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[HOAX] Isaac CARET - Drones [HOAX]

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posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by one4all

by 1for...who?
“…go learn enough to tell me why Hamel needed the granite sphere that was located at the lowest level of his craft, ok?

When you can bring me that bone I will show you a part or a piece of the probe that is undeniably an intrinsic component of Hamels anti-grvity [sic] craft design.”

Although Hamel died before he was able to realize his objective in generating sufficient electricity with his craft design, his idea was to generate propulsive force by causing a heavy granite sphere to continuously “fall forward” in a circular path within a tight enclosure.

In one of MR. Hamel’s designs, he utilized two such heavy granite spheres, one atop the other. The upper sphere rotated while resting atop the lower one. The granite sphere in the lowest level of the craft had a cone-shaped indentation on its lowest tangent within which a rod was inserted. This rod then pivoted on a third disc-shaped granite slab, set into circular motion by the sphere above. The rotating slab was connected to three generators, positioned evenly every 120 degrees.

Thus, to answer your question directly, Hamel needed the granite sphere in the lowest level of his craft in order to maintain rotation of the granite slab beneath so that electricity may be generated without the use of magnetism.

Your move.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by freelance_zenarchist

Thats..indeed a stunning surprise development..those circular patterns..are identical to the LAP! The verasimilitude is just "mind boggling" as one of LMHs cropcircle experts said..How could we have doubted him?!
The Egyption heiroglyphics along with these remarkable shapes could be the Rosetta stone we need to tell us what the Alien looking humans ,from his Abduction experience, told him.....but why the writing..They can transmit telepathically words and images..dirct downloads to us ..

A google of him and Yahoogroups will show he was working on a Noahs get ready for 2012 That Mayan thing...only a tad smaller..I guess it was going to make a lot of trips back and a little row boat in space..
Bless his heart..

I believe they were asking for donations to get something going..but so were Tim ventura..Hutchinson.Tap ten...all these we can't fault Him for that..

@Thanx klatt I posted the link to that in my post already..

Ourageo..This man was just..unbelievable..Ufos..The mayan calender..Free energy...selfless..

The drone story just pales..pales I say..compared to this!
This definitely puts it on track to another thread or at least the drone will have no problems straddling a ride on this long loaf of baloney.

[edit on 29-7-2010 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 29-7-2010 by Sys_Config]

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Outrageo
reply to post by one4all

by 1for...who?
“…go learn enough to tell me why Hamel needed the granite sphere that was located at the lowest level of his craft, ok?

When you can bring me that bone I will show you a part or a piece of the probe that is undeniably an intrinsic component of Hamels anti-grvity [sic] craft design.”

Although Hamel died before he was able to realize his objective in generating sufficient electricity with his craft design, his idea was to generate propulsive force by causing a heavy granite sphere to continuously “fall forward” in a circular path within a tight enclosure.

In one of MR. Hamel’s designs, he utilized two such heavy granite spheres, one atop the other. The upper sphere rotated while resting atop the lower one. The granite sphere in the lowest level of the craft had a cone-shaped indentation on its lowest tangent within which a rod was inserted. This rod then pivoted on a third disc-shaped granite slab, set into circular motion by the sphere above. The rotating slab was connected to three generators, positioned evenly every 120 degrees.

Thus, to answer your question directly, Hamel needed the granite sphere in the lowest level of his craft in order to maintain rotation of the granite slab beneath so that electricity may be generated without the use of magnetism.

Your move.


Hey Outrageo, Your B&W animation kinda-sorta looks like the East Indian flying ships of antiquity: a VIMANA!

I want to send this to SyFy Channel's groundbreaking program, Fact or Fake, for their analysis... Think they will take it on???

[edit on 29-7-2010 by klatunictobarata]

[edit on 29-7-2010 by klatunictobarata]

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by klatunictobarata

Not sure, Klat, my good fellow...

Perhaps this is where our poor, now-departed David Hamel initially obtained his inspiration.

In any case, I only did precisely as 1-4-1 suggested: explaining as best I could the reason that Hamel needed the lower granite ball in his design.

"One-forAll" promised some juicy morsel if I did as he directed. I think I fulfilled his/her request adequately. So now I guess we just wait for the promised reward...


...still waiting...

..and... still waiting....

[edit on 7/29/2010 by Outrageo]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 02:51 AM
Hamel was nucking futs. Hopefully his "invention" will be buried with him.

Anyone who would waste their time trying to build one would be better off making a working drone first.


posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 10:16 AM
Outrageo,well done,thank you,I just popped in to check the thread and must go right now,I will make my first "link"or whatever it takes in the next two days,sorry for the delay.

A quick question before I go,would it be fair to say that if I showed you a part on the probes that has the exact same form and function as one of the identifiable parts on Hamels design,that there needs to be a serious investigation done as to how Hamels multi-decade ,documented ,chronological history of research and developement could somehow materialise as part of a HOAXED series of pictures and videos of these Probes??

You can do your own search before I post links,Outrageo,the granite ball sits below a piece of the device that is designed to transfer motion to or from the granite ball,it is the seat of the second ball and doing the same function,the magnets in opposition tilt the seat initating or facilitating movement of the granite ball as your awsome video shows,it is this piece that is the easiest to identify as being exact in form and function AND SO UNIQUE IN PURPOSE AND DESIGN as to render further debate as to the connection pointless.

It is the TRANSFER of these forces whatever they are,through these specific pieces in the craft [from the seat to the granite ball or whatever direction the energy is transferred]and in the probe that make this method of designed and implemented energy transfer undeniably related in origin.

There are pictures of the probe that conclusively show this particular method of energy transfer,YOU WOULDNT FIND A PROPELLER ON A HOT AIR BALLOON.And you wouldnt find a piece of Hamels design on the Probe either,UNLESS,it belonged there.

No one CGIed this method of energy transfer,no one photoshopped the pieces that are exact in function and form .

I will return and make links to the exact pictures if someone doesnt beat me to it.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by one4all]

[edit on 30-7-2010 by one4all]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by one4all

...would it be fair to say that if I showed you a part on the probes that has the exact same form and function as one of the identifiable parts on Hamels design,that there needs to be a serious investigation done as to how Hamels multi-decade ,documented ,chronological history of research and developement could somehow materialise as part of a HOAXED series of pictures and videos of these Probes??

I don't feel qualified or knowledgeable enough regarding either one(+/-) of the designs to make such an assessment. Some similarities and comparisons can be made, to be sure. Yet, the engineering is complex, and as yet unfounded in my view, so there would be substantial assumptions made, precluding a definitive conclusion I'm afraid.

Without actually seeing and examining either craft such a comparison would be inconclusive. Frankly, the lack of detailed engineering schematics or calculations to review is glaring in its own absence.

Ironically, this is the problem I have with BOTH devices! Neither our vacuous Isaac, nor the eccentric Hamel have produced much more than fancy "ideas" and a compelling storyline regarding their devices.

Sadly, this leaves us with little more than 'wishful thinking', and perhaps some ulterior 'meme' motives thrown in to get folks all excited about ...what? Not much it seems.

It strikes me as rather counterproductive to go through all the trouble, in Mr. Hamel's case at least, to expound exhaustively on what would be - should be - a profound technical breakthrough for humanity only to die without leaving any possible way to replicate such a 'discovery'.

Seriously, if one of these craft were possible to build - why hasn't one been built? Ditto for Isaac: lots of clever, official-looking documents, a few photos, some witnesses, thousands of "fans" spewing on for years about the "big discovery" of the century. Bah. WHERE IS IT??

Although I find myself increasingly embarrassed by association with what seems to be human race infatuated by an endless parade of charlatans and their faithful mass followers, surely there are enough practical, discerning, energetic minds on the planet that would be able to cobble together a working prototype by now, no?

The logical conclusion can be, save some unknown circumstance (such as 'black' development), is that neither the hoax-drones nor, sadly, Mr. Hamel's craft are extant - nor can they be, Otherwise, someone would have surely produced one for the world to see and enjoy and benefit from.

No, the few of us left on this thread, and occasional passerby, merely wait to see if someone -anyone- will come along and show us, persuasively, that such conclusions are wrong and that indeed the science for such craft are as real as the hope and the hype.

I don't think that will happen today. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either....

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 05:21 PM
One4all said:

“…it is this piece that is the easiest to identify as being exact in form and function AND SO UNIQUE IN PURPOSE AND DESIGN as to render further debate as to the connection pointless.”

So where is this dragonfly drone-look-alike ‘piece’ and why can’t it be shown here, eh?


I should have in - all good conscience - stopped right here when I read this so-called actual account of how it all started for Hamel:

“Inspiration - where the idea came from”

“…While watching television with his wife and housekeeper, David Hamel experienced a sort of 'waking trance' in which he was mentally transported to an alien ship. (The book gives a more detailed description of other observations, but for our purposes, we will stick to the magnetic drive technology.) Noticing a vibration within the ship, Hamel asked what caused it. The ship was constructed around two large cones, with the wide ends on the bottom. One cone was supported on the top of the other and suspended by magnets and pinions.”

The ‘aliens’ told Hamel:

"In twenty more years everything on earth will be devastated. It's the magnetic [sic] that will change. I was told that when the lineup of the planets and THE SECOND SUN passes for three days and three nights in front of our sun and blacks it out, the magnetic [sic] will change. Between the years 2000 and 2005."

Guess the ‘aliens’ were wrong, or Hamel was wrong, or both.

It’s clear, at least to me, that further posting of this topic in this particular thread: “[HOAX] Isaac CARET - Drones [HOAX]” merely serves to disrespect ATS as an agent of truth and enlightenment.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 05:25 PM
Well said, Outrageo!

But I myself am not passing by here to see a proof for any reality. I am waiting for the hoaxers to tell us, how stupid we are.

It's extraordinary, how many associations that Hamel brings up. Hamlet (To be or not to be), Hammel (the wether or bell-wether), Hameln (The town where the ratcatcher of Hameln first took away the rats, then the kids)... Coincidences can be funny.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 08:04 PM
You three are classic,I love it!

How will you explain the links I am learning how to post as we speak??

I mean,it is a little late to jump ship now ,isnt it?Oh,yes,I forgot you are well aware of the freedom of choice issue and the fact that as the debunker you can never be wrong pending the NEVERENDING search for ANYTHING you guestimate cannot be provided,like an actual piece of technology for example.

That is a curious perspective to choose,one of fearful waiting for the ironclad shoe of absolute proof to drop on your sleepy head.

The sweetest thing is that it took four hundred pages for this issue to get to this point and about thirty seconds for me to choose to lend a hand.

Wow,thats a pretty good trade off from my perspective,the countless hours spent trying to bury this issue ,ALL undone in thirty seconds or less.

As a sidenote,my friends,the proof is in the telling,my testimony and that of ANY HUMAN BEING ANYWHERE---SUPERCEDES YOUR REQUEST FOR EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE.

Do you grasp that idea?ANYONE---ANYWHERE--ANYTIME.

Our reality isnt built on proof,it is built on PERSPECTIVE.

Do you grasp that idea?


My simple word instantly obligates a detractor or inquisitor to seek empirical evidence that the initial claim is in fact wrong.

You see,three musketeers,had someone else already claimed what I claim and had you then debunked that claim,then you would have a leg to stand on in requesting that I provide you with absolute physical proof,but as reality happens to show us all---I INITIATED A NEW IDEA THEREBY FORCING YOUR PETTY HAND INTO ATTEMPTING TO DEBUNK ME WHICH YOU THEN DID THEREBY SINKING YOURSELF EVEN FURTHER INTO YOUR OWN LIES---- YOU SEE YOU REQUESTED EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE WHEN YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO---THIS IS PART OF YOUR LIE.

You have been corrected,grasp this ok?

YOU need to disprove my NEW idea,using PHYSICAL PROOF,not the other way around.

I am the first to propose this issue so my WORD stands as ACCEPTED FACT UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE.

You need to dig around to find something to disprove me,look what has happened to Outrageo after he tried to disprove me---he is now faced with an unsolvable problem,a moral issue,he has learned and realised the pardon the pun "gravity"of the situation.Outrageo now sees what I see and his halfhearted rebuttal illustrated this fact,I havent even posted a link and Outrageo already has a new choice to make.

I mean who the heck taught you guys to try to force people into accepting a role-reversal in the search for facts.

You need to find the proof you are willing to accept through the learning prcoess.

You also need to understand that a lot of people know a method of uncovering untruths using the phonetic structure of the english language,it is called reverse extrapolation.This is my personal happy place,you can try,but my friend you just cant lie!

There is a member named Eelrijue,who has a name for the physics of what Hamel was trying to teach us,there are only two posts,look them up ,or link them,whatever,there are others who have a part to play in this thread.

Does anyone know this poster?

[edit on 30-7-2010 by one4all]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 08:23 PM
Yah, yah, yah, go on!

As far as I read - not too far, I must admit - the tooth fairy only comes to those, who have lost a screw or two.

Continue! I am nearly listening.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 09:32 PM
1 4 all or whoever you b or R.
Let's keep this simple.
Post one measily link or image of anything this Hamel nut did that resembles any of the the drone/Isaac/LAP material.
Nevermind the references to the technologies, etc. Just one simple A vs. B image.
If you don't know how to post a link or image please see the help section or write to the help forum.
I assume you are a big boy and know how to use the internet.

Post what you say or go away.
No posty, no more interest from me. Plain and simple.
You are not even funny.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 10:34 PM
Katterfelto,do some research as Outrageo has or go find another thread to troll,if you got this far you know what to do ,so step up or step back.

David Hamel is not going anywhere and neither is this reality.Stop whining for me to post something your lazy arse can find on its own,I gifted you the possibility,and welcome to the fray.

If the cumulative energy of the last three detractors was focused as Outrageo was on learning before burning we would be making a little headway.Stop bullying and do a little work,it is your obligation,thats why you come to ATS,to participate,not dictate.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by one4all]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by one4all
Katterfelto,do some research as Outrageo has or go find another thread to troll,if you got this far you know what to do ,so step up or step back.

David Hamel is not going anywhere and neither is this reality.Stop whining for me to post something your lazy arse can find on its own,I gifted you the possibility,and welcome to the fray.


One4all, you are a funny, funny man!

A couple of posts ago you asked if anyone here knew someone called 'EELRIJUE.'

At a loss to find your man, the Urban Dictionary says this about your query:

"1. EELRIJUE rating: 8 thumbs down

buy eelrijue mugs, tshirts and magnets

An anagram for Jeer Lieu, found on a hoax crop circle of a supposed alien holding a supposed CD with Binary code (which happens to translate into bad slang english) The word EELRIJUE is found in the binary code near the middle of the message.

That EELRIJUE crop circle is a hoax"

Has there been another Web Site that tolerates your inept tone and lack of research of the outlandish assertions you proclaim?

TELL US WHERE so we might go be enlightened...

Nowhere else...?

I thought not.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by one4all
David Hamel is not going anywhere and neither is this reality.

Of course you say that: "David Hamel is not going anywhere and neither is this reality."

#1.) He is dead;

#2.) His ideas are a hoax;

and, more to the point...

#3) Two boys want us to desperately but his CD's/DVD's!

Not even close to riding on the coattails of the DRONE HOAX folks!

Not by a long shot.

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by one4all

Outrageo now sees what I see and his halfhearted rebuttal illustrated this fact,I havent even posted a link and Outrageo already has a new choice to make.

You are wrong. It was not a rebuttal and it certainly was not half-hearted.

And you are right. I am now making a choice - but I doubt it is the one you anticipated.

Banter such as this is unproductive. There is nothing I hate worse than sniping along an endless circle of no substance. Unless there is something workable (though not necessarily tangible or empirical) to apply to the eventual solution, I'll step aside until such time as I feel I can make a meaningful contribution.

Just IMHO, this is starting to look more and more like a hijacking. Maybe Sys was right after all...


[edit on 7/31/2010 by Outrageo]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by Siddharta
Well said, Outrageo!

But I myself am not passing by here to see a proof for any reality. I am waiting for the hoaxers to tell us, how stupid we are.

It's extraordinary, how many associations that Hamel brings up. Hamlet (To be or not to be), Hammel (the wether or bell-wether), Hameln (The town where the ratcatcher of Hameln first took away the rats, then the kids)... Coincidences can be funny.

hahaha that was precious! Sidd....I am thinking now the concept of "cut and paste" as used in the Drone pix..s used being used here..when it comes to topic writing too! i
The only reason this clown escapee from another circus doesn't provide a link is because He ain't got one..
Say..I just found out that Dell Computers ,owner of Alienware at the 2007 time was a major client of CARAT, subsidiary of the Aegis group.., 100 M.$ to blow.. , you remember the alleged typo n the Alienware emai from Banzai..that said no rights..later they said they did...An so was Warners...
I believe they Lost the Warners account in 2008
I'll provide that link a lot faster than Hammy's agent The pied piper can his ....whose flute is definitely out of tune..Not even the rats will follow that one.

So many clownfish..this one not even funny...
I did love Zens pic..Im still giggling like a little girl..Tee Hee. )...figuratively speaking..of course..

Outrageo...Absent a moderator telling this joker as a similar one was told on the old Hammy poop or get off the pot..this thread will become a bustop for trolls and hijackers..Nice to see PJ again though as well as old friends ..

Strange this thread is buried deep..meaning mr O can search and find in google..but doesnt know how to do a copy link and link to substantiate his claim..where is the hockey puck Mr. O..!!?

[edit on 1-8-2010 by Sys_Config]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 05:35 PM
one4all is really onto something here.

I've been up for 78 hours and I just finished the first analysis on the alien writing that appears on Hamel's craft. Clearly these symbols are the energy source for the craft, but what could they mean????

[edit on 1-8-2010 by freelance_zenarchist]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 06:27 PM
I clearly can read "lone". so I guess the aliens feel very lonely out there and wish us to join their lonely party.

I wish, I had some time. But life on earth is so short and I have to manage this first. I will join the party later.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 01:26 AM
Wait Sidd.. don't go yet..there[s more ...the best part is yet to come ...more waiting!!

I am sure Mr. Uno is on his way back with the missing links...
All we have to do is warm the stove and break out the scrambled eggs!!

[edit on 2-8-2010 by Sys_Config]

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