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Alex Jones Exposed!

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posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
Alex Jones never talks about Zionism or Israel.

Maybe he doesn't want to be labled anti-semitic? I talk out about MOSSAD and I'm labled anti-semitic, so I can understand.

[edit on 9/18/2007 by Griff]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 11:49 AM
I know a money grabbing liar when I see one and Alex is all that. I won't deny the existence of others who are in it for the money but Alex is certainly one of them and could have a 'bigger' agenda than what his fans think. My opinion changed when he verbally attacked Icke (whom I believe is also in it for the money and to prove that there's no bias on my decision as labelling him a fraud).

[edit on 9-11-2007 by amanbuthimself]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 03:15 PM
AJ is definitely a major disinformation agent as is Jeff Rense and David Icke. One must remember that in order to gain confidence the truth is always used. Its a technique called hiding in plain sight- which the Russians and the Germans have used quite effectively.

There are many truths on AJ's site- however, when you realize he is not credible- then all the truths become instantly debunk able. This is a very effective technique.

Devils are not without their charms!

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 09:03 AM
Seriously Alex Jones is working for the big boys? That mp3 "confession" is hilarious, he's just saying he refuses to be involved with what the government is trying to fool everyone into believing, he is not saying he works for them hahahaha. Way to take a 4 second soundbye totally out of context.

Alex jones is a dyed in the wool grade A nutcase, and i wouldn't change him for all the money in the world, sure he may be ridiculed by the mainstream everything, but he is causing a ruckus and getting debates going, which is the most important thing.

I tell you now if alex jones was disinfo he would be #1 credible and #2 low key.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 05:31 AM
AJ gets greif from all over the place but I would trust him before I would trust the neo con talk show guy like Rush and Hannity etc....

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by Mercury144
Hello all, not sure if this has been discussed already or not, I did search for any threads and nothing came up.

Anyway, MT of opposingdigitsDOTCOM has posted something everyone should see regarding Alex Jones and his apparent involvment with Zionism.

I had a sneaky feeling that this guy was up to something other than trying to inform us from the start, and this backs up my notions. And after his supposed "infiltration" of Bohemian Grove, which I admit I believed at first, why isn't he dead yet!?

[edit on 1-7-2007 by Mercury144]

Wow thanks for posting this, I am glad I don't follow AJ like a sheepie!

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by TheoOne

Originally posted by Mercury144
MT of opposingdigitsDOTCOM has posted something everyone should see regarding Alex Jones and his apparent involvment with Zionism.

Wow thanks for posting this, I am glad I don't follow AJ like a sheepie!

opposing digits? seriously? I joined there for a few weeks, until I was banned for asking why they thought AJ was zionist. that site is no different than any other white-power website i've ever come across.

in fact, here is the exact thread, so you can read and judge for yourself what type of mentality they have on that forum:

[edit on 21-11-2007 by scientist]

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 07:07 AM
Well, the reason why I said it is what that caught my attention -

At first AJ was all against censorship, turns out he's not!

But again, to be honest, I don't know too much about religion or his involvement up in AJ's sleeve.

Thanks anyway, though.

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
I'll state this again for the previous two posters;

NO ONE gets into the spotlight unless they are approved by the elite.. that goes for Alex Jones, David Icke, Loose Change, and many others.

They are allowd to spurt half truths because its actually benefits the elite. It buys them some time whilst your sitting there using half correct information, which makes it more difficult for you to realise "the" truth.

Smoke and Mirrors.

Divide and Conquer.

Absolutely correct. The good news is AJ, Jeff Rense and David Icke will be blown down pretty soon because they are not doing the job they are supposed to do. They each started out well, but have screwed the pooch- which is why they are being taken to the back of the room.

These idiots are terrible actors and a frightened public desperate for information will listen to practically anyone- which is why they will soon be replaced.

The rats in our own government are deserting the ship and this behavior always happens before a sinking. The scale of which this occurring is huge and the elite will stop at nothing to divert our attention from it so they can re-position themselves.

Its best to distance yourselves from them as they will drag you down if they can. Besides its more fun to sit back and watch them drown!

One funny defect of the elite is they seem to only be able to get their hands on failed and/or lousy actors!

There was an audition tape (several actually including Anna Nicole Smith so high on heroin that she could barely speak her lines and passed out and fell off her chair) that was circulated in Hollywood by agents as a "bad" joke and it was Alex Jones. I do not know if I have it- but will continue look through my files for it. The casting director was Barbara Clayman who could be heard laughing as we all were at this point. She practically lost her $hit when she asked him to try it again without his shirt. He rips his shirt off with such exuberance and repeats his lines.. at this point nearly everyone has a laugh attack. It was one of the funniest bad audition tapes ever. He did have a nice chest though..I'll have to give him that!

Barbara Clayman died a while ago or I would have gotten a copy from her again- she kept everything. All I can say is who knew at the time!

And for those of you who do not know what an audition tape is... at the beginning every actor slates their name. Basically says, Hi I am Alex Jones- then they proceed to say, and I am reading for the part of.... The tape was old and on VHS so it is likely it was done in the 70's or 80's.

True story and many in Hollywood know this. I am very surprised that Charlie Sheen would associate himself with AJ- but then again these sort of tapes are "underground" inside jokes for agents, casting folks and studio execs so its likely Charlie did not know at the time he supported him- but surely someone would have hipped Charlie to it after such an endorsement. And yes, the Sheens are staunch Jesuit supporters.

[edit on 28-11-2007 by dk3000]

posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 11:18 AM
Stop lying.

I've heard him talk about Israel plenty of times. I found out about the Zionists funding Hitler, Israel using terror tactics, etc from Alex. People need to stop hating, it's pathetic.

posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 04:48 PM
*Casts ressurection on this dead topic*

About that Alex Jones audition tape. I dont see why people cant take him seriously as one of the genuine tin foil hat wearing brigade just because of that. Alex Jones didn't announce himself to the world as a conspiracy nut, it is well know that he was in the media for a long time before starting his Info wars and Prison Planet stuff. Hideo Kojima is a failed movie director, so he settled for second best and began to direct videogames instead. It is not unusual for people to fail in one aspect of a career and then take second best instead. Teachers are a good example.

About money. Yes Alex Jones is trying to make a buck, who isn't? Does that mean he is not genuine in his convictions? No. When you get to the point where you think that these people who are obviously very convinced with their own version of reality, are just "plants" by the government to spread misinfo, I think you are taking a second guess too far. Then again if I am wrong, Alex Jones, Icke, and all the rest of those people with extreme views are the most convincing hoaxes I have ever seen.

[edit on 5-12-2007 by unnamedninja]

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 08:27 AM
Alex Jones does not focus on the topics of Zionism, Judaism, Kabbalah ,the Vatican, Priory of Scion, Opus Dei, Jesuits, The Catholic/Freemasonic Knights of Malta, or the Rosicrucian's. My belief is he does not want to be involved with topics which could divide his audience based on religious ideology.

With that said here are some facts for your own research.

Ignatius of Loyola was a member of the Spanish Illuminati "The Los Alumbrados".
Loyola then founded the Army of The Society of Jesus for the Roman Catholic Church also known as the Jesuits.
Adam Weishaupt the supposed founder of the Bavarian Illuminati was conveniently Jesuit trained before its founding.

Zionism the belief in a non-biblical Israel is supported by Luciferian elite.

Zionism, Judaism (including Kabbalah and the books of the Israelite and/or Babylonian Talmud and Zohar) are abominations against God, they like Catholicism are a corruption of the Messiahs faith. Torah worshipping Jews and Bible worshipping Christians can both agree that their faiths have been corrupted by superstition, just as in ancient time.

My research shows the "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" was in actuality, "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Scion". The document caused anti-Jewish sentiment in Russia and Germany fomenting with the Bolshevik and Nazi party uprisings which destroyed both the ruling Russian and German monarchies.

Satanism is not Luciferianism.

Wikipedia Entry - Luciferianism

"Luciferianism can be understood best as a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer."

"Luciferianism is often identified as an auxiliary of Satanism, due to the canonical identification of Lucifer with Satan. Some Luciferians accept this identification or consider Lucifer as the light bearer aspect of Satan, and thus could properly be called Satanists. Others reject it, arguing that Lucifer is a more positive ideal than Satan. They are inspired by the ancient myths of Egypt, Rome and Greece, Gnosticism and traditional Western occultism."

Using the magical ritual of the ancient esoteric mystery schools, one invokes fallen angels/demonic forces through channeling or possession
to gain knowledge from Satan or his fallen army. As one sells their soul by freewill into bondage to Satan they gain their illumination in the secret knowledge of evil while at the same time the sacred light of God which is good fades until the Lord's illumination is replaced completely and they're are left struck deaf, dumb, and blind in spiritual darkness to which they have given themselves. They have rejected God's love and mercy, evil will become good to they who embrace the carnal nature of the beast which man becomes when his spirit is without God's light to illuminate what the knowldge of the tree of good and evil truly is.

Luciferians, worship themselves as Satan worshipped himself, they feel only pride in their sin, because they in their blindness see no sin which is transgression against God, the same God whose light no longer illuminates their spirit.

Luciferians have existed for all time, since the most ancient of days until this day, the deceiver has simply changed his alias repeatedly be he named Osiris, Zeus, Jupiter, Allah/Hubal, Baal, it is all the same Satan.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by amanbuthimself

I remember when he attacked Icke, he's done it more than once. Alex Jones said the media always use Icke to discredit conspiracy theoriest because he talks about shape shifting lizards. I thought it was about harsh on Icke because he's praised Alex Jones in one of his, Alex was out of line.

Secondly, Alex Jones has mentioned Israel plenty of times before. The reason he doesn't talk about Zionism is because it has NOTHING to do with the NWO. Only white-power groups think NWO=Zionism.

According to Alex Jones, Israel is just a puppet state of the US and is irrelevant.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 09:13 PM
While David Icke has focused more on interviews with individuals who are self admitted victims of MK Ultra brainwashing, he never presents it as his own opinion but merely the opinions of these individuals. The Draco's (Reptilian Alien/Nephilim) are most likely due to the brainwashing of the individuals a delusion placed in their minds through memory implants or post hypnotic suggestion. This leads us to see why Alex Jones does not embrace this viewpoint, which could most certainly be used as straw-man arguement to defame the whole of the truth movement based on a few brainwashed individuals.

Zionism while not the whole of the New World Order system is indeed a potent building block as it created non-biblical Israel. The rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon following the immient destruction of the Dome of the Rock is key to the Antichrist's reign. The Antichrist must inside the rebuilt temple sit upon the Ark of the Covenant showing to himself that he resides in God's house upon God's throne as God of this world.

I know many will disagree, but to my self in my opinion to know of a new world order conspiracy while neglecting to understand that satan is its master will only lead to misunderstanding of what is transpiring before us.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 11:45 PM
i would aso like to add the fact that AJ never focuses on alien or ufo topics aswell. i'm not sure which side of the fence i'm on with him but he sure is a card to listen to either way

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
Zionism is the one topic that first caught me attention with him, mainly because he never talks about it! Anyone whos done some serious researching into the affairs of this little planet will know what im talking about when i say "Israels creation and existence is a critical component towards achieving the NWO".

This is untrue, ShrunkenSimon. I've heard him talk about Zionism many, many times on his radio programme. It's a lose/lose situation for him, because if he talks about it he gets called anti-semetic, if he doesn't talk about it some ill-informed young man like yourself attacks him for being a Zionist. The fact remains that he does talk about it, so your argument concerning that is raised completely to the ground.

The exact same goes for the Catholic Church.

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
He wants you to rise up, and make yourself known, so when the time comes, you are easier to spot, and easier to detain in one of the centres he always talks about!

As opposed to sitting down, keeping quiet and getting brutally crushed anyway? Can I ask just what it is you think you're doing on this website, Shrunkensimon? Even though what you are saying is flawed, you beleive it isn't, so are you not still "rising up, making yourself known, so when the time comes you are easier to spot and detain?"


I have my own reservations about Jones. He's a crazy Bastard sometimes, but I like him. He doesn't always get things right, but he seems to me to be trying. He does spin, sometimes, also. I've witnessed him do it. But regardless of all that I still tune in a couple of times a week and find myself agreeing with quite a few things he has to say.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 06:42 AM
Watch Secret rulers of the World, the episode in which Alex Jones features. Jones said if you mention Zionism, you are seen as a racist and it's not a good thing for the conspiracy field to be associated with White extremists like the KKK, who think Jews run the world.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 11:25 AM
that could be very true. maybe he doesn't wanna cross that line. i could see that. you don't wanna be in there with those guys, no one will take you seriously. anyway he seems to wanna help but i have a hard time believing the vaccination thing he like to push down people's throats. i don't think the gov's doing that. seems a little far fetched. maybe they did it a few times in certain experiments like tuscekee project but overall he is a little bit of a scare mongerer.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 12:20 PM

There was an audition tape (several actually including Anna Nicole Smith so high on heroin that she could barely speak her lines and passed out and fell off her chair) that was circulated in Hollywood by agents as a "bad" joke and it was Alex Jones. I do not know if I have it- but will continue look through my files for it. The casting director was Barbara Clayman who could be heard laughing as we all were at this point. She practically lost her $hit when she asked him to try it again without his shirt. He rips his shirt off with such exuberance and repeats his lines.. at this point nearly everyone has a laugh attack. It was one of the funniest bad audition tapes ever. He did have a nice chest though..I'll have to give him that!

Barbara Clayman died a while ago or I would have gotten a copy from her again- she kept everything. All I can say is who knew at the time!

And for those of you who do not know what an audition tape is... at the beginning every actor slates their name. Basically says, Hi I am Alex Jones- then they proceed to say, and I am reading for the part of.... The tape was old and on VHS so it is likely it was done in the 70's or 80's.

I am no AJ fan, but I have to question this one. It sounds like something he'd do and how he would act, but he is only 33. He graduated from high school in 1993. He was in my friend's graduating class. On the other hand, it could have just been poorly done at the public access station here, so it looks like it is older. I'd LOVE to see it.

[edit on 4-1-2008 by thistle]

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by Mr. Pele Pele
Stop lying.

I've heard him talk about Israel plenty of times. I found out about the Zionists funding Hitler, Israel using terror tactics, etc from Alex. People need to stop hating, it's pathetic.

No one's lying or hating here, this is a discussion about Alex Jones' alleged involvement in Zionism. Try putting your common American stupidity on hold for a moment and pay attention

If you've heard him talk about Israel and such, then surely he has something on his websites about them. Those sites don't seem to have anything about Israel on them, so we really can't take you seriously.

[edit on 10-1-2008 by Mercury144]

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