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Free Energy and its Political Economic Reality

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posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 06:28 PM
So if I understand correctly,

Mr. Brown found a way to neutralize nuclear waste ? And the folks in charge of gettin rid of that waste would rather go with a short-term more expensive solution ?

greed really is killing this planet

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 06:51 PM
Hi Admriker444:

Your note of those dissenting posts (to be polite) is highlighting a key aspect of the political-economic dynamics of FE. The negative posts here are actually quite a bit below the norm. I have made posts in other forums where the “normal” response was to attack or dismiss me, and virtually nobody could do it rationally. Professional trolls also stalk me, but I am not sure if any of those have posted to this thread yet.

I have yet to see a critique of my work (where they were trying to deny the validity of my thesis ( )) that was honest, intelligent and informed:

I have dealt with many people who were very unhappy with the reality that my experiences and research portrayed, but the best of them realized that there was not really much to argue about. It is only those who are defending their sacred beliefs (AKA teddy bears, or mind crutches ) that attack me.

I began learning about people’s resistance to better ways when I was twelve and my family went “health nut” when my father reversed the hardening of his arteries by adopting a live food diet:

People went ballistic when told that their diets could make them well (or unhealthy). My twelve-year-old mind was astounded to see those reactions, particularly when they were directed at me. I then began learning about people’s psychological resistance to pursuing alternatives, even when the alternatives’ success was beyond dispute. Why did people react so violently, to something that was so self-evidently true? I eventually learned that the cognitive dissonance dynamic was a significant factor. When people are confronted with evidence that their beliefs are based on falsehoods (and their beliefs were almost always crap they were told, not something they knew from experience), they think their very existence is under siege. The self-serving delusions of American nationalism comprise a case in point.

On the dietary front, I believe that people were reacting to the notion that their diets might be causing their health problems. That might mean that they would have to exercise some self-discipline to become healthier. It also meant going through the belief basket of their mind and doing some housecleaning. Very, very few people have the integrity and strength to perform that exercise. I have watched people file to their deaths rather than question their indoctrination. I eventually came to call it the March of the Lemmings:

Today’s system depends on those marching lemmings. It was not until I read Bucky Fuller’s work some years ago

that I could fully articulate what I had seen. All those belief systems that people so violently defended were scarcity based:

and they were egocentric in that each scarcity-based ideology elevated the adherent above his/her fellow creatures in some way. The ego loves to be elevated above others – that is why it is our collective Achilles’ heel. Also, in a world of scarcity, adhering to those ideologies usually carried some kind of economic reward for doing so (or the promise of it), or penalty for failing to.

When you see people deny that the Big Boys even exist (as you can see in a number of the dissenting posts), or if they do, they exercise their power in benevolent ways, you are watching them defend their egocentric beliefs. Butler Shaffer wrote very capably about that issue regarding America and Iraq.

The truth is really not that hard to pursue, if people get out of their armchairs. But people can be amazingly lazy. For just one for instance of many, at ATS there is a constant barrage of posts on UFOs - some were seen here, some there, is the footage genuine, can we believe the witnesses, etc. ANYBODY on earth can go watch ET craft fly over Mount Adams nightly. I have been there two nights, and received two shows:

The hardest of the hardheaded of scientists can go see for themselves, bring their equipment, and lay to rest all the speculation and debate.

Instead, they play these “skeptical” games:

As the Brookings Institute warned NASA about many years ago, scientists feel more threatened by the ET presence than any other group of people:

For people who spend two nights at Gilliland’s place, they are about 95% sure to see something that will rock their world. My Boeing buds were knocked back on their heels, as was the Air Force captain (and rocket scientist) who stood next to us:

How many people have gone there to see for themselves? About three thousand have done so over the past generation. Why not three million? For an American who really wants to know the truth of that non-trivial issue, it is no big deal to go see for themselves, but instead we have all these pointless discussions, “skeptics” and the rest of that three-ring UFO circus.

I have seen that same resistance to pursing evidence in many areas. It is quite something to witness. Free energy, on the other hand, makes today’s physics texts look like some flat earth map, which is something that physics professors realize.

You will often see the most violent attacks to FE come from people with scientific training (AKA indoctrination). However, there is something for everybody to fear from FE. All the survival skills that people have learned in order to navigate in society become useless in an abundance-based world. Everybody carves out their own niche of hell, and the promise of heaven looks like a threat. Fuller also remarked on that phenomenon:

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. We could be about ready to fly as a species, but our metamorphosis lies ahead of us.

Be well,


[edit on 5-8-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 5-8-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 5-8-2007 by wadefrazier3]

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by admriker444
So if I understand correctly,

Mr. Brown found a way to neutralize nuclear waste ? And the folks in charge of gettin rid of that waste would rather go with a short-term more expensive solution ?

greed really is killing this planet

Please tell me you’re being sarcastic. If so, that was a pretty good one.

If not, oh boy.…

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 07:14 PM
Hi Admriker444:

As I think you read, the DOE official who ran the hearings admitted as much to my face:

When I summarize that nuclear waste situation in my introductory essay, I summed it up with something that you may appreciate:

“There are more situations like that - where greed triumphs over issues of common sense and even survival - than this or any other web site can possibly chronicle.”

I was not exaggerating. That experiment has been performed many times. See the footnote at this section:

Andrew Michrowski, a college professor in Canada, has also reproduced those experimental results, as did the DOE.

As have others:

There are 27 proposed ways to do it:

That is one area of many like it that I know about. But again, that Brown’s Gas can do it trashes the physics books. Nuclear reactions “should not” be able to happen at temperatures that low, but that is what Cold Fusion also does.


[edit on 5-8-2007 by wadefrazier3]

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 06:46 AM
wade Wade WADE. You seem to not be paying attention.

“Brown’s Gas” doesn’t have such special properties.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 12:17 PM
Hello Wade

I have registered with ATS exclusively to communicate with you as I could not find any way to contact you through your website, (which I spent several hours on, reading with great interest.)

I apologise if this post is a little off topic and I would be happy to begin a private dialogue with you if that would be preferable to the other posters here.

To be quite blunt, I find myself initially inspired by the concept of FE and the people who claim to have 'cracked it' but ultimately disappointed by the lack of accessability to actual evidence or hardware.

Your site was enthralling, but after a hundred pages or so I was crying for a link to a site which has a working and duplicatable FE machine for sale or even inspection.

I understand the cover up conspiracy and what you refer to as the big boys, but in todays internet climate, I don't buy that the information can't be made readily available and intellectually accessible to the layman.

I have read countless reports of marvellous machines that could provide the world with alternative clean energy, but have still to find someone who is willing to show me one. I have found plenty of sites willing to sell me a book or video expounding their theories - hello, are we changing the world here or trying to make a buck?

To be frank, some of the debunking sites are doing a far better job of appearing intelligent, honest and straight up than the FE sites.

I have the means and ability to gather the 100 heroes you speak of, but I would not engage a single one of these remarkable and passionate individuals wihout first being 100% certain that FE is a reality and not just the modern day Wannabe Alchemist's unattainable dream.

Can you show me, or at least point me in the right direction?

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 04:38 PM
It’s a modern wannabe alchemists’ dream.

If you had taken Physics 101 in high school you would be quite confident of this.

Energy in = energy out. You can’t get any more energy out of a system than was put in.

When someone like Newman tells you that their free energy machine works on a subatomic level, they’re pulling the wool over your eyes. They’re just trying to give you an explanation that you can’t easily verify or replicate since they expect it would be well beyond your understanding. The workings of atoms are well understood by eggheads out there. It’s absolutely silly to think that charlatans like Newman and Meyer have actually stumbled upon something that they haven’t.

[edit on 6-8-2007 by NRen2k5]

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 12:11 AM
Hi Roger:

Thanks for writing. Well, for starters, I cannot stress enough that the Big Boys take anything that works and has a chance of seeing the light of day out of circulation very quickly. They have a global surveillance system that most people find hard to imagine.

They have beaten down our doors and stole all they could, when most of it was still on the drawing board:

There is nowhere to run and hide.

Their considerable efforts make it almost impossible to demonstrate what you are asking for. However, not all is lost, and there are ways to get some comfort that it is not all just smoke and mirrors. However, skepticism works both ways. All sorts of people have shown up and said they would the savior, to only be full of hot air, or a**holes who ended up doing far more harm than good, or agents of the Big Boys. Here are two examples of Big Boy agents trolling the FE waters:

The way I began gaining Dennis’ trust was working for free for months, then crawling across the country after him with almost nothing but the clothes on my back. To have a working FE device in your hand (worth a few trillion dollars, at the very minimum) is probably the holy grail of “disruptive” technologies, so people who get to see them in action are just not anybody:

If you want to get introduced to technologies and phenomena that today’s science will not credit, going and watching ET craft fly overhead is a good start (FE and anti-gravity are part of how they operate):

Take in the experimental results of Brown’s Gas (try Andrew Michrowski), and you will see some of the deficiencies in nuclear physics.

Or get ahold of one of Naessens’ somatoscopes and see where optical theory is due for an overhaul:

I would have said to look up Gene Mallove on Cold Fusion, but his murder terminated my conversation with him:

Brian O’Leary has publicly admitted that Mallove’s murder was what spurred him to leave the USA. I purposely designed my work so that the idly curious are not interested:

For anybody who does their homework, they will discover that my role in Dennis’ journey is larger than I will publicly admit at this time.

I cannot stress enough how perilous an undertaking you are thinking of making. Angels fear to tread in these realms.

There is no way that you will get close to a working and viable FE device, not when you are just getting your feet wet. However, if you do your homework and impress the right people with your sincerity and effort, you can get on the inside, to a degree, and begin to see what is what.

Steven Greer:

is still at it, and he knows people who know. I have some respect for the efforts of the New Energy Congress:

but they have also allowed the dishonest “skeptic,” and my chief troll, into their organization, so that is a significant strike against them:

There are several people, however, that belong to that organization that I respect. Tom Bearden once said that if there was one person who he would put his money on, as far as delivering free energy, it is Tom Valone. Valone replaced me on the NEM board after I resigned:

Brian O’Leary is hip to many of the efforts out there. So, Greer, Valone, O’Leary – that would be a good start. Greer will not suffer fools for long, however, and the others may give the fools more chances than Greer will, but they have also seen a thousand pretenders show up over the years. Almost nobody who throws their hat into the FE ring turns out to have the right stuff. They will probably be far more skeptical of you than you are of them.

Again, personal integrity is earth’s scarcest commodity, something I discovered the hard way long ago:

I have met and watched billionaires who thought that they were going to just wade in, take over, and be the Bill Gates of free energy. Wrong! As Greer was told when he was playing the Capitol Hill game with the ET issue, the people on top of the FE situation run the world, and they do not play nicely. I have watched people burn up their entire lives in the pursuit, and they barely got to knock on the Big Boys’ front door. So, there is plenty of meat there, but it takes plenty of effort to really digest it, and IT IS DANGEROUS. My journey in this stuff began more than thirty years ago, and I wrecked my life in the pursuit. You have your work cut out for you, if you are sincere.

If you want private exchanges, that can be arranged, but for now, how about let’s just see where this goes? If you are real, you will have ample opportunity to demonstrate it. I am open to answering your questions here. You have asked some good ones. As an FYI, I have been approached by people who have stated very similar things to what you have, and I have directed them toward areas where they could engage their skepticism (the real thing, which is a good thing - not what the “skeptics” practice), and I have never heard back from them. Many people talk a good game. Taking action with integrity is what separates the pretenders from the Real McCoys. I hope that helped provide some direction for your efforts.

Thanks again for writing,


posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 01:33 AM
Thanks for the reply Wade, I'll check out the resources you recommend.

It strikes me that secrecy is not the right way to go when so much is stacked against.

There are surely many people out there capable of reproducing hardware if given sufficient instruction, and the medium certainly exists to supply information to the masses.

Of course, if profit is the motivation behind developing an FE machine, then no inventor would consider this option. However, if what you say is true, then actually having a working machine is financially worthless unless the big boys buy you out, as any attempt to make money from developing it results in ruin or death.

If that's the case, and the intention is to provide free energy for the world, then why not give it away en masse? Take the money out of the equation, and duplication becomes so much easier to accomplish.

There any countless ways to make money in life but surely controlling access to free energy is not an honorable means. If you have the ability to bring light where there is darkness, feed hungry children, relieve poverty and a billion other humane acts, surely you have a responsibility to do so without a personal agenda, be that financial or ego related?

I don't mean to appear aggressive or cynical, as I genuinely have an interest in this issue, so I apologise if any of my communications land this way. To me there are a few obvious common sense questions to get answered, so I am hoping you can do that as you seem to have access to the people holding the aces ;-)


posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 06:28 AM
Reply to Nren2k5

"If you had taken Physics 101 in high school you would be quite confident of this. "

I took Physics a lot further than high school ;-)

They taught me a lot of things in school that I have since found out to be incomplete or inaccurate. I think the education system is highly overated as far as knowledge is concerned, and a complete null for wisdom.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought quantum physics has already challenged most of the basic concepts we are taught as unshakeable fact in school?

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 06:32 AM
This is getting ridiculous.

We should make the boards accessible only to people with a high school degree.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by NRen2k5
This is getting ridiculous.

We should make the boards accessible only to people with a high school degree.

Well if this one is aimed at me then I admit that I do not have a 'high school' degree as I was lucky enough to get my education outside the US. I have a first class degree in engineering from a UK University, would that count?

I was referring to wave mechanics, which tends to call into question much of Newtonian Physics (you know, matter has wave properties therefore a particle-wave duality ...)

Perhaps you're quite a bit younger than me and your high school has integrated Quantum Theory into Physics 101. In my day it was still all Newton's laws rule ok.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 09:04 AM
A comment about this part...

"The technology the spooks possess is apparently about a hundred years ahead of what is on the market today. The American military has technology that is "only" about ten years ahead of what is on today's market. The spooks apparently have technology that can create holographic illusions that the people think are real events, not virtual reality. That is in the "way out" category not explored much on this site, because I have presented information people can pursue for themselves, and have avoided impossible-to-demonstrate information that is usually derided as "conspiracy theory."

I recall coming across the holographic illusion rumor a few times. I think Dr. Greer mentions it when he talks about a fake alien threat to further the agenda of those in charge. One of his witnesses states that the elitists will use aliens as a means to facilitate more control.

Another story I ran across in my research stated that the elitists would use this holographic technology to project a religious event...something along the lines of Jesus returning or Buddha. Again the reason was asserting more control and uniting folks under one goverment.

Looking at what we have achieved in the last 100 years, its hard to imagine what these nefarious folks might have.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 09:08 AM
question for wadefrazier3.

In your website you mention Richard Heinberg’s Exclamation Points on free energy.
I give you my thoughts about Richard Heinberg laughs to free energy.
The party's Over relate really to human and the inability to find sustanable energy source.
In this book it is clear that from the down of umanity, human have not yet reach the point of living in armony with a sustanable ecosystem.
Why would the "Elite" in this world would supress an energy that will free them from eventuale civilisasion calaps?
Oil is at peak and the only alternative for this crisis, according to the "Elite" is to create another crisis wich could eradicate maybe half of the world population. World war, will must probably be already in they mindset.
Free energy can only save human race from oblivion, so why would the “Elite” will supress such energy? They can only be “Elite” if the world exist as a all.
I belive they are clever enough to find a way to supress the “know-who” for free energy until the planet as reach some satisfacory population rate.
They are doint it already with nuclear technology.9 country to day are nuclear capable after 60 years when only 2 country had it. So free energy will be treat the same, if it existed?


posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 09:24 AM
Hi Roger:

Nren2k5 has appointed himself the resident troll on this thread (indeed, it looks like he joined ATS to try trashing this thread – he looks like a free-lance troll, mind you – the Big Boys' trolls are far more clever). There is an ignore feature at ATS that I use with people like him. If you engage him, he will waste your time and energy with his tripe. People like him are another aspect of the FE conundrum.

I have a little while before work to write a bit more on the subject. You have quite a bit of education ahead of you, if you care to pursue it. As far as making a FE device in your garage with diagrams available on the Internet::

That is part of the conundrum. If you approach any of the people I have mentioned and begin with the kinds of questions you are asking, they will consider you naïve and somebody with no experience in the field, and in no position to try delivering anything worthwhile. You may not get much of their time. I started out naïve with no experience, too. That is not a crime, but they will realize that you are at square one understanding of this stuff, and are stumbling in where angels fear to tread. You need to approach them with some experience and education, if you want to go somewhere with your efforts.

There are schematics on Sparky Sweet’s device, as well as some of the theory:

but unless you know how Sparky conditioned his magnets, you will not be able to reproduce it. Bearden has been trying to for many years. Naive and paranoid inventors are part of the conundrum. They also can get greedy:

Brian O’Leary estimates that it would take $200 million to develop any of the FE prototypes that he is aware of to the preproduction stage. No FE inventor, developer or promoter has ever had access to that kind of money. You keep asking the same question that begs the question. There have been prototypes that delivered the goods, but those are the ones you rarely hear about (unless you are an insider), because those people were made the offer they could not refuse.

The Big Boys are very real, and Dennis is one of the few people who rejected their offer and lived to tell about it:

Most of the people I have mentioned in the earlier post have survived murder attempts:

If you pursue FE, you will be entering a reality that most people refuse to believe exists. In the end, it is not much fun living in that X-Files-type world. For every moment of “gee whiz!”, there are far more moments that are not so fun. I don’t want to go back to it. I have given you enough information to get your feet wet.

I would like to address the hundred hero conundrum. For one thing, the hundred I am talking about probably do not exist. My semi-fictional hundred heroes have some idea of how the world works, or want to find out. Mr. Professor and Dennis are archetypes of the hundred heroes. Both mainly qualified because of where their hearts were. If they ever made a movie about Dennis’ life it would be considered fiction, somebody trying to one-up the Indiana Jones movies.

Mr. Professor’s involvement with us cost him his life:

The hundred heroes do not need to see FE devices running to understand that energy runs the world, and the education that I received on how the world really works did not bring me into the same room with a functioning FE device. My first professional mentor “merely” invented the world’s best engine for powering a car,

and Dennis was “only” selling the best heating system that has ever been on the world market:

No free energy there, although my mentor thought (as did Victor Fischer) that the panels from Dennis’ heat pump could be combined with a hydraulic heat engine and perhaps produce FE. When I saw Eugene Mallove write about exactly that way of doing FE, Brian got me in contact with him:

If one of the hundred heroes needs to see a FE device running to get involved, they are not needed anymore and are not the heroes I had in mind (an operational FE device means the effort is near the finish line, but the heroes are needed at the beginning of the effort, not near its end). Again, I am not going for the hundred heroes. I doubt they exist, and the cost to them can be awesome. If somebody wanted to try the hundred hero route to FE, here is how they need to go about it, IMO. This will run into two posts…

[edit on 7-8-2007 by wadefrazier3]

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 09:29 AM
Mr. Professor began his journey in FE as simply a professor who wanted to support the humanitarian efforts of one of his star pupils. He had no idea how deeply he was going to descend into the fray. He saw himself as no hero, but just doing what any decent person would do. Ralph McGehee might have qualified as one of the hundred:

Experience may be the only teacher, so while the hundred heroes may not have FE experience, they have enough experience away from the mainstream herd to begin understanding how the world really works. I have tried interesting the radical left in FE since 1992. For all their radical political understandings, comprehending the FE milieu has proven beyond their current abilities:

Last year, I engaged a big name in the free software movement, and I could not get him to let go of his “FE violates the laws of physics” and “FE suppression is a conspiracy theory” misconceptions.

The denial that the “educated” engage in, both on the “laws of physics” front, and the “conspiracy theory” front, is part of the conundrum.

Also, the FE activists all have their idiosyncrasies and human failings. Although they are all great men with my immense respect, Brian has his Einstein hair and Lapis Pig, Greer has his Über-warrior style and Dennis has his P.T. Barnum-ish, religion-on-his-sleeve style. I know of no “perfect” FE activist. Ed Mitchell parted ways with Greer a number of years ago, saying that Greer “stretched the data points” on the ET issue, although Mitchell himself admits that the ETs are very real:

Few of the New Energy Congress’s members have really sailed the rough waters of FE activism.

When you get in the rough waters, the educational process leaps an octave. Three years of it with Dennis was all that I can stand in this lifetime.

The hundred heroes know that energy runs the world economy and always has:

They know that capitalism is a racket of global dimensions:

They know that we cannot keep on burning up billions of barrels of fossil fuels each year:

and that civilizations have always collapsed when they ran out of energy:

and that humanity stands on the brink of the abyss today:

Nobody needs to understand the FE milieu in order to understand those issues. Then, if they want to DO SOMETHING about the global energy situation, they can interact with the Greers, O’Learys, Valones and Lees of the milieu, and they will understand that the hyper elites know also know all the above very well, but they are playing a different game than the masses or the mundane “political” groups on the planet, who are either stooges or hacking at branches instead of the root of the issues. The Big Boys already have all the wealth they could ever spend. Wealth is simply the means to an end, and their end is power. The darker half of that hyper-elite dominates and manipulates the world, in ways that “conspiracy theorists” have been writing about for a long time. However, those hyper elites are divided, and about half do not want to turn the world into a cinder in the pursuit of their power games:

and those are almost certainly the people who put on this show for one of my pals:

again, you have to be quite a ways down the yellow brick road toward Oz to receive that kind of show. The people who receive that kind of show have already sacrificed their lives to the FE pursuit. The Big Boys are not going to look up newbies or the idly curious to give that show to.

So, the hundred heroes, after doing a little research, will realize that there is something happening far beyond garage inventors, greedy, street-level capitalists and the rest of the FE circus. If they really care, they will take the time to winnow the wheat from the chaff:

which can be a painstaking exercise. It is not something for quick study artists. Then the heroes will devote their lives to either beginning an effort or supporting an existing one. They will also not have a “free energy or bust” mindset. They will know that there is more than one way to skin the cat, and they will quickly realized that technology is not really the issue. It is a political-economic situation and, ultimately, a spiritual one. All the FE people who I respect are mystics,

as were most of history’s greatest physicists:

Adam Trombly, one of Fuller’s pals, is among those who know:

but he has survived numerous murder attempts and is not willing to talk to the uninformed about this stuff. Some of my pals have access to him, but Adam is quite reluctant anymore. I know people who are far less gung ho about FE than when they were younger, and not because they doubt that FE exists (they know it does, because they developed their own devices, which were usually confiscated), but because they are aware of the overwhelming ramifications of FE, and they are not sure that humanity is ready for all it portends. The fear that an irresponsible humanity will destroy itself and take the planet with it is not farfetched. That does not HAVE TO BE the outcome, but it IS sobering to comprehend the ways it can turn sour. That is another reason why the FE conundrum is not really about the technology, as you have seen me write:

Gotta go to work my twelve-hour day now. I’ll write more later.


[edit on 7-8-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 7-8-2007 by wadefrazier3]

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by NRen2k5
This is getting ridiculous.

We should make the boards accessible only to people with a high school degree.

I have a BA in Communications (gpa 3.6) from Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey.

And like Roger said, most of what I was taught is total garbage.

Do some research on the education system in the United States. The elite control the colleges through their foundations. The elite control which textbooks get published. The elite decide which curriculum is acceptable.

To challenge the system is suicide. A professor who proposes a "radical" idea finds themselves out of a job.

Some refer to the education system as designed to dumb down americans. Actually, it goes beyond that. The elitists' goal is to have our kids look at the goverment as family (or master).

And this isnt some conspiracy theory. Many of the elite publish their work and its been repeated many times that they wish to grab control of the youth. Its similiar to what Hitler did when he indoctrinated german children in his young hitler movement (i forget the name).

Nick Rockefeller told Aaron Russo the meaning behind the Women's liberation movement in the 1960's was to get children in the "system" at an earlier age. This would make it easier to get children to look more toward the goverment.

To summarize I'll quote from comedian George Carlin, " they want us smart enough to run the machine and do the paperwork but dumb enough to not know how badly we're getting screwed" (slightly cleaned up to omit colorful metaphors)

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by kacou
question for wadefrazier3.

In your website you mention Richard Heinberg’s Exclamation Points on free energy.
I give you my thoughts about Richard Heinberg laughs to free energy.
The party's Over relate really to human and the inability to find sustanable energy source.
In this book it is clear that from the down of umanity, human have not yet reach the point of living in armony with a sustanable ecosystem.
Why would the "Elite" in this world would supress an energy that will free them from eventuale civilisasion calaps?
Oil is at peak and the only alternative for this crisis, according to the "Elite" is to create another crisis wich could eradicate maybe half of the world population. World war, will must probably be already in they mindset.
Free energy can only save human race from oblivion, so why would the “Elite” will supress such energy? They can only be “Elite” if the world exist as a all.
I belive they are clever enough to find a way to supress the “know-who” for free energy until the planet as reach some satisfacory population rate.
They are doint it already with nuclear technology.9 country to day are nuclear capable after 60 years when only 2 country had it. So free energy will be treat the same, if it existed?


there is an estimated 1 trillion barrels of oil left in the ground. At $100 per barrel (assuming thats the average), = 100 TRILLION DOLLARS.

Seems obvious to me why they'd keep Free Energy from us

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by RogerT
Reply to Nren2k5

"If you had taken Physics 101 in high school you would be quite confident of this. "

I took Physics a lot further than high school ;-)

They taught me a lot of things in school that I have since found out to be incomplete or inaccurate. I think the education system is highly overated as far as knowledge is concerned, and a complete null for wisdom.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought quantum physics has already challenged most of the basic concepts we are taught as unshakeable fact in school?

Yes. And Joseph Newman et al have done nothing even approaching manipulating material at the quantum level.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by RogerT

Originally posted by NRen2k5
This is getting ridiculous.

We should make the boards accessible only to people with a high school degree.

Well if this one is aimed at me then I admit that I do not have a 'high school' degree as I was lucky enough to get my education outside the US. I have a first class degree in engineering from a UK University, would that count?

I was referring to wave mechanics, which tends to call into question much of Newtonian Physics (you know, matter has wave properties therefore a particle-wave duality ...)

Perhaps you're quite a bit younger than me and your high school has integrated Quantum Theory into Physics 101. In my day it was still all Newton's laws rule ok.

And knowing what you know, you honestly believe the claims of people like Joseph Newman?

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