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What's YOUR personal opinion about God...

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posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 11:34 AM
Any that its not? The bible is no proof, Bed time stores.

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 11:40 AM
Sorry liblam. They're talking about God according to the christian religion.

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
Any that its not? The bible is no proof, Bed time stores.

Why do you think that I would mention the bible???

And what's your evidence for God not existing?

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 11:47 AM
And second of all, liblam. The only place that I've ever heard of Thom's law is on that site. And that law depends on the theory that matter and the material world and universe is the only thing that exists, which is shown to be false by the holographic theory, quantum physics and the Higgs field. In fact quantum physics actually states that the material world is in reality an illusion, which eastern religions have already known for thousands of years.

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 11:49 AM
Its my personaly opion i am not trying to push it on anyone. The thread was named so. The proof i used to for myself, the human nature as we see it in documented history, We are creatures of habit, if we dont know the answer we make things up. examples.. Earth is center of solar system, till proved wrong, earth was flat till proved wrong, woman murdered at the steak for being witches, everything on this whole site is from stuff that humans have made up because the have know answers. again its me, be your self

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 11:52 AM
God? This guy is cool, I got some good grades for talking about him and his plans

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
And second of all, liblam. The only place that I've ever heard of Thom's law is on that site. And that law depends on the theory that matter and the material world and universe is the only thing that exists, which is shown to be false by the holographic theory, quantum physics and the Higgs field. In fact quantum physics actually states that the material world is in reality an illusion, which eastern religions have already known for thousands of years.

Thom's law or NOT Thom's law it really doesn't matter. The fact that SOMETHING cannot come out of NOTHING is absolutely 100% fact for ANYTHING at all. Light cannot come out of nothing. Waves, particles, etheric matter, consciousness, you name it. NONE of that, nor anything else, can ever come out of NOTHING. Because NOTHING is just 0. You cannot do anything to get something out of 0 without already adding "something" to it.

So that guy knows what he's talking about. And he's not only talking about the "Christian" concept of God, whatever that may be. He's really talking about any separate all-powerful Entity that someone would call God. Really really powerful doesn't count either. Has to be all-powerful! Really really powerful is just an alien with a thirst for power who got there by working his ass off.

Anyways, let's not get carried away with who wrote the law and whether you see it anywhere else. The fact stated by that law remains, doesn't it? There's absolutely never going to be an example of something coming out of nothing. Simply because NOTHING doesn't exist. Something is everywhere. Nothing is theoretical, like infinity. Nothing can only exist in your mind as an idea of the absense of everything else.

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
"God" is both male and female, "God" is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. Nobody created God,God is self existent, the first cause of all, and existing by "God's" own intrinsic powers.

"God" is inconceivable to man...that is why we question his existance, intentions, motives and purpose.

And since man cannot conceive something without a name or form, man created "God" and gave him names like God, Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, just to name a few.

"Truth is one but men describe it differently"...RigVeda

so those who say God is created by man, are partially right, because man created the concept of "god" because "God" is inconcievable.

But why do you say "God doesn't exist"? Can you share some of the reasoning that led you to that conclusion? I read your post and it doesn't justify why God wouldn't exist...of course some believe things one way until they can be proved otherwise

BUT...just remember not everyone thought that the Earth was the center of the solar system and not everyone believed that the Earth was flat either.

[Edited on 1-12-2004 by worldwatcher]

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 11:59 AM
See, the concept of "God doesn't exist" has a problem. What God would someone be talking about? What type of God. First tell me which type of God you'd like me to show you doesn't exist, because there's omnipotent old dudes sitting in Heaven, there's also omnipresent all-encompassing Gods that are one with everything, there's Christian concepts of God, Buddhist... I dunno there's so many different TYPES of God. Especially now that people on this board really stated many different ideas. So which one would you be talking about?

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 12:01 PM
If i said man made GOD, that means i am saying there is GOD, it is man made, so what every that means to you, so be it. GOD is alive to alot of people... Too me i know what every happens in this life happens. Period... Then i die period...

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 12:02 PM
It is very obvious that there has never been nothing, as in zero, zip zilch, nada. But since when does that conflict with the idea of a God.
God is obviously something already. As for the Universe, there was something already. So that same Thom's law still doesn't make any sense at all other than the logical sentence.

SpittinCobra: Here's some scientific theories on God.

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by lilblam
I dunno there's so many different TYPES of God. Especially now that people on this board really stated many different ideas. So which one would you be talking about?

Ever heard of the story of the three blind men and the elephant???

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795

It is very obvious that there has never been nothing, as in zero, zip zilch, nada. But since when does that conflict with the idea of a God.
God is obviously something already. As for the Universe, there was something already. So that same Thom's law still doesn't make any sense at all other than the logical sentence.

SpittinCobra: Here's some scientific theories on God.

Well that's exactly the point. It just wants to make sure people understand that in a logical sense. Many people think that God came out of nothing. Well that part Thom's law really rules out. That's all! Just to clear up certain misconceptions. Besides, the whole point is to demonstrate reality, which is that there was NEVER a time of there being nothing. That's not what some people believe, however, so that law had to be stated and that forced those people to consider how something can pop out of nothin.
I'll check out the website u gave in a min..

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 12:06 PM
See, so the concept of God does not conflict with Thom's law.

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 12:11 PM
not trying to push or sell hinduism on anyone here, just read this and see if it makes any sense to you

"The Vedas tell us this about God - "OM Poornamadah Poornamidam Poornaad Poornamudachyate; Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poornamevaavashisyate". Translated in English, this verse means "What is Whole - This is Whole - What has come out of the Whole is also Whole; When the Whole is taken out of the Whole, the Whole still remains Whole". The essence of this verse is that the Infinite cannot be measured arithmetically - God is Infinite. The Infinite can be represented in Infinite ways and does manifest in infinite ways. This, in short, is the essence of the Hindu belief in God. That He is everywhere, aorund us and within us. Infact, Hinduism takes the bold step of proclaiming that "we are God".

At the end of the day, Hinduism is monotheistic (Believes in One God). However, Hinduism believes not only in One God, but also in His Infinite manifestations around us and within us perpetually. Realizing that it is impossible for mankind to visualize the Infinite, Hinduism presents us with His forms to help us visualize him. This belief of Hinduism is often confused with polytheism.

To illustrate this point - We all observe the unending processes of birth, existence and death, which seem to be continually taking place around us. We constantly witness these processes and are yet ignorant of them, living as we do in the comfort of our illusory lives. Hinduism gives form and shape to these "works" of the Infinite with the Hindu Trinity - Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. "Brahma" creates, "Vishnu" sustains, and "Shiva" destroys or consumates everything in the Universe.

That the Supreme can be worshipped in any form is a concept unique to Hinduism. Such worship is truly a tribute to His greatness."

This is quoted from
if you are interested in reading more about the "religion".

Personally I do not consider Hinduism as a is a way of life. I was born as a Hindu and never has any of the Hindu pandit that I have known has ever preached to me, tried to influence me, convert me or dissuade me from my personal beliefs. They have all encouraged me to search for myself and make my own decisions. This is why I chose Hinduism as my way of life, because no other religion (except for Buddhism and some other variations of Eastern religion) gives me credence and importance as an individual person capable of making my own decisions.

WHY is it that, Christians, Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses all feel that I am not capable of living a moral life without their intervention????

sorry if I am taking this off topic lilblam.

[Edited on 1-12-2004 by worldwatcher]

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 12:15 PM
Gospel of Thomas verse 3:

"Jesus said: If those who lead you say unto you: Behold, the Kingdom is in heaven, then the birds of the heaven will be before you. If they say unto you: It is in the sea, then the fish will be before you. But the Kingdom is within you, and it is outside of you."

The similarities between this and what worldwatcher just posted are amazing...

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Gospel of Thomas verse 3:

"Jesus said: If those who lead you say unto you: Behold, the Kingdom is in heaven, then the birds of the heaven will be before you. If they say unto you: It is in the sea, then the fish will be before you. But the Kingdom is within you, and it is outside of you."

The similarities between this and what worldwatcher just posted are amazing...

This is true, and I agree with the above verse, somewhat. By looking inside ourselves, and realizing our potential, we create happiness, and find our own personal heaven. All of the answers we could possibly have questions for in life are found inside of ourselves.

"If you see Buddha on the road, kill him, because he is false. Buddha is within you."

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 06:23 PM

What someone that needs proof before I believe something...i cant go on some book that says there was some dude named Jesus that could do miracles and died to save us...I find it impossible to know if tehre is a i am Agnostic...Until there is undeniable proof that there is a God then ill believe and repent....but till then....Ima live my unfaithful life....

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 07:31 PM
as much as i am probally gona sound like a fanboyish geek (then again i allready am a fanboyish geek so why should i care) i believe that god is like the force from the star wars movies in the sense that god has no psyical form and is ultimately the energy force that ultimately binds the universe together.

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by dreamlandmafia

What someone that needs proof before I believe something...i cant go on some book that says there was some dude named Jesus that could do miracles and died to save us...I find it impossible to know if tehre is a i am Agnostic...Until there is undeniable proof that there is a God then ill believe and repent....but till then....Ima live my unfaithful life....

In my opinion, you will never get the proofs you want, the proofs your physical senses need to tell your mind that something is believeable. Only material things can be ''prooved''. Divine realms are only revealed to those having faith. Faith is not material. Scientists are now paid to proove that faith is a liquid in the brain or a mental disease.. why? Because they can't explain it with their limited rational minds.. It's like asking a frog sat on its nenuphar to understand that there's a fuc**ng big ocean existing!!

Talking about frogs and scientists, here's the story about the scientist who wanted to find out why it is so that people cannot change a situation which they have seen as miserable and why they go on.

''He took the pot and started to heat up the water to all most the boiling point and then threw a frog into the pot. The frog immediately jumped out of the pot, to liberty because it was realy hot. Then the same scientist took a pan and in it created a paradise with nice imitation plants and an island and a little umbrella for the frog and he put the frog there. It was cool and chilly in the beginning. Then he slowly, slowly increased the heat. Then it became a little warmer for the frog but he had his mat island with umbrella and he went there and it was becoming slowly, slowly hotter and he thought: "This is an island and it is really hot. I will take a bath now", and he went into the water which was slowly heating up. He was bathing while the water was slowly becoming hoter and hoter so while enjoying the bath the frog lost consciousness and died. It was too hot. Because the frog was in his comfort zone something which was paradise, he did not leave the miserable circumstance...''

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