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Free Energy and its Political Economic Reality

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posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:12 AM

I started a thread on this subject in the Peak Oil forum and it did not go anywhere (one ATS veteran said the Peak Oil forum was a “backwater”). I am trying again. Maybe ATS is not the forum to discuss free energy and healing the planet, but I keep trying, although I am not sure how many more attempts I will make.

In 2004, my writings related to cover-ups were discussed in RATS:

In 2005, my writings related to my alternative energy adventures were discussed in ATS:

Then I joined the discussion. It has been a mixed bag, as those threads reveal. Attacks by people who do not even read my work (or skim it for five minutes) are not the kinds of responses that I am looking for. Such responses are common when I engage general public forums, which is why I rarely do it anymore. My site is comprised of 1,200 pages of multi-disciplinary material that took 12,000 hours of labor to produce – not something that can be honestly analyzed in five minutes. The mindless responses aside, there have been enough honest and thoughtful responses in the ATS forums that I have kept coming back for more, and in 2006 I began a thread devoted to discussing my work:'

As you can see, it is not a very active thread. Since the 1980s, I have been looking for a group that is capable of engaging the reality of the world we live in and begin to do something about it. It has been a long walk through the desert, but I keep looking for the oasis. All I am asking is that people THINK about the issues. I have been impressed with some ATS members, and I have waited to make this post until after I launched my latest attempt to interest the rad left in free energy:

I have been trying to interest them in free energy ever since I began engaging Noam Chomsky in 1992. I have not gotten very far with them so far, but I always hope. Western intellectuals usually trip over their ideological teddy bears when engaging the free energy issue, the kind that many ATS members have laid aside. The two I have seen the most often are:

1. The suppression of free energy is an unbelievable conspiracy theory:

2. The “laws of physics” preclude the possibility of free energy:

Most ATS members, by definition, should have gotten beyond that first objection, although it has amazed me to see responses in the above threads that adamantly deny that such activities exist.

Many ATS members have also gotten beyond the second objection. The best way to get past both objections is to SEEK EXPERIENCE in those realms. Armchair skepticism is of no use. For instance, the best way for people to deal with UFO skepticism is to go see one. They are easy to see:

I am dragging a bunch of people to Gilliland’s Ranch again this year, with several returnees, including one of the Boeing gang.

The Big Boys know full well that the energy issue is probably the biggest leverage point over controlling humanity, which is why my partner was offered about a billion dollars back in the 1980s to cease our pursuit of free energy.

I eventually discovered that we received fairly normal treatment:

as well as what happened after my partner refused their offer:

My partner was too high profile to kill outright.

I used to be on the board of the New Energy Movement,

and people in my circle have seen the goods:

I specialized in the political economic aspects of free energy long ago, and that is what I am qualified to discuss. If ATS members want to discuss that subject, I am here.

I look forward to a productive exchange.


posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:29 AM
Short answer - you can forget about free energy with this leadership. They want to control it, so they can control you by oil and other resources. Only when humanity gets new leaders free energy will be utilized.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by sb2012
Short answer - you can forget about free energy with this leadership. They want to control it, so they can control you by oil and other resources. Only when humanity gets new leaders free energy will be utilized.

We aren't going to get "new leaders" we have to elect them.

Stop voting republican AND DEMOCRAT
They are one in the same one group just different masks.

A third party is our only chance. But most of America is too naive and lazy to do so.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 12:15 PM
I appreciate all the effort you have taken to document your experiences. I am going to read through as much as I can so at least you can know that your hard work is being seen. I'll be back

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 12:32 PM
well, please accept my apologies forthright as i certainly did not have time to read your lifes work since this thread was made. I have heard of your partner and the topic interests me a great deal. I am flagging this topic and will come back to make a (more) positive contribution when i have had time to read everything you linked to.

Th reason i posted is to ask you to please keep up the good work and dont let negative posts drag you down. you are obviously above that and somebody didnt die only to let words on the internet stop the work.

Thank you.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:36 PM
Hi sb20012 and American Madman:

I do not look to our political “leaders” for any help at all. They are and always have been useless. They do not call the shots. Sitting U.S. presidents are errand boys:

As Bucky Fuller said, all political actors are “stooges” of the economic interests.

So, even the ballot box is a joke (although I admit voting for Nader in 2000, the only U.S. presidential candidate I have seen worth voting for in my lifetime).

Hi Mushroom Fields Forever:

Thanks for the encouragement, and I’ll await your feedback.

Hi jprophet 420:

No need to apologize, and I’ll await your feedback, too. Thanks for the advice, and I try to not let the attacks get me down. For the record, in all the years that I have been on the Internet (since 1996), not one attack on my work evidenced that the attacker had done ANY of their homework before attacking, except for Mr. Skeptic,

but the dishonesty of his work was shocking, at least initially. I have seen those kinds of dishonest attacks so many times that I largely take them in stride anymore. I took on all comers for years, but have gotten selective in my old age. I did not engage the public for several years, and only now am coming out of my seclusion. I partly wish I could just live a quiet life from here on out, and I am trying, but my ATS posts are part of my attempt to rouse enough people before it is way too late to forestall the looming global catastrophe. If I saw more active engagement of the very important issues before all of us, then the attacks would be mere nuisances, but in some forums the attacks have outweighed the positive responses, and then is when I wonder why I try at all. But this is an encouraging set of responses today.

Thank you,


posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 10:15 PM
Wow, your site is huge, so much useful links and info! You are asking for a feedback, but it's hard to comment on all. I am reading Intro right now which contains more info than multiple conspiracy sites combined.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 12:39 AM
My take on "free energy" based on research Ive done and books like Disclosure Project....

Banking elite and their oil-based interests are certainly against the release of any device that gives away free energy.

Goverments oppose free energy for two reasons. 1. it cant be taxed 2. it makes poverty go bye bye and therefore means having to share power of the planet with so-called 3rd world nations.

The elitists want us to be completely reliant on their system. Its why farmers are giving up their land to take jobs at walmart. Its why they want us living in suburban developments utterly dependent on city water, our car to get to the store for food, etc. Being able to live independent of their system goes against their wishes.

Free energy literally frees us from their greedy clutches. It means we can live anywhere. It means food will be immensely cheaper (i read a study that stated 90% of the cost for food was directly from energy costs...this means food created from free energy device would cost only 10% of what it costs today). People could drop out of the rat race and live off working part-time or just weekends to make ends meet.

Heck, folks might start dropping out of society alltogether with a free energy device. I could envision small bands of people gathering all their belongings and moving to the forests and mountains to live.

This would mean total disaster for the banking cartel that runs the world. Their system is based on a ridiculous worthless money system along with a consumption based economy. Free energy devices would free us from this system.

I honestly feel nothing short of World War 3 will see the release of a free energy device. And even then, a world war might not be enough. The folks in control are so evil and greedy I think they'd rather watch the world die before handing over such a device.

Personally Im not all that concerned about this issue. I live on a ranch minutes from all the fish I can catch and all the game I could ever hunt. I have chickens for fresh eggs and meat. I have a plot of land I use to grow potatoes, tomatoes, and sugar beets. I also have 6 apple trees fully matured and 3 pear trees which give out a bounty of fruit each year.

I have a small set of solar power panels on my roof which provide enough power to run my hot water heater. My wind generator actually allows me to sell surplus power back to the county and I always have extra (except for winter). I have well water more pure than any city sludge most folks drink from.

In short, I dont need the world and its corrupt system. And while I'll attempt to warn my family and friends of the coming energy crisis, I wont be there to offer food or comfort when they're all sitting in FEMA internment camps.

[edit on 7-7-2007 by admriker444]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 09:18 AM
I see few problems coming out of this:

1.) Going back to the land and live "off the grid" actually hurts society in general. Not when you do it and a few others, but if hundreds of millions would do it, basic structures of society would collapse. Nobody would want to contribute when you have all you want. And i imagine a lot would behave like first Wild West settlers, isolated and hostile towards strangers on their land. Hostility is inevitable in this situation because there is not enough land available.

2.) Uncontrolled free energy devices could be used for malicious purposes and to terrorize others. Maybe someone who wants bad would finally get a device which would enable him to harm others, i am not expert here but if you have virtually unlimited energy logic tells me there is also immense destructive capability, if this device is misused.

3.) People with knowledge and capacity to help others and those who can't help themselves would just escape somewhere "off the grid" or maybe form little communes of happy people, leaving rest of the corrupted world behind them. This is good for you but not for others. We cannot survive that way in this day and age. Humanity needs cooperation, not isolationism or we may end with Mad Max / Postman scenario pretty fast.

This is why i support NWO agenda except for corrupted elite. I believe world should unite under one government, but responsible and educated one. I also believe not all elite you see today and read about is corrupted. After all we have more freedoms than in past centuries and technology enables us to be more informed and aware. So, we need to work on that and make sure world unites and people in charge are responsible and want humanity to prosper and expand.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 11:21 AM
Hi sb20012:

I understand your concerns. They are valid. However, I believe that your concerns are of a humanity that lives under the scarcity paradigm that suddenly gets the ability to play endless ego games. The scarcity paradigm has governed the human journey for the past 10,000 years or so, and perhaps forever. Under an abundance paradigm, however, I wonder if people would act the same way. Bucky Fuller:

speculated on that issue long ago. If an abundance paradigm came to pass, humans would no longer play the “kill-or-be-killed” game and would no longer be concerned about survival, but would spend their time fulfilling their souls instead (it is argued that playing kill-or-be-killed is WHY we are here, but if that is the case, I want another assignment : - ) ). Fuller said that it would still be possible for two men to fall in love with the same woman, but the direction of humanity’s efforts would radically change under an abundance paradigm.

Free energy can topple that scarcity paradigm, and that is what the ruling elites fear, just as admriker444 says (nice post, admriker444!). The really amazing part of the elite suppression of anything that can upset the scarcity paradigm is that humanity so easily plays into their hands, refusing to even IMAGINE abundance. If I had not seen it with my own eyes many times, I would not have believed it. Fuller provided his explanation for that phenomenon:

which I have to agree with anymore. Neo-Malthusians such as Richard Heinberg are ideologically opposed to the IDEA of abundance:

as are all the environmental groups that I have encountered:

The hyper-elites, the seemingly well-meaning neo-Malthusians and the austerity-addicted “environmentalists” make for very strange bedfellows.

The current energy paradigm threatens the entire planet:

Free energy would be the cornerstone of an abundance paradigm, which is why the Big Boys are very vigilant on the free energy front:

I have spent more than thirty years thinking about what an abundance paradigm could look like:

Here is a deeper envisioning:

Others have apparently visited future earths where the abundance paradigm reigned:

but it was because those people chose love. Technology is not really the key – it is our intention. The same guy in the above vision also visited another future society that COULD have been an abundance-based one, but instead it was a nightmare:

Again, when the dust settled in my hometown in 1989, I realized two things:

1. A hundred people of high integrity and unity of purpose could have brought free energy to the world long ago ( ;
2. Personal integrity was the world’s scarcest commodity, so those hundred heroes may not exist or can be rounded up .

Therefore, I have tried a different strategy: simply trying to get people to see what an abundance paradigm might look like, and also get them to consider that the ability to make that abundance paradigm come to pass is here, today:

However, people need to relinquish their scarcity-based indoctrination in order to do that:

and as personal integrity is the world’s scarcest commodity, and as people have invested their survival strategies and egos into their scarcity-based ideologies, the vast majority of humanity refuses to even CONSIDER facts that make their ideologies obsolete. What a caterpillar calls the end of the world, a master calls a butterfly (thank you, Richard Bach). I “troll” ATS because some of its members have discussed my work in an enlightened manner over the years, and its members worth interacting with have generally acknowledged that conscious manipulation of the world economy is a fact, which is something that most of the “educated” immediately dismiss as a “conspiracy theory.”


That is partly why THERE IS a free energy conundrum:

If only a few thousand people can IMAGINE abundance, it might be enough to turn the tide. I am looking for needles in haystacks, and I think a few may be at ATS.

That is the purpose of my posts at ATS.

Thanks again for the quality responses,


[edit on 7-7-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 7-7-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 7-7-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 7-7-2007 by wadefrazier3]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 11:43 AM
Strangely, the edit feature does not work for my above post. I make the edits, but they do not "take." Pardon the grammar and spelling errors, but for some strange reason, the ATS edit feature is not working.

Ah, the fourth time was a charm. I just got out of ATS altogether, and was able to have the edits "take" when I returned.

[edit on 7-7-2007 by wadefrazier3]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 12:18 PM
I see what you are talking about, i too support same kind of society, based on abundance. Don't you see running away from society and not helping others to realize what we can do is counterproductive? I am not saying this is a problem today, more and more people are leaving for the cities, but it may be a problem if society today, selfish and greedy, all of sudden gets free-energy devices.

Offtopic: Edit on ATS is discarded for some reason if you Preview it. You may notice Edit box then loses all the changes.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 02:08 PM
Hi sb2012:

Thanks for the post.

To your earlier concern, actually, with free energy, humanity’s ecological footprint would virtually disappear. There is way more than enough room on earth’s surface today to have everybody alive today be able to live at a couple of orders of magnitude above today’s industrial standard of living, with about zero environmental impact. In a 24/7 heated, lighted, moist environment (or whatever environment you wanted) you could have one of today’s standard American homes grow all of the food for its inhabitants in the home itself. It might be as little as 200 square feet per person of growing environment. Your “there is not enough land” idea is a projection of our current scarcity-based means of gaining energy onto the abundance paradigm, which then fails to comprehend the paradigm. A true abundance paradigm is not easy to envision, when all we have known are our scarcity-based methods and ideologies. Those self-contained dwellings could be in Antarctica, floating on the ocean, be in the middle of the Sahara, float in the air or be off planet. And earth would not be ravaged to provide the materials for those dwellings. In fact, the materials in America’s roads provide more than enough raw material for those dwellings for all Americans and then some. Imagine removing all our roads, healing the land beneath them, and using the “waste” to provide a truly Utopian civilization. With free energy and the attendant suppressed technologies, such a vision would be child’s play to achieve…if we wanted to.

I am going to wax a little mystical in this response. Sorry if it may seem to drift off topic. If people had the ability to live independently of today’s power structure, and live in abundance, do you think they would all go head for the hills, saying over their shoulder, “screw you all”? Some would, but isn’t that something like “ I got mine, too bad for you”? That is scarcity-based thinking, so conflicts with the notion of people living in abundance. Nobody on earth has yet lived in true abundance (even Bill Gates looks over his shoulder, wondering who will eclipse Microsoft), so what I am envisioning can be very difficult to see. Would those people be in the hills long if the world truly changed?

If suddenly you had all you could ever need, materially, and did not need to exploit anybody or anything else to get it, do you think you would go hole up somewhere and just grow fat and watch Survivor? Or would you desire to share your methods so others could achieve the same, and then might you embark on some very profound journeys of discovery, both of self-discovery and worldly? That is a very important issue that hinges on what you believe human NATURE to be. I believe that all the horrific things that people do to each other (for instance, the American-inflicted death toll on Iraq since 1991 is between two and three million people, with millions more fleeing and living lives of extreme misery…all for oil and empire) are largely due to living in a zero-sum-game world.

Fuller said the same thing:

Bring about an abundance paradigm, and how many people will keep raping, pillaging and exploiting each other? Richard Heinberg and the environmentalists believe that with free energy, humanity would quickly destroy the planet. How are they so sure, so sure they believe that abundance is an ENEMY? Paradoxically, they have a far dimmer view of humanity than my work seems to. This goes back to the nature/nurture argument.

As Greer and others say, the transition to a world based on abundance will have its ups and downs, but the reactions of FEAR to the idea of abundance that I have seen so many times:

has been a mindblower for me. Maybe I do not GET humanity, and am only projecting my own notions of our inherent divinity onto an inherently non-divine species, but there are others who think like me, Fuller among them.

If we are all in this together, as the mystical teachings that I have studied declare:

then as we begin actually living in abundance, I think humanity’s eyes will open to vistas never before imagined. After thirty years of doing it, I can barely imagine what a world based on abundance will look like, but what I have imagined and visions that those such as Michael Roads’ have had are the stars that I steer by:

Neale Donald Walsch’s “God” said that societies of highly evolved beings did not live in cities, but in smaller communities. In fact, cities themselves are based on scarcity. Cities are ultimately energy-concentrating devices. If people enjoyed the benefits of free energy, anti-gravity and global communication systems that put today’s to shame, very few people would WANT to live in cities. Cities are unhealthy places to be, by and large, and would become obsolete under an abundance paradigm.

That Walsch lent his name to The Secret is just one more example of how the message and the messenger are two different things:

I believe that some very large things are afoot, and it is very possible that the majority of humanity truly does not want abundance, because their souls WANT to experience privation, scarcity and agony, for reasons only known to those souls. I am trying to bring about something different, but perhaps most people are determined to keep playing kill-and-be-killed. For myself, I do not want to play that ignorant game, not when I know how unnecessary it is. I suspect that those who want to keep playing kill-or-be-killed will have their wish granted, but just on another planet, because earth is about to ascend and will no longer host the darkness game. That is just my opinion and it could be wrong, but all that I can seemingly do while I am here is try to bring about the world that I know CAN be. I think it would be a heck of a lot more fun to live in, rather than the nightmare I see this planet quickly turning into. Heaven on earth is just around the corner, if people WANT it to be.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 03:17 PM
I understand, basically with free-energy and anti-gravity devices we could be far apart but still close, unless when working on some project or when group of people want to be together for some reason. Also, it's true many people who are today forced into crime and anger would choose better life, if they could do it. Still, there may be some security issues because you can't expect all of the people to turn towards positive in short period of time.

One of the reasons is maybe this "soul experience". I am not sure what is it, but i noticed same thing too when i suggested few people how to cure themselves of gallbladder stones (remove them naturally) and even cancer. Few accepted it, few rejected without even considering it, or after first mistake they did, like they want to be sick or in pain and my suggestion was against what they want to experience. Maybe this is just a blame game from childhood when kids are programmed to believe or start to believe they are responsible for parents arguing or something similar. Later they unconsciously punish themselves by sabotage and ignorance.

Good news is when people realize they are not to blame and when they see how we are in fact connected at deeper level, then many of the problems and worries go away. I think this will create Golden age, not technology alone. Still many will start to think positively only after we resolve todays problems, hunger, contamination and poverty.

So, what is stopping us from doing that? People in charge don't want to change, even if they would also share abundance? It seems so. I wonder why, can't they see this is, as you say, win-win situation?

EDIT: One more thing i believe, since i acknowledge collective on spiritual level -- i think when majority of people turn from negative and fear to positive, rest will follow, and we will start to develop in that direction and clean all the mess we created in this twilight zone of fear and corruption. Right now we are on dark side, full of fears, restrictions, laws and violence.

[edit on 7-7-2007 by sb2012]

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 04:04 PM
Hi sb2012:

Yes, you are getting to the nub of the matter, I believe. I think it will be an interactive process, if it happens this time around, with our consciousness and our physical reality influencing each other (as if it does not already! : - ) ) and underscores the primary question of my free energy quest:

“Does humanity have to be enlightened before we get free energy and abundance, or can its reality help catalyze it?”

That is one reason why I do not push the issue like Dennis and Greer do, with their warrior ways, is partly because if our intention is not of sufficient collective integrity, then we will not get over the hump (also, I am not a warrior). Maybe that is how it is supposed to be – some kind of divine test that we must pass before we can experience heaven on earth. That does not mean that I necessarily like it. The past several years have been uniquely agonizing for me, but I realize that there are probably beings “out there” far wiser than I am who know what they are doing, and the means BECOME the ends. I doubt that humanity can be herded toward abundance (I do not want it to happen that way, in fact), but must choose it. Work like mine is intended to help illuminate that the choice is truly ours, but humanity almost universally plays the victim game, pretending that they have no choice. It is high time to grow beyond that game.

For those on the dark path who are pulling the strings on earth, they do not see an abundance paradigm as a “win-win” situation. They want to rule in hell, and heaven on earth is their worst nightmare.

Greer has borne the brunt of their evil machinations:

as has Dennis and others in my circles:

In America, which easily has history’s most brainwashed population, the indoctrination tactic is “get them while they are young!” So Americans are lied to from their cradles:

and overcoming that conditioning is so difficult. Your observation of the dysfunction being developed at a young age I believe is apt. Scientists are the same:

as are all people. Your observations on the medical side of that issue I have seen for many years too:

Thanks for your posts,


posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by sb2012
I see few problems coming out of this:

1.) Going back to the land and live "off the grid" actually hurts society in general. Not when you do it and a few others, but if hundreds of millions would do it, basic structures of society would collapse. Nobody would want to contribute when you have all you want. And i imagine a lot would behave like first Wild West settlers, isolated and hostile towards strangers on their land. Hostility is inevitable in this situation because there is not enough land available.

2.) Uncontrolled free energy devices could be used for malicious purposes and to terrorize others. Maybe someone who wants bad would finally get a device which would enable him to harm others, i am not expert here but if you have virtually unlimited energy logic tells me there is also immense destructive capability, if this device is misused.

3.) People with knowledge and capacity to help others and those who can't help themselves would just escape somewhere "off the grid" or maybe form little communes of happy people, leaving rest of the corrupted world behind them. This is good for you but not for others. We cannot survive that way in this day and age. Humanity needs cooperation, not isolationism or we may end with Mad Max / Postman scenario pretty fast.

This is why i support NWO agenda except for corrupted elite. I believe world should unite under one government, but responsible and educated one. I also believe not all elite you see today and read about is corrupted. After all we have more freedoms than in past centuries and technology enables us to be more informed and aware. So, we need to work on that and make sure world unites and people in charge are responsible and want humanity to prosper and expand.

The OP mentioned Star Trek once. The analogy is quite good.

You state that if we withdraw into small communities, it would hurt contributions to society and those who cant live such a life. I disagree.

In the world we currently occupy it is horribly inefficient. Money dictates who attends college and who digs ditches. Money decides who will take that teaching job and who will opt out for a corporate gig. And if you ask most folks, they'll tell you they hate their jobs.

Now take money out of the equation and the world changes immediately. Like my Father always said, someone who loves their job will almost always do a better more efficient job than someone who's there merely for the paycheck.

How many Einsteins has this world lost because they didnt have the money to attend college. How many bad teachers were we exposed to because the potential good ones took the corporate path.

Look at how inefficient our consumption-based industry is. Companies gear their product to need replacement parts, accessories, etc. No corporation is going to build holiday lights to last 50 years. The money-based incentive doesnt allow for nearly indestructable products.

Now fast forward to a society without want or need. If we live in abundance, now we can go out and do what we were born to do. Folks like myself wont work in marketing when they dream of a life in archaeology. Corporations will learn the most efficient way to manufacture holiday lights that last forever and have little impact on the environment.

You mention withdrawing into smaller communities would harm society in general. This would only harm us if the transition to free energy goes less than smoothly.

Im fortunate enough that if the world goes in the dumpster, I can easily withdraw from the grid. However, this isnt by choice but rather by necessity.

With abundance and poverty gone war will be obsolete. I will gladly contribute to my fellow man knowing that Im not at risk of starvation or dying from frostbite in the cold winters Idaho tends to have !

I think thats why Star Trek was and remains so popular. The idea of people working together not because they have to but because they WANT to is soooo desirable.

Poverty divides us. Free energy can set us free

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 04:44 PM
I agree, well about cities i am sure people would decide to make them a lot more green and nice than cities today, so living there would be nice too. Plus, i like to meet new and unknown people too, i am a bit tired of small communities, but i believe this won't be an issue anyway.

About pushing people towards this, i am not sure if that really matters. After all we can't expect people to make any informed decision when they don't know about all the options and all they are receiving is propaganda promoting fear and violence. Someone may say let people decide or people are not interested, but i would say they are in a state of apathy because of lack of information and wrong information, so people are not too blame. I know people seem ignorant, but in reality they are force-fed terror propaganda and similar crap all day long.

So, what can we do now in order to advance all this? Is it possible to convince some of the leaders about it?

[edit on 7-7-2007 by sb2012]

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 09:00 AM
Thanks again for the good posts. To the small community idea… if free energy and the related suppressed technologies came to pass, there really would not be any small communities, but humanity would be one big community. With what Greer calls ARVs (our reproductions of the ET craft that we possess), you could go from Seattle to Paris in a few minutes. Communication would also become far more advanced than today’s.

The technologies that already exist on earth would eliminate most of the physical limitations that we have today. Admriker444 could still live on his Idaho land and be part of a community of archeologists that live across the planet. They could all participate on a dig in Mongolia, for instance, and at the end of each day (their “work day” would be as short or long as they wanted – when you are doing what you WANT to be doing, it does not feel like “work,” so maybe they would work from dawn till dusk on some days), they all go back home each night – one to Idaho, one to Australia, one to Antarctica, one to Argentina, and so on. Again, the technology to make that world appear exists NOW.

However, the scarcity-based brainwashing, particularly in America, has been highly effective. Almost all earthly humans are addicted to scarcity today. It has not happened on this thread yet, but every other thread I have started or has been started about my work on ATS has had its fair share of attackers. They accuse me of being a liar, fool, dinsinfo agent and other things (OK, maybe the “fool” label applies : - ) ). They never provide any EVIDENCE of their claims, but hurl their accusations. Are they addicted to scarcity? What motivates such responses? They are representative of the problem.

Brain O’Leary has advised several U.S. presidential candidates on the energy issue (since McGovern), and eventually came realize what a dead-end electoral politics is. The political system is not where the change will begin. If our so-called “leaders” ever embrace stuff like free energy and abundance, it will be because a mass movement has already formed and they are jumping on the bandwagon (when politicians jump aboard, everybody will know it is “safe” to do so). Again, the reason I created my website and have begun this thread is to try to get people to IMAGINE abundance. Until enough people can do that, the rest seems futile. I do not endorse the current efforts of Dennis, Brian, Greer (I am not trying to build support for any one effort, but I respect those people ), but I am trying to build some kernel of sentience in the world that can support a free energy effort, if one gets far along. And I do not necessarily mean financial support or joining any organizations, but just getting enough people who can understand what abundance an paradigm looks like, what the implications are and how the tools to make it happen exist TODAY. The suppression of free energy is not a “conspiracy theory.” At the NEM conference that we staged in 2004, every single speaker

acknowledged the organized suppression of free energy efforts. I am living evidence of it,

as are others I know and have heard of.

However, the organized suppression is only a small part of the dynamic, as is the inertia of our “leaders.” The biggest obstacle and the key to salvation is us, not them. Dennis’ adventures comprised a real world classroom like no other for me:

and showed me that the biggest “enemies” Dennis had were his ALLIES and the public’s inertia and easy manipulability. That is a key part of the conundrum. Virtually nobody ever has a balanced reaction when encountering the free energy conundrum:

As Greer has said, it is not easy to make this happen. If it were easy, it would have happened long ago. Energy is the root issue of humanity on earth today. For those who have a comprehensive understanding of how the world works, that is obvious.

I am trying to help educate the public. My perspective was hard won and my site is the fruit of my life’s work, so far. I am posting to ATS these days because the denial of the organized suppression of free energy is one of the ideological hurdles that people must overcome before they can see the big picture, and many at ATS have overcome it. However, many at ATS also have the disease known as “conspiracism.” There is a large and profound difference between acknowledging that such wide-ranging “conspiracies” exist and believing that they lurk behind every bush and are the main reason why humanity finds itself in today’s predicament. As Orwell said, if humanity woke up just a little, the elite manipulators would be quickly shaken off as easily as a horse shakes off flies.

I agree. But we have to wake up first, enough of us to make a difference. Again, a hundred heroes could have brought free energy to humanity a long time ago:

but that is an extremely perilous undertaking. Just a few thousand of the awake, simply being awake and noisy, might accomplish the same thing. That is what I am attempting to initiate.

Thanks again for the posts. So far, this is the most auspicious thread that I have been on at ATS. This is a lot more fun than responding to attacks.

[edit on 8-7-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 8-7-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 8-7-2007 by wadefrazier3]

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 09:21 AM
Yes, i understand now better how community in future could work, thanks. Well, i imagined something similar, but i was not sure about leaving cities and about misuses of free-energy and similar devices. We need to think about safety too, just in case someone is still poisoned with some holy book or past propaganda.

Your site would reach even more people if you put it to PDF format. I can upload to Usenet and spread around a bit. People are interested, so they will show it to friends and families.

I have some plans how to reach a lot of people in relatively short time, but i am not sure about technical aspect of my project. Some ideas i have are hard to implement when you need to do all the work, from idea itself to coding in PHP or using latest CMS like Drupal with customizations. I am sure some people could do web better so i need to find some help regarding this. Sites i plan need to use all this by design.

Why is this important? Well, after projects expand sufficiently a lot of people could be reached and also some of the important people can get involved. Everything planned is positive in nature, nothing to do with anti-establishment or similar.

EDIT: I am reading pages linked and it's sad to see how many people struggle and how many are resisting the change. About PDF, this could serve as a basis for a book, if you want.

[edit on 8-7-2007 by sb2012]

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 09:56 AM
Free energy doesn't mean being on the same level as 3rd world nations...

3rd world nations are such because its people can't or won't cooperate. You'll notice most 3rd world nations are tribal with no sense of a national character. Which is why nothing gets done in those countries.

So they might get free energy but they will still be backwards and divided.

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