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Any Questions for "Ghost Hunters" Jason and Grant?

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posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 01:48 PM
Due to the success of the first episode of TheLibra Unbalanced podcast, I've been asking various celebrities for interviews. Two of which are Ghost Hunters Jason and Grant, for an episode based around The Paranormal. I'm currently talking it over with their PR agent, and they'd like to see the question list before Monday before accepting.

I'd like to give my fellow ATSers a chance to ask them some questions. If you have any, post 'em quick, because I'm sending off the list Sunday night or Monday morning. I'll try to incorporate all the ones I can into the interview.

I'll also post here as soon as I hear whether or not they've accepted the interview, which I should know by the end of next week. It's looking like a pretty strong chance though.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 02:00 PM
Hoo, good job! I'll look forward to that one. I love that show.

Seems like whenever they've encountered something they couldn't explain, they invariably tell the property owner/resident that there's apparently something paranormal going on, but it's nothing to fear.

My question would be, have they ever encountered something presumably paranormal that would be considered dangerous? As in, "You need to seriously consider getting out of here, like now"?

And a follow-up, what's the scariest place they've investigated? What place would they absolutely not want to spend the night in alone?

What place would they most like to revisit for a follow up investigation? Maybe because time constraints or other situations didn't allow for a thorough investigation the first time.

Hope it comes off, but kudos for the effort even if it doesn't.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 02:35 PM
I am sooooo excited about this! I love the show. I would like to know if they are planning to let Steve run more shows. I like Steve but, really watch it for Jason and Grant. Will they be returning to St. Augustine, Fl.? Lots of paranormal activity here.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 02:44 PM
I am one of their show fan also, I love their trip to Europe, but was hoping for more episodes done during that trip.

So far only two has been aired.

I wonder if they will have more shows waiting and if not, I will like to know if they will make another trip to Europe, perhaps other old nations with lots of myth and folk tales of wandering spirits.

That will be the best of the best.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 02:49 PM
I also love the show.

I would like you to ask this:

When they first started this project (Ghost Hunters) did they ever imagine they would become such a hugh hit?

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 02:54 PM
Good point, I really enjoyed the shows in Ireland. Especially with the faeries, and other earth elementals. I wish they would have talked more about the earth elementals that they were experiencing at the Wrath. Will they be going back over there, and or more shows in the future with Barry?

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 02:57 PM
QUESTION - Have they ever considered staking out the Ghostly Lincoln Funeral Train?? It's rather famous in ghost-hunting circles.

IF they did .. would they consider allowing some of us amatures to go along or at least be 'one leg' of the ghost hunt stationed at some point on the route?

Edited to add - staking out the Lincoln Ghost Train has been something I've wanted to do since I was a kid ... and that was a long time ago!!

[edit on 7/6/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 03:02 PM
Another question - Gettysburg is the most famous haunted site in America .. have they considered going there (OFF SEASON so the tourists aren't around) and doing a really good investigation of the battlefield? Boyscouts are allowed to camp on the battlefield .. perhaps they'd get permission?? (or they could sleep in the Farnsworth House .. a haunted bed and breakfast)

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 03:02 PM
Wow what a great opportunity. I would ask:

Based on your experiences, what do you think would be the reason for either a benevolent or malevolent ghost to haunt a living person?

Do some ghosts have a desire to communicate with the living?

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 03:03 PM
Would they be willing to take a lie detector test to back up their claims ?

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 03:15 PM

1 - Yet another question - Would they please explain exactly what a shadowperson is. I've run into them a few times. I get the impression they were human at one point. Am I wrong? What are (were) they?

2 - Also - what equipment do they use in EVPs? I'm especially interested to know about the equipment that is used to clean up EVPs so that you can hear the voices/sounds better.

3 - Another - we've (amature ghost hunters) have ran into demonic beings as well as unhappy spooks .. that comes with the territory. But have they (Jason and/or Grant) ever run into a higher-spiritual being? Like an angel or something like that? Some GOOD force or being - or someone heavenly???

4 - Have they ever run into a dimensional or time crossover? A time crossover where Jason or Grant felt like THEY were the ones in the wrong time period instead of confused ghosts? A ripple in time sort of thing .. I've read about them.

5 - What have Jason and/or Grant learned about the journey to 'the other side'? WHY are some folks stuck here whereas others move along to whatever is next just fine?

6 - Have they ever received 'messages' via EVP from anyone they knew in life who had died? Relatives, friends, that sort of thing?

[edit on 7/6/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 03:23 PM
I think this is the question everyone has on their mind...

How can someone go on a televised ghost hunt with Taps?

My other question, what criteria do you use to hire on a Taps member?

-ADHDsux4me "a fellow chowda-head New Englander, now in Vegas"

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 03:56 PM
I'd be interested in Jason's and Grant's each original experience.

The one that got them to start believing.

I've seen them mention, they would like to keep those private.

Maybe that's changed?

* bookmarks TheLibra's podcast link, for later *

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 04:01 PM
I do like the show..
But I do know its on TV, and everything they debunk is fake to begin with.
Im sorry to say that the show wouldnt go anywhere if nothing happened, like with real paranormal research 99% of the time its very boring and nothing happens, hardly TV worthy.
So you get the TV producers making up ghosts, just so these guys can debunk the ghosts.. which is what I like to see. becasue the chair, and the bed sheet where both staged events. Not real ghosts people...

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 04:04 PM
A lot of ya'll should check out their site through SCI FI channel, they currently have a contest going for people to apply to be the new Ghost Hunter. They also have various events throughout the year that welcomes all comers (for money of course) to go on a hunt with them.

My question for them would be this....Do they think that by researching the place that they are going to investigate in depth, history, lore etc. That this may influence they're findings?
For instance, random number generators are considered to be affected by outside influence of the mind. Could the mindset of the participants actually manifest a physical reaction on video, EVP, visual, personal experiences etc.

Do they ever go in blind so to speak and just see what happens? Or are they always prompted with a tale of past happenings at the location.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 04:13 PM
Sweet! that show is awesome!

I guess my question would be..

If they would ever take the show out of the country and hit the asian countries up like Thai/Laos/and Cambodia, from my experience and stories told by first-hand encounters..there is a lot of "ghosts/spirits" over there that aren't shy at all.

and if they do that! they could probably also kick off another "ghost hunter" series like.. "Ghost Hunter: Asian Paranormal" or something like that

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 06:00 PM
Wow, great questions, all!!!

Likewise, I'm a big fan of their show, and whether they are for real or not, they've seriously influenced the way I look at haunts, especially in regards to proof. Even if one day it turns out it were all fake, they'd still have my respect for putting a serious face to the occupation, rather than some lady in goth clothes who walks around acting dramatic and saying things like "I feel a presence, a boy who is not a boy" and those sort.

I don't think the lighthouse was staged, personally. There's special effects, and then there's raw capture of something blood-curdling. I still get shivers to this day thinking about the lighthouse episode. That never happened with any horror movie for me. It's not a very scientific quantification, to say "I believe cause of how it made me feel," but it's true, and I'm about as skeptic as they come.

Please, by all means, keep the questions coming. I'll compile them as best I can on Sunday, and I honest-to-god hope that they accept the interview so as not to let y'all down.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by ADHDsux4me
How can someone go on a televised ghost hunt with Taps?

Hunt for the Hunter. They are looking for a new member. Video tape yourself answering the four questions they are asking and send it in. YOU could be the next Ghost Hunter.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by thelibra
Wow, great questions, all!!!

Likewise, I'm a big fan of their show, and whether they are for real or not, they've seriously influenced the way I look at haunts, especially in regards to proof. Even if one day it turns out it were all fake, they'd still have my respect for putting a serious face to the occupation, rather than some lady in goth clothes who walks around acting dramatic and saying things like "I feel a presence, a boy who is not a boy" and those sort.

I don't think the lighthouse was staged, personally. There's special effects, and then there's raw capture of something blood-curdling. I still get shivers to this day thinking about the lighthouse episode. That never happened with any horror movie for me. It's not a very scientific quantification, to say "I believe cause of how it made me feel," but it's true, and I'm about as skeptic as they come.

Please, by all means, keep the questions coming. I'll compile them as best I can on Sunday, and I honest-to-god hope that they accept the interview so as not to let y'all down.

I would agree. no matter what those guys have my respect! I like the how they approach paranormal. They have day jobs and do this for non profit.. However the case, it is for profit, atleast to the TV producers anyway..
So this would be my serious question to them..

Do you know what your TV producers are up to all the time, do you think they might rigg a set before you get there, to only have you debunk something that is man made? For rating and what not. See where I am going with this question? I think they might not even be aware that the TV producers are setting up things in these places they go before hand..
I just know how TV works, and I dont belive anything I see on TV. Unless its like the weather and mondain things like that...

Edit:my 3rd grade spelling errors..hehe

[edit on 6-7-2007 by zysin5]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 06:28 PM
I love the show

I'd want to know what their thoughts on gnomes and faeries are

And what their thoughts on shadow persons.

[edit on 063131p://30076 by mnmcandiez]

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