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And so, while you would not extend the governments graces to those who choose not to conform, you create a second class of citizens that live within the society. Impoverished and lacking the standard of living for those who "Play along" with the communal concept.
Self defense is killing someone who is attempting to kill you. Or injuring someone who is attemping to kill you.
Everyone has the right to use whatever force to defend themselves or those they love that they deem necessary, whereby it does not go out of their way; such as pre-emptively assaulting someone who has threatened them with violence.
Killing in self defense is not an extreme, it is a reactionary response.
Nobody should pay with their lives. Ideally, people would be put on trial for their actions. I don't condone violence for violence sake, but I understand that situations are rarely ideal ones.
I do want to help humanity as a whole, but not if it means dictating to any portion of the world or any given society what is moral, what is immoral, what will be accepted and what won't.
Communities should be allowed to make their own decisions, no matter how immoral or unjust other communities feel it is.
I feel that you at least have some rationality, considering you would consider if people were leaving your utopia, that it might not be as utopic as you would believe. That is very big of you.
Ahh, but see, that heavy handed issue is where I part ways. Just because much of society views something as amoral/immoral or barbaric does not give them the right to dictate to the world or other communities what they feel should be.
Chaos is a required element for balance. All things in moderation, for all things there is a season.
Has anyone seen the video of the family in Florida that voluntereed to have these implants? Its disgusting!
hmmm, that is strange, where is it located?
but then I saw the video and there is no way that it can be dug out of the body!
What We See Depends Mainly On What You Look For.
Why is it disgusting?
The problem being, of course, is that society does conform to people. Society is formed of people.
I imagine a world where, yes, certain fundamental rules may apply. Yet the beauty in mankind is in the diverse cultures and richness of varied views and opinions.
People should be able to choose which societies rules they want to live by, the problem with a uniform empire of the world is that there's nowhere for people who dissent to go.
They can't form a society with radically different mores of right and wrong because there is nowhere to form it. And thus, they are slaves to a system.
Most bad behavior comes out of dissatisfaction with something. Often it is a result of feeling you need or deserve or want something that is not being provided; something that you feel you are deprived of.
On the other hand, you should consider that those fringe people are both bad and good. They cause the most problems, and they give the most back to society as well. Murderers are a fringe, so are Geniuses. Both operate outside of what people consider normal, one is entirely harmful. The other could be viewed as harmful as well, because they cause imbalance in a sure system.
New ideas are the enemy of a static state, and for New Ideas to flourish, there must be a place for people that do not fit into communal ideas.
The self interested person is often the person with the most self empowerment to change the world, for better or worse.
Without this, Society itself stagnates. Whether it is a communist society, a capitalist society, or what have you.
I hope I have given you some food for thought throughout this discussion, as I have rather enjoyed speaking with you, even though our views may differ on things.
What I will concede from all of your own arguments is that I do believe that people need to be more self-responsible, respectful, as well as caring and compassionate towards others. For me, I have always thought that the Ultima System of Virtues was a very good example of a ethos system.
Thank you ColdDragon! It is difficult for alot of people to discuss ideas that are different from their own, and it is much appreciated in general, and on this thread. Im sure Octav. Max. will agree
I'm a Christian(Church of God),so I think I'll be taken up in a Rapture before the really bad stuff happens. I believe those that are left who won't take the number of the Beast(Chip or ID card) will be executed.
Originally posted by St James
I just wanted to know yes or no, and why or why not? If no are you prepared for the reprecussions?
I for one refuse to....
Mod edit: don't use all-CAPS in thread titles
[edit on 2007/7/31 by Hellmutt]
the bible says our bodies are a temple of the holy spirit.
"the abomination that causes desolation"
privacy has nothing to do with it. the satanic NWO wants to desecrate your very own holy temple of the living god of the universe.
Originally posted by Octavius Maximus
the bible says our bodies are a temple of the holy spirit.
Not all people in the world are Christian, some are fine with small alterations to our body. Look at Plastic Surgery for instance.
"the abomination that causes desolation"
Whats this quoted from? What bearing does it have on this discussion?
privacy has nothing to do with it. the satanic NWO wants to desecrate your very own holy temple of the living god of the universe.
The NWO has been said to be every religion (including Atheist) what makes you think they are satanist?
therefore, the mark of the beast is the abomination of desolation because it is setting up an alter to a worldly system-god, and is a flat out rejection of our God-given rights as soverign individuals.
OctMax is right that even churches, ect., use technology to it's advantage, but making use of technology for their own purpoes is different than telling us that God wants us tracked. Why would any God want that? Doesn't He already have us tracked, without microchips?
National ID, step in the wrong direction; microchipping, a possible fulfillment of prophecy.
Atheists? Well, if you dont agree that this is related, well, only time will tell, i supposse...
i feel you may have missed my point slightly octavius, or purposely confused it with irrelevancies. ockham's razor brother.
conceptually, and literally, the world system seeks to position itself as a 'god' of the human race - a sustainer, a provider, a protector, a controller, etc etc. is this not plain to the eyes?
the way the system seeks to do this is to melt down all our civil liberties into one "citizen's permission slip".
he system chooses who lives and who dies. who eats and who starves. who can "buy and sell". do you see how exactly this corresponds to the final prophecy of the Bible, assuming you are thoroughly versed in the Bible to be able to comment on it?
televisions, tools, trades, technology, etc etc, are products of man's creativity and inventiveness, qualities which are a reflection of our divine nature.
these things do not have any power over us (unless someone happens to have an obsessive disorder about something, which is just an individual issue).
RATHER, the problem is that the system AS A WHOLE is under the control of man's inflated ego and it is attempting to become a 'god-like' entity.
and in order for us to have permission to live, we will one day have to 'pay homage' (metaphorically) to this system by getting the permission slip implanted into our bodies - so that we physically become part of that system.
then we are no longer humans, we become parts of a machine, slaves to a beast, however you want to put it.
i would ask you to think wisely and in depth about this. you don't need religion to understand these things. RFID technology is not the problem.
zoom your mind out to orbit and take a look at whats happening to we little hobbits.
Originally posted by Octavius Maximus
"the abomination that causes desolation"
Whats this quoted from? What bearing does it have on this discussion?
You do realize that RFID chips can, and already have been hacked, check youtube.
Ah yes, youtube...the most irrefutable evidence known to mankind.
Matthew 24:15 So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand—
In the future, the rfid chip will be your identifier. You will be a number in all connected computer systems on earth. Thats your identity and it will be used to identify you as a person when you interact with services, such as using the Internet.
Why is this bad? Everyone will have the card so it will be a convenient way to identify yourself on the Internet and know that everybody else is who they say they are, right? This is very bad. Why?
You can find information on whatever subject you want without anyone knowing about it.
You can educate yourself from any internet site on this planet.
You can educate others by putting information on the Internet yourself. You can contribute to discussions and learn about things from other people. To put it simple, its a many to many form of communication that is uncontrolled and free.
For example, youtube and google video are the two largest contributors to spreading information about things that the media choose to not talk about.
Without it, people who saw there was something wrong with 9/11 would not have a chance to talk to the masses about it.
Without it, people who have opinions about Bush would not be able to talk to the masses about it.
In essence. Without the Internet, you will not be able to talk to the masses at all.
The spreading of information will take as long as it did before the internet, and be limited to the people owning radio stations, TV stations and book publishers.
Now lets imagine the future. If the government thinks you are spreading information on the Internet that they dont like, what do they do? They turn off your chip.
Do not accept this chip because its convenient. Its the start of a society where you will lose your voice and powers completely if you disagree with the government.
You will be a worker without a voice, and your only source of information will be the information the government has approved of.
Welcome to 1984.
So you don't believe that RFID chips are hackable or have been hacked because I used youtube as the source? Fine....