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[HOAX] Isaac CARET - Drones [HOAX]

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posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 02:18 PM
This is my first post at this forum. I had to reply to this thread because I feel many are still being mislead by the ISAAC images and the other "drone" images.

I've been dabbling with advanced 3D rendering technologies in my spare time over many years, and I've learned - after doing thousands of trial renderings myself - that no rendering is ever 100% accurate when it comes to replicating the way photons bounce and change colorspectrum as they hit different materials.

A seemingly simple thing like a shadow is actually very very complex if you start to model it using real-world physics. Consider the following situation:

You have a reflective box sitting on a white surface. It's being lit from one side by a regular lightbulb. Modeling this in 3D is not a complex task, and you will probably be able to make a very convincing rendering - convincing to most people. But if you start to take into account various physical aspects involved in an actual photograph of a reflective box being lit by a lightbulb you will soon realize that there are a lot of stuff that needs to be calculated by the computer doing the rendering to create a perfect synthetic version of a real world situation.

Some things that would have to be modeled, and calculated at rendering time:

1. The actual lenses used by the camera being modeled. (Many lenses induce so called "chromatic aberration" and other effects like Depth of Field and Vignetting)

2. The lightbulb would have to be a 3D model of a lightbulb that emits hundreds of thousands of photons in almost all directions. Each photon has to be calculated as it leaves the bulb and hits it's first tiny piece of surface (and gets coloured/absorbed by it), and then bounces off, continuing out into the room, and perhaps hits some walls before it finally dies out when all energy is lost.

3. The camera and person operating it should be visible in an object that is made from a reflective material - if care has not been taken in the original real photo to eliminate them (perhaps with white screens or sheets).

To me, the close-ups of the "I-beams" and the anti gravity generator (A1), contain so many obvious rendering artifacts that I have to conclude with 99% certainty on my part that they have been rendered with a 3d program.

The blueish soft shadow that surrounds the objects are typical of the preset settings for "Global Illumination" in many renderers. It is there to emulate the look of an overcast or sunless sky as it illuminates an object from all angles at the same time with the cool blue light of our atmosphere ( unlike a sunny situation where light comes from one main direction - the sun ). Notice however that the reflections in the objects seem to indicate that they are sitting in a completely naked room - with nothing else being reflected but the surface they sit on. The shadows also contain small speck-like features that are typical for renderings of this kind - this is because of optimizations in the calculations in the renderer, to save time when rendering...

There are other things I can point to, but I feel that this post is waay too long as it is...

Believe me, this is with 99% certainty a computer-made image, NOT a photograph.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 02:29 PM
similar points have been made by our resident cgi experts and without having my own cgi experience i have to take the experts opinion at face value, which isnt as hard as perhaps a week ago. that is to say before the response by "isaac". i dunno at all about this. i cant rule it out, i dont want to,but the further we go the more it feels and looks like hoax which reaffirms octams razor on the subject...*gosh*

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Averysmallfoxx
similar points have been made by our resident cgi experts and without having my own cgi experience i have to take the experts opinion at face value, which isnt as hard as perhaps a week ago. that is to say before the response by "isaac". i dunno at all about this. i cant rule it out, i dont want to,but the further we go the more it feels and looks like hoax which reaffirms octams razor on the subject...*gosh*

I believe there was a response from Isaac (a letter if I remember correctly) which got ''proven'' as a hoax as well.

Though I only read someone talking about the response letter, so I don't know if it has ever been ''debunked'' (the letter that is)

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by ejsaunders

Hey don't knock it until you've been felt up by an armed MP! Its great! And I've seen COLONELS being frisked, let alone a middle management bimbo.

That and the fact he says the documents were blacked out BUT NOT STAMPED has lost him my last remaining credible sticker, sorry Isaac, better luck next hoax, at least you've learnt how it works now, aye!

My point exactly, and this is one of the most important issue because is the foundation of his story, the fact that he was able to just walk out not just one time but MULTIPLE times with this documents.

The documents were archived at the time, with no classification!? I get the sense that this guys has created the storyline of working for the DoD, but nothing like the DoD, just to excuse his lack of knowledge on how DoD goes about their business. I mean anything he had said about this side of the story makes any sense to me. Not even the part of having an armed guard with a machine gun in every lab of the facility to observe the researchers.

He is mid level managent thats hardly a position of any privileges, basically people with this kind of positions are the liaison, between upper management and lower tier workers, so meaning that he in fact would have a boss, which makes harder to believe IMO that no one would have notice that any kind of document was being copied and much less that no one would notice that ORIGINAL docs were missing.

Like I said before this story is getting worst.

[edit on 29-7-2007 by Bunch]

[edit on 29-7-2007 by Bunch]

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by -0mega-
I believe there was a response from Isaac (a letter if I remember correctly) which got ''proven'' as a hoax as well.

Though I only read someone talking about the response letter, so I don't know if it has ever been ''debunked'' (the letter that is)

really? if you could find a thread for it id really like to take a look, that would in my mind be the final nail in the coffin depending on if it was really from the persona weve been debating on.... thanx omega

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 04:03 PM
in fairness bunch he did say that the project was designed to look and feel more like a civillian project rather than a military black project,but then you have to wonder if that is the case why post machine gun wielding guards everwhere...kinda contradictive in nature...hmm maybe your right man

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 04:23 PM
Also in ISAAC response to LMH he says: "paperwork only proves so much", so meaning basically that now he don't want us to focus on the documents and pictures, but just focus on his story. hmmmmmmmmmm NO. Sorry, let me throw a name out there for you ISAAC, Ghost Raven.

When I saw this documents and pics I got the feeling that he was presenting this as the holy grail of ET documents and pics, now he is saying they are not reliable pieces of information. Hmmmmmmm.......

[edit on 29-7-2007 by Bunch]

[edit on 29-7-2007 by Bunch]

[edit on 29-7-2007 by Bunch]

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 04:48 PM
hmm. i would deffinately say that if it is real which i dont know if i can say with conviction anymore,but assuming its real,then if he ever talks again he should probably have some very substantial evidence to muster that will be nearly impossible to refute,its just that bad looking for his credibility now,and i dont know if there is anything he COULD bring to the table now that could be deemed "substantial evidence of which would be nearly impossible to refute", but who knows?

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 05:42 PM
Assuming that this is a hoax and Isaac who posted on ATS is the same guy who called the St. Louis crypto show there could be some clues left in the documents and the ATS was chosen as a venue for decrypting it. After all there are many smart, educated and resourceful people who frequent this site so it would be natural to post this information here.

If Isaac is into crypto work he might have left some clues embedded somewhere in these documents.

For example has anyone noticed that nodes depicted on the linguistic primer documents appear to have something along the lines of a bar code surrounding each node ? I could be reaching but one never knows. Crypto guys are known to do such things and when it comes to those who stay under the radar anything could be possible.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 05:52 PM
Do we have any real info on this St. Louis guy yet? I was skeptical at first, but with all this cryptography talk, it sounds like it might not be total BS after all.

And did I read that someone said we have his email address? Or we're getting it? How's that being done?

I can help dig for info if anyone has any ideas on where to start.

Very exciting stuff. I think we may finally be getting somewhere.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by SurferXXX
Assuming that this is a hoax and Isaac who posted on ATS is the same guy who called the St. Louis crypto show

Wait wait wait... Isaac posted here!? Do you have a link??

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 05:57 PM
I'm trying to get hold of the email address associated with the fortunecity domain per UK copyright law. I will, if successful, pass it on to Springer.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by ejsaunders
I'm trying to get hold of the email address associated with the fortunecity domain per UK copyright law. I will, if successful, pass it on to Springer.

Very cool! I wonder if I can pull any stunts like that here in the states...

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 06:10 PM
to me the "drones" dont mean much, its the anti gravity device thats the most important because you can embed that into a human made plane and possibly do some exploring maybe to mars or somewhere

the problem is they only have a few anti gravity devices available and its impossible for humans to manufacture them, theyve done some experimenting with those devices on human planes but i think theyre scared to have a crash and lose those valuable devices

theres alot of people whining about the so called language or hierglyths on how its beyond their comprehension, isaac recognized the hierglyths on the recent "drone" pictures and caused him to release his information but he didnt release pictures and documents about the hierglyths only but he also included the anti gravity device information along with it which i find
interesting, so in my opinion if anyone thinks isaac is a fraud then why doesnt anyone say the "drone" pictures are a fraud too?

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by alevar

Originally posted by SurferXXX
Assuming that this is a hoax and Isaac who posted on ATS is the same guy who called the St. Louis crypto show

Wait wait wait... Isaac posted here!? Do you have a link??

Sorry my mistake. What I meant was the information about CARET that was posted on ATS and was originally written by Issac on his fortunecity site.

Also I would like to hear what Engineering Type could add to the discussion in regards to these documents being some type of "field test" designed by people with crypto background.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 06:55 PM
Yo gang: re my was a dyslexic misspelled (for a specific reason) form of the 1951 phrase "Klaatu barada nikto" in Robert Wise's movie 'The Day the Earth Stood Still.' The alien words "Klaatu barada nikto!" was used to stop Gort, the robot, from destroying Earth. Michael Rennie was great. Also, see 1992 Evil Dead series last movie: 'Army of Darkness' where Bruce Campbell tries to remember the phrase to steal an evil book of curses - wonderful stuff!

An on topic observation: Isn't is strange that both C2C and LMH 'Earthfiles' have a paying subscriber base? And Isaac said if we hear from a for-profit agent then its probably not him? Well, this is something to consider, I believe...goes to a possible motive?

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by ejsaunders
I'm trying to get hold of the email address associated with the fortunecity domain per UK copyright law. I will, if successful, pass it on to Springer.

Do we have any evidence that the site was set up by Isaac ?

I find it strange he would send the material to C2C and then also put it up elsewhere himself.

I'm not sure where on the C2C website this info is - LMH quotes the words and shows some pics but just links to the fortune city site where you can download the higher res scans.

Personally I think it more likely that it was set up by C2C or LMH, partially in an attempt to distance themselves and partially to comply with Isaac's own request.

Isaac said "This letter is part of a package I've assembled for Coast to Coast AM to distribute to its audience. It is a companion to numerous document and photo scans and should not be separated from them."

The three paragraphs written just prior to this as an introduction to the letter and package read as if they were written after the letter and when Isaac was aware that "they" would put all the material up on a web site.

Not saying it's not worthwhile to follow up, just that I don't think it will lead to Isaac.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by joakimlinden
This is my first post at this forum.

To me, the close-ups of the "I-beams" and the anti gravity generator (A1), contain so many obvious rendering artifacts that I have to conclude with 99% certainty on my part that they have been rendered with a 3d program.

The blueish soft shadow that surrounds the objects are typical of the preset settings for "Global Illumination" in many renderers. It is there to emulate the look of an overcast or sunless sky as it illuminates an object from all angles at the same time with the cool blue light of our atmosphere ( unlike a sunny situation where light comes from one main direction - the sun ). Notice however that the reflections in the objects seem to indicate that they are sitting in a completely naked room - with nothing else being reflected but the surface they sit on. The shadows also contain small speck-like features that are typical for renderings of this kind - this is because of optimizations in the calculations in the renderer, to save time when rendering...

There are other things I can point to, but I feel that this post is waay too long as it is...

Believe me, this is with 99% certainty a computer-made image, NOT a photograph.

Hi - I have no knowledge in this field and until it is demonstrated that could have been the only way those effects were produced I would say the certainty would be a bit less. However the blue haze does look strange.

They are photographs though - but then that doesn't mean they aren't CGI.

What I can't understand is why go to all the rest of the trouble someone has and then leave such an obvious strange effect - wouldn't it have been really easy to just white out the rest of the pic completely and not even show that you had an original pic ?

Doesn't make sense to me, deliberate lies normally do so what's this about.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Springer
I would love to see one of our excellent researchers take on the challenge of finding the dates that the specific issues that "Isaac" refutes were FIRST raised in any reasonable venue.

By reasonable venue I mean, a site that has decent traffic, there are only a handful of sites that cover these topics that have serious traffic. There are several, very small, sites that cover these topics that these issues could have been raised on but I think the number in the field is manageable.

I know I am "harping on" the time line issue but it's extremely suspect to me. I am almost willing to bet real currency that many of the issues refuted had not been raised anywhere, the very same day the images and documents were presented.

I know of only one way this time line is possible but even it is a stretch beyond belief.


When you look at what LMH says it seems clear that she emailed a list of queries to Isaac that she had summarised.

Whether she had consulted with anyone else or a group of people who knows but it seems LMH emailed a list of queries to Isaac pretty much around the time the documents were released. I'm not sure whether there is any way to tell when C2C first got the info from Isaac - maybe they had a week to go over it first ?

The subsequent emails which LMH quotes I believe are purely examples of where others have queried the same issues she queried initially to Isaac.

Does that sound right as if so I don't think there is a timeline issue ?

[edit on 29-7-2007 by chunder]

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 08:09 PM
I would think that if this were real and Isaac wanted to release information that could get him in trouble, he would have thrown up his material and said as little as he could, if anything at all, instead of giving details such as how he smuggled it out, what the parking lot looked like Etc….
If he’s worried about getting caught, seems like the thing to do would be to say as little as possible about anything that’s not pertinent to the documents, he at best could be narrowed down to one of hundreds if not thousands over the course of the “Caret” project
But to think he calculate that he narrowed himself down to 30 to 50 people by stating information that’s unrelated to the actual alien technology is disappointing, he could have released most of his information without saying very much and had better odds of not getting caught

“My name is Isaac, here are document’s that I obtained from a classified project the government called “Caret”. This program reversed engineered technology that was recovered from alien crash sites. Contained in these documents is what the Caret programmed learned about this technology up to the date of obtaining them.”

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