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What's YOUR personal opinion about God...

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posted on Feb, 3 2004 @ 11:32 PM
I believe god is in the persons mind. I believe people need to think that there is something there. I think that we were seeded or created in one form that grew into another through time and adaptation. So would that be a god? I do not believe the what is written in the bible. I believe that power and money has made god through time. I believe people have been brainwashed through the many years of forcefullness to believe. If you didn't believe then you were killed for not believing. Don't be offended by believe what you wish and I don't asked my thoughts and I gave them...................Question....If you weren't taught or brought up and had never heard the mention of god,jesus whatever would you still believe? and why?

posted on Feb, 3 2004 @ 11:55 PM
Realize that not all are in it for money. money is a piece of green paper that means nothing to me. there are alot of people like me you just have to find them. people who have the (real) part
of god in them and that is his endless joy and love. God put his spirit in all of us and itis greatness, our own personal pride and want destroys his spirit in us.

men who steal money who claim o work for God are not of God but of themselves. whoever uses (my) God for money has the deepest place in hell for using God as a tool fo money. A piece of green trash used for survival.

"" if you were not brought up believing jesus God would you still believe ""

Yes, i am one of them. I did not grow up believing in jesus, I just found out about him three years ago and im only 22, and when i say just found out i mean just found out. His grace and miracles converted me to him and I cannot deny him. He and his teachings are excelletn and i look foward to serving him.


posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 12:04 AM

" I am Brahman....I dwell within all beings as the soul, the pure consciousness, the ground of all phenomena......
In the days of my ignorance, I used to think of these as being seperate from myself. Now I know that I am all ",

" If I penetrate to the depths of my own existence and my own present reality, the indefinable am that is myself in its deepest roots, then through this deep center I pass into the infinite I am which is the very name of the Almighty ", Thomas Merton.

"I am" Reffers to God.

We are Gods, we create, destroy at will. No God force has been proven to pivot the world.


posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 12:12 AM
To ZeroDeep: I tried to find the post you made just before ATS shut down but couldn't find it. It was about "I am God" or something along those lines. I was going to add to what you said. You may want to repost it cause it was a good topic and had a specific direction that would make for a good debate...

"Don't think saying "I am God" is proclaiming one's greatness. It is actually total humility. Some one who say's " I am the servant of God" infers two - God and himself - whereas someone who says, "I am God" negates himself. He relinquises his own existence. "I am God" means I don't exist. Everything is God. Only God exists. I am nothing. I am utter emptiness." This is complete humility not arrogance, but people often misunderstand. When someone says he is God's servant, he still sees himself as a doer, albeit in God's service. He is not yet drowned in the ocean of God. When he is, there will be no such thing as "his actions" , only movements in the water."
~by:Jalaluddin Rumi - Sufi Poet

God is All There is
When one realizes: God is all there is, everything changes. It means there is no one other than you. You are the whole, including all the unconscious, ignorant people. This means your sense of self expands to include everyone and everything. It means other people are also God. It means you are the world. Separation from existence is the human reality. To understand Advaita is to be free from separation. To miss the point is the hell of the ego.
~Maitreya Ishwara

'God is All there is'
'I am not separate from That'
'I am That I am'

"God equals Man minus ego"
~Sai Baba

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 12:29 AM
If some are devoted to justice ad others to evil than is (God) divided? if some are devoted to truth and others
lies is God divided?


posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by Truth

If some are devoted to justice ad others to evil than is (God) divided? if some are devoted to truth and others
lies is God divided?


I would say that if God is infinite and It contains all things, then those which we perceive as being good or evil or honest or liars are all a part of God.

I believe that each of those designations are merely concepts that we experience subjectively. I don't believe that the everything, which is God, views things from our limited perspective. The duality of life that we use to define things for ourselves is only relevant to us. God sees things from all sides at once, so It isn't limited to our "one-sided" perspective, that causes so much division between ourselves and everything else in existence.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 02:12 AM
If that were true than justice would not exist and gods kingdom would be filled withmurderers.\

jezebel, lets say a gang murders your family, yu fall apart wanting justice, and there was no justice in sight. At the end you end up in the same
kingdom as these people that God waatches over

Is that kingdom not divided?

See what im trying to get at is who God really is, which is of justice mercy and love, evil comes directly from free will.


posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by Truth

If that were true than justice would not exist and gods kingdom would be filled withmurderers.\

jezebel, lets say a gang murders your family, yu fall apart wanting justice, and there was no justice in sight. At the end you end up in the same
kingdom as these people that God watches over

Is that kingdom not divided?

See what I'm trying to get at is who God really is, which is of justice mercy and love, evil comes directly from free will.


OK, for one thing, evil is subjective, whether we like it or not. The people that believe suicide bombing is evil are always on the receiving end of the terrorist acts. The bombers feel that their actions are justified, because their targets are evil. Who is right?

If someone killed my family, you bet I would want to see justice done in the physical world. It is our human mind that separates us from God. Once we die, we are no longer confined to our individual bodies or personalities. After I die, it won't matter who else has rejoined God or what they did when they were in their physical bodies. I will no longer have a sense of self and neither will anyone else. I don't believe that the soul is capable of being corrupted, only the mind is, and it doesn't exist outside of our physical plane. The soul is the pure essence of God that we all share and that connects us to everything else that exists.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 07:42 AM
The suicide bombers are wrong because God has sent his commands, see what they do is take lives on their judgement and kill their own
God given bodies in the process, if they want justice than pray fo justice. I hate this country too like them but I pray fr Gods justice against it in his
own wil not theirs, I pray for this contries conversion back to God but do they?

"" The soul canot get corruped, the mind can ""

The soul controls the mind. It is what free will is. If you decide to be mindly corrupted then your (soul) has made a God given choice. If you choose seperation from God and evil ways you will recieve
seperation forever.

this is how I see it.

Some people just hate others for no reason but just to hate. This free will does not end after deah but yur hate remains and your rejection of Gods law that your soul decided while on earth.


posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by Truth

Realize that not all are in it for money. money is a piece of green paper that means nothing to me. there are alot of people like me you just have to find them. people who have the (real) part
of god in them and that is his endless joy and love. God put his spirit in all of us and itis greatness, our own personal pride and want destroys his spirit in us.

men who steal money who claim o work for God are not of God but of themselves. whoever uses (my) God for money has the deepest place in hell for using God as a tool fo money. A piece of green trash used for survival.

"" if you were not brought up believing jesus God would you still believe ""

Yes, i am one of them. I did not grow up believing in jesus, I just found out about him three years ago and im only 22, and when i say just found out i mean just found out. His grace and miracles converted me to him and I cannot deny him. He and his teachings are excelletn and i look foward to serving him.

I disagree everyone is after a payment. It dont have to be "green" money. Money rules the world, Period. I dont care what you say, EVERYONE can be bought. You say you dont care about the green back, HA HA HA HA HA HA. i dont beleave that for a Nano second.

God is the Dictator Of Dicktakers. God is made in the eye of man. just my opion.

[Edited on 4-2-2004 by SpittinCobra]

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 07:53 AM
I can have no opinion of something which can not be shown to exist.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 12:34 AM
Can we not show you God because God is you. Are you like a hunter that follows the tracks of a tiger only to come to a pond and see that you were the tiger?

I have a feeling that God is not external from us because then nothing makes sense to me. Why create us? Why make us suffer? Why the hell am I even in God's game of existance?

I bet in essence we have always been here and always will, we are part of God. We are the roots of the tree that worships the leaves above, only to find we are all part of the tree. God as we think of him normally may just be the most evolved part of the Godthing we all are a part of. Do my toes even know that I'm the intelligence that runs the show? Can they see me or hear me? Maybe only in death can our consciousness allow us to know the intelligence behind the Godthing that drives us.

Man, sometimes I just like being a toe or root of God and having a beer and watching football...I think I'll enjoy the place I'm at before I worry too much about evolving to "find" or being equal to God. I still have quite a desire to get to know that other "toe" known as "woman" though sometimes I'm glad she's on the other foot.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 12:51 AM
Evil are those things that are a part of the "Godthing" trying to act Godlike before they have evolved the knowledge necessary to be the Godhead (the intelligence/compassion that we commonly see as "God"). Evil plays mini-me God and destroys the Godthing (creation/me-you/God) in order to satisfy itself. We all possess are own mini-me in what is known as the ego...let it grow uncontrollably and you have a Hitler, Saddam, and Satan.

Ever notice how evil acts are always about control of others (acting like a God). Evil takes freewill and tries to take over the Godhead....yet it is a silly attempt since none of us are willing to give up our freewill, and evil will always be despised and every attempt will be made to eliminate it.

The US-Iraq war illustrates this point. Saddam played mini-me god and the US said uh-uh you suppress free will. Now the US is trying to play mini-me by trying to control Iraq and the people rebel. Of course some Muslims want to control the world through religion and they don't understand that they too will see a backlash. Evil may have more power since it tries to control everything, but in the end free will eats away at evil's base over time. Evil can never win as long as people want free will.

[Edited on 5-2-2004 by Boogie]

[Edited on 5-2-2004 by Boogie]

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 06:45 PM
I believe in God and always will

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 06:49 PM
I Believe.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:08 AM
spittin cobra " I can be bought "

That gave me the most sick gut renching feeling on earth. I wouldnt even hit my cat for ten
billion dollars. why?

why you ask?

because green money is fr survival. dont you get it?

Suppose i do commit crimes for money, then what? I live in wealth while my days pass and pass and I get closer to my death bed, and as I get closer I realize the deeds of my past and that I lived for short stints
of pleasure and hapiness and that I let green trash rule my life?

Im thinking about the next life where money does not go with me, where nothing on this earth I can buy will equal one minute in this kingdom.

Think about it for a minute, ive been through so much that i culd care less about green trash, i would rather be a janitor my whole life and make it into the kingdom then be rich and live without the kingdom andlive my pleaure on earth that doesnt last but a couple of spins on this globe.

(This) is the meaning of life. the afterlife. Alot never see it like this and its a shame, it really is.

everybody canot be bought, onlythose who live for this life only and its short stints of hapiness.

"" why has God included me in his game ""

So you can enjoy eternal salvation with him. Hae you not laughed and felt joy in your life? wuld you want someone to kill you? you would not because you love your life, and if you do imagine how much God does who formed you in your moms womb. imagine all your hapiness you have ever felt and imagine this for ever lasting with the one who gave yyou these moments. can you imagine that or even try to?


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 07:58 AM
God is my favourite fictional character!

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by CyberGhost
God is my favourite fictional character!

LMAO He is my fav. dictatory, Hitler would be second.

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 11:00 AM
God is the creator of all. God is pure spirit and therefore neither male nor female. God isn't legalistic like some religions try to make Him out to be. Most people, even 'religious' ones, really don't know God at all. We will see Him in His entirety after death and the organic bodies are stripped away.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 10:06 PM
I am comforted and fascinated by the fact God loves us all and His desire is for everyone He created to be united with Him one day. Personally, aren't you too....

I am very tired of the unkindness of others, God is not that way. I can turn to Him and trust in His love for me.

Here's another, isn't it something in what we know of God, He is perfectly simple and totally complicated at the same

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