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Alex Jones Exposed!

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posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 08:03 AM
I listen to the AJ show whenever there is a guest or topic that I find interesting; however, I do get annoyed when constantly interrupt the guests. By the same token, there is that other show with George Noory; I listen when there is a topic I find interesting, but I don't get caught up in the personality cult. I take the info, do more research, and come to my own conclusion. I remember the days when I thought Neal Boortz had it all figured out! hehehe

So my point is that now I rather take the information being dished out, research it, and figure out on my own. I'm grateful there is an Alex Jones, or George Noory or Jeff Rense or any of those alternative sites out there, because I can quickly scan those sites, and find topics that otherwise i wouldn't be able to get from the mainstream media. However, it would be dumb of me to just listen to any of these people, and agree with them.

We can sit here speculating about the Alex Jones agenda, but I would rather spend the time researching material and coming to my own conclusions. Maybe we should send a psychic out to ATX and do an Alex Jones analysis!

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Mercury144

wow you guys are all nut jobs do you even listen to alex? i listen every day...hes not a zionist anything you have all lost your mind. alex is a good Christian man who is doing alot better at informing the public of the truth than any of you.

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 08:30 AM
I would be wary of any group/organization that makes money off of the subject matter it claims is the truth. I would at the very least question the objectiveness or the presentor of subject being presented.

2 pennies. Spend em how you like.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 10:59 AM
I think Alex Jones is a fraud and a fake, he reminds me of movie characters from the early 80s and 90s! i believe he is a member of free masons but so high up he prolly couldnt get any higher up anymore, and i also think he is a member of illuminati and other societies if this is true then he is a hypocrit.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 11:24 AM
Just another Rush Limbaugh wearing a different hat.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by kleverone
I would be wary of any group/organization that makes money off of the subject matter it claims is the truth. I would at the very least question the objectiveness or the presentor of subject being presented.

2 pennies. Spend em how you like.

Yes - because all alternative journalists are independently wealthy - or have vowed to take an oath of poverty.

Perhaps your philosophy works well when considering a Religion to study - i.e. if they ask for money first before knowledge, then it's likely a scam.

But when it comes to providing a source for cutting edge news and information - I say AJ charges FAR too little.

That is why I have supported him with Eric N.'s moneybomb - and now AJ has a Bigger Studio and an upcoming TV Show to help get the news out.

Grassroots financial support is the way to go if we want to be able to compete with the Banking Consortiums - who simply print all the money the need out of thin air!

Otherwise we come to the fight not only as an underdog - but also with both hands tied behind our back!

In this life it take money and sweat to get things done - but, by all means, live by your conviction that all things worth while should be free - lemme know how that works out for ya!

(and for you people who continue to claim he is a zionist - then why the f does he support/host documentaries that oust Israeli involvement in everything from 9/11 to full scale Spy Rings working in the US)

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet

Originally posted by kleverone
I would be wary of any group/organization that makes money off of the subject matter it claims is the truth. I would at the very least question the objectiveness or the presentor of subject being presented.

2 pennies. Spend em how you like.

Yes - because all alternative journalists are independently wealthy - or have vowed to take an oath of poverty.

Perhaps your philosophy works well when considering a Religion to study - i.e. if they ask for money first before knowledge, then it's likely a scam.

But when it comes to providing a source for cutting edge news and information - I say AJ charges FAR too little.

That is why I have supported him with Eric N.'s moneybomb - and now AJ has a Bigger Studio and an upcoming TV Show to help get the news out.

Grassroots financial support is the way to go if we want to be able to compete with the Banking Consortiums - who simply print all the money the need out of thin air!

Otherwise we come to the fight not only as an underdog - but also with both hands tied behind our back!

In this life it take money and sweat to get things done - but, by all means, live by your conviction that all things worth while should be free - lemme know how that works out for ya!

(and for you people who continue to claim he is a zionist - then why the f does he support/host documentaries that oust Israeli involvement in everything from 9/11 to full scale Spy Rings working in the US)

Good post and I can't agree for the most part. Problem in discussing Jones - people love him or hate him.

His showmanship and histrionic work for his audience. But in the end make him less accessible to new people arriving looking for a levelheaded explanation of what's really going on.

Though he is better than most conspiracy forums and media sources in the same racket, say the embarrassing Jeff Rense, Jones still come off as a lunatic fringe conspiracy rather than a reliable alternative news source.

Almost anything and everything is fair game for examination. Not enough of the real whack job and self-promoting stuff gets filtered out. It dilutes the credibility and believability.

People have real time constraints, that's why they watch TV news summaries and skim headlines.

If you know when you go to Jones there are nuggets of vitally important information that will affect your life, but have to also listen to alien abduction stories and other stuff that presses credulity, you just turn off.

We shouldn't want predigested news but we do. Jones is too demanding. It all gets spewed out so fast, thick and furious it can't all be taken in as coherent.

Jones may have a million listeners, but his message is inaccessible to tens of millions. I'm in the latter category.

If he ever gets his act together as a credible journalist who can do more than shout horror stories in your ear, I'd be interested.


posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:43 PM
Yeah, Alex is exposed all right -- as being way out in front of everybody else in telling the truth and warning a bunch of sleepyheads lost in space.

Alex was right, and everybody else was wrong.

Alex isn't perfect, but he's closer than any human being I can think of alive or dead.

Where would we be without him?

Besides having a heart as big as Texas, the guy is a genius. I never miss his show, and when I get done posting here for a few more rounds I'm going to turn him on and go to bed and listen.

God bless Alex Jones, keep him safe, protect his family, and let his message catch on more and more, in time to stop the devil worshipping vampires who are plotting this moment to kill us all.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Salt of the Earth
Yeah, Alex is exposed all right -- as being way out in front of everybody else in telling the truth and warning a bunch of sleepyheads lost in space.

Alex was right, and everybody else was wrong.

Alex isn't perfect, but he's closer than any human being I can think of alive or dead.

Where would we be without him? Besides having a heart as big as Texas, the guy is a genius.

God bless Alex Jones, keep him safe, protect his family, and let his message catch on more and more, in time to stop the devil worshipping vampires who are plotting this moment to kill us all.

Amen brother!

I can sum it up this way. It wasn't the mainstream media who warned me about mercury in the vaccines, it was Alex Jones. It wasn't the MSM who told me that there were FEMA camps popping up all over the USA, it was Alex Jones. It wasn't the MSM who told me about the NAFTA superhighway that doesn't exist but which is being built even as I write this post... it was Alex Jones. It wasn't the MSM who told me that Rahm Emanuel's father was a nazi and that his name isn't even Emanuel... it's Auerbach. But Alex Jones told me. I could sit here and type for an hour about all truths Alex Jones has exposed... but you probably get my point by now.

Anybody who trashes Alex Jones or compares him to Limbaugh is simply in denial. Limbaugh huffs and puffs and gives his opinions till he's blue in the face. But what have you learned from him? Basically that he's a blow hard with a lot of political clout.

Jones simply exposes the dirty horrifying truth complete with evidence. I've checked out a lot of what he said that I couldn't believe, and he's never lied to me once. The guy tells the truth.

You can't compare AJ to Limbaugh or anyone else for that matter. Nobody compares to Alex Jones. And that's a shame. The world needs about 25,000,000 more people with the courage and intelligence Jones has.

Indeed... where would we be without him?

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by sb2012
Also you may notice he never talks against Vatican and church. Even more, most of his news he comments on are from Christian Science Monitor. Some believe he is connected to Christian right in USA, more precisely, John Birch Society ( If you check their page or this wiki you will see they talk same stuff as Alex Jones, Texe Marrs and Ron Paul.

Then why did I hear him rant about how betrayed he felt when the John Birch Society denounced him slightly on their site? Alex does nothing to hide the fact that yes, he is connected to the Christian Right, as you call it.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 02:31 PM
I also learned much of what is going on behind the scenes around the world from listening to Alex Jones. My main problem with Alex is he's a screamer. People who scream the way he does don't sound reasonable, they sound like kooks. And that is a shame, because I do believe there is a great deal of truth to what he is saying.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet
Yes - because all alternative journalists are independently wealthy - or have vowed to take an oath of poverty.

I certainly didn't imply that they are, I simply said be wary of anyone selling an idea and objectivity can often be led by greed (and I didn't say he was led by greed I simply said be wary of it).

Perhaps your philosophy works well when considering a Religion to study - i.e. if they ask for money first before knowledge, then it's likely a scam.

It also works well when they ask for money after they present an Idea to you. That river flows both directions. Thanks for the tip though
Keep in mind that your opinion is not fact (even though you may really want it to be). That philosphy works well when making any decision, caution is never a bad thing.

In this life it take money and sweat to get things done - but, by all means, live by your conviction that all things worth while should be free - lemme know how that works out for ya!

It's a shame that I have to spell out my original post for you, but since you seem to need it FULLY explained to you I will make the attempt. I never said all things worth while are free, I simply cautioned that objectiveness can be clouded when money is involved. I never said that his views were not objective, I simply made a point.

I would suggest you learn to comprehend what point a post is making before you assume that it is bashing what you believe to be fact.
You seem to let your anger cloud you reading comprehension.

Cliff notes version- Being cautious is never a bad philosophy. Ever.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:49 PM
Regarding Alex's opinion on the Birchers, he had John McManus on his show a week ago and did it out of respect.

Later he made comments that the JBS is out of touch but that we owe them a debt of gratitude for their early warnings.

I agree. Listening to JBS and Alex is like night and day.

As to Texe, nobody can touch Texe. Texe is out in front of everybody, a genius just like Alex is.

Ron Paul? He's a joke. Too bad Alex got mixed up with him. Illuminati all the way. That's my on and only gripe with Alex, that he's tied to Ron Paul, the biggest fake conservative there ever was.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by kleverone

You - obviously - are a very reasonable, intelligent person - and perhaps my reaction was rather knee jerk.

But - what angers me - is when the Powers That Be (tm) get those on the same side to tear each other apart for the smallest of reasons.

I have been following Alex Jones since the Early 90's - 1st (for years) I riddiculed him off hand - then I violently opposed his ideas with every political action I took - and then (after 9/11) I accepted everything he had been saying as self evident - for it was unfolding every day before my own eyes.

Man of us have examined Alex closely for years for profit motive and have found him to be squeaky clean.

You can obtain everything he says/does/produces for free on the web - and he encourages Documentary Purchasers to freely distribute copies of his work.

I strongly believe a good alternative journalist (or writer) should be well paid for their work - and I will always support those who provide real education for me.

Thankfully there are some people like Alex Jones - who may not be saints - who may not be perfect - but who are honsetly working to make this planet a little better for all involved.

The constant attacks on such a benevolent media figure really get old.

I feel if you did any signioficant research on Alex you would come to the same conclusion as I have.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

If you know when you go to Jones there are nuggets of vitally important information that will affect your life, but have to also listen to alien abduction stories and other stuff that presses credulity, you just turn off.


Alex has nothing to do with alien stuff. He says they are holograms, was exposing Larry King for promoting a belief in aliens by saying the spy blimp was an alien space craft. Alex said: "You can see the propellers plain as day. It's a SPY BLIMP." He says, "WHY is the main stream media promoting a belief in aliens?"

Alex never, but never, talks about aliens.

Some of his guests do on their own websites, but Alex doesn't let them discuss that stuff on HIS show.

So you are slandering that good man Alex Jones by your crazy accusations. I listen to him all the time. There's no way I can be mistaken.

None of his film documentaries (over 20 of them) discusses aliens in any way or shape either.

Everything he reports is documented.

Stop inventing things about Alex Jones. That is just plain wicked to invent slanders about anybody, but especially somebody like Alex.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by Salt of the Earth

Originally posted by mmiichael

If you know when you go to Jones there are nuggets of vitally important information that will affect your life, but have to also listen to alien abduction stories and other stuff that presses credulity, you just turn off.


Alex has nothing to do with alien stuff. He says they are holograms, was exposing Larry King for promoting a belief in aliens by saying the spy blimp was an alien space craft. Alex said: "You can see the propellers plain as day. It's a SPY BLIMP." He says, "WHY is the main stream media promoting a belief in aliens?"

Alex never, but never, talks about aliens.

Some of his guests do on their own websites, but Alex doesn't let them discuss that stuff on HIS show.

So you are slandering that good man Alex Jones by your crazy accusations. I listen to him all the time. There's no way I can be mistaken.

None of his film documentaries (over 20 of them) discusses aliens in any way or shape either.

Everything he reports is documented.

Stop inventing things about Alex Jones. That is just plain wicked to invent slanders about anybody, but especially somebody like Alex.


Now hold on. Maybe reread what you quoted. Jones delivers a message, but he also mixes it in with other things he considers of interest to his audience. That's what I said. It wasn't a personal attack on the guy.

He dilutes his message on the need for political change to the point that it is just another conspiracy horror story. If he doesn't believe in aliens, why the Hell does he give so much airtime to people who do?

The question for me, is he working as an advocate of an organized mass movement, or is he just using the deception and greed he uncovers as a form of entertainment that makes it possible for him to sell advertising space on his show and DVDs.

Rabble rousing is one thing, organizing an effective resistance is another.

You may see him as some kind of prophet, I see him more as a self-promoting entertainer who has found a marketable niche in paranoia.

Maybe he's a bit of both.


[edit on 6-4-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 02:56 AM
CIA Jesuit absolutely...

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:00 AM

Operation Mockingbird...

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole

Oh yes, if someone is actually doing some real journalistic work, it's time to shout conspiracy? Look at the mass media outlets. They all have multiple government agents working with them. I'd rather take my chances with Alex.

Real journalist work?

So just saying things are "admitted, declassified, and documented" without ever offering up confirming evidence is real journalism? You want to rise up on his word?

OK! Lets go!

According to 'real journalist' Alex Jones it "has been admitted, FOLKS!" that right now there are warehouses full of stacked cages. These cages are full of children stolen by CPS. Some are fed a hot dog now and then, many are left to starve to death. Alex said it and like all his other stories, he claims it was admitted. I am still looking for the admission, have been for almost a year now. Help me look so we can rise up, storm these places, and free the children. Oh, dont forget to by gold from Bob Chapman first. GOLD GOLD GOLD!!!!!! Need a water filter? You will, better get a few of those too.

Oh oh oh, and do not forget - buy storable foods!!! buy them now because Marshal Law is coming. Alex, a real journalist said so. He backed it up with "admissions, declassified documents", and other such evidences he referenced but never produced. I have to believe him though because everything he says just looks right to me. I see George Bush Senior gearing up for Marshal Law every time I open the paper.

Alex, a real journalist said so.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by daersoulkeeper
reply to post by Mercury144

wow you guys are all nut jobs do you even listen to alex? i listen every day...hes not a zionist anything you have all lost your mind. alex is a good Christian man who is doing alot better at informing the public of the truth than any of you.

Not just a good Christian man, an Awesome Christian man. He drinks, smokes, swears, threatens to physically harm callers, lies, and lies for money. He hangs out with Charlie Sheen and Joe Rogan - praying to Jesus I am sure. He is such a great Christian he can be like that and still have people like you claim he is a good Christian. Seems slightly less than average for a Christian to me but hey.

Oh, and yes I do listen to Alex. I also have all of his movies except for his two most recent. I have gotten tired of his crap after decades of films about the UN taking over our national parks that was made with a cheap VHS-C camera and put together with an Amiga Toaster. It must have cost him 10s of dollars to produce that one. Now that production values have gotten cheap and he has gotten richer, they sure are shiny. Now if only he could make a film that was not 85% other people's work he edited together with his voice over, maybe I will be interested again.

[edit on 9-6-2010 by K J Gunderson]

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