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Any Questions for "Ghost Hunters" Jason and Grant?

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posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 06:32 PM
1 question I would like to ask them...

One of my fears about 'ghost hunting' is coming across something that may posess or follow me home from my ghost hunt. Is this a concern of theirs? Has anything like this ever happened to them??

Thanks Ron.

[edit on 6-7-2007 by HomeBrew]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 07:53 PM
I've got another one.

Why do they always 'ghost-hunt' , at night ?

I can see the value, with the use of the IR cameras, of today, but
what advantage is it, otherwise?

Never quite understood this practice.

(I have my theory, but wondering what their response would be)

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
2 - Also - what equipment do they use in EVPs? I'm especially interested to know about the equipment that is used to clean up EVPs so that you can hear the voices/sounds better.

The program they use is called CoolEdit Pro. When they do close ups of the EVP's on the show I'm like "Ive used that prog before."

Anyway here is the link

My question would be.....

Why doesn't everyone on the team have hat cams or helmet cams? I've watched the show countless times and evey show they seem to have a TAPS member that says something to this effect....."Did you see that"....The cameraman jerks over to the spot and nothing is there.......How annoying...If the Sci-fi channel is funding this show couldn't they even afford thermal cams along with the 0lux cams for every memeber? This would greatly improve their chances for catching a ghost on film like they have done a least a dozen times.....

This show is proof of the paranormal I would say fantastic job to Jay and Grant

[edit on 6-7-2007 by IMAdamnALIEN]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 08:08 PM
I would like to know how far people have gone to try to fake a haunting for their show. I've heard that people have tried putting speakers in walls, and stuff like that.



posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 08:10 PM
Ive only seen bits of their stuff on you tube so i dont know much about them.

I would like to know if they had paranormal experiences in childhood. I would also like to know if they come from families that are receptive to the paranormal and have their support?

Do they have their own classification system of what they come across?

Perhaps this is a personal question but i would like to know if their personal spiritual belief systems(or religious ideas) have changed in anyway since they became ghost hunters.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 08:52 PM
ASK THIS: why are they so rude to the ghosts/spirits like telling them they are cowards and they are unimpressed and stuff. Does taunting spirits increase paranormal activity? or is it just their style or something?

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by captain spalding
ASK THIS: why are they so rude to the ghosts/spirits like telling them they are cowards and they are unimpressed and stuff. Does taunting spirits increase paranormal activity? or is it just their style or something?

Yeah, they often comment on this very thing.

They assert that to 'confront aggresivly' a spirit, they can cause them/it to respond more so than just "looking" or requesting calmly.

Surely its nothing more than a tool or tactic, one of many...

[edit on 6-7-2007 by HomeBrew]

[edit on 6-7-2007 by HomeBrew]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by KTK
Ive only seen bits of their stuff on you tube so i dont know much about them.

I would like to know if they had paranormal experiences in childhood. I would also like to know if they come from families that are receptive to the paranormal and have their support?

Do they have their own classification system of what they come across?

Perhaps this is a personal question but i would like to know if their personal spiritual belief systems(or religious ideas) have changed in anyway since they became ghost hunters.

Both have talked extensivly on there 'expierences' and how it brought them together and ultimatly interested in ghost hunting. Both also have families and although supportive, wish they spent more time home, which has played out on the show many times..

They frequently refer to the different types of paranormal activity by its common terms, no such classification system other than whats already accepted like polterguist, residual, shadow people, elementals, ect..

However, I think the last part would be a good question as its something they rarely if ever have commented on..

[edit on 6-7-2007 by HomeBrew]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 10:20 PM
I want to make SURE they mention the AWESOME paranormal database available at!


posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:06 PM
I have a question for the both of them.
Was it as bad as it seemed,being stuck with that moron CM Punk during the halloween episode?

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:11 PM
Alright I'll bite... First off love the show, and I never miss an episode, but knowing T.V. and producers wanting ratings...

Are there any investagations that are not shown due to lack of any evidence at all? Also I have to know, Steve seems to exagerate a bit, or it appears that he does, do you guys notice that or am I alone on that?

-Reform America

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by Jbird
I'd be interested in Jason's and Grant's each original experience.
The one that got them to start believing.
I've seen them mention, they would like to keep those private.
Maybe that's changed?

I will second that question as I have been watching Ghost Hunters (TAPS) for a long time. How did Jason and Grant even began to have a conversation on the subject of Ghosts? They seem like two level headed men and something strange must have happened to get these men started with TAPS. I think their fans would truly appreciate it if they would explain to us what had happened to them.

Other questions I would ask them ...

"Most dangerous or Scariest" haunting for each?

I personally enjoyed the recorded event when the blankets moved off of Grants feet. I would like to know Grants final opinion of that incident.

What is their opinion of the UK show Most Haunted?

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 12:10 AM
I would like to ask what the majority behaviour of the spirits they encounter is, like are they playful, aggressive, or tricksters?

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 04:47 AM
Wahoo! I'm the biggest fan of their show! I even saw Jason walking in the mall last year, here in GA. I didn't want to bother him cause he looked busy, but it was cool to see him in person.

My two questions are (for both) :

1. What was your first experience with the paranormal?

2. At times when there definitely seems to be a paranormal presence in the room, do you guys hold your fear in, or has the years of experience helped you be at ease with being in the presence of spirits?

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by HomeBrew
coming across something that may posess or follow me home from my ghost hunt.

Excellent! I'm sometimes concerned that something will follow me home too. Spooks can get attached to objects .. so why not ghost hunters?

Originally posted by IMAdamnALIEN
Why doesn't everyone on the team have hat cams or helmet cams?

Oh man .. that would be excellent. Hat Cams! Fantastic!!

Originally posted by Reform America
Steve seems to exagerate a bit,

I never noticed that at all. I DID notice the first few seasons that Brian couldn't be trusted on the hunt (but was great with evidence sifting). But he has matured a whole lot and is definately one of the 'main pack' of ghost hunters (The big 6 - Jason, Grant, Steve, Brian, Justin, Tango)

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by cryslyn75
I would like to know how far people have gone to try to fake a haunting for their show. I've heard that people have tried putting speakers in walls, and stuff like that.


Which brings me to my question to the guys...

What is their opinion of these "orbs" that we all see on the film? Are they a real phenomena, or are they simply dust particles that get super exposed during the filming process with IR/night vision?

It's always been my contention that they were nothing more than dust floating around. If we watch the film, that's how the things behave as well; just like dust would.


posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 07:24 AM
Good on you Borg,, i to would like to ask why do they place such credence to ORBS i do not buy the orb thing one bit infact i run a mile from it and probably hinders proper invesigation. BAN ORBS

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by Reform America
Alright I'll bite... First off love the show, and I never miss an episode, but knowing T.V. and producers wanting ratings...

You know I wonder also . . . now that you bring the ratings issues . . . If they are pushed by producers to sensationalize the shows.

Or, if they have even been asked to fix a show for ratings.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 07:58 AM
I think its all for TV, that english show (most haunted) with their blair witch style of shooting with the night vision and the girls and guys screaming and freaking out all makes good tv sorry,, i watched for a while but soon lost intrest i dont think this is good paranormal investigation and i would also ask why do ghosties only come out at night?

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 08:01 AM
More fantastic questions. Dang, I wish I had a couple of hours to just sit and ask them all these. I'd love to know the answers to all of them.

Yeah, far as I'm concerned, Orbs, Rods, and Strings are all pretty easily explainable mundane phenoms, and from what I've seen on GH, they pretty readily dismiss them. The only GH member that ever got excited about them was Brian Harnois, and he's nothing more than GH's version of Omarosa. I'm so glad he's off the show. I'll lose a lot of respect for them if they take him back again.

Steve, on the other hand, seems pretty on the up and up. The only thing I've ever seen him exagerate about is his fear of flying, and considering I react in a similar fashion around clowns, I can't blame him too much. At least he owns up to his fears; maybe one day he'll conquer them.

Springer, I'll defintely ask them if they've ever been to ATS. I really hope they have, but I'm just going to hazard a guess that Jason and Grant don't get much time to surf the web between investigating, filming, and plumbing. I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts that some of their members are regulars on ATS though.

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