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9/11 Bombshell:WTC7 Security Official Details, Says bombs were going off in 7 before either tower co

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posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Spoodily

Yes, looking at people's histories is something you fail to do rather well.

Probably the reason why you defend the terrorists that committed the crimes of 9-11-2001 so much is because you know nothing about them and ignore their past.

I thought you were a fan of proof and facts...

Coming from a guy who claims all the phone calls on flight 93 were fake, and can not explain how.

Nice job Spoodily! Every post you send your message a little clearer.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
All the smiley faces and winking...I hope your a female with all this flirting!!

Why don't you just answer the question instead of the lame attempt to throw insults at me? And it's not your job to say what mods should be allowing or not.

I think the mods here are smart enough to realise why I ask this question all the time to you folks in many different 9-11 threads. I made a thread about this inviting all the de-bunkers to prove me wrong. Guess what, they didn't even attempt to clear up the problem, they ignored it. So to get a reaction from you guys I have to put it in your face any chance I get. Your reaction was typical, you avoided answering the question and threw insults.

It's just my little test to see how much you really know, or care, about what it is you're claiming...

Well you failed, just like all the others before you....

If you really cared about the truth, and not just convincing people the official story is the truth, then you should be as concerned as me that you can't find an answer in the official documentation to the physics anomaly of the South Tower Tilt. Ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away. Just admit there holes you can't fill if you want any kind of credibility here, otherwise you are just blindly parotting what the gov tells you.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

Why don't you just answer the question instead of the lame attempt to throw insults at me? And it's not your job to say what mods should be allowing or not.

I think the mods here are smart enough to realise why I ask this question all the time to you folks in many different 9-11 threads. I made a thread about this inviting all the de-bunkers to prove me wrong. Guess what, they didn't even attempt to clear up the problem, they ignored it. So to get a reaction from you guys I have to put it in your face any chance I get. Your reaction was typical, you avoided answering the question and threw insults.

It's just my little test to see how much you really know, or care, about what it is you're claiming...

Well you failed, just like all the others before you....

If you really cared about the truth, and not just convincing people the official story is the truth, then you should be as concerned as me that you can't find an answer in the official documentation to the physics anomaly of the South Tower Tilt. Ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away. Just admit there holes you can't fill if you want any kind of credibility here, otherwise you are just blindly parotting what the gov tells you.

Hmmm,...Insults? I was making a harmless joke... LIGHTEN UP!!
As far as the MODS..they are warning MANY of us for several reasons. Going off topic and trying to dereail a thread is one of them. And we are doing that right now. Trust me if I start a thread about Silverstine or whatever and you attempt this BS on one of my threads, I will send your post to the MODS.

That aside, you asked for someone to show how that tower fell.... well I attached a couple papers... one that mathimaticall explains it.

Please tell me why its wrong!


Keep it light dude!!

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious

Originally posted by Spoodily

Yes, looking at people's histories is something you fail to do rather well.

Probably the reason why you defend the terrorists that committed the crimes of 9-11-2001 so much is because you know nothing about them and ignore their past.

I thought you were a fan of proof and facts...

Coming from a guy who claims all the phone calls on flight 93 were fake, and can not explain how.

Nice job Spoodily! Every post you send your message a little clearer.

Here is the how, the who and the when. It is the same link that is in my signature. Take note of the date.

Hope this helps.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 05:20 PM
That site shows how they recorded all the passengers...obtained their loved ones phone numbers....answered questions from loved ones...

This does not explain how they pulled it off!!

Tell me how they obtained alll the personal information of the follks that called loved ones.

Thank you

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
That aside, you asked for someone to show how that tower fell.... well I attached a couple papers... one that mathimaticall explains it.

Sry but I must be missing it. I need the explanation why the top of WTC 2 tilted and toppled then defied at least three laws of physics, not someones explanation of the collapse itself, thanx...

Why don't you just type it out right here, stop giving me links that don't even address the tilt and rotation problem.

Do you even understand the physics involved with this problem? You should if you're so sure of your position and you should have an answer for it. Go look for yourself if you wish, or should, but I'll let you know there is NO explanation for this anywhere in the official documentation. They act like it didn't even happen, or have any significance to the collapse. That's why you folks lie, dodge and ignore when confronted with this problem in the official story. I've even heard idiots claim the tilt was photoshopped...

You'll busted! And you don't even know it...

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 08:24 PM

Sry but I must be missing it. I need the explanation why the top of WTC 2 tilted and toppled then defied at least three laws of physics, not someones explanation of the collapse itself, thanx...

And we all KNOW that science is completely infallible.

Physics, like all other sciences, remains true until we discover different. Am I saying that the WTC is proof that we might want to rethink the laws of physics? No. I am saying that putting all your faith in the laws of physics and what someone says happened, when NO living human being knows exactly what and what wasnt damaged in those buildings that day, is stupid. There is no other word for it. NIST, FEMA, FBI, whoever wants to investigate can assess what little they can and postulate a theory as to exactly what happened in regards to the collapse, but it will only be an educated guess.

Look at some other disasters, like the Triangle Shirt factory fire....should not of happened the way it did (according to forensic researchers) but it did..........

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 08:30 PM
Then again, I could mention that the Tacoma Narrows Bridge was a marvel of engineering, the Titanic was declared unsinkable, the Space Shuttle was a perfect design.....of course until all of them failed.......

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
That site shows how they recorded all the passengers...obtained their loved ones phone numbers....answered questions from loved ones...

This does not explain how they pulled it off!!

Tell me how they obtained alll the personal information of the follks that called loved ones.

Thank you

Let me see, they knew who was going to be on the flights, pulled phone records and called their loved ones.

People have a social security number, driver's license number, address, telephone number, work history, criminal record, credit card, bank statement, pay their taxes, etc.

In the computer age everything is documented and recorded, that's what computers do.

Information is not hard to get when you are the keeper of it.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
That aside, you asked for someone to show how that tower fell.... well I attached a couple papers... one that mathimaticall explains it.

Sry but I must be missing it. I need the explanation why the top of WTC 2 tilted and toppled then defied at least three laws of physics, not someones explanation of the collapse itself, thanx...

Why don't you just type it out right here, stop giving me links that don't even address the tilt and rotation problem.

Do you even understand the physics involved with this problem? You should if you're so sure of your position and you should have an answer for it. Go look for yourself if you wish, or should, but I'll let you know there is NO explanation for this anywhere in the official documentation. They act like it didn't even happen, or have any significance to the collapse. That's why you folks lie, dodge and ignore when confronted with this problem in the official story. I've even heard idiots claim the tilt was photoshopped...

You'll busted! And you don't even know it...

Read the paper that explains MATHIMATICALLY HOW AND WHY.... dont just poo poo it!

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 11:01 PM

Let me see, they knew who was going to be on the flights, pulled phone records and called their loved ones.

Better check your facts...a couple of the passengers on Flight 93 were NOT scheduled to be on it. They showed up early for their original flights and got bumped up to Flight 93.

Unless of course, you think that they (the big bad US Govt conspirators) would be able to find this out, gather enough voice samples and then program a synthesizer well enough to fool the families....ALL before the actual calls started being made.........

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Read the paper that explains MATHIMATICALLY HOW AND WHY.... dont just poo poo it!

You mean the Greening paper? Greenings paper is NOT fact, it's just a mathematical model made to fit the official explanation of a pancake collapse.
That's easy to do, getting it work in the real world is another matter.
But you don't need maths to prove a pancake collapse is impossible under the circumstances of the events.

I'd love to hear you explain his maths to me, can you do that?

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 05:06 AM
Ive posed this questions in some other posts of mine, and i will state it again:

What are the characteristics of a Controlled Demolition? (what would we hear or see etc)

I would really like a Debunker to answer that question for me.


posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
You mean the Greening paper? Greenings paper is NOT fact, it's just a mathematical model made to fit the official explanation of a pancake collapse.
That's easy to do, getting it work in the real world is another matter.
But you don't need maths to prove a pancake collapse is impossible under the circumstances of the events.

I'd love to hear you explain his maths to me, can you do that?

Here is where you are wrong and I know you didnt even LOOK at the paper. There is nothing noted about a "pancake" collaspe.
Can I explain the Math involved? Hell NO! But this paper was distributed and I have not found one person to refute it's finding. (maybe someone has..i dunno)

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 08:36 AM

What are the characteristics of a Controlled Demolition? (what would we hear or see etc)

Well, lets see, first you would see (and hear) hundreds, if not thousands, of dynamite charges going off at the very base of the building, then you would watch as the building slowly collapsed into itself. End up with a orderly pile of rubble and the surrounding buildings unscathed.

None of this happened to the Towers. They started collapsing from the impact points down and clobbered the surrounding buildings on the way down leaving their rubble all over the frigging place.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

What are the characteristics of a Controlled Demolition? (what would we hear or see etc)

Well, lets see, first you would see (and hear) hundreds, if not thousands, of dynamite charges going off at the very base of the building, then you would watch as the building slowly collapsed into itself. End up with a orderly pile of rubble and the surrounding buildings unscathed.

None of this happened to the Towers. They started collapsing from the impact points down and clobbered the surrounding buildings on the way down leaving their rubble all over the frigging place.

You wouldn't hear hundreds of explosions just take a look at a controlled demolition video which would conclude that there is a few explosions and then the building comes down.

What you described above is EXACTLY what happened on WTC7, the building collapsed into its own footprint. Also, the Twin Towers collapsed like a controlled demolition and many firefighters even acknowledged that. You probably have seen the firefighter stated that its as if it was a controlled demolition each floor was exploding.

No building as tall as the Twin Towers has been demolished by a controlled demolition. Of course a building of that magnitude would spit out tons of steel left, right and up into buildings hundreds of metres away. The only way those tons of steel can be thrown hundreds of metres away is by force, force of explosions not force of a pancake collapse. Also explains how tons of concrete were pulverized into fine dust.


posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 06:27 PM

You wouldn't hear hundreds of explosions just take a look at a controlled demolition video which would conclude that there is a few explosions and then the building comes down.

Why would I watch a video, when I have been present for a couple of controlled demolitions? And yes, it does sound like...for lack of better comparisions....a string of BIG firecrackers.

As for the towers, a engineered demolition wouldnt have caused nearly the amount of damage to the surrounding buildings, even though they were 110 stories tall.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

You wouldn't hear hundreds of explosions just take a look at a controlled demolition video which would conclude that there is a few explosions and then the building comes down.

Why would I watch a video, when I have been present for a couple of controlled demolitions? And yes, it does sound like...for lack of better comparisions....a string of BIG firecrackers.

As for the towers, a engineered demolition wouldnt have caused nearly the amount of damage to the surrounding buildings, even though they were 110 stories tall.

Im not suggesting that the Twin Towers were a "controlled" demolition, quite obvious that it was not "CONTROLLED". But yes it was a demolition. You think the evil elements within the Government who might of set up the "explosives" in the towers would want it to be "controlled". Of course not. The explosives being present in the Towers were a diversion, the official report maintains that raging fires weakened the steel and thus collapse initiation, to hide the real reason as to why the buildings collapsed.

What i am saying is there are characteristics of a "controlled demolition", such as squibs, numerous explosions being heard before and after the plane crash. There is also proof of Thermate being used from scientific analysis of steel spheres that were examined and showed Thermate signature.

Please watch the following that shows the evidence of Thermate:

Rebuilding America's Senses


posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 08:11 PM
the government gave a 260 million dollar contract to some firm for Psychological Operations (PsyOps) in mid 2006. I wonder how much of that money, or money in another contract elsewhere like it, is used to pay people to go onto the web (blogs, BBs, chatroms etc.) and spin spin spin BABY!!! I would swear that they were all faxed talking points before they were sent among us. I recall they were paying radio dj's and whatnot, and we all recall the bill to stop "Fake News"coming from this White House.

I see the same so called evidence being used by these conspiracy theorists everywhere, and evidence that has been debuunked over and over by many accredited and inteligent people. NIST, POPMECH,FEMA, 911 Comission etc.

I call them Conspiracy Theorists because you have to be to buy the official story. The official story is that 19 guys trained in caves in the desert came to America and after pretty much failing all flight school training courses highjacked 4 airplanes. They then ordered NORAD to stand down and not respond to the highjackings. Those 19 would also have had to have taken over Dick Cheneys body in order to be in the bunker so that Minetta could hear Cheney tell a soldier the Orders hadn't changed.

I think there is two courses available to the tyrant criminals at this point. either they have to have another event that will give them cause for full on Martial Law and Police State or they will have to flee the country because of the sure to come indictments aganst most of them. I think that they are using disinfo agents in every medium they can, particularly the world wide web to try to slow the tide. I think they seek to retain power and not flee and therefore I see another attack coming to this nation soon. Bigger than 911, and I am sure that on top of the pile of radiating rubble that used to be miami will be 1-20 passports and ID's without a mark on them, to show the people who attacked us... IRAN.

What if it don't work you ask, what if they can't pull it off where oh where could they hide to avoid justice??? Bush has bought 100,000 hectares in Paraguay, a non extridition nation I believe.Cheney and other top cabinet members have all purchased land all over South America, Cheney picked Peru we are hearing now.

Were there bombs in those buldings??? I wasn't there and can only deduce from the evidence at hand, like Sherlock Holmes did. Once I take all the evidence and put it together and compare it to the theory, You must follow the evidence to the end it brings you to. You can not throw out all the evidence that doesn't fit your pre-conceived theory.

In my Opinion there were bombs in those buildings and most of the evidence shows that pretty clearly. There was time, motive, means, and ability. Closing down parts of the buildings for days on end, pulling bomb dogs 14 days before 911, Marvin Bush the presidents little brothers company was in charge of the security until 9/10/01. The removed all the crime scene before investigation, which could have cleared most of this up. Firefighters and Policeand First Responders and multitudes of regular Americans saw, heard, and experienced BOMBS!

The problem is the mainstream media, it was to be their job to investigate and watch the Government and report to the people on their actions. They have become a co-conspirator against the people and so the average joe American never hears anything contrary to what THEY want them to here. People are not told the truth and ALL of the story, and since 90% or more get their information from a CNN or FOX or CBS and in 30 second snippets no less it is easy to see why the truth of 911 and many things are hidden in plain sight from the masses.

You can mark my words that the only Mainstream Media coverage of the final loose Change video will be degrading, sneering, seething, slander and in NO way will they portray anything in Loose Change as credible. They will claim tinfoil hats and paranoia and who knows if it really becomes aproblem for them, they may send out their SECRET WEAPON. I can see it now... Ann Coulter calls Dylan avery ahomo that she wishes was dead in a terrorist attack.. LOL

I would say to everyone reading these things that don't know what to think about it all to take your time,look at all the available evidence. And upon looking at all the available evidence make your logical conclusions as to what must have happened. But there is a mountain of information you can find on any of the issues within the bigegr issue of 911. I myself try to stick to building 7, an the NORAD standdown. They have admitted they blew up bldg. 7 so that means they had foreknowledge and time to plant those demolisions in bldg. 7, weeks to do in my estimation you surely can't rig it with it engulfed in flames that day in the confusion. So the bombs had to be there before, which means they KNEW before. On NORAD it is easy, NORAD was ordered to stand down that day. Which one of the 19 highjackers called ORAD and ordered them to standdown so that the planes could reach their targets? It would have to be one of them if the government story is true as they have stated it.

I myslef trust the many eyewitnesses and particularly those that were made during and immediately after 911 morning. They call them excited utterances in law. When someone at or near the event makes a statement it is usually accurate and truthful and therefore can be trusted. The only thing you have to take into account in these utterances is the eyewitness themselves. You have to remeber people SEE things differently, no matter the incident, so buyer beware that although those utterances are usually more accurate they are based on the eyewitness' perception of what they saw. But in this instance nearly across the board, everyone said bombs going off, boom boom boom, explosions, secondary devices and the like. If most of the eyewitnesses uttered this same story during the event I would tend to lean towards they are rightin their observations. Particularly when one sees that some of the witnesses are trained in bombs and such, recall that the called firefighters out and said there are "bombs in the building". Firefighters are better than your average joe at sighting bombs as well as the police that said the same thing.

So with all available evidence one MUST assume that since bldg 7 was pulled the others were too. It's the only logical, allbeit worrysome, conclusion... Your Government is not your friend!!!

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 08:23 PM

Thanks for that, i agree with you, in all that you wrote, also the section about them needing another disaster to inflict Martial Law.

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator. - George W Bush 2000

Well that seems to be the case, Bush signed an National Security Directive centralizing power in the executive branch in the event of a national emergency. Although the directive has attracted relatively little press attention, it's an extraordinary development when WorldNetDaily and The Progressive Magazine agree that the new directive seems to give the president unprecedented powers without Congressional oversight

The directive establishes under the office of the president a new national continuity coordinator whose job is to make plans for "National Essential Functions" of all federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments, as well as private sector organizations to continue functioning under the president's directives in the event of a national emergency.

"Catastrophic emergency" is loosely defined as "any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions." - WorldNetDaily


In a new National Security Presidential Directive, Bush lays out his plans for dealing with a "catastrophic emergency."

Under that plan, he entrusts himself with leading the entire federal government, not just the Executive Branch. And he gives himself the responsibility "for ensuring constitutional government." He laid this all out in a document entitled "National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD 51" and "Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-20." - The Progressive

In my opinion, and god i hope i am wrong, there will be another attack on US soil, this will give the powers George Bush needs to become a Dictator. Once again i hope i am wrong and the evil elements within the Government do not successfully complete another false flag operation


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