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Alien Race Hierarchy

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posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 09:20 AM
Chorton et co, HEY! You've made your point. Now, if you don't like the contents of the thread, move on. Stop acting like a baby & disrupting it for everyone else. Lucky I'm not a moderator, cos I'd show you what fascism's all about.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 09:25 AM
yes i meant to say the same thing but didnt wanna sound arrogant my self.
now now what on earth are these insectoid aliens?ive never heard about them...seems made up....comon theyr like zerg or starship troopers bugs?
sure i guess there are bug aliens in some craters on some far planet....but very intelegent bugs to build spaceships....i dunno....the bugs fliyng on meteorids sounded atleast plausable in starship troopers

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 09:35 AM
Thurisaz thanks for the link!

I'm trying to get our creative brains pumping by dumping as much info that is relevent to the topic as possible to see if maybe we can piece together something logical then focus on researching those specific subjects to hopefully accumulate enough evidence to strip away fact from fiction.

We need to work together on this and quit arguing about proof for example. From now on anyone who asks for proof of anything needs to be able to disprove it. If you can disprove something then great we throw that piece out of the "big picture" and move on to the next subject until we have enough "proof" to see what's really going on.

We all have one thing in common here and that is each of us want to learn the truth about all of this. Not just that aliens exist. If they do how they fit into the big picture and are they in control of every aspect of our lives. The obvious should be the government is indeed covering up anything related to UFOs or advanced technology (such as free energy). So ofcourse people are going to come up with fantastic ideas on who controls what because of the massive barrier of secrecy. If you've only been told 5% of the truth your entire life that's not much to go off of. So anything that's outside of your realm of "reality" ofcourse sounds insane. We need to have the balls to except anything is possible in this universe. No matter how sinister we need to face this thing with full force to finally find out who we really are and why we're being suppressed.

It's our job to research everything to the core so we can better understand fantasy from reality. If something sounds like fantasy to you the easy way to counter it is by asking for proof. Meaning you don't want to take the time to research it for yourself. You want others to hand you all proof on a silver plater.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 09:41 AM
ok lets will be easy done in the old fashion tiber way of answering a question....
for the believers like us:
-we have proof and are sure that aliens exist
-as we are sure that they have visited our planet numerous times
-we are pretty sure that they have set foot from themself on our plant
-there is a strong possibility that there are aliens on the planet right now(alive or/and dead)
-the governemts of the world and other agencies are trying to cover everything as it seems
whats the purpose?
-- to not create chaos?
-- to hide something?:
-maybe aliens want to enslave us we dont have weapons to defend ourselfs so the government will slowly brainwashus to get friend with our new ocupators
-maybe theyr hostile and war wil happen so if they tell us chaos will happen
-maybe theyr friendly and the gov is going to finnaly slowly explain most of the stuff but when?
-and other possibilities
now whas that so hard^^

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 09:43 AM
it seems that the most plausable thing will be that there are many aliens
many visit the earth good or bad some neutral
and the gov just hides to not create panic or other reasons

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Chorlton

Originally posted by noangels2006

.paras on exercise near the welsh moutains who tidied a crash site while they where on exercise there and bought back several EBEs to porton down for research

I'd appreciate a link to this please.

There you go,i believe it might have been even Nick Pope or Goode who brought this to my attention in a magazine article many years ago when the net was an infant.EBEs where driven down to porton down by your every day run of the mill soldier in trucks-well thats what they say but proof would be realy hard to get and i dont fancy breaking into that place even if its not far away!

Local grunts on the salisbury ranges about 15 years ago stumbled upon a floating black triangle ship at ground level on one night exercise-they suddenly became frozen to the spot and two yanks came out and called them fkng limey basts.They had dark uniforms on and one held this rod towards them that seemed to be the reason for their lack of body movements.They then got back in the craft smiling like a cheshire cat and slowly took off.You might want to google that too,that info was again given to a british researcher who fully believed the soldiers accounts given to him

That shows us that the Americans at least have these exotic craft(if on believes the accounts given)so in theory a lot of sightings could be boys with their new toys-but there are more alien pilots up there than black budget boys.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 12:20 PM
I do recomend that every one here reads a few books on the subject,there are so many great researchers out there and its a lot better to read the words on paper with a nice drink in your hands rather than stare at the souless mointor screen and move your mouse wheel!

BTW researchers are researchers-they go to the people to ask them questions-they go to the locations where things where seen-they interact with the witnesses

dont be fooled by the so called researchers on this site who just read about it

Thats not realy researching,its spinning the word a lot

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 01:00 PM
I don't recall anyone saying they are just online researchers.BTW- just because someone writes a book does not make them an expert or the info in their book truth.Perhaps YOU should stop staring at a souless monitor and go read a dictionary for pete's sake.

[edit: removed unnecessary quote of entire previous post]
Quoting - Please review this link

[edit on 8-8-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 04:43 PM
Hello, this is my first post here. Im from Sweden and in Sweden we want some proof before we jump into something.
I have have been lurking around reading a bunch of threads but Im getting pretty tired of hearing these wild claims, looking at low quality pictures etc etc. How come all the evidence supporting an alien present on this earth always is of bad quality (except the obvious hoaxes, like the drones which is good quality but FAKED)
When I first started reading posts on this forum I was really excited, but I have learnt that far to many of the posts are bull# and hoaxes, people who seeks attention and so on. This is not good for the future of serious UFO studies beacuse the few interesting cases drowns in all the bull#.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 04:55 PM
Welcome itrunsdeep.Just the kind of attitude I like. Might want to tone down the language. That is frowned upon here.

[edit: removed unnecessary quote of entire previous post]
Quoting - Please review this link

[edit on 8-8-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 05:02 PM
Im for one will vote to move this thread to what ever place the absolute proof guys will let it run its course with no more disrruption. To me the topic is kind of interesting, but we are running in circles with the proof/no proof debate.

can we have a mod opinion in this one, just to settle the matter and the people that want to continue learning or debating about the TOPIC can do so?


posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 01:26 AM
Someone who writes a book deserves a lot more respect than most UFO researchers on this site.This thread is in the Alien and ufo section,if the non believers dont like it-then dont read it,and seeing as this is the right section for the thread stop instantly this pathetic idea of moving it to skunkworks.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by noangels2006

Originally posted by Chorlton

Originally posted by noangels2006

.paras on exercise near the welsh moutains who tidied a crash site while they where on exercise there and bought back several EBEs to porton down for research

I'd appreciate a link to this please.

There you go,i believe it might have been even Nick Pope or Goode who brought this to my attention in a magazine article many years ago when the net was an infant.EBEs where driven down to porton down by your every day run of the mill soldier in trucks-well thats what they say but proof would be realy hard to get and i dont fancy breaking into that place even if its not far away!

Oh dear. The Berwtn Mountain 'incident' has been well and truly debunked, and, AFAIK the paras had nothing whatsoever to do with it.
If you do a bit better research, something more informed than Wikipedia which has no credibility, you will find the truth. There were no 'EBE's' or anything of the kind taken to Porton down. I suspect this entire incident has simply grown and grown as the story has been passed on by word of mouth with everyone adding a little tidbit of untruth to the story to make it meatier. People will believe what they want to believe, sadly and in all cases related to aliens its untrue.

Well chappies Im off to Rome for a few days.
Missing you already

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 05:27 AM
rome?its col
after a year im coming too

all the high class,nightlife and the women...eehh women

on the topic im also really pissed of why all the videos are always blurry,and most of the pics are also very blurry,kinda like to be more easy to fake
we have digital cameras with huge resolution and zoom why its so hard to HOLD THE CAMERA STILL not waving it around and blurring everything...
or seeing an ufo and taking just one pic,not pursuing and taking multiple pics WHY WHY WHYYYY

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 03:22 PM
Sadly chorlton just because you say something is debunked doesnt mean it is-I am surprised you even bother to bring up the subject of the daily mails recent UFO stories when you laugh at it all

For the record I googled that welsh ufo crash EBE and that was came top of the list.I linked that quickly to help you,i wont do that again considering you underhand response

I am not going to waste my time with you anymore as your clearly not worth it.Stick to making unfunny comments on John Lears moon thread,you never know one day you might raise a chuckle

[edit on 8-8-2007 by noangels2006]

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 03:45 PM
yes men u see it dosnt worths...even if u bring an alien to shake hands with a person that dont believes he still wont believe...even if he believes...will it make u happy like u won 10.000$?no its important what u believe

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 02:05 AM
Oh no, read page 1-2 its an interesting question that was posed with many possible answers, but deal me out, this is a mash pit of mud slinging that serves no purpose but to vent anger.

He did not ask DO YOU Believe...

IF ALIENS AS WE KNOW from what ever sources we have to date be they FAKE or REAL had a hierarchy , who would you see at the top? Or at the bottom?
That is the question!

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 02:15 AM
i also tried to explain that the last pages but it seems they would just not i dont care anymore

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 09:01 AM
Ok I asked a question in my first post.

Provided a link to hopefully discuss 'where do they get this information from?'

If it is not channelled... where does it come from?

Online there is such a lot of information:

I will provide some examples to elaborate:
General search google 'aliens' =

Alien Central

An excerpt from that site:

If we look at that information, it is very involved and provides detail explanations of various alien species. It is quite mind blowing and I have read it and I am always left with the question: Where did they get this info from?

Now, if I leave that site and go to Big UFOs Battle around the Sun
Now, there are links within this page that keep you busy reading for weeks. This imagry supposedly is from NASA and it shows something around the Sun. The site mentions NASA a great deal, are they hoping to give the information a hint of credibility? People reading the information might consider it the truth. The Author or group associated with this page have concluded that it shows there is a war going on. Is that what it is? Or is it someone's belief?

Does this site actually demonstrate how it is possible to create a story based on ideas? A lot of sites are way out there, perhaps a little too out there. How can anyone provide a comparison between human organs and that of an alien species? You can read this and much more at alien central.

I really like what Jani King has to offer P'taah

Edgar Cayce is definitely informative.

Ken Carey Starseed Transmission is also very informative.

This site Fake Alien Invasion notes John Lear.

Phil Scheider lecture relies on Government conspiracy theories, re Dulce.

[edit on 9-8-2007 by Thurisaz]

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 04:55 PM

Alien Race Hierarchy

You're going to get as many answers as posters, but personally I think it's a misleading question. For instance, what is "the hierarchy" of earthly animal species? Dogs, cats, fish, horses, giraffes and aardvarks. Which is 'at the top?'

It's a silly question. Things don't work that way.

who controls the illuminati it has been a massive brick wall

What makes you think any single person, organization, race, idea, anything 'controls' them? Is there a single person who controls Christianity? Is there a single organization that controls the Internet? Is there a single, organizing principal that motivates humanity?

with a million different avenues.

Exactly. Within all these things there are multiple undercurrents, which change over time. There probably isn't a single person/organization/idea that rules/leads/controls even something as small and simplistic as say...your local neighborhood trash collection service.

What makes you think entire civilizations would be this simple?

[edit on 9-8-2007 by LordBucket]

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