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Any Questions for "Ghost Hunters" Jason and Grant?

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posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 12:27 PM
this is my favorite show. I have always wondered with their success with the show are they still plumbers with roto-rooter ? have they kept their day jobs ?

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 06:28 PM
Hey I am also a huge fan of Ghost Hunters. My question to them would be:
Have you ever considered wearing cameras so that the audience could see what you see? And if you have decided that you didn't want to - why not?
Sometimes if one of them turns a corner in a place they are investigating, they see something that we can't and couldn't get it on film. It would just be neat to see things from their point of view. Can't wait to see what they have to say about all these questions!

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 09:43 PM

Question Cut-off

Thank you, all of you, for all the great questions. There's a TON of them, and regretfully, not all will be able to be asked. I'm going to filter these down as best I can, based off of what they've already answered in interviews, their web site, or that they've refused to comment on. Then I'm going to filter down and combine questions a bit more to try and make the best use of the short amount of interview time. From there, I'll email it to the PR agent, who will ask Grant and Jason if they will accept the interview based on the questions asked, and if so, which questions they will answer.

Again, I thank all of you for the great questions, you've really covered all the bases, and I sincerely hope to be able to deliver this interview for you.

Here's the questions I've got so far, before any filtering:


You probably get asked this every interview, but it's been long enough since the last one the answer could have changed. What's the scariest place you've ever investigated?

Any place you'd never want to spend the night in alone?

In your investigations, have you ever run across anything paranormal that you would consider dangerous? - If yes, anything where the occupant should leave the premises or at least get rid of it?

What do you think the reason would be for a benevolent or malevolent ghost to haunt a living person or place?

Do some ghosts have a desire to communicate with the living?

Would you be willing to take a lie detector test to back up your claims?

Do you have any idea what a Shadow Person actually is?
-If yes, any idea if they were human at some point?

What are your thoughts on other paranormal folkloric creatures, like gnomes, elves, faeries, etc?

Have you ever run into some sort of higher spiritual being like an angel or some sort of heavenly being?

Have you ever run into a dimensional or time crossover where you felt like you were in the wrong period of time or place, rather than there being confused ghosts?

What have you learned about the journey to "the other side"?

Why do some people become stuck between worlds whereas others move on just fine?

Have you ever recieved a message from someone that you knew in life? Dead relatives, friends, etc?

What personal experience started you on this path?

Since you usually look into the history, lore, story of a place before the investigation, do you feel that this might in some way affect or influence the findings. Could the mindset of an individual affect the energy present to create an appropriate physical manifestation?

Do you ever go in "blind" just to see what happens, or do you always attempt to find the history of a place first?

Have you ever had anything "follow you home?"

What's your classification system for the haunts/ghosts that you find?

Are the majority of spirits you encounter aggressive, playful, or confused?

What's your opinion on orbs, rods, strings, etc.

Do you ever run across encounters that just flat out terrify you?



Are you planning on letting Steve run more shows?

Will there be any more shows with Barry?

How does someone become a member of TAPS?

What criteria do you use to hire a new TAPS member for Ghost Hunters?

Was it as bad as it seemed being stuck with CM Punk during the halloween episode?

Tango seems to get the approval of the fan base, and a lot of people seem to like him. Will he be a permanent part of the show?



Are you planning on returning to St. Augustine, FL

Are there any more episodes from Europe remaining to be aired besides the existing two?

Have you ever considered staking out the Ghostly Lincoln Funeral Train?
-If so, would you consider allowing amatuers to help stake out the route?

Do you have any plans to investigate Gettysburg, perhaps off-season to avoid tourists and campers.

Any plans to his any of the Asian countries such as Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and so forth?

Are there any plans in the works to have more regional spinoff series, such as a Pacific version of TAPS?

Are the locations you investigate based off of any particular system?



What equipment do you use in EVPs?

Why do you always ghost hunt at night, is there an advantage besides the use of IR cameras?

Why doesn't everyone on the show have helmet-cams, and are there any plans to implement this? There's been several occasions of "Did you see that" and the main camera spins to the spot too late. Surely Sci-Fi channel would pay for these. The "evidence" from these auxilliary cameras wouldn't need to be examines unless someone claimed such a sight.

Why are you so rude to ghosts and spirits? Does taunting them get an increase in paranormal activity?

Have you considered bringing along any biological paranormal detectors, such as dogs or cats to help you out?



When you first started the Ghost Hunters show, did you have any idea how huge of a hit it would be?

What opinions, if any, do you have about rival shows, such as "Most Haunted".

Do you think your producers, or customers, might sometimes rig up a site ahead of time to get higher ratings?

Have your personal belief systems changed as a result of the things you've come across as ghost hunters?

Have either of you ever been to AboveTopSecret.Com, and are you aware of its huge paranormal database on the paranormal?

How do you hold your fear in the scariest cases? What do you tell yourself to make you climb into a haunted place?

Do you do autographs through the mail?

How do you deal with criticism from watchers and scientists?

Many hunters of paranormal activity search their entire lives without a single experience. Why do you suppose you are lucky enough to find such compelling evidence on such a regular basis?

With the success of the Ghost Hunters TV show, do you still remain employed with Roto-Rooter, and if so, why?

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 10:47 PM
I thought of a cool idea......

Not really a question but a suggestion............

If spirit entities need a form of energy to manifest (ie hot water, electrical devices, heat energy) Why cant there be a device(homemade even) that has a sort of EMF generator?
For instance a controlled short of a powerful electrical device put in the middle of a room you are investigating, and see if the spirit has an easier time manifesting itself due to the abundant energy of this controlled short.

As long as the electrical device is "leaking" energy then I don't see why this wouldn't work.

Just a thought......

[edit on 8-7-2007 by IMAdamnALIEN]

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by IMAdamnALIEN
If spirit entities need a form of energy to manifest (ie hot water, electrical devices, heat energy) Why cant there be a device(homemade even) that has a sort of EMF generator?

That's a good idea. That's a really good idea! Unfortunately I've already sent off the filtered questions for their approval, but I actually like this one so much, I just sent a second email asking that it be added to the list.

posted on Jul, 19 2007 @ 10:49 AM
Have you heard anything more from their agent on our questions?

posted on Jul, 19 2007 @ 12:34 PM
Sadly, no, I haven't heard hide nor hair from him. And I'm starting to wonder if I've been completely blown off by the PR guy. He never answered the followup email with all the questions, and he hasn't answered any of the 3 "I haven't heard back from you yet" emails. I'm going to send him another one now.

posted on Jul, 19 2007 @ 03:05 PM


At the moment, they're very busy with filming, but are planning to do the interview sometime in mid-August. This is fantastic news.

I'll probably do a podcast before then, and save the Ghost Hunters for episode #3.

I'm so excited I can hardly sit still!

posted on Jul, 19 2007 @ 03:14 PM
Big Congrats! I'll really be looking forward to this one. Don't get too jacked. Just keep telling yourself, "Hey, they're just plumbers".

[Edit to add]

Watched this last night. Apparently Brian's still there. He missed out on the investigations airing last night because his daughter was being born. So maybe he'll get his head screwed on straight and drop the "poor me" act. Fatherhood has a tendency to wake people up. Big time and in a hurry. Not always, but it could happen...

[edit on 7/19/2007 by yeahright]

posted on Jul, 19 2007 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by yeahright
Big Congrats! I'll really be looking forward to this one. Don't get too jacked. Just keep telling yourself, "Hey, they're just plumbers".

Thanks man. I'm really looking forward to it. Of course, at the same time, it'll be within the last 2-weeks before my son is born. Egads!!!

I'm going to have to get the whole rest of the podcast ready before the interview so that I can basically just pop it in there and put it on ATS once it's done.

Originally posted by yeahright
Watched this last night. Apparently Brian's still there.

I thought he got dumped this year (again)? Are you sure that wasn't a rerun you saw? I can't ask them about Brian though. That's a big 'un.

Originally posted by yeahright
Fatherhood has a tendency to wake people up. Big time and in a hurry. Not always, but it could happen...

It sure has with me. Somewhere I saw a saying once that said "you're never really an adult until you have a child of your own." I'm sure there's probably some corellaries to that in real life, but it definitely sums up my changes lately.

Still, Brian is, IMO, an Omarosa. Even if he weren't a jerk, he'd have to act like one to maintain a salable character. That's the only reason I can think of to keep him around, because he's done more to impede people taking GH seriously than any other TAPS member. But, drama sells, and so maybe they brought him back for that.

It sucks for all of them involved, because I get the impression that Jason and Grant were once very good friends with Brian at one point, but it's a sensitive issue with them, and I don't want to press them on it.

I wonder if they'll let me ask all the questions I sent. For that matter, I wonder how long the interview will end up being, and if I'll need to split it up.

posted on Jul, 19 2007 @ 10:40 PM
When will someone make a movie...Real stuff packed into a 2 1/2 hour package......I cant be the only one thinking this. Would be better than the crap Hollywood is putting out...and REAL

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 12:42 AM
Those guys are so boring it's hard not to fall asleep during the rare instances I actually watch their show. The places they go to and the people they talk to are what makes the show interesting because the TAPS crew themselves are about as interesting as watching paint dry.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Tombstone
Those guys are so boring it's hard not to fall asleep during the rare instances I actually watch their show. The places they go to and the people they talk to are what makes the show interesting because the TAPS crew themselves are about as interesting as watching paint dry.

Yet you feel interested enough to bother responding to a thread about interview questions for them?

Personally, I find their work fascinating. I'm not as concerned about the TAPS members themselves as I am their work. This is what the questions I'm asking them are focused on. It's going to be one helluva good scoop for ATS, I know that much.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by thelibra
It's going to be one helluva good scoop for ATS, I know that much.

Don't kid yourself about that. For whatever questions you ask them, you'll get stiff, predictable, generic, unenlightening answers... the same type of stuff they use for filler on the show when they're chit-chatting about the upcoming reveal to a property owner.

And in regards to your question, yes I was interested enough in the thread to comment. The guys are dips and I found it interesting that you could get so worked up and excited about interviewing them. To each their own, I'm not raining on your parade. Have fun

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by thelibra
I thought he got dumped this year (again)? Are you sure that wasn't a rerun you saw? I can't ask them about Brian though. That's a big 'un.

It was shown for the first time, I have no idea when it was taped. In Hollywood, they investigated a house close to the site of the Manson family Sharon Tate murders. Also the Henson muppet studios. It was a pretty good one.

But now in checking the TAPS website, Brian isn't listed. So yeah, internal drama I'm sure.

I think it'll be great talking to Jason & Grant. They seem like a couple of regular guys it would be fun to have a beer with. None of that over the top histrionics employed by similar shows.

[Edit for typo]

[edit on 7/20/2007 by yeahright]

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 08:19 AM
Pretty cool that they've agreed to be interviewed. Be interesting to know if they'd heard about ATS before you contacted them.

As far as the show goes, I find it enjoyable, and like the players, but I am struck by the comments in Wiki about their using electronics to 'detect' hauntings.

Of ghost hunting in general, skeptical investigator Joe Nickell says, "...the approach of the typical ghost hunter—a nonscientist using equipment for a purpose for which it was not made and has not been shown to be effective—is sheer pseudoscience"

However, I don't find that this detracts from the show's enjoyment, though it is amusing.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by Badge01

Of ghost hunting in general, skeptical investigator Joe Nickell says, "...the approach of the typical ghost hunter—a nonscientist using equipment for a purpose for which it was not made and has not been shown to be effective—is sheer pseudoscience"

In relevance to the quote above off Wiki :

Well yes, untill we 'know of' and 'have' better ghost hunting equipment, we surely have to use the only tools available to the public. Remember, Grant and his team aren't in the Government with access to super computers and advanced technological equipment. And the most obvious reply to that quote is that our stage of human science at this current time is relatively basic when it comes to detecting entities 'from the other side.'

I think they do a wonderfull job with the tools they are given and on offer to them. It's all out of their back pocket and basically a side project in conjunction with their real plumbing job.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Arawn
I think they do a wonderfull job with the tools they are given and on offer to them. It's all out of their back pocket and basically a side project in conjunction with their real plumbing job.

The K-2 Meter was a useful tool in their Manson investigation. I wouldn't be surprised if that is their next gadget that they will get.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 10:48 AM
Ohh that was off the hook when they used it to (apparently) communicate with something claiming to be Jay Sebring. Whatever was going on there, was freaky.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Badge01

Of ghost hunting in general, skeptical investigator Joe Nickell says, "...the approach of the typical ghost hunter—a nonscientist using equipment for a purpose for which it was not made and has not been shown to be effective—is sheer pseudoscience"

However, I don't find that this detracts from the show's enjoyment, though it is amusing.


About that Wiki article, how can you use equipment for a purpose that it was not made for without adjusting it somehow?

Far as I know each piece of equipment detects exactly what its meant to detect. Now whether or not people draw conclusions from said equipment that they shouldn't is whats wrong with ghost hunting.

And what exactly defines a non-scientist anyway?

Now if someone takes an EMF reading of, say, 5.4 in a place where there is no electrical equipment, thats an anomaly and as such is worth looking in to, in order to find the source. If you can't find the source, then its safe to say that the reading is currently unexplained.

I don't see how that's unscientific, though I can see how saying that it was a ghost would be, at least just based from that one reading.

As I said before, the main problem with the ghost hunting field is people drawing incorrect conclusions from insufficient or inconclusive data, not that the equipment used is somehow flawed.

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