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Who Here Will Accept A Real ID Card???

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posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 05:33 PM
I'll get one.

It's no different then information available using my passport, SSN#, drivers licence, or what's available via my credit report. If they care that much, they could find out what I'm doing anyway. They know where I work and what I own. From there it's pretty easy to keep tabs on someone.

Besides, the bigger concern to the govenment at that point would be people "off the grid." Those people will be who gets most of their attention.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by tetragrammation
exactly! that's what frightens me the most, it's people's acceptance of this. quite sadly, it's probably the majority of people who are accepting of this. people who need to #ing wake up. and many of them think 'well, i don't care...doesn't bother me.' well, they're only thinking of themselves in this situation, not society as a whole. i'm not personally comforable with people being turned into slaves. this real ID thing would be putting people in shackles and they can't even see it!

[edit on 13-1-2008 by tetragrammation]

You know, what's even scarier is that I'm starting to see supporters of this and the NWO already making their way here in our boards. I thought here in ATS people would know better. But then again, there will always be those who'd rather just "do as their told" regardless of whether it's right or not.

On another note. I'm surprised no one in here has brought up the questions as to the effects that this chip will have on your body considering you are placing a foreign object. Last I heard, if the glass inside somehow manages to crack (slamming your hand against a door by accident for example) then the lithium inside is supposed to kill you. anyone willing to take that risk?

Here's the way I see it, the good lord/gaia/nature brought me into this world without one, I'm not getting one. Yes, I've read that FOR NOW, the chip will only contain standard info from a drivers license. What you DON'T know is what it will contain in the future. Has anyone here seen America: Freedom to Fascism where supposedly they (one of the Roschcilds) said that if you don't "conform" to the NWO then they'll simply turn off the chip... they're basically threatening you by deleting you and letting you starve for not obeying. Please, someone explain to me exactly how this is "ok"? I'm sorry but even in prison prisoners get food. Here they're threatening to not even give you that. Come on people, wake up!

here's the link to the video I mentioned:

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 10:52 PM
yeah, when you've got a rockefeller straight out A'___'TING that they want to chip the entire population so they will have ABSOLUTE CONTROL over every aspect of everyone's lives, and turn citizen into non-citizen with the flip of a switch,'ve REALLY got to wonder about these untroubled people with 'nothing to hide' who will WELCOME a GPS chip, and a law enforcement surveillance camera in the bathroom.

no wankers in the NWO!!!

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander
It's no different then information available using my passport, SSN#, drivers licence, or what's available via my credit report. If they care that much, they could find out what I'm doing anyway. They know where I work and what I own. From there it's pretty easy to keep tabs on someone.

Agreed. I prefer to have people know where I am, in case something bad happens to me. A couple years ago I got in a bad motorcycle crash and ended up in the hospital. The police were able to call my roommate, who had called me on my cell phone.

One simple little card is all I would need! I wouldn't even need a wallet. With a smart chip in a single card, I could buy groceries or anything else by just putting them in a cart and walking out the door. I could instantly prove my identity. Slide it in a door or a slot in your car and you wouldn't need keys. With a bit more scanning power, I could walk into my favorite restaurant and they would instantly prepare my favorite dish.

I always wonder about these people who are so worried about someone "tracking their every move." Just what kind of monkey business are they up to?

Stoners. Paranoid stoners.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by Question
Here's the way I see it, the good lord/gaia/nature brought me into this world without one, I'm not getting one.

Oh, that's just silly. You weren't born with a cell phone either. Or a computer. And both of those things are telling The Powers That Be more about you that you realize. Are you ready to give them up and go completely off the grid? Head to the mountains and live in a cabin? Good luck if your appendix ruptures or you get bit by a rabid raccoon.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by Nohup
Stoners. Paranoid stoners. :notcool:

what's in your pipe, chippy?

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Nohup

Wow I never thought someone could be so incredibly delusional that they'd miss my point completely...

Are you even aware of what happens when you stick foreign objects in your body? especially ones that your body doesn't "like"? But hey, whatever gives you comfort at night just don't be surprised if you end up dieing from the glass encasement cracking and poisoning your body further. I know, what about the statement made by the people planning this that, to paraphrase "if they don't conform, we'll just shut the chip off". Sounds like slavery to me. But whatever, you keep going on believing in the NWO just so you can be "safe"

[edit on 17-1-2008 by Question]

[edit on 17-1-2008 by Question]

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by Question

On another note. I'm surprised no one in here has brought up the questions as to the effects that this chip will have on your body

I apologize if i missed something in a previous post.... but what chip are you refering to?

The Real ID Act has nothing whatsoever in it about any chip.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by Question

On another note. I'm surprised no one in here has brought up the questions as to the effects that this chip will have on your body

I apologize if i missed something in a previous post.... but what chip are you refering to?

The Real ID Act has nothing whatsoever in it about any chip.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:40 AM
The RFID chip? In favor of the government knowing all of our movements?

WHY on earth WOULD YOU WANT THAT, when governments around the world are eager in their chairs, seated by men in lust of power and wealth. When the people, good and bad, are blind to, if not, unable to help anything at all that would ever cure the systems on a higher level. While the good cope and "heal" with love: in donations, volunteer work, etc.. and with justice: in crime fighting, fire fighting and maybe even some politicals out there. While the bad continue in creating this need for a constant "upkeeping" of an existence which, atleast at the face of it all, is set up for slavery and (...among other things...) subjection.

At this time, on earth, technology is increasing in all directions and humans are as stupid as ever. In this time of RFID proposals, warped minds, selfish desires and evil intents, I contend, there is no one who can not see the true potential of technology like the RFID. To elaborate, I know vary close to nothing on the subject and pretty much everything that I am trying to type about... though, KNOT to mention, the implications and horrible misuses of the technology and even further the idiocies which, even now, we the people accept as a-ok! For example: "the war on freedom" (multiply this one a hundred times over!), as well as "the war on freedom" (known to those savvy in american affairs as "the war on drugs"). Seriously though, there are thousands upon thousands of injustices on this planet, housed in "government".

With that aside for only a second, I would like to note the need. That the polution, (the savage and raw emotional slavery that ravages our planet through conduits of men and, even, aliens,) has aroused. The need for justice, the need for acceptance, of the future and of what the future is to bring and has brought some of already. The need to know: where criminals are (and incase you don't know, we are all veiled and hidden inside of our heads, that's part why they are able to roam free and "apparently" truth detectors do not work...) Heck! Even knowing where your kids are at could save lives!

To the nay-sayers of the RFID, I will not contest against you and I am not necessarily for the RFID. But, with technology looming on the horizon and the lives and ways of old deteriorating before our eyes into an undoubtedly different world to live in. You can not deny (in honesty, with knowledge and a sane mind) the ways that life and the discoverd technology will weave for us. There, in what I can see, is only one problem (when many, intricate dilemmas are summed up into one) after the fear of real future technology and its inevitable effect on our lives and privacy is maturely come to terms with.

This problem is the tyranny of our governments, the fact that the only virtuous or true premise any one would have to disavow plans for the mapping and knowledge of all peoples whereabouts and etcetera, on earth, would be thus. It is a problem, it is THE problem, and it needs to be writ becuase that is what it is... bull**** writings of men, of intelligence. It is the laws and principalities that CAN BE changed!

The world will most likely never be safe or virtuous itself, atleast, not for a long time...

But this world can be and could be justly governed this very moment! Under just laws, there will still be evil, there will still be murder.... But, under just laws there will be nothing to fear like all of the fear I see in people over technology like the RFID. Under just law all of this fear is close to unfounded, leaving all those against it to be subject to further, privacy reducing, observation and study, as they are most likely freaks of evil and criminal intent.

I am running out of characters.... 204 now. And to be honest, I am not sure how to sum this rant up....


I believe it to be true to say that anyone and everyone against it (identifi) is either unknowing or evil, in denial or ignorant.

[edit on 24-1-2008 by WishI]

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by craig732

Originally posted by Question

On another note. I'm surprised no one in here has brought up the questions as to the effects that this chip will have on your body

I apologize if i missed something in a previous post.... but what chip are you refering to?

The Real ID Act has nothing whatsoever in it about any chip.

I apologize, I should've probably made myself a little more clear.
The Real ID card "supposedly" will not carry a chip. But the Real ID card is meant to be a stepping stone until the VeriChip gets implanted directly into your body. This was actually what I was referring to.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Real ID card - here in britain we are to be forced to pay at least £100 for the privledge of having one of these control cards. This in spite of recent events showing how incompetent the government is in keeping our information secure. I for one intend to resist all forms of government interference in my private life.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 02:42 PM
I can see where they are coming from on the eletist's side of things, partially. I mean, just look at the savagery and apathy that society as a whole displays. We're not helping the situation the world is in. We're revelling in our own pile of slop. We're behaving like livestock. So, in the minds of the elites, that is exactly what we are. If we actually cared about proving our own self worth, these people would grow more respect for us. If we cared to put up a fight, we'd be their respected foe.... but instead, we're just a bunch of monkeys throwing poop at each other, and so we'll be treated as such.

What many of you don't understand is that people get exactly what they deserve in this universe. It is at this point in our existence as a nation that we're recieving exactly what is needed to teach us a lesson about what apathy and ignorance and lack of responsibility and accountability brings us.

We're relinquishing control, and we don't care. We're feeding off the hardships of others, and we don't care. We're letting others tell us who we are, and we don't care. We'd rather be comfortable than know the truth, and that should bother the hell out of us, but we don't care.

As long as we don't care about our own excellence, they won't care, either.

And so, we get the chip. Will we learn from it? I hope so.

What bothers me is the lack of compassion some of these people seem to have for the sanctity of life to unfold as it may. Then again, it reflects the way we've treated other lifeforms on this Earth.

The masters becoming the slaves, in order to feel what it is like to be treated like property.

I see this as kind of an eye opener for us in the end. Will we ever again be able to thoughtlessly enslave and/or slaughter other animals for our own needs once we've been in the same helpless position as them?

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by rezzetI for one intend to resist all forms of government interference in my private life.

This is essentially the main point.

The government has no right to interfere with my personal life. They are here to serve me, not for me to be their little pet. If I want a card, I'll get a card. No one will force me to get anything.

[edit on 10-2-2008 by Double Eights]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 04:27 PM
I have posted my opinion about ID chips before...I need to clarify.

I have no prob with carrying a card. I DO object, however, to being forced into submission for an implantable ID chip.

I urge all to resist this.

take care

[edit on 10-2-2008 by resistancia]

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 08:50 AM

posted by Marg6043
all I have is a social security card, a drivers license and a military ID card. None of these have any chips on it. Only my husband military ID card have a security chip on it . .

I have no military ID, but I do have a VA picture ID. Add to those I live in Jacksonville where old people get free bus rides with a city photo ID which also works at the library.

BAR CODING. What if every infant (and adult) was tattooed with a bar code on the inside of his or her left forearm, and then, when you go to the doctor’s office, they log you in by reading your bar code. when you go to the pharmacy, they read your bar code. all that is transmitted to your insurance company or Medicare and the provider is instantly paid by electronic deposit? It could work everywhere, Gas pumps. Motel reservations. Eating out. And etc etc.

Don W

[edit on 2/12/2008 by donwhite]

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 12:56 PM
I don't condone the idea, by the way.

It's a grotesue abuse of power, and a grotesue rape of freedom and privacy... but the question is "WHO IS GUNNA CARE?"

I don't think enough people will oppose this in order for anything to be done about it.

I hope I'm wrong.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 07:45 PM
Well, it's apparently here in KY already. I got a new license a few months ago after I moved and figured it'd buy me some time to at least drive since it wouldn't expire for a few more years. I didn't notice the difference in the back of the license. Nearly 3/4 of it is a bar code on the back.

Few nights ago I had to go to the er and the lady at the registration desk asked for my driver's license, so I handed it over. She scanned it in a machine, and ALL of my medical records for at least all over the state came up on the computer. I never handed in my medical records to DMV. I haven't had this new driver's license long. I moved from another town, so I'm not even a frequent user of this er. Never even been to this e.r. before. So, how did they get my records like that? I was kind of stunned to say the least.

So, that's what this new id is like. They scan it and know everything about you.

I feel kind of upset that I wasn't informed prior to the new license that it was this new id. I wasn't expecting it to get here until 2008, and they already had it in '07.

Montana looks better and better. I hope they succeed in seceding.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 11:08 PM

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Jessicamsa

Well, it's apparently here in KY already. I got a new license a few months ago after I moved and figured it'd buy me some time to at least drive since it wouldn't expire for a few more years. I never handed in my medical records to DMV. I was kind of stunned to say the least. So, that's what this new id is like. They scan it and know everything about you.

I feel kind of upset that I wasn't informed prior to the new license that it was this new id. I wasn't expecting it to get here until 2008, and they already had it in '07. Montana looks better and better. I hope they succeed in seceding.

I was born in KY and lived there until ‘03 when I removed to Florida. I have always realized that KY was a rather progressive state despite its reputation to the contrary. I date our state’s rise to leadership to Henry Ward who was far more than the Commissioner of Highways. For 20 years he was a personal adviser to several governors of KY. He is credited with the original state park system which at times past has been recognized as one of the nation’s best. He also urged the state's Merit System which brought Ernie Fletcher down.

It is not so much whether a person wants this computerized way of life or not, I think economics have forced this UPGRADE upon us. Better to spend our time trying to make it better than to resist the irresistible object. If I was you, I’d be buying stock in the infant tattoo business.

PS. I assume you know why I recommend the inside left forearm for the ID tattoo? After much research, the Nazis found that limb was least likely to be lost or injured severely, so this was the site chosen for the serial numbers assigned to the Nazi Death Camp inmates.

[edit on 7/4/2008 by donwhite]

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