production - proton pump inhibitors actually STOP your stomach making acid, it actually reduces the amount of acid producing cells, so eventually you don't produce enough). The vinegar makes your stomach more acidic again, which is what it needs to remain functional.

It's available in capsule form in various places, like health food stores and you can buy it in liquid form in some big supermarkets in the condiment isle. Remember, this is acid, and excessive consumption is also bad for you, I think its two-four tablespoons a day at most for most people.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by Boondock78

Originally posted by xwayne
If you want to cure a disease it just takes discipline: Go vegan, eat raw foods. Consider fasting (for as long as you can) and immediately afterwards only eat raw vegetables and fruits in order to rebuild yourself at the cellular level. This will also help make your system alkaline, which makes it harder for disease to thrive . . . . Investigate how to get yourself alkaline through diet and mineral supplements!

i can't believe you are pushing this crap.

yeah, my step father with his CML should stop eating and jump on all your herbal junk eh?

you are passing out horrible advice.
there is nothing wrong with eating well and having good excercise but to imply that people with cancer and such can get better/cured if they do these things, then, well, you're insane....

and as to if you got cancer....
it's easy to say you'd take all this herbal junk and get better, but i would wager that you'd high tail it to the oncology clinic and see whats what.....that would be the smart thing...

i'm gonna tell my step dad to stay on the gleevac

I'm not "implying" anything: I'm telling you that you can cure and prevent disease in this way; any disease that has advanced too far cannot be cured, obviously. My deepest sympathy to you and your stepfather for his leukemia (my father died of cancer). But I'm sorry, IMO the medical establishment is not trying to cure cancer, they are, at best, trying to make money.

There's no "herbal junk" about eating fruits and vegetables (preferably organic, and mostly vegetables) and taking mineral supplements. It's accepted, even by your precious medical establishment, that this is healthy. If you don't buy into it, fine. But calling it "crap" and convincing others that chemotherapy is preferable to a healthy lifestyle is immoral.

As for fasting, it goes back as far as history. I believe it can stop a disease in its tracks, but that's for anyone considering it to investigate and decide.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by xwayne

I'm not "implying" anything: I'm telling you that you can cure and prevent disease in this way

Not all disease can be.

There's no "herbal junk" about eating fruits and vegetables (preferably organic, and mostly vegetables) and taking mineral supplements. It's accepted, even by your precious medical establishment, that this is healthy.

The junk is the claim that they’re a universal disease preventer.

As for fasting, it goes back as far as history. I believe it can stop a disease in its tracks, but that's for anyone considering it to investigate and decide.

Sure, it might stop a problem if its root is in the digestive system. Or it might just aggravate it.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 02:53 AM
Good post and I fully agree. I've tried some herbal and other remedies(not always using antibiotics) with illnesses and other problems. Mostly they have actually worked.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 04:24 AM
has anyone here been cured of some ailment through natural means?

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:24 PM
not me personally i ve never actually been seriously sick

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:30 PM
I'm all about alternative medicines, veganism, and staying fit..but...


Don't even waste your time on this dork!

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:33 PM
then why may i ask does his book sell so well?

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by tankthinker

Because he sells it well. My mother bought them.. I read through them in a few days and was pissed that he's allowed to sell his stupid $.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:36 PM
if it sells well there must be a great deal of valuable info in them

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by tankthinker

The books are a joke. They are filled with nothing you can't google search and find in your first three that pop up. He has sold himself to be this advocate for natural medicine when all he is doing is selling you common sense. Even in the back he has a bunch of "cures" and I've looked them all up, and they're all sketchy, unaccredited companies that are selling you questionable product.

Every common cure is within nature. Save your 20 bucks and go buy some fruit.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:43 PM
I the have book and I still haven't gotten around to reading it yet.
All I can say about pills vs natural remedies is that I never take any pills.

Coming from a carribbean family, I've had a wide variety of natural remedies performed on me to cures certain mild illnesses (Never been seriously sick in my life and I have alot of centenarian genes). Stray away from pills and you will be alright.

On another note, any ever try Urine Therapy?

[edit on 4-11-2007 by ChronMan]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:56 PM
Hey, I don't know if this has come up in the thread yet, but my mother is into Homeoapithy. For those of you who don't know what this is, its bassically using psycology and herbal medicine to cure disease. Essentially, you go for psycology with a homeoapathy counsler, who asks you questions about your past and what may be contributing to your disease. For example, if you have a bad headache that occurs naturally, the doctor will ask you if that they happen during certain times. Say, you get really bad heacaches when you talk about your job (sorry its a lame example, but its hard to come up with examples for these kind of things), then the doctor will ask you if you had a negative incident while you were at work that resulted in a headache, and that maybe now everytime you talk about your job, your cells remember that time, and begin to give you a headache (now again, sorry for the poor example), but see what I mean? Once they get to the psycological root of the problem, then the doctor gives you natural remedies to cure your sickness, not just band-aid it. My mother also has a "chi" machine and a "Hot House". The chi machine ciruclates your blood which is obviously goood for you, and the hot house heats your body with infarred heat, which kills cancer and heals you apparently. I am beggining to belive this stuff more and more, and I belive that the governments don't publisise this stuff much because they know it works better than their money making perscription drugs. I dunno, thats just my 0.02 $CAD worth anyways.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 11:46 AM
why the hell do people have a problem with SCIENCE
you're saying that medical SCIENCE is a conspiracy in this thread... why?
simply because it's become something of an industry...

news flash, the so called "cures" of "ancient medicine" were abandoned for a reason... they didn't work.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 09:21 PM
let me tell u sumthin about my point of view:

is water a bad thing, u need it to survive right, well what if it was used to drown people, suddently water is bad. (i agree with the other guy, its hard to come up with good examples)

im just saying that the medical industry is corrupted, not that science is bad. Any good thing can be corrupted. An ideal medical community would be doctors who give out natural cures (and use drugs only for emergency purposes), but then they wouldnt make much money off of them, thats why its not that way.

the world revolves around money my friend, the best we can do is fight for our share (or at least thats what "they" want us to do)

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

You'd be amazed as to how modern medicine fails the human body and how easy nature help is recuperate. It's less that natural cures have "failed" us but that we've decided to exchange true health for convenience. I think both can be helpful when combined.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
why the hell do people have a problem with SCIENCE
you're saying that medical SCIENCE is a conspiracy in this thread... why?
simply because it's become something of an industry...

news flash, the so called "cures" of "ancient medicine" were abandoned for a reason... they didn't work.

They were abandoned because they DO work. The government chased Harry Hoxsey out of the country because he was curing cancer patients with natural herbs. His clinic still operates today in Mexico curing a large number of cancer patients.

Hoxsey treated external cancers with a red paste made of bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)-a common wildflower-mixed with zinc chloride and antimony sulfide. The root stock of blood-root, a spring-blooming flower, contains an alkaloid, sanguinarine, that has powerful anti-tumor properties. North American Indians living along the shores of Lake Superior used the red sap from bloodroot to treat cancer. Drawing on Indian lore, Dr. J.W. Fell, working at the Middlesex Hospital in London in the 1850's, developed a paste made of bloodroot extract, zinc chloride, flour and water. Applied directly to a malignant growth, Dr. Fell's paste generally destroyed it within two to four weeks. In the 1960's, various teams of doctors reported the complete healing of cancers of the nose, external ear, and other organs using a paste made of bloodroot and zinc chloride, a mixture virtually identical to Hoxsey's.

The AMA condemned Hoxsey's "caustic pastes" as fraudulent in 1949, even though a prominent Wisconsin surgeon, Dr. Frederick Mohs, in 1941 had used a red paste identical to Hoxsey's to fix cancerous tissue that he surgically removed under complete micro-scopic control.


posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 02:18 PM
so can we get a list going of natural cures that do work, aswell as maybe a list of natural cure myths that have been proven to be bogus. I'd hate to take some natural cure thinking it will help and have quite the opposite effect. I believe this book and it's author have a great marketing approach, but are they selling false hope? or even flat out lies? Could anyone who has read this book contribute to this thread by listing some of the proven cures aswell as some of the bogus cures?

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