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What's YOUR personal opinion about God...

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posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 04:15 PM
God is life

God is the energy in everything

We can no more understand God than a cockroach can understand us

God is beyond he/she

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by lilblam
When I create a thread and argue for the non-existance of God, everyone jumps at the chance to prove me wrong. EVERYONE!
When I just simply ask an open-ended question, people come to a realization that God doesn't exist, after all.

If you read correctly, there's actually only 2 persons here who doesn't believe something called "God" exist.

If you start a thread and try to explain why you think you are right and people thinking differently are wrong, OF COURSE, only people thinking differently will reply.

The rest already think like you do, and have probably took a path similar to yours to reach that same thinking patern. Why would they care to awser/reply?

If you start a thread, asking a question, and do no more than wait for people's personnal input and opinion, you're bound to get a lot more awnsers not-questionning YOUR beliefs, cuz how could they do so when you haven't even stated what you believed in.

Nothing so great or mystic about it.

I believe "God" exist, but that most human have a wrong conception of what "He" is. I tend to lean more on the side of beliefs like a omnipresent energy form like the Chi of "The Force". In fact, most of my beliefs would appear similar to Lobo's ones.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by m0rbid

Originally posted by lilblam
When I create a thread and argue for the non-existance of God, everyone jumps at the chance to prove me wrong. EVERYONE!
When I just simply ask an open-ended question, people come to a realization that God doesn't exist, after all.

If you read correctly, there's actually only 2 persons here who doesn't believe something called "God" exist.

If you start a thread and try to explain why you think you are right and people thinking differently are wrong, OF COURSE, only people thinking differently will reply.

The rest already think like you do, and have probably took a path similar to yours to reach that same thinking patern. Why would they care to awser/reply?

If you start a thread, asking a question, and do no more than wait for people's personnal input and opinion, you're bound to get a lot more awnsers not-questionning YOUR beliefs, cuz how could they do so when you haven't even stated what you believed in.

Nothing so great or mystic about it.

I believe "God" exist, but that most human have a wrong conception of what "He" is. I tend to lean more on the side of beliefs like a omnipresent energy form like the Chi of "The Force". In fact, most of my beliefs would appear similar to Lobo's ones.

Nice explanation too! Ok this is more fun, arguing with people gets annoying and seems to not teach anyone anything. This is a much better way, in my opinion, to approach a contravercial topic.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 04:57 PM
What is GOD?

I believe that GOD is very similar to how LOBOs has described Him. GOD is the ALL, The I AM. The yin and the yang. The alpha and the omega. The first and the last.
In one dimension, He is the singularity, perfect unity.
In two dimensions, He is the circle. Again, perfect unity.
In three dimensions, He is the the sphere. Again perfect unity.
In four dimentions, He is the sphere in past present and future. Again, perfect unity.
In five dimensions, He is the collective consciousness of ALL conscious beings experiencing all possible paths of separateness, yet still one being just as the ocean is a collective of water molecules, separate but still one.

He is above this world though. This is mearly His creation. A manifestation of thought through which GOD can experience GOD through separation on lower dimensions. To understand GOD, we must first understand ourselves and our world in these lower dimensions.
What do we know?
We know that our universe is made of energy. Matter is an illusion. Matter is composed of energy vibrating at different frequencies. In addition to vibration is order. Order is created through geometry of energised vortices. As this is scaled up, matter becomes manifested. Three dimensions are requred for this world to exist, four (3 spatial + time) are required for the physical to be useful. Five dimensions are necessary for us as spiritual entities to exist separate from our bodies (or the physical). In addition to order, is density. The relationship between the order in relation to the given space in which it exists. As density and frequency are scaled up, different manifestations are possible. Currently we are at the end of duality. We see the world in yin and yang and have difficulty seeing the unity in all things. That is about to change very soon. The Golden Age of Humanity is about to begin. The Golden Age will be manifested through the Golden Mean or Christ energy. Jesus, the Christ, came here to set the stage for the next age. His work is done on many levels. As a teacher, as a savior... the perfect sacrifice. Those who follow the Christ will be brought to the Kingdom. To the Golden Age of Humanity. This is my belief. Was Jesus GOD? IMHO... yes. He is as close to GODliness as any of us could be in this world. Yes, there were many other great teachers and Martyrs. But Christ is distinctly different from the others in that he not only claimed to be of GOD, but fulfilled prophecy and walked the path he talked. Additionally, he gave his life as a ransom for all, so that we may ascend as he did to the next "frequency" of expeience. This is hard for most because pride in the self, prevents us from seeing our own sin, much less acknowledging it.
Time is running out. I pray that we ALL begin looking more into the spiritual aspects of ourselves. Thank you lilblam for helping us to do that.

Let us also remember that we all experience this world separately. My beliefs are my experience analyzed, so if you disagree, I'm ok with that. Please share with me your perspective. For that is why we are here isn't it? But let us open our hearts to each other as well as our minds.

Peace to you ALL,


posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 05:04 PM

It is, IMO too, a better approach. And at least, this way, people won't get all "defensive" and tend to share more easily what they think/believe.

Overall, people are set in a more confortable discussion mood when you start a topic this way.

After all.."What Would Skippy Do?"

Trying to convince people doesn't always work, and rarely do on the internet, unless you got some rock-solid argument/links/proofs. It's like trying to convince a fish to bite your hook. Just let flow in the water, some will bite, some not, who care, can't have all the fishes can we?

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 05:30 PM
god is a bitch spelled backwards.
"public image ltd"


posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 05:56 PM
God is who the person believes him/her to be. To me I believe there's a greater being out there somewhere, but I believe in my own way. I really don't except somethings in the bible, for instance the creation. For scientists have said the world and that was created by the Big Bang and that's what I believe, I also believe man wasn't the first creatures. I believe in evolution over millions of years has got us to where we are.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 06:24 PM
Lets see if there was no "god" then we would have been created by nothing and be going nowhere so there as got to be a "God" its just the way you wish to view your "god"

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 06:47 PM
I can't say if there is a god or not, and be completely sure of myself. If there is a god I can easily describe him though.

God is what humans can't understand.

As in, the final questions...what is infinity? Is it real? If the human mind was capable of understanding infinity, then I think we would be sure if there was a god or not. Being that we can't, we can't be sure.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Seapeople
I can't say if there is a god or not, and be completely sure of myself. If there is a god I can easily describe him though.

God is what humans can't understand.

As in, the final questions...what is infinity? Is it real? If the human mind was capable of understanding infinity, then I think we would be sure if there was a god or not. Being that we can't, we can't be sure.

Yes we can! We came up with infinity
What part of infinity don't you understand? Is it the INFI or the NITY?

Infinity simply means never ending. Non-stop, termination-free continuation of something. It's like Zero or Nothing. Infinity and Nothing are not words describing observable phenomena. They are just descriptions of theoretical phenomena. You can't understand infinity because you're trying to imagine something that's infinite. But you can't imagine "nothing" either. That'd be a paradox. What are you trying to understand about infinity anyway?

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 07:55 PM
lilblam, I agree, we're actually making progress with this thread. It's not anything idiotic like 'ABSOLUTE PROOF OF GODS EXISTANCE!'; it's an intelligent discussion.

Oh, and by the way, your comment [about Buddha] wasn't offensive in any way, I just wanted to point out the "error" for those who didn't know better.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 08:03 PM

lilblam, I agree, we're actually making progress with this thread. It's not anything idiotic like 'ABSOLUTE PROOF OF GODS EXISTANCE!'; it's an intelligent discussion.


I agree too, I have been using meditation to try to tap into this "force" or energy with no suscess as far as I can tell I was wondering about the rest of you.

Have you felt it?

Some times I feel like I can but I have never been able to focus it does that make sense? if you have been able to go any futher with it I would like to hear u2u me if you would rather talk there

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by lilblam

Originally posted by Seapeople
I can't say if there is a god or not, and be completely sure of myself. If there is a god I can easily describe him though.

God is what humans can't understand.

As in, the final questions...what is infinity? Is it real? If the human mind was capable of understanding infinity, then I think we would be sure if there was a god or not. Being that we can't, we can't be sure.

Yes we can! We came up with infinity
What part of infinity don't you understand? Is it the INFI or the NITY?

Infinity simply means never ending. Non-stop, termination-free continuation of something. It's like Zero or Nothing. Infinity and Nothing are not words describing observable phenomena. They are just descriptions of theoretical phenomena. You can't understand infinity because you're trying to imagine something that's infinite. But you can't imagine "nothing" either. That'd be a paradox. What are you trying to understand about infinity anyway?

Oh lord.....another one.

Imagine something infinite for me. Visualize it. Now:

Describe in this message board, in words...what you see.

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 06:15 AM
seeing a bit of CWG in this thread, good on ya! but anyways, back onto topic. i just spent almost an hour talking to my christian brother about the whole god/life thing, and i don't even wanna think about it right now. though, like it or not, it still got me thinking. in the end we're all looking, trying to define what this is all about. maybe that's it, maybe that's our purpose, that there is no purpose. we're all defining things, and they all distinctly become our experuience. then we share and reflect these things with each other. that's pretty much it, is it not? that's all we're doing, so maybe that's what we're suppose to do. wow, i'm still off topic arn't i? haha, well there you go, guess this all was for me to say something else.

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 08:04 AM
This topic reminds me of this song. Don't know your listen preferences, but I can't imagine that many people won't like this tune....

Peace to you ALL,


posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 11:14 AM
Tara Reid at the end of Van Wilder: Party Liason...Is my God. Ohhh She HOT!!!

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 11:17 AM
never met him/her. Would like too.....

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 11:28 AM
GOD is 100% man made

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 11:32 AM
And do you have any evidence that God is 100% man made???

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 11:33 AM
Check out for evidence. Tons of evidence! All over the damn place!

But more specifically, these 3 sections:

[Edited on 12-1-2004 by lilblam]

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