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[HOAX] Isaac CARET - Drones [HOAX]

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posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 08:24 PM

Excellent analysis. I must say, I hadn't really thought about how MUCH this guy has said in general. The common wisdom from what I understand is that a novice liar is easy to spot because he provides WAAAAY too much explanation, thinking it'll absolve him of suspicion. But if he weren't lying, would he still feel compelled to explain everything so precisely?

I think the fact that the guy's letter alone was like, PAGES long is pretty strong evidence that this is a story, not a real person's thoughts.

"Methinks he doth protest too much!"

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 09:08 PM
Moon, I've gone on record, so to speak, that I am in that camp also. So much information that really amounts to nothing given his alleged risk. If the documents do actually have a base in reality it seems he did a poor job of getting it across. How could anyone go about releasing such valuable information in this way. Is this how you or I would approach this? I bet not.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 09:19 PM
Guys, please go read my post in the thread on Anti Drone Hoax that just started. I was starting a reply to the ideas set out there and I had another idea hit me at the same time (I'm easily tangled up in my own thoughts sometimes being faster than I can get out.

I should have posted it here I guess, as it deals in part with the reason for the hoax, as it occurred to me. I realize that it seems a bit far out, but this whole thing seems pretty far out, any way you look at it.

And like many here, I'm looking for ways to understand the reason for this hoax.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by klatunictobarataThe alien words "Klaatu barada nikto!" was used to stop Gort, the robot, from destroying Earth.

Correct movie, incorrect quote.

"Gort, meringa!" (loosely, "Gort [the robot], stop defensive operation!")


"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!" ("Gort, take me to Klaatu [the alien guy, aka Mr. Carpenter]!" -- spoken by Billy's mom in the film [Patricia Neal], repeating Klaatu's directions to her.)

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by chunder
Not saying it's not worthwhile to follow up, just that I don't think it will lead to Isaac.

That would make good sense assuming the guy's a pro covering his tracks carefully. Not wise to try to out him if he is. Perfect plausible deniability for a hoaxer though ...

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by chunder
Personally I think it more likely that it was set up by C2C or LMH, partially in an attempt to distance themselves and partially to comply with Isaac's own request.

I feel quite certain now that this is definitely a disinfo/disclosure campaign. I think the errors in LMHs typing of the e-mail dates point to that. I think Isaac's story has issues that point to that. I think the fact that nothing else has come from him points to that. I think the fact that Isaac's fortunecity site is still up points to that, for if it were something trying to be kept secret it would not be up on the web. I think the total misrepresentation and failure to air the program content on C2C points to that. I think discrepancies with CGI artifacts in Isaac's photos point to that, however I think the drones themselves are actual models or flying craft that were genuinely photographed.

I think now after all of this that the government had to figure out a way to steer people away from the truth of the drones, which is why they came up with a believable story which may have many elements of truth in it. As I've mentioned in the past, you can do a stereoscopic image analysis of the drones and you will see that they are real items not created in CGI. And I think it's odd that nothing else has come from the photographers of the drones, as I believe they were silenced in the same way that George and LMH were.

Conclusion thusfar: The drones are real. The Isaac story is disinfo with bits of truth and bits of fiction. I don't believe there was an organization called C.A.R.E.T. because nothing can be found out about it at all, including no other person coming forward to talk about it that might have worked there. I have never believed any of this technology would be for commercial purposes; that was just a front the military might have used to get these guys to work on the project. I think we need to look in other directions for where this operation might have taken place. I think this technology was worked on but not at PACL, as I don't believe PACL existed. As I mentioned earlier, I think we need to look deeper into IBM. IBM was working on computers since at least 1948, and they certainly would have had any of the same computers Xerox had in the 70s and 80s. I think the whole idea of PACL was meant to throw us off and give us a false lead which is why we can't find anything about it anywhere. We need to look into other computer and electronics companies from the 80s that would have been working on the most advanced commercial or military technology of the time. We need to examine the employees resumes carefully and study the projects they were working on, including any patents that may have been filed by them or the company. I think this will help direct us to the actual facility or facilities that were working on these drones or the technology of the drones. Also, this may have been worked on not only in the 80s but in the 90s and 2000s as well, because the drones are obviously flying around now so people are still working on them.

The chance remains that these craft may have never been worked on by the military at all and that they might be from alien races themselves. I find it odd that these drones have been reported from all over the country and possibly other countries as well. I think they are a very real phenomena but they might not be reverse engineered human creations. We have been so caught up with researching Isaac's story and the information he gave us that we haven't bothered to look into other possible avenues of where these craft might be from. I think we will have to if we wish to find out the truth about the drone phenomena.

At this point (and this may come as a shock to those of you who have known my position since day one) I have no choice but to believe that the photos supplied to us by Isaac are in fact CGI because of artifacts I have discovered myself, some of which I mentioned a very long time ago in this thread such as the translucent piece connecting to one of the "pods". It is still my belief that the drones are real world objects whether they be alien craft or models. Stereoscopic analysis leads me to this conclusion.

Please continue to keep up the great work, everyone! You should all give yourselves a pat on the back. It has been a pleasure and a challenge to work with you all on this subject from day one. I think we will eventually get to the bottom of this. It may take days, weeks, even months to find the truth but find it we will -- I am certain of that.

[edit on 7/29/2007 by pjslug]

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 10:18 PM
Again, What if this were real and you were in charge of National security

Isaac’s web post
“I am not interested in making myself vulnerable to the consequences of betraying the trust of my superiors”
“However my intent is not to deceive, so information that I think is too risky to share will be simply left out rather than obfuscated in some way (aside from my alias, which I freely admit is not my real name)”

Isaac’s email
“The information I've shared is very unlikely to change the world, and this is the reason I'm not worried about being literally murdered if I'm identified. I'll face consequences to be sure, but it's not the kind of thing they kill for.

Here is someone who clearly has the “Goods” and he’s already released some of it
Is Isaac so naive to think that the powers to be will think “He’s a patriot who loves his country, as long as he doesn’t release any more information we’ll keep this “Low Priority”

If this were real, there coming after Isaac as if he has released everything he has, their not taking any chances

[edit on 29-7-2007 by moonking]

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 10:37 PM
I haven't read though the thread to see if this has been done already, but I have made a RAR of the video on Youtube, a copy of the fortunecity site, and a copy of the PDF document; just in case anything and everything CARET is mysteriously gone one day.

If anyone is interested in this file, let me know, and ill upload it to a hosting provider

[This was also posted in the other CARET thread, the "viral" one.]

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by pjslug
I feel quite certain now that this is definitely a disinfo/disclosure campaign.

PJ ,the thing is, why say anything at all , if this is disinformation the only real information on the drones to come to light is from Isaac who would be the one spreading the disinformation
If you just let the drone photos hang out there by themselves with all the arguments whether their cgi or not would be confusing enough
Unless you’re saying that Isaac was the disclosure part by trying to make sure this didn’t get labeled a hoax

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by pjslug
I feel quite certain now that this is definitely a disinfo/disclosure campaign.

Could it be part of the false-flag alien invasion being worked on by the Rockefellers as Benjamin Fulford says in his interview with Jeff Rense?


Link to

FULFORD: Well, I don't know anything too special, except that the Congress is going into recession and people like Cheney have been going way overboard with their arrogance.

The people in Japan are also talking about something going on in August.

I think [the big event] is going to be whatever this secret project is they've been working on for so long.

So if you see a space-aliens fleet invading, don't believe it until you see it with your own eyes. It will probably be computer graphics and then some US secret military vessels that you are seeing, and not an alien invasion.

RENSE: So you do think, and we talked briefly about this last time -- you do think there is a potential that the ET trump card might be the one that is about to be played.

FULFORD: Well, they're up to something big. There's been a lot of activity in that base near Mount Fuji. There are lots of reports of funky flying vehicles.

I remember these people got their original inspiration from War of the Worlds, in 1938.

They weren't ready. They got caught before they were ready. They were planning this, I think, for 2012. I don't think they're going to be able to pull it off. I know they're not.

It would be a horrible mistake for them to try to do this. It's not going to work.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by prototism
I haven't read though the thread to see if this has been done already, but I have made a RAR of the video on Youtube, a copy of the fortunecity site, and a copy of the PDF document; just in case anything and everything CARET is mysteriously gone one day.

If anyone is interested in this file, let me know, and ill upload it to a hosting provider

[This was also posted in the other CARET thread, the "viral" one.]

Thanks. I think that may have been overlooked.

It may prove needed at some future point.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by pjslug

Originally posted by chunder
Personally I think it more likely that it was set up by C2C or LMH, partially in an attempt to distance themselves and partially to comply with Isaac's own request.

It may take days, weeks, even months to find the truth but find it we will -- I am certain of that.

[edit on 7/29/2007 by pjslug]

Just to make it clear that in the quote above I am talking about the fortune city website being set up - not the whole story being set up.

PJ - where do you stand on the rajman pics ?

Personally it was at the point the discrepancies on shadowing were carefully shown that I had to agree it looked fake - and if that one was then they all must be.

Is it still your opinion (and I ask as I value your opinion) that was a real model in that setting ?

Sorry if this should be a U2U - welcome any other comments along the same lines.

By the same token if any one of the drone pics were real (as in not CGI or model) there is still something here of extraordinary importance that shouldn't be buried - and that there could be a motive for what followed.

[edit on 30-7-2007 by chunder]

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by moonking

Originally posted by pjslug
I feel quite certain now that this is definitely a disinfo/disclosure campaign.

PJ ,the thing is, why say anything at all , if this is disinformation the only real information on the drones to come to light is from Isaac who would be the one spreading the disinformation
If you just let the drone photos hang out there by themselves with all the arguments whether their cgi or not would be confusing enough
Unless you’re saying that Isaac was the disclosure part by trying to make sure this didn’t get labeled a hoax

If there is a disclosure process it doesn't necessarily have to contain any real information at all.

It just has to alter the public - or part thereof - perception.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by chunder
PJ - where do you stand on the rajman pics ?

Personally it was at the point the discrepancies on shadowing were carefully shown that I had to agree it looked fake - and if that one was then they all must be.

Is it still your opinion (and I ask as I value your opinion) that was a real model in that setting ?

Sorry if this should be a U2U - welcome any other comments along the same lines.

By the same token if any one of the drone pics were real (as in not CGI or model) there is still something here of extraordinary importance that shouldn't be buried - and that there could be a motive for what followed.

[edit on 30-7-2007 by chunder]

I think all of the drone photos were real photos; real objects in the photos. I think the shadow discrepancy is b.s. All the shadows align perfectly with where the sun would be on the horizon. 11 11 changed his mind so many times on the issue, I don't think anyone should listen to his CGI studies with any real conviction. He has proven he doesn't know anything about real world lighting and photography and therefore you should take anything he said regarding lighting and shadows with a grain of salt. I happen to think the Rajman photos are some of the most convincing ones. Again, I repeat, do stereoscopic image analysis and you will see the dimensionality of the craft with respect to the telephone pole. To do this, just put a copy of the image next to eachother and allow your eyes to cross. Also, do a motion study of the Big Basin craft.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by pjslug
I think all of the drone photos were real photos; real objects in the photos. I think the shadow discrepancy is b.s. All the shadows align perfectly with where the sun would be on the horizon. 11 11 changed his mind so many times on the issue, I don't think anyone should listen to his CGI studies with any real conviction. He has proven he doesn't know anything about real world lighting and photography and therefore you should take anything he said regarding lighting and shadows with a grain of salt. I happen to think the Rajman photos are some of the most convincing ones. Again, I repeat, do stereoscopic image analysis and you will see the dimensionality of the craft with respect to the telephone pole. To do this, just put a copy of the image next to eachother and allow your eyes to cross. Also, do a motion study of the Big Basin craft.

I'm sorry, I don't think you can brush aside the shadow issue that simply. It wasn't just 11 11-- a number of people on multiple forums spent a lot of time rebuilding the scene and analyzing the shadows with extremely precise detail, and by all accounts, it's at least SOMEWHAT off base.

If you want to assert otherwise, you need to back it up with evidence of your own. You can say whatever you want about the skeptics, but at least in the case of the shadow issue, there was PLENTY of solid reasoning and research behind the conclusion.

And while 11 11 was rather abrasive, he still made plenty of very compelling points about the reality of the images and we can't just dismiss them because we don't like his attitude.

If you can refute the Raj/shadow issues, I'd be very interested in seeing it.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Sys_Config
Yes PJ I heard that as well.
That was the most poignant moment in the entire broadcast. I even remember the time..about 400am. They allowed the call only after LMH had left. There but for the grace of God was I. But it was I and you , in fact ,everyone of us. What George did was an affront to all seekers and an insult to our intelligence.
That caller and George Noory's response will remain indellibly etched in my mind. It will be a moment in history I will never forget nor should any of us ever forget. And an apology is most certainly well in order


any way you could link me to a place i can hear the call?

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by moonking
PJ ,the thing is, why say anything at all , if this is disinformation the only real information on the drones to come to light is from Isaac who would be the one spreading the disinformation
If you just let the drone photos hang out there by themselves with all the arguments whether their cgi or not would be confusing enough
Unless you’re saying that Isaac was the disclosure part by trying to make sure this didn’t get labeled a hoax

He could have been trying to disclose and got snuffed and someone decided to use his persona to undermine credibility with his evidence and get his claims purposefully deemed a hoax. it was once thought possible of this by ghost raven...its a weird scenario we got here.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 02:14 AM
About the shadows and 11 11's analysis. He did do his job quite extensively, but since the evidence is so limited I'd say that it's impossible to make any sort of conclusion based on those. The cgi argument is a valid one, but without further evidence it's imho inconclusive.
And the cgi artifacts, when you claim to see them in a jpeg (6 compression) that would raise some alarms. Way too much compression to say such a thing. Again imho

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by alevar
I'm sorry, I don't think you can brush aside the shadow issue that simply. It wasn't just 11 11-- a number of people on multiple forums spent a lot of time rebuilding the scene and analyzing the shadows with extremely precise detail, and by all accounts, it's at least SOMEWHAT off base.

If you want to assert otherwise, you need to back it up with evidence of your own. You can say whatever you want about the skeptics, but at least in the case of the shadow issue, there was PLENTY of solid reasoning and research behind the conclusion.

If I remember correctly, a shadow study was done by someone else through CGI who originally concluded it was a proper shadow, and then suddenly bent to 11 11's will. It's buried somewhere in this thread.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by Averysmallfoxx
any way you could link me to a place i can hear the call?

You have to be a paying member to use their Streamlink service to replay broadcasts.

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