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Russia growing as new fasists!!!

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posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 01:45 AM
Recently I heard in news that Putin have estblished a community called "Nashi''. This organization become foundations directly from Kreml and in strukture it is very similar to ''Hitlerjugend''. Only diference is that their lider is Vladimir Putin. This organization are making camps in Russia where youth are ''learnd why Putin is do great and why his oponets are so evil".As the media speaks that this organization are involved in bloking Estonian embasy this year, making demonstrations agains Putins oponents.They said that they have more than 10,000 members in russia.From my point of wiew it is a history repeating,just like Hitler made a good propoganda to get public support for his actions.I really dont like it,it is smelling like preperations for war but thats only my opinion!!
here is some links
i hope anyone can read russian)

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 03:41 AM
if you are so concerned about history repeating itself, I beleive you should look in your own back yard (Im assuming your from the USA) and see the huge similarities between the Bush administration and the Nazi party.

alot more similar than Putin and Hitler will ever be.

The US post WW2 was built upon Nazi theology within its military structure and within its scientists base.

Please refer to Operation Paperclip and associated links.

Putin is only standing up for what he beleives to be right, and he is sticking it up the New World Order cronies and they are getting pee'd off about it.

'Nashi' translated means "ours" which you may as well call 'Russians' just like americans call themselves Yanks, no difference. You are looking for a difference and a target to blame, thou I do not beleive you are succesful in this instance.

Seriously, what would you do if the person you hate from down the street decided to put some ballistic missiles in your next door neighbours backyard and says to you "thats just in case the guy in the other street starts getting smart"?

Think about it........

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 04:15 AM
Well use goole and see where is Latvia!!!
I'm living right next to Russia,and you know I would be very happy when U.S put their rockets next to Russia. We(latvians) have already seen once what russia and russians are capable.That cost us more than 50 years of represion,ocupation and people deportation to siberia.And living next to that igorant,selfish,and stupid nation is really taff. If I have to choose between U.S and Russia than I preferd U.S.
And from what I see, that the same [Mod Edit] is hapening again,its almost feeling like Soviet Union never collapse!!!Their are brainwashing entire russian population whit propoganda how big,how good they are,and others are they enemys!!Our Neigbhour country Estonia a couple of months back removed one monument of soviet ocupation from their city center.As respond this organization ''Nashi" have demolished city for one night!!In Moscow they have attacked estonian embassy!!
I really can't speak about U.S because they are to far away and only information that i have is from media that is very easy to manipulate, i dont some americans marching in my country whit soviet flags, singing katjusha and calling all fashists!!!
And i agree maybe i'm not very objective about Russia but I have very good damm reasons for that,because they are terrorising uns whole history!!Even Hitler didnt cause us such damage as Russians.And please dont blame the goverment of Soviet Union or Stalin,because one Stalin could't do all thouse murders,rapings,stealings and humilation that simple russians did to us!!!!

[Mod Edit: Please Do Not Evade the Automatic Censors. Thank you - Jak

[edit on 23/7/07 by JAK]

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 06:02 AM
Dont worry about the above poster. So many folks on here are anti-bush and anti-american that they dont even think to look where someone on here is from. They just read the post and if iots something negative about another leader or another country then they just assume your from the US.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 06:26 AM
This remind me of this old thread:

Youth Group To Patrol Moscow To Spot Illegal Migrants

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by swesais
Their are brainwashing entire russian population whit propoganda how big,how good they are,and others are they enemys!!

Hmmmm sound familiar to anyone in the US? Or Great Britain? Or just about any where else in the world?

Sound familiar to our present time in history? Or just about any time in our past history?

It's what governments do. Much to the detriment of the majority of the worlds population.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 06:47 AM
A recent thread about incidents caused by Nashi and other Kremlin related organisations: Russians Riot in Tallin, Estonia

ANOK; but there are no groups like this in US/UK, their entire MO is straight from Mein Kampf and the handbook of Hitler Jugend. It far beyond anything seen since '30s. they are even forming units inside the army composed of only Nashi members...

[edit on 23-7-2007 by northwolf]

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by swesais
Their are brainwashing entire russian population whit propoganda how big,how good they are,and others are they enemys!!

Hmmmm sound familiar to anyone in the US? Or Great Britain? Or just about any where else in the world?

Sound familiar to our present time in history? Or just about any time in our past history?

It's what governments do. Much to the detriment of the majority of the worlds population.

Of course its happenig in every big country,but I can say from my own experience than Russians are actualy believing it,and not only believing but trusting whitout any doubts,and oposition there is so small and goverment do everything to make theirs life dificult.I dont know how its happenig in other countrys,but they are seeding an agresion in to people to everything that isnt russian! Latest russian films are made about their great battles and victories in WW2 and how they saved everyone from nacists.In the web everyone is makig sarcasm about american people who dont know much about globe.Well russians isnt much better.And the form how they critic other countrys-if in Russia is poor living who is in guilt,of course Wester Europa and U.S because they are nazis.That is what troubeling me!!!They arent simply making patriots, but growing a dumb,ignorant mass of milions of people who will believe in everything that goverment says!As the statistics show Putin and Russian goverment have full support of public in every question that goes out of Russia!!!
My grandma told me that when Russians came to occupie Latvia,they thought that we are: 1)nazis,2)not christian.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by northwolf
A recent thread about incidents caused by Nashi and other Kremlin related organisations: Russians Riot in Tallin, Estonia

ANOK; but there are no groups like this in US/UK, their entire MO is straight from Mein Kampf and the handbook of Hitler Jugend. It far beyond anything seen since '30s. they are even forming units inside the army composed of only Nashi members...

[edit on 23-7-2007 by northwolf]

Thanks Northwolf!!
This is exatcly what Im speaking about!!!

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 08:52 AM
you have good reason to be worried.putin has been assasinating dissidents,supporting rogue,terrorist states like iran, and actually threatened to point nukes at europe,should the u.s. missile defense plans go forward,and now this. both the assasination of dissidents combined with ultranationalistic propaganda, and the nationalisation of private corporations and business enterprises is a mirror image of nazi germany and soviet russia,and is the first step to creating a dictatorship. i've been watching these developments since last year,and you should,too. and,as a proud citizen of the u.s.a, i can say MOST DEFINITELY that i see no ultranationalistic propaganda,groups, or assasinations of dissidents,or threatenings with nukes here. what i do see is love of the greatest country on earth,and freedom. just look at all the dissidents here who say whatever they want to about bush, the iraq war,etc. just look at cindy sheehan. and they are all still here,living comfortably in the u.s. of a.


posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 01:04 PM
we are discussing Nashi so I think that a picture could help

they definitely look like Hitlerjugend

Originally posted by swesais
in strukture it is very similar to ''Hitlerjugend''.

did you know that the Scouts are also " in strukture are very similar to ''Hitlerjugend'' "

Originally posted by swesais
youth are ''learnd why Putin is do great and why his oponets are so evil".
any examples ?

Originally posted by swesais
living next to that igorant,selfish,and stupid nation

I'll tell you a little secret, some people ( well I dont know, maybe Russians) can get offended by those word. Dont expect that your neighbor will like you after that

Originally posted by swesais
heir are brainwashing entire russian population whit propoganda

I'm sorry this page was translted with online translater
The most popular persons on Russian TV in 2006
it was a research by an independent company

in year 2006 ther there 13890 news messages on russian TV about Putin, 38 of them were negative, 118 of them were positive , others were neutral

Originally posted by swesais
As respond this organization ''Nashi" have demolished city for one night!

even police in Estonia admitted that its not true...

Originally posted by swesais
i agree maybe i'm not very objective about Russia but I have very good damm reasons for that,because they are terrorising uns whole history

so USSR occupied your country from 1945 to 1991 and you are saying that Russia was terrorising you your whole history? I didnt know that your history is so short. And yes I agreeb you aren't objective about Russia

Originally posted by ka47
been assasinating dissidents,supporting rogue,terrorist states like iran, and actually threatened to point nukes at europe,

are you saying that USA never supported rogue, terrorist states , assasinated dissidents and pointed nukes at europe

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by FDS

we are discussing Nashi so I think that a picture could help

Why are they waving with danish flags? I know that Litvinenko claimed that the FSB was behind the Mohammed cartoon crisis... Is there any relation to the danish flags in this picture?

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 02:20 PM
Yes...Russian "Nazi", American "Naci", European "Naci" - they are all bad people. They will get involved in another "World War", and tens of millions of Christians from Russia, US and Europe will die. After that, muslims (pushed by Jews) will take over Europe, Russia and US.

So, you guys go on...fight each other to death. Future will be without Christians, islamists will take over what's left of our countries.

Go are sooooooo right. Those Russians...we all know that they are the cause for all evil...or maybe it is Americans...or maybe English...but, until you decide, you cannot deny rights of moslems from all over the world to come and live in Christian countries. That is democracy. They have a right. And, don't ever insult their religion - you better be carefull what you say.

Islam is taking over. Christians still like fighting Christians.

Yes, I know. Once you get rid of Russians, kill the last one, this world will be beautiful, clean, and peacefull. Or, once Bush is gone, once US is finished, this world will breath. Of course, we just have to destroy Europe, that is the main source of evil.

You all are so smart, it is a pleasure to read your smart views of Nazi Russians and Nazi Americans. No, you are not is just me. I cannot see the point.


posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Hellmutt

Originally posted by FDS

we are discussing Nashi so I think that a picture could help

Why are they waving with danish flags? I know that Litvinenko claimed that the FSB was behind the Mohammed cartoon crisis... Is there any relation to the danish flags in this picture?

no its "Nashi" flag, it looks like this

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 05:22 PM
In my opinion, the new fascist empire is America. We see domestic spying, illegal wars for oil, violations of the Geneva Convention, and corporate control of the media and life in general. The "two-party system" guarantees that the status-quo will not be tampered with as the Republicans and Democrats are much like rivals on WWE - they pretend to be arguing with each other in the ring and laugh about how gullible the fans are backstage.

I strongly disagree with swesais who appears to be intoxicated of paranoia toward Russia/Russians. Russia is the one country that might be able to stand-up to the United States and bring order to the world. BTW, Russia has experience defeating fascist empires.

Nashi is a patriotic youth group similar to countless others throughout the world. I would be more worried about Evangelical Christian camps, as portrayed in the documentary Jesus Camp, than Nashi.

swesais, you might not speak for most Latvians as Latvia has strengthened its relations with Russia, most recently by ratifying a definitive border agreement - to the chagrin of the radical nationalistic party that wanted to hold-out and made claims on parts of Russia.

Colleen on Russia

[edit on 29-7-2007 by colleen77]

[edit on 29-7-2007 by colleen77]

[edit on 29-7-2007 by colleen77]

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by FDS
we are discussing Nashi so I think that a picture could help

they definitely look like Hitlerjugend

Originally posted by swesais
in strukture it is very similar to ''Hitlerjugend''.

did you know that the Scouts are also " in strukture are very similar to ''Hitlerjugend'' "

Originally posted by swesais
youth are ''learnd why Putin is do great and why his oponets are so evil".
any examples ?

Originally posted by swesais
living next to that igorant,selfish,and stupid nation

I'll tell you a little secret, some people ( well I dont know, maybe Russians) can get offended by those word. Dont expect that your neighbor will like you after that

Originally posted by swesais
heir are brainwashing entire russian population whit propoganda

I'm sorry this page was translted with online translater
The most popular persons on Russian TV in 2006
it was a research by an independent company

in year 2006 ther there 13890 news messages on russian TV about Putin, 38 of them were negative, 118 of them were positive , others were neutral

Originally posted by swesais
As respond this organization ''Nashi" have demolished city for one night!

even police in Estonia admitted that its not true...

Originally posted by swesais
i agree maybe i'm not very objective about Russia but I have very good damm reasons for that,because they are terrorising uns whole history

so USSR occupied your country from 1945 to 1991 and you are saying that Russia was terrorising you your whole history? I didnt know that your history is so short. And yes I agreeb you aren't objective about Russia

Originally posted by ka47
been assasinating dissidents,supporting rogue,terrorist states like iran, and actually threatened to point nukes at europe,

are you saying that USA never supported rogue, terrorist states , assasinated dissidents and pointed nukes at europe

you have got to be blind.does the name ALEXANDER LITVINENKO ring a bell?? i don't know if you've ever lived in a communist dictatorship, but i would like to send all you people who try to say that the u.s.a is a fascist state to one. then you'll get to see WHAT A REAL DICTATORSHIP IS LIKE...

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by ka47
you have got to be blind.does the name ALEXANDER LITVINENKO ring a bell?? i don't know if you've ever lived in a communist dictatorship, but i would like to send all you people who try to say that the u.s.a is a fascist state to one. then you'll get to see WHAT A REAL DICTATORSHIP IS LIKE...

Well I don't know about him, but I have ... if you commit treason - it's a bad thing. So what, every nation has done that before, just look at the CIA. Even the MI6 tried to kill their agent who exposed the 7/7 bombings. Don't tell me that this is dictatorship.

In contemporary usage, dictatorship refers to an autocratic form of absolute rule by leadership unrestricted by law, constitutions, or other social and political factors within the state.


Does that sound familiar ?

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 01:39 AM

You are going to find a lot of folks here who are instigators and provocateurs, they thrive on twisting what others perceive and post here. Ignore them, some of them are apparatchiks, that is all you need to know about them. They are still angry and humiliated because of their lose of influence and power because of the Cold War and Reagan. You will understand what I say, others here will not, and still others will feign ignorance. It is still unimportant, because most of those who are here listening and attacking others are small fish.

Personally I subscribe to George S. Patton's opinion which he expressed personally to Eisenhower. He believed we should have driven into Moscow.

I'm sure the whack jobs will flame me, but who cares. Our political solution in Eastern Europe at the end of the WW2 condemned millions to death, and millions of others to the iron grip of elitist communist rule and tyranny for nearly 70 yrs., and the rest of the free world to 40 + yrs. of cold war.

But the people of the west and the world were weary of war and the decision was made to allow this scourge to continue to live and fester and kill millions, only to extinguish itself under the weight of it's own unsustainable corrupt domestic policies and abuses and economic weight. We played a game of containment because the horrors were to far away and not right in our backyards, so we turned or backs and let this disease spread within "Manageable Bounds".

Now, the still smoldering hatred of freedom and self-determination is rearing its' head and Putin is the new burning coal in the black heart of Russian communism. A pathetic epithet for a horribly abused and ravaged people, who have been robbed and raped over and over by their own leaders.

I have no love for this corrupted and infected form of government and economics as it is applied by these tyrants.

A little background on me and my opinions.

I grew up without nintendo and remember practicing nuclear air raid drills all through the early 60's. I later became a proud Cold Warrior serving in the USAF making sure my particular aircraft was "Mission Capable". Meaning we could fire our birds off into European and Russian airspace and create Glowing, Smoking Holes from the Republic of East Germany all the way to Kamchatka. I have no regrets, someone has to stand on the walls at night. It was my distinct pleasure to be one of those individuals.

It is a dangerous business making us into enemies. We would much rather be nice than be forced to aim our gun barrels at you. But if you insist, we will. I would not hesitate to return to duty if they called me. Some of us have found our place in life, I fortunately am one of those. The world is very Black and White to me, always has been. Your either on my side or you are subject to extreme scrutiny and possible replacement and or elimination.

Stand your ground my friend, they will fail as they always have before. They prey on the weak and easily seduced. Your people suffered greatly under them.

This ought to get the nutters really wound up.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 02:30 AM
Nice post.

I'm somewhat behind you on those issues. What mostly ticks me off is that USA declared that it was fighting communism during the cold war did nothing to help those that fell under the soviet attacks at '39 while USSR and the Reich were allied... /OT

New Russian Ultranationalism is a real threath to those around it, currently Nashi is just a youth movement, but it has allready began infilitrating the Russian Army. Nashi members are getting a special treatment in the military and they are currently forming units composed of entirely Nashi members, regular officers are afraid to dicipline these units as they have been sanctioned from very high political positions.
In other words, Old Guard generals are slowly but surely forced out of power. These old generals are no saints, but at least they've attempted to keep the region stabile for the past decade.

Why am i worried about the Russias situation?
I'm currently sitting 20km west from russian Border and incase of a russian military offensive to Finland i will be among the first ones to be called to arms. And no, i wont be in a bomber, i'll be tackling the armored spearhead with smallarms and RPGs...

Best regards,

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 10:33 AM

The last great effort we made to slow and stop Russian Expansionism on the continent of Europe after the WW2 was when we supported the Greeks in their civil war against the Communist insurgency during the late 40's.

After that time and before that time Truman, and later Eisenhower were not pro-active in stopping the spread of Russian aggression. We were accomplices to their dirty work. We practiced "containment" and promoted a policy of "Mutually Assured Destruction". This in hind site was a grave mistake and cost millions their lives and freedom.

Whenever faced by resolute and confident force these thugs will almost always back down. Reagan proved this in the 1980's and his adminstrations foresite in promoting "Star Wars" technology broke their backs. They are successful in undermining and controlling the weak and defenseless, but rarely do they have that success when faced with resolute and determined free people. Your countrymen and their relationship with Russia proves this.

This is why they infiltrate and subvert different social, economic and educational institutions in the West. They have great success in dividing and conquering people in free societies, because the young and undereducated rarely question authority and easily accept the apparatchik party lines. Under the guise of "Free Speech" and "Open Discourse" and "Detante" they get people to question their own cultures. The play book is the same today as it was 50 yrs. ago. Those of us with a memory have not forgotten the way they operate, their fingerprints are all over many of the current istitutions in the west.

[edit on 1-8-2007 by sharkman]

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