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Free Energy and its Political Economic Reality

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posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by NRen2k5

Originally posted by wadefrazier3
Hi Nren2K5:

“Over-unity” is a meaningless concept, IMO, or people get their underwear in a bunch playing semantics games. I have never mentioned over-unity in this thread or anywhere in my work, so it is a mystery why you mention it. A windmill is “over-unity” if we mean that we get more energy out of it than we put in. Humanity produces zero energy on its own, in the classic sense of physics and biology. Humanity only harnesses it. All the so-called “over-unity” devices that I am aware of purport to be harnessing an energy source that is not currently recognized by science. What we today call “science” denied that manned flight was happening or was even possible, for several years after the Wright Brothers first flew.


That same kind of idiocy happens today in the halls of science:


If you want to argue that the only energy sources that exist are those that “white” science says exist, you can, but I am not interested in that discussion, because I know better

Great, what degrees have you earned?

This is ATS, where many of its members have some idea of how the “black” science world works.

No, this is ATS, where conspiracy theories abound, some of which are patently absurd.

Whether it is called “free energy,” “new energy,” “over-unity,” “vortex energy” and the like is generally referring to an energy source that is currently being prevented from benefiting humanity, because the people calling the shots globally will not relinquish their power trip


And who’s “calling the shots globally”? And why haven’t actual, educated physicists stumbled upon any of the sources of energy know-nothings like Joe Newman claim to have?

That is the political-economic aspect of “free energy” that this thread was designed to address, not “over-unity” devices. My journey was mostly involved with pretty tame alternative energy. The political economic reality that prevails on earth today (which has always relied primarily on energy ) is very comprehensible without having to acknowledge “free” energy or “over-unity.”

And this is all moot when you accept the fact that free energy is impossible.

The best you can do is find sources of energy that can be exploited with the best returns, and exploit them. Which is exactly what Big Oil and governments do.

They aren’t worried about anybody supplanting them, because to harness energy on a large scale requires facilities built on a large scale, something which they would be the first to do when a new viable source of energy comes along.

There are some promising leads as to alternative energy sources right now, for example solar power and ethanol. Still, it’ll take time for the associated technologies to mature and for solid production and distribution infrastructures to be put in place.

[edit on 28-7-2007 by NRen2k5]

actually they would be worried if a free energy device doesnt require their infrastructure. A localized power source cant be taxed. A localized power source cant be metered and fees collected. Id say thats a huge threat to them.

The experts said flight was impossible a hundred years ago. The Wright brothers flew their plane for 5+ years before it was acknowledged.

Ive noticed that human beings are stubbornly ignorant when it comes to anything that challenges that status quo.

[edit on 28-7-2007 by admriker444]

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 04:49 PM
I’ve noticed that conspiracy theorists rarely have any support for their claims, other than that since they challenge the status quo, people who resist them must be stubborn and ignorant.

How nice of you to point out that the Wright brothers were met with skepticism. Yes, they were, and human flight turned out to be a reality.

But just because people are skeptical of something does not mean that it must be true. That’s absurd.

Yes, people questioned human flight and harnessing the power of the atom, and both turned out to be possible.

People also questioned turning lead into gold.

Those of you who claim that free energy is possible:
This goes against not just common knowledge, but the very laws of physics. It is you whose claims need to be backed up, not the skeptics.

Put up, or shut up.

[edit on 28-7-2007 by NRen2k5]

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 05:09 PM

Those of you who claim that free energy is possible:
This goes against not just common knowledge, but the very laws of physics. It is you whose claims need to be backed up, not the skeptics.

Put up, or shut up.

free energy is out there, has been proven to exist. your rudeness is excelled by your ignorance. i will attempt to alieviate some of that ignorance as i am not using it as an insult. the rudeness you will have to work on yourelf.

For many people, "free energy" is a "buzz word" that has no clear meaning. As such, it relates to a host of inventions that do something that is not understood, and therefore, is a mystery. For others, it means "perpetual motion" and therefore is dismissed, without due consideration. This website is dedicated to clarifying exactly what free energy is, how it works and how it can be applied in your everyday life....for light, heat and power.
In the simplest terms, free energy is any energy that is provided by the natural world. In science, energy is defined as "the ability to do work". Free energy is called by many names, such as renewable energy, alternative energy, or non-conventional energy, to list a few. Examples of free energy technologies include a wind generator on a remote homestead, or a solar panel on the International Space Station.

do you mean perpetual motion? perhaps you do. if this is the case please understand that both common knowledge and the laws of physics have been proven wrong in the past. Skeptics said the world was flat for how long?

@ OP, still reviewing you encyclopedia of a post...

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 08:15 PM
Hi Nren2K5:

I doubt that we will have any productive exchanges. I will now be using the “ignore” feature at ATS with you. The tenor and thrust of your posts seem very familiar, as if I have dealt with you the past (but as you are anonymous, I cannot tell). I have dealt with the “skeptics” at length, and the leading “free energy ‘skeptic’” proved his dishonesty to me, in spades, long ago:

so invoking “skepticism” does not put you in good company. You also continue to irrationally use the “conspiracy theorist” label on me and my fellow travelers (experiences are not theories, and it would be nice if the “skeptics” understood that very basic logical distinction), which reduces your cred to about zero. You are free to have the last word, as I am finished responding to your posts, or even reading them. Good luck.

Hi admriker444 and jprophet420:

Sorry, jprophet420, that my stuff is so long! : - ) I hope there is enough meat there for you. Yes, admriker444, the greatest fear of those calling the global shots is that we would no longer need their infrastructure and “services.” When Dennis met with the Chairman of the Board of the Seabrook Association, the Chairman literally called the power line to a person’s home an “umbilicus.”

When Dennis had a PR campaign going in the early 1990s, between his incarceration stints, the unforgettable image from his TV ads was a woman cutting the power line to her home with bolt cutters. It had to send shivers up the spines of the energy execs that saw it. Dennis has usually been conciliatory with the energy companies (ads like those aside : - ) ), except for those in Washington. He might even want to play nice with the California companies (the hit in Ventura may have come from another Chairman from the Board – somebody also following orders). But it does not matter if Jesus himself approached the oligarchy – all they can see is their wealth and power game, and anything that could disrupt it is a threat, even if that “threat” was heaven on earth. Studying the dark path is not a pleasant pursuit.

I have done about all that I want to in this lifetime.

Be well,


[edit on 28-7-2007 by wadefrazier3]

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 11:37 AM
I have reveiwed the gist of your story. The hardest (and best) part of reading it is all the 'side conspiracies'. I am interested in all of them but its a long read. Ironicaly, the only conspiracy I havent touched on in reading your work is 911. Quite possibly the most 'energy related' conspiracy of all time. I have been a disgruntled employee before but i never felt I had to resort to stealing from the company, and i can see how easily this could have gone down.

A billion dollars is a lot of money. You have to have one hell of lot of integrity not to sell out for that kind of money.

and yet people that worked under you sold out for a week or 2's salary, after you maxed out your CC just to keep the ball rolling. thats a shame.

I have had a dream of setting up 'energy farms' combining solar power with biodiesel to turn parts of the desert into a 'ranch' so to speek that would produce more energy thatn it uses. In the everyday manufacture of gasoline, it takes 1.3 gallons of petro to produce one. i soon realized the only way i could accomplish this was if i was independently wealthy, and only did it on a small enough scale to not compete with the 'big boys'. The reason i would need to be independently wealthy is that i would need to be
1. not motivated by greed whatsoever
2. have all the time in the world to do it right.

The main reason i picked up on that that people might not want to read your story is most ATSers want to google the names of people in your story to try to confirm or debunk your story. the ommision of real names makes it quite easy to 'write off' for people who want 'proof' of everything.

I will continue to read your fascinating story.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 01:17 PM
Hi jprophet420:

I do not name many names on my site (at least, regarding my journey) in order to protect both the innocent and the guilty (the guilty are still in position to hurt those around me, if I shined the spotlight too brightly on them – for instance, I have a picture of Mr. Deputy on my site, but I do not name him). That said, virtually all of the names in my story are easily discovered by anybody who does a little homework. Anybody with a little gumption can Google up Bill the BPA Hit Man’s name in short order (although they may not know it is him unless they knew more – hint, there is an old interview with him, where he is building his “alternative energy” credentials (and anybody who finds it, please do not post a link to it here). Dennis has written several books that have names, documents, etc., in them, books that are readily available. Anybody who begins doing their homework will also quickly discover that my role was more central to Dennis’ journey than I have let on in my site, and my ride a lot rougher, too. Yes, my work is not for the idly curious, intentionally:

Yes, trying to do something small scale and in the backcountry has a certain appeal, but I think we are all in this together, and there is no place to run and hide (unless you have an off-planet haven : - ) ).

Dennis has the highest integrity of anybody I have yet met. Talk is easy – he has lived his integrity in ways that I can barely comprehend, and I WAS THERE. There is NO amount of money that could buy him out. Unlike George Bush, Dennis’ mission for God does not involve slaughtering millions over energy. : - )

Be well,


[edit on 29-7-2007 by wadefrazier3]

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420

Those of you who claim that free energy is possible:
This goes against not just common knowledge, but the very laws of physics. It is you whose claims need to be backed up, not the skeptics.

Put up, or shut up.

free energy is out there, has been proven to exist. your rudeness is excelled by your ignorance. i will attempt to alieviate some of that ignorance as i am not using it as an insult. the rudeness you will have to work on yourelf.

For many people, "free energy" is a "buzz word" that has no clear meaning. As such, it relates to a host of inventions that do something that is not understood, and therefore, is a mystery. For others, it means "perpetual motion" and therefore is dismissed, without due consideration. This website is dedicated to clarifying exactly what free energy is, how it works and how it can be applied in your everyday life....for light, heat and power.
In the simplest terms, free energy is any energy that is provided by the natural world. In science, energy is defined as "the ability to do work". Free energy is called by many names, such as renewable energy, alternative energy, or non-conventional energy, to list a few. Examples of free energy technologies include a wind generator on a remote homestead, or a solar panel on the International Space Station.

do you mean perpetual motion? perhaps you do.
Yes, I do. Free energy is the other side of the perpetual motion coin. “Free energy” is a misnomer when applied to solar power, etc. All energy sources ultimately come from nature and are thus “free” until you decide to tailor them to a specific purpose, e.g. refining oil to produce gasoline for automobiles.

if this is the case please understand that both common knowledge and the laws of physics have been proven wrong in the past. Skeptics said the world was flat for how long?
This is, what, the third time somebody has repeated that line to me here? Show me where the laws of physics have been proven wrong in the past. Go ahead. Anytime now.

Originally posted by wadefrazier3
I doubt that we will have any productive exchanges. I will now be using the “ignore” feature at ATS with you.
Naturally. It’s much easier to ignore that the sky is blue than it is to try to tell me it’s green.

The tenor and thrust of your posts seem very familiar, as if I have dealt with you the past (but as you are anonymous, I cannot tell). I have dealt with the “skeptics” at length, and the leading “free energy ‘skeptic’” proved his dishonesty to me, in spades, long ago:
What dishonesty?

The truth hurts, doesn’t it?

so invoking “skepticism” does not put you in good company. You also continue to irrationally use the “conspiracy theorist” label on me and my fellow travelers (experiences are not theories, and it would be nice if the “skeptics” understood that very basic logical distinction), which reduces your cred to about zero.
Imagining people’s motives and associations likewise reduces your credibility to zero. That is, ignoring for the moment that you readily support “free energy” scammers.

You are free to have the last word, as I am finished responding to your posts, or even reading them. Good luck.
Tough to argue with someone who sticks to reality rather than going along with your extreme spin, isn’t it?

the hit in Ventura may have come from another Chairman from the Board – somebody also following orders
Another? So it’s happened before? I’d like to see a few cases myself.

Originally posted by jprophet420
In the everyday manufacture of gasoline, it takes 1.3 gallons of petro to produce one.
You don’t use petrol to produce petrol. I’d like to see where you read about those numbers. I’d like to see exactly how they come by tho

[edit on 29-7-2007 by NRen2k5]

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 07:05 PM
Free energy isn't possible at the present time because there is no real means of getting the devices out into the real world. There are a number of people who have developed basic devices, but you have to dig hard among the scams and cons to find them. And the ones who are really working on it are very quiet about it. Something about the way that people get their lives ruined or taken by government or corporate agencies tends to make them very secretive.
If you could find a way of protecting and backing the people who are doing actual work in free energy, it would come about fairly quickly.
As to the breakup of society, there are a great many people in this world who can't function outside a city enviroment. If you look at the history of our species, it is told by the cities that were built. There will always be a centralized hub of cities, no matter how self sufficient the people can be outside of that enviroment. Universities, hospitals and factories will always be the basis for a city, and human nature will complete it.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Direwolf
Free energy isn't possible at the present time because there is no real means of getting the devices out into the real world.

Free energy as in perpetual motion / overunity is impossible, period.

Free energy as in freely available energy… yeah, that’s all too true. I’d like to supplement the power in my parents’ house with solar panels, but I don’t know of anybody who install such a system. Though come to think of it, this far north, the power output from solar panels would be highly variable with the seasons. But it’d be a start.

There are a number of people who have developed basic devices, but you have to dig hard among the scams and cons to find them. And the ones who are really working on it are very quiet about it. Something about the way that people get their lives ruined or taken by government or corporate agencies tends to make them very secretive.

So far, with respect to free energy, I haven’t seen anybody’s life ruined yet. All I’ve seen so far are scammers.

If you could find a way of protecting and backing the people who are doing actual work in free energy, it would come about fairly quickly.

I beg to differ. I think protecting and backing such an industry would stagnate its growth. What we’d need to do is buy into it. But this is where you have to watch out for the scammers.

Personally, in the near future, I think solar panels are the most promising source of free energy.

As to the breakup of society, there are a great many people in this world who can't function outside a city enviroment. If you look at the history of our species, it is told by the cities that were built. There will always be a centralized hub of cities, no matter how self sufficient the people can be outside of that enviroment. Universities, hospitals and factories will always be the basis for a city, and human nature will complete it.


[edit on 31-7-2007 by NRen2k5]

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 10:06 PM
Hi Direwolf:

Thanks for the post. I do not wholly agree, and my site says why, but I thank you for your contribution to this thread.

Be well,


posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:13 AM
Hi Direwolf:

I came home from a 12-hour day to read your post, and did not have the time or energy for something more involved. Here is something a little better, I hope. It is not easy to make free energy happen in today’s environment, as I know all too well, but I do not consider it impossible:

Inventors do get paranoid and work in secret, and that is part of the problem.

and their naïveté does not help, either:

Also, the Big Boys use technologies on the most “threatening” of them to make them more paranoid:

On the need for cities, here is an example of a future world where there are no hospitals (nobody gets sick, so they are not needed), no factories (no need for such technologies, and what would be made in a factory environment would be largely automated, so few people needed anyway, and those that might work there could live half a planet away, because they can travel at ET speeds if they want), and no universities (and the students in that reality learn about 50 times as fast as today’s humans):

So, cities are far from inevitable. Neale Donald Walsh’s “god” said that in societies of highly evolved beings, cities were obsolete concepts, and people lived more on the village or small town scale. There are several reasons for this. Cities are hard on the environment (dominating/destroying the local ecosystem, if nothing else). If people do not NEED to live in cities, why would they? If they want to get together for an event, why not something like the gathering for the Quidditch World Cup?

With free energy and the related technologies THAT ALREADY EXIST:

the reasons for cities (energy scarcity, and transportation and communication limitations) would go away. Again, there would be gatherings when people WANTED them, but they would not NEED to live check-by-jowl, and almost nobody would want to, when there was no legitimate reason to.

Thanks again for your post,


posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by sb2012
I wish him best too, but i have this feeling people need to change first, i am not sure if this will go peaceful.

So whats wrong with 'the people' according to you? What sort of 'change' do you advise?

Politicians and religious leaders today are corrupted and full of lies, except Buddhist and some others,

What do you mean they are corrupted and full of lies 'TODAY' as if this is some kind of modern trend? Have you studied history at all? You might also be surprised to find that Buddhist are no more peaceful than any of the other religions but i suppose they have better PR people.

but people in general behave just like their leaders behave, they are too corrupted and look for the first opportunity to rob someone.

People have always behaved far better than their so called leaders and not because they always act morally but because their leaders so infrequently do. I HATE that people like you condemn humanity because you fell for the media created illusion that the fault lies primarily with us and not with those who frequently manage to fool us into believing they share our humanity and general aspirations.

I am not sure if this would change more than 50% of people, even if all leaders get replaced by honest ones.

Why do we need to change 50% of people to get the word out about free energy? Why would they go to such lengths to hide this technology and create the illusion of scarcity if they believed we would act the same in a world of acknowledged abundance?

Seems to me people need some kind of violent crisis first in order to change and wake up.

Actually it's all the violence and artificial crisis that keeps people from figuring this all out but i suppose those who have such a low and uninformed opinion of their fellow man must believe these types of nonsense.

Well no worries, all society is driving towards one anyway.

Based on what? Society is doing it's best to drive towards peace and prosperity for their various communities and it's only the consistent and deliberate effort of those who have hijacked world affairs that is preventing it from happening faster than it is.

Immense hate propaganda is now launched against Islam and ME in general, US will most probably experience some kind of race/civil war and even economy crash, EU will experience more riots, especially if ME crisis escalates.

And what does all of this prove about humanity or what it wants?

And most funny, all this problems are not even problems, just created out of greed and corruption.

The people who for the most part runs this show are don't care how much they have while they ensure that what they do get impoverishes the rest of us; this is not about their 'greed' or 'corruption', i don't believe they were ever good people with good intentions, but about their not so ineffective and inefficient plan to subjugate humanity.

People think crisis in Africa or Palestine is hard to solve, but in reality they could establish peace there in a few weeks.

This is true and it's not like the people on the ground in those areas are not trying to achieve this.

As i said before, steam engines are what society today deserves.

You may but i would appreciate it if you no longer pretended that you have a inkling of what's good for me or anyone else.


posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by wadefrazier3
Here is something a little better, I hope. It is not easy to make free energy happen in today’s environment, as I know all too well, but I do not consider it impossible:

the reasons for cities (energy scarcity, and transportation and communication limitations) would go away. Again, there would be gatherings when people WANTED them, but they would not NEED to live check-by-jowl, and almost nobody would want to, when there was no legitimate reason to.

Thanks again for your post,


Dear Wade

I am exited to discover you are indeed the person who's site I came accross several years ago, that rekindled a fascination and passion for free energy. I see the site has grown enormously Thankyou for communicating in the forum. ( I don't post here much)

I was sad and angry when I read about your (&Dennis) battles.

Having conducted much searching and sifting of the "wheat from the chaff " I am now certain that free energy is a reality NOW!.

However despite my anger about the deception and writing to politicians and powerbrokers in my country about this subject I have come to understand why it is being supressed and disclosure about many things is viciously prevented. I would appreciate your comment or correction?

Releasing the source of free energy would immediately cause worldwide chaos! Most of the modern world is dominated by the Petrochemical Oil industry. Many of the worlds (particularly your country) population are employed in automobile manufacture and associated industry. They would likely go broke or be unable to meet demand and inflation would soar!

Many persons if given free anywhere energy would change work patterns although maybe not in mass immediately. If sources of such energy included power to manipulate the environment and defy gravity then the already streched law enforcement would probably find it impossible to
maintain law and order.

We as a human race have not been able to achieve peaceful existance. There is enough religion to cause perpetual wars based on "my imaginary friend is better than yours" but not enough sense to realise if it is not imaginary then it is likely the same one! and despite the dogmas demand for peace humans find a loophole excuse!

My personal journey has forced me to become aquainted with heavy duty physics but do not yet have the proficiency and resource(time) to make my own devices. I want such capability but there are lots of others I would not trust.... so therefore why would your or my government trust me either?

On here NWO gets a bashing, but until there is a unified world with solid controls in place, then sadly I see many covert blackops of secret service engaged in preventing the cat getting out of the bag.

Curious with all the trouble you and Dennis went through, haven't you learned you cannot fight those would present such earnest resistance?

Good luck!

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by NRen2k5
How nice of you to point out that the Wright brothers were met with skepticism. Yes, they were, and human flight turned out to be a reality.

The Wright Brothers were certainly not the iconoclasts that they are sometimes made out to be. They were part of a well-established community of researchers working on the problems of powered, heavier-than-air flight that included a good number of very successful glider pilots. The principles of flight were recognized and understood, and it was only a matter of time before somebody put the necessary technical pieces together to accomplish it. Smaller, higher-powered gasoline engines, a strong but lightweight support structure, a workable method of steering.

The biggest difference between the Wright Brothers and the various people claiming success at generating "free" energy is that the Wright Brothers actually accomplished what they were claiming to do, and they were able to repeat their feat for anyone who cared to see. Success talks and B.S. walks.

Anybody who says the free energy field isn't full of 100 times more paranoid nutcakes and con artists than heroic freedom fighters is delusional. But all any of them have to do is actually deliver the goods and the world will beat a path to their proverbial door. In other words, put up or shut up.

And at that point, let the scramble for credit and riches begin. Sometimes the inventor manages to hold on to the invention, like Bell and the telephone. Most of the time, people better at marketing win out. That's why we don't fly around in Wright Aircraft Company passenger jets.

Besides all that, even "free" energy that you cook up in your own garage will still require components to be manufactured, wires to be strung, regulations to be made. Somebody will own those little machines. The oil companies, probably. The government will tax it, either directly or indirectly. And most people will probably go along with it.

Nobody's stopping anyone from growing their own tomatoes, either. But it's just easier and cheaper to go to the store and buy them, rather than do it yourself. Same thing with the Internet. Any computer with a modem can still hook up to any other computer in the world via phone. No Internet needed. But most folks would still rather pay $20/month to some big evil corporation to hook up.

[edit on 1-8-2007 by SuicideVirus]

[edit on 1-8-2007 by SuicideVirus]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by SuicideVirus

Originally posted by NRen2k5
How nice of you to point out that the Wright brothers were met with skepticism. Yes, they were, and human flight turned out to be a reality.

The Wright Brothers were certainly not the iconoclasts that they are sometimes made out to be. They were part of a well-established community of researchers working on the problems of powered, heavier-than-air flight that included a good number of very successful glider pilots. The principles of flight were recognized and understood, and it was only a matter of time before somebody put the necessary technical pieces together to accomplish it. Smaller, higher-powered gasoline engines, a strong but lightweight support structure, a workable method of steering.

The biggest difference between the Wright Brothers and the various people claiming success at generating "free" energy is that the Wright Brothers actually accomplished what they were claiming to do, and they were able to repeat their feat for anyone who cared to see. Success talks and B.S. walks.

Anybody who says the free energy field isn't full of 100 times more paranoid nutcakes and con artists than heroic freedom fighters is delusional. But all any of them have to do is actually deliver the goods and the world will beat a path to their proverbial door. In other words, put up or shut up.

And at that point, let the scramble for credit and riches begin. Sometimes the inventor manages to hold on to the invention, like Bell and the telephone. Most of the time, people better at marketing win out. That's why we don't fly around in Wright Aircraft Company passenger jets.

Besides all that, even "free" energy that you cook up in your own garage will still require components to be manufactured, wires to be strung, regulations to be made. Somebody will own those little machines. The oil companies, probably. The government will tax it, either directly or indirectly. And most people will probably go along with it.

Nobody's stopping anyone from growing their own tomatoes, either. But it's just easier and cheaper to go to the store and buy them, rather than do it yourself. Same thing with the Internet. Any computer with a modem can still hook up to any other computer in the world via phone. No Internet needed. But most folks would still rather pay $20/month to some big evil corporation to hook up.

[edit on 1-8-2007 by SuicideVirus]

[edit on 1-8-2007 by SuicideVirus]

The Wright brothers werent threatening a multi-trillion dollar industry with their invention.

The Wright brothers didnt have to worry about being murdered in the night.

The Wright brothers didnt have to guard against having their plane stolen.

I think most people are underestimating the oil industry and its desire to hold onto control. Current estimates say there is approx 1 trillion barrels of oil left in the ground. Figuring price / inflation increases lets say oil over its lifetime averages $100 per barrel. Thats 100 TRILLION Dollars to be made.

People have killed for far less money.

For undeniable proof that big oil controls the planet, take a look at the electric car in California. The EV cars were pulled from the market. Folks wanted to renew their leases and all were denied. The cars have all been crushed and no more were made. The auto industry says there was no demand lol

big oil will never let free energy reach the market if they can help it.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:22 PM
Hi Has2B:

I am happy to hear that you got something out of my work. To your last point, I have never advocated “fighting” the Big Boys. I make it pretty clear that they are masters of their game, and that fighting them is foolish:

They really do not have much power. It is like Orwell said:

The power is ours, if we care to use it. If enough of us can lay aside the scarcity-based mind crutches, then their “rule in hell” game would quickly end:

and we can get on with the heaven-on-earth game (which I prefer over the one that currently prevails on earth):

To SuicideVirus’ point (and admriker444’s astute response), there is indeed plenty of chaff amongst the wheat of free energy:

and the Big Boys know exactly where the wheat is:

and they make sure it never gets to market:

so all that is left to peruse is the stuff that DOES NOT WORK.

My game is providing information born of experience and research, as well as a bit of visionary stuff thrown in:

Yes, the Wright brothers were no threat to the entrenched interests of the day (Tesla’s free energy efforts were, which was when Morgan pulled the rug out from under him ). The Wright brothers and free energy inventors have both labored in obscurity largely due to the mindlessness of organized science,

(and they all, to one degree or another, fell prey to the inventors’ diseases – naïveté, paranoia, etc.) but nobody was standing around shooting at the Wright brothers’ plane as it flew by.

To your point about “chaos,” that is a subject that I do not have the time to deal with tonight. There ARE POTENTIAL downsides to the implementation of free energy, but the upside is heaven on earth. But it is CERTAIN that we are on the train to oblivion with the current fossil fuel, scarcity-based paradigm. Maybe I will present my views here on that issue soon. I present my encounters with the neo-Malthusians on that issue, here:

Thanks for asking that question.

Be well,


posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by SuicideVirus


The biggest difference between the Wright Brothers and the various people claiming success at generating "free" energy is that the Wright Brothers actually accomplished what they were claiming to do, and they were able to repeat their feat for anyone who cared to see. Success talks and B.S. walks.

Anybody who says the free energy field isn't full of 100 times more paranoid nutcakes and con artists than heroic freedom fighters is delusional. But all any of them have to do is actually deliver the goods and the world will beat a path to their proverbial door. In other words, put up or shut up.


Thanks. I couldn’t have put it better myself.

[edit on 2-8-2007 by NRen2k5]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by admriker444

For undeniable proof that big oil controls the planet, take a look at the electric car in California. The EV cars were pulled from the market. Folks wanted to renew their leases and all were denied. The cars have all been crushed and no more were made. The auto industry says there was no demand lol

The EV1 was pulled from the market because it wasn’t profitable, period.

Its mileage was drastically reduced in cold climates, too. Batteries tend to not work very well in the cold.

big oil will never let free energy reach the market if they can help it.

Solar panels are on the market.

[edit on 2-8-2007 by NRen2k5]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by NRen2k5

Originally posted by admriker444

For undeniable proof that big oil controls the planet, take a look at the electric car in California. The EV cars were pulled from the market. Folks wanted to renew their leases and all were denied. The cars have all been crushed and no more were made. The auto industry says there was no demand lol

The EV1 was pulled from the market because it wasn’t profitable, period.

Its mileage was drastically reduced in cold climates, too. Batteries tend to not work very well in the cold.

big oil will never let free energy reach the market if they can help it.

Solar panels are on the market.

[edit on 2-8-2007 by NRen2k5]

the auto industry claims the ev car wasnt profitable. they also claimed the demand wasnt there. there is plenty of proof big auto purposely used weaker batteries like lead acid. it wasnt until later that the ev car got the much improved NI-MH battery. And today's lithium batteries would have led to even better performance.

Its apparent you didnt watch the video clip i attached or you'd be well aware of the total garbage big auto dumped on california.

a car will never be profitable when the auto company refuses to sell it. a car will never be profitable when the auto industry refuses to renew leases and instead sends the car to the crusher.

the problem with the ev car wasnt the battery performance or demand or price. the problem was the ev car didnt use or need the trillion dollar infrastructure built along american highways.

as to your comment about solar need to do some research and find out who controls that industry...hint hint big oil.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by wadefrazier3
I have never advocated “fighting” the Big Boys. I make it pretty clear that they are masters of their game, and that fighting them is foolish:

They really do not have much power. It is like Orwell said:

The power is ours, if we care to use it. If enough of us can lay aside the scarcity-based mind crutches, then their “rule in hell” game would quickly end:


and they make sure it never gets to market:

so all that is left to peruse is the stuff that DOES NOT WORK.

(Tesla’s free energy efforts were, which was when Morgan pulled the rug out from under him ).

To your point about “chaos,” that is a subject that I do not have the time to deal with tonight. There ARE POTENTIAL downsides to the implementation of free energy, but the upside is heaven on earth. But it is CERTAIN that we are on the train to oblivion with the current fossil fuel, scarcity-based paradigm. Maybe I will present my views here on that issue soon. I present my encounters with the neo-Malthusians on that issue, here:

Thanks for asking that question.

Be well,


Thanks Wade I wish you would find time to answer the "chaos" question... you have been "on the ball" much longer than me!

You are mistaken if you think they do not have the power. Pick up any newspaper and read with your vision.

I am surprised you have not been a catalyst for a "worldwide free energy group".? But we would need tread very carefully.

Thanks God for the trolls and the ignorant and the debunkers
! If not the black would hit us immediately.

I would hope to meet you and shake your arms out of ur armpits one day.
Think about it unless we can devise a way that such power can be relesed to the loonies in the world (just peruse a few ATS threads!) then they might be justified in supressing what we know is accomplished "old news" fact!

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