posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 01:57 PM
cbas's post above says it all,
originally posted by cbas
What I don't understand is why he feels the need to be so intense.
I mean I guess I would want to be also, given the subject matter, but you have got to realize at some point that your intensity starts to work against
your cause, scares people, makes them shy away, and pull their children closer.
He needs to be more level headed and calmer. Everything that he says would be much better recieved by mainstream if he would just tone it down a few
the most important thing to maintain through everything that is going on, despite our obvious outrage, is an even temperament.
alex jones, although seemingly well-intentioned, has frequently crossed the line, and that is not how change is achieved; through harassment of
politicos, or public servants.
the message is the thing, and not the poor examples that seem to have been shown. it's clear that the information is upsetting folks, but these same
folks are not interested in engaging in belligerent, bellicose, or anarchical behavior to achieve an end - and rightly so.
it has been suggested that jones is working for forces who wish to perpetuate fear and anxiety in an attempt to disrupt our own equanimity and, as a
consequence, our power base.
further, it has been suggested that jones' agenda, along with what have been termed "fake" 9-11 truth movement groups, is to drive the american
people to revolt, which would then necessitate martial law.
these assertions may seem ridiculous, but it's a strange world we live in. i am happy to see, however, that irrespective of these allegations being
true or not, that we still have a level-headed populace who, despite realizing what is happening in office, is moving forward with an ordered and
clear determination.
as an objective observer, the fear and anxiety jones is perpetuating is no different than what the u.s. government is peddling. unfortunately, too
much aggression - stepping over the line - undermines your own message, and causes people to take a step back.
when you're in fear and anxious you make poor decisions, bottom line. enough people have taken a step back, and a good hard look at jones and are
asking questions. that's great.
my suggestion is to only take the "information" alex is sharing, weigh its merits on your own, and take away only what you need; which should not
include the fear, anxiety, or any other disruptive emotional baggage that this information is likely to generate in those who are not prepared
mentally or emotionally to assimilate it.
there is a lot of information there, and it can be overwhelming. at least take a step back, and a couple of deep breaths before letting it influence
your actions.
it won't matter anyway, soon enough, because it's clear that the game is shifting; the tables are turning, for the better - irregardless of whether
or not jones' agenda has been to generate fear and anxiety.