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UK under attack, who is to blame?

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posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:18 PM
Those who feel strongly about the war in Iraq would be better to organise peaceful opposition to it on a large scale , botched murderous attacks will harm their own communties more , most Muslims will be dreading walking the streets tomorrow because of the antics of a few misguided hotheads.

[edit on 30-6-2007 by The_Coo]

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:26 PM
You know, Im really getting tired of all these things that happen in the world, what is going on, why do people kill people they do not know, innocent civilians, there are hungry people dying in the world, wars, corrupt people taking religion and abusing it for their own political needs. murders, rape, pedos etc etc etc. It really confuses me, and makes me angry, and sad.

Im so glad there are beautiful people, beautiful places, LOVE and so many other great beautiful things in the world, and the universe and beyond, because without them, this would be hell.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:28 PM
I wouldn't say it was a total inside job but assistance is a possibility. PM Brown just took office, a serious of attacks happened a day later? Does anybody think that is strange? It seems like he can just pose as the saviour for Great Britain. Whats Next?

[edit on 6/30/2007 by grassyknoll7]

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:36 PM
It seems like a symobolic attack . A shot across the bows to Brown . But the amateurish style of it seems confusing . Everyone knew Brown was taking over so there was a lot of time to prepare something more reliable .

Unless its a very small cell with no real backup from an experienced terrorist structure.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by grassyknoll7
I wouldn't say it was a total inside job but assistance is a possibility. PM Brown just took office, a serious of attacks happened a day later? Does anybody think that is strange? It seems like he can just pose as the saviour for Great Britain. Whats Next?

[edit on 6/30/2007 by grassyknoll7]

Yes its very strange, but its impossible to tell if its an inside job, or crazy people, or drunken crazy people who like fire, and getting run over and fighting while on fire, watching too much jackass?. haha

But one thing is for sure, it seems highly likley its related in some form to Gordon brown becoming Prime Minister, and Tony blair stepping down.

But the exact reason? who knows.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_

Originally posted by grassyknoll7
I wouldn't say it was a total inside job but assistance is a possibility. PM Brown just took office, a serious of attacks happened a day later? Does anybody think that is strange? It seems like he can just pose as the saviour for Great Britain. Whats Next?

[edit on 6/30/2007 by grassyknoll7]

Yes its very strange, but its impossible to tell if its an inside job, or crazy people, or drunken crazy people who like fire, and getting run over and fighting while on fire, watching too much jackass?. haha

But one thing is for sure, it seems highly likley its related in some form to Gordon brown becoming Prime Minister, and Tony blair stepping down.

But the exact reason? who knows.

Yeah, its really strange, the amateur part threw me off as well. But I just don't see it being caused by stupid people. Happening 3 times is a deliberate action. I don't know.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by The_Coo
It seems like a symobolic attack . A shot across the bows to Brown . But the amateurish style of it seems confusing . Everyone knew Brown was taking over so there was a lot of time to prepare something more reliable .

Unless its a very small cell with no real backup from an experienced terrorist structure.

Yeah if feels kinda very amateurish, its almost as if a couple of guys were sitting down and said, "Hey Im bored........ really really bored" "hey I know lets buy some oil and nails and stuff, and drive around, and see what happens if we crash" "hmm, okay, but I bet you £100 that we dont explode"

Police: why do you look so happy, YOU MUPPET! your in deep trouble now!"
Crazy man: haha because I won the bet!

Sorry kinda off topic, but it does seem all weird and crazy like that. Until we get more info anyway.

[edit on 30-6-2007 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 11:12 PM
Forgive my boldness but I do see alot of ignorance throughout the world and even some in this thread.

Muslim fundamentalists shouldn't resort to violence in this manner to achieve their goal, there are much better ways to do this with non-violence.

However, holy moly is it easy to have hatred towards america and the UK.

Ordinary men are turned into extremists by extremists, and the evils of america and uk are the tools of persuasion used to convert them.

America is extremely evil people. The foreign policy, free trade policies keep third world countries third world and protect U.S oil interests.

The war in Iraq will only promote more hatred towards both the U.S and the UK. There aren't enough protestors in either country, the war wasn't even passed by congress so it's completely unconstitutional. Fortified embassies are being built all over Iraq which are actually military bases, halliburton, and propoganda.

That's why the people are also the enemy for these fundamentalists, because they just live life while iraqi children are being murdered, they do nothing but sit at home and watch fox news propoganda.

Both hands are dirty and both parties are at fault.
Everyone involved are to blame, even the people!

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Forgive my boldness but I do see alot of ignorance throughout the world and even some in this thread.

Muslim fundamentalists shouldn't resort to violence in this manner to achieve their goal, there are much better ways to do this with non-violence.

However, holy moly is it easy to have hatred towards america and the UK.

Ordinary men are turned into extremists by extremists, and the evils of america and uk are the tools of persuasion used to convert them.

America is extremely evil people. The foreign policy, free trade policies keep third world countries third world and protect U.S oil interests.

The war in Iraq will only promote more hatred towards both the U.S and the UK. There aren't enough protestors in either country, the war wasn't even passed by congress so it's completely unconstitutional. Fortified embassies are being built all over Iraq which are actually military bases, halliburton, and propoganda.

That's why the people are also the enemy for these fundamentalists, because they just live life while iraqi children are being murdered, they do nothing but sit at home and watch fox news propoganda.

Both hands are dirty and both parties are at fault.
Everyone involved are to blame, even the people!

I appreciate your frankness but I will also be frank by writing that I take exception to your calling Americans "extremely evil people". While that designation certainly applies to the current administration, it's not fair to lump all Americans together as evil. As an American, I will say that the average American feels pretty powerless and has been lied to so much (s)he can't even think straight anymore. As a general rule, we're not evil, but at the same time there's not much we can do to stop the evil that has hijacked our country.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
I appreciate your frankness but I will also be frank by writing that I take exception to your calling Americans "extremely evil people". While that designation certainly applies to the current administration, it's not fair to lump all Americans together as evil. As an American, I will say that the average American feels pretty powerless and has been lied to so much (s)he can't even think straight anymore. As a general rule, we're not evil, but at the same time there's not much we can do to stop the evil that has hijacked our country.

I apologize, when I say americans or America, I really mean the powers that be, that's why I seperated the govt. and the passive people.
My bad on that, I apologize I should have been more precise in words.
Obviously americans are not to blame for the foreign policy or the war on iraq, it's the powers that be.

I would put some blame on americans for being so passive in current events, and the foreign policy is nothing new, in a democratic country so much more could have been done as protests. When will the protests start, when it's too late?

On the other side of the coin extremists are protesting in the most caveman-like manner and is only counter-productive.

So when I said americans are evil, or america is evil, I very much only meant the powers that be. Not only the current administration but also previous ones, the current one is just the worst.

When I said America is extremely evil people, I didn't mean Americans are evil people but rather America is evil...people. As in listen people, america is evil. Do u know what I mean?

But i see how u interpreted it in that manner.

[edit on 30-6-2007 by ModernAcademia]

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 11:36 PM
I personally beleive that these events are fake.

I beleive 7/7 was orchestrated by England's intelligence agencies. The victims of the explosion were government agents (actors) and the general population was kept far enough (and close enough at the same time) to beleive it was real. Based on witness accounts, locations of explosions, emergency response, government response, and alot of other factors, I AM CONVINCED THAT 7/7 WAS A THEATRE SHOW.

I beleive these recent events are the same thing. FAKE.

Dont kid yourself.

(COINTELPRO and MI5, and the brainwashed) will be here soon to try and discredit me.

[edit on 30-6-2007 by ImplementOfWar]

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by ImplementOfWar
I personally beleive that these events are fake.

I beleive 7/7 was an elaborate theatre show that never actually caused any fatalities orchestrated by England's intelligence agencies. The victims of the explosion were government agents (actors) and the general population was kept far enough (and close enough at the same time) to beleive it was real. Based on witness accounts, locations of explosions, emergency response, government response, and alot of other factors, I AM CONVINCED THAT 7/7 WAS A THEATRE SHOW.

I beleive these recent events are the same thing. FAKE.

Dont kid yourself.

(COINTELPRO and MI5, and the brainwashed) will be here soon to try and discredit me.

[edit on 30-6-2007 by ImplementOfWar]

7/7 is just a strange event, I'm going to have to agree with War but to say these recent events are staged events, I don't have enough evidence to make that assertion.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by ImplementOfWar
I personally beleive that these events are fake.

I beleive 7/7 was an elaborate theatre show that never actually caused any fatalities orchestrated by England's intelligence agencies. The victims of the explosion were government agents (actors) and the general population was kept far enough (and close enough at the same time) to beleive it was real. Based on witness accounts, locations of explosions, emergency response, government response, and alot of other factors, I AM CONVINCED THAT 7/7 WAS A THEATRE SHOW.

I beleive these recent events are the same thing. FAKE.

Dont kid yourself.

(COINTELPRO and MI5, and the brainwashed) will be here soon to try and discredit me.

[edit on 30-6-2007 by ImplementOfWar]

So all the eyewitnesses are lying? How do you know this?

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 01:12 AM
I blame the United States. They started the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. They are the reason terrorists are seen in the UK. Blame and then Nuke America. That might solve something.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 01:27 AM
[sorry, can't delete this post]

[edit on 1-7-2007 by Reality Hurts]

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega
I blame the United States. They started the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. They are the reason terrorists are seen in the UK. Blame and then Nuke America. That might solve something.

Errr... it wasn't Americans in that car. It's almost certainly not Americans who left those bombs in London, either.

Quite honestly, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are used as excuses - remember what happened before them? Those planes crashed into the WTC, the Pentagon and that field? Remember what happened prior to 9/11? (The car bomb outside the WTC, the USS Cole bombing, the attacks on US Embassies in 1998)

Whether we stay in Iraq/Afghanistan or not, terrorists will still find an excuse as they did before either of these conflicts started. The sad thing is that some people believe that leaving Iraq/Afghanistan will make everything ok... I sincerely doubt it will. There's no magic formula for stopping terrorism.

[edit on 1/7/07 by Ste2652]

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Reality Hurts

Originally posted by Chupa101
UK under attack, who is to blame?

There is only one reasonable & responsible answer to your question:

The individuals who devised, financed, planned, and carried out these plots.

Beyond that, I would hold no man responsible. Place the blame where it lies- squarely on the shoulders of the people who tried to kill UK citizens.

Terrorists don't just work off of their own back you know. They're normally part of a larger organisation, and that's who you have to look to.

I mean, if there is a suicide bombing, what are you going to do? Blame the corpse then say "oh well he's the only person we can blame for this and he's now dead so there's nothing at all we can do about it"?

No, there's always a whole load of other people involved who have their reasons for doing these sort of things, and that's what we have to address.

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Muslim fundamentalists shouldn't resort to violence in this manner to achieve their goal, there are much better ways to do this with non-violence.

Care to give some examples? If you were a muslim fundamentalist, how would you effectively get your message across to the western governments? I mean us Brits find it hard enough to tell our gov. what we want, which wars we want to enter, etc. It's not going to be any easier for muslim fundamentalists to do it.
So what do you suggest? A peaceful protest? Hunger strikes? Yeah that'll sure get the message across...

Originally posted by mrbocci

Originally posted by Remirah
i have to agree with the OP on this.

the brittish govt has been a toothless tiger when it comes to letting any tom, dick or ahmed into the uk.

shut the gates and send anyone who arrived in the last 20 years home. no questions, no arguements.


Not everyone surely, there are those who genuinely came here for refuge and a better life and love this country as much as we do, this country is 'Great' because of the oppurtunity here and the fact we always help out when we can. The ones that should be kicked out are the extremists and their followers and anyone associated.

Problem is with immigrants, how do you sort the good from the bad? You can't exactly just ask all of them "be honest now, are you coming here to spread terrorism?"

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 05:57 AM
Pound, when ever terrorist(s) Country of origin is known, their Country.

EDIT: Perhap's these madmen will not be so eager to hurt innocent children, woman and men knowing their families have something to lose too for their craziness -- yes?


[edit on 1-7-2007 by Dallas]

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by Dallas
Pound, when ever terrorist(s) Country of origin is known, their Country.

EDIT: Perhap's these madmen will not be so eager to hurt innocent children, woman and men knowing their families have something to lose too for their craziness -- yes?


[edit on 1-7-2007 by Dallas]

Nah we've already tried that. And the more you pound their country, the more hate comes back to you.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 07:58 AM
Well there are certain elements to the latest acts of terrorism that seem suspicious. Both the timing and the amateurish attacks. It's also been reported that one of the men involved was under house arrest before escaping. We still dont know all the facts, but what if all the men involved are the same men who were just recently under house arrest and miraculous managed to escape even with tracking devices attached to their ankles.

This makes both the police and government responsible and accountable if anyone ends up getting hurt or even killed.

How did the police manage to lose them in the first place considering they are made to wear tracking devices around their ankles.

Seven terrorists on the run after being under house arrest.

Information on tracking device.

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