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Let's speculate about what happened to the passengers of flight 93?

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posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 12:21 AM
Wild side to side maneuvering puts strain on the engine mounts they're not designed to take. Engine mounts handle vertical stress very well (up to over 5Gs on a 747 I heard about) but they don't handle lateral stress well at all. Dutch rolls were enough to take off two engines on a KC-135, and cause serious damage to the other two engine mounts. We know flight 93 was doing some wild maneuvering to try to throw the passengers off their feet, and it went over to an inverted position at some point before crashing.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by Kr0n0s
I believe the passengers and crew of that plane all died when an air to air or surface to air missile struck the plane and what was left of the plane crashed into the ground.

I think thats pretty much what i already stated.

Good for you, i didnt realize that you had a monopoly on the "shootdown theory. Can opinions be registered, so that others cant express the same one without having comments like that directed at them?.. perhaps then I shouldve came up with my very on theory a few years ago, rather than using your theory in forming my opinion.
My opinion on them being shotdown formed within days of 9/11 and has been in no way influenced by the internet.. However, I am glad that this is a popular opinion because it IS what I believe what happened.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 03:12 AM
This is alittle off topic. But Loose Change is mostly full of crap.

Watch both then you can decide what to beleive.

lol loose change indeed.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 03:28 AM
In my opinion Flight 93 DID indeed hit the ground. However there are numerous holes in the official stories as in ALL conspiracy theories. I honestly don't know what the heck to beleive. No theory adds up at all.

To a poster further up regarding melting steel - it ISN'T possible for jet-fuel fed fires to melt steel.

It doesn't matter if the steel melted or not. It doesn't have to. The fires that were in the WTC were enough to make the steel loose 50% of its strength.

What you said was NOT the official story and never has been.

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit

Who said that first?

United Airlines did, and it was published in a news article after the fact. UA stated that it confirmed that Flight 93 had landed safely at Cleveland. Google "flight 93 cleveland" and you'll find the article.

Why were they even going into a NASA facility ?

Because it is government controlled, and was conveniently situated next to Cleveland, where Flight 93 allegedly landed.

Good point.

Wild side to side maneuvering puts strain on the engine mounts they're not designed to take. Engine mounts handle vertical stress very well (up to over 5Gs on a 747 I heard about) but they don't handle lateral stress well at all. Dutch rolls were enough to take off two engines on a KC-135, and cause serious damage to the other two engine mounts. We know flight 93 was doing some wild maneuvering to try to throw the passengers off their feet, and it went over to an inverted position at some point before crashing.

I completely agree, however, let's not forget American Airlines Flight 587 and FedEx Flight 705. Both of which put large side loads on the engine pylons.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
We know flight 93 was doing some wild maneuvering to try to throw the passengers off their feet, and it went over to an inverted position at some point before crashing.

But i guess this could not have been caused by being hit with a missile or gun fire, right ?

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 03:35 AM
Guys Flight 93 did not land at Cleveland, it was Delta Flight 1989. They were mixed up when they crossed paths.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 03:52 AM
When Columbia fell from outer space they were able to recover pieces of the shuttle and the crew for a great distance across the United States.

If a space shuttle can re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, break apart and spread itself for that great of a distance and human remains and shuttle debris could be found, why is there not more wreckage or human remains left from Flight 93?

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 04:14 AM

But i guess this could not have been caused by being hit with a missile or gun fire, right ?

Highly unlikely that a missile could flip a plane upside down.

Originally posted by Spoodily
When Columbia fell from outer space they were able to recover pieces of the shuttle and the crew for a great distance across the United States.

If a space shuttle can re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, break apart and spread itself for that great of a distance and human remains and shuttle debris could be found, why is there not more wreckage or human remains left from Flight 93?

Flight 93 did not disintergrate it was flown into the ground like a missile. Apples and oranges.

P.S: It that you in your avatar?

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by Spoodily
When Columbia fell from outer space they were able to recover pieces of the shuttle and the crew for a great distance across the United States.

If a space shuttle can re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, break apart and spread itself for that great of a distance and human remains and shuttle debris could be found, why is there not more wreckage or human remains left from Flight 93?

Flight 93 did not disintergrate it was flown into the ground like a missile. Apples and oranges.

P.S: It that you in your avatar?

So if it was flown into the ground like a missile, there should be more from to recover since it would be in a consolidated area. They were able to recover enough wreckage from TWA Flight 800 to reassemble it almost to its entirety, they recovered those parts from the ocean.


If anyone is planning on having me killed for knowing too much, then yes, that is me in the avatar.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 07:52 AM
Hi Spoodily,

If thats you in your avatar, you have aged quite a bit considering in another thread, you said you lost a lot of your 20's going through 911.

See, some of us do pay attention in here

Anyway, if you ever decide to look into the evidence, you will see that there were actual acrcheologist hired to go through the ground to remove parts of the airplane and to find human remains. Yes both were found.

[edit on 23-6-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Anyway, if you ever decide to look into the evidence, you will see that there were actual acrcheologist hired to go through the ground to remove parts of the airplane and to find human remains. Yes both were found.
[edit on 23-6-2007 by CaptainObvious]

So do we know where these parts were taken, and what was done with them.

We have no reports of where parts were taken just like at the Pentagon.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 08:07 AM
According to the family's of that flight , who got to listen to the real
" Cockpit Voice Reorder " , There's no need to speculate on what happened
to them . They fought to get into the cockpit for 5 or 10 minutes , and
as they breached the door , the pilot hi-jacker crashed it into the ground .
Someday that tape will be made availible to John Q. Citizen and we can
hear it for ourself's .

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
So do we know where these parts were taken, and what was done with them.
We have no reports of where parts were taken just like at the Pentagon.

So, that means it doesnt exist? In all your FOIA filings, have you requested this? I for one can't tell you.

I can however tell you that there were MANY people in Shanksville digging into the ground searching for the plane and quite a bit of it was recovered.

I believe DNA and dental records were used to identify all the passengers.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love
Let's speculate about what happened to the passengers of flight 93?

hmm .. let's see ... how about - THEY DIED when the plane they were on crashed into the ground in Pennsylvania. That's my 'speculation'.

Shot down ... brought down by terrorists - either way - they died when the plane hit the ground in Pennsylvania.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
So, that means it doesnt exist? In all your FOIA filings, have you requested this? I for one can't tell you.

I can however tell you that there were MANY people in Shanksville digging into the ground searching for the plane and quite a bit of it was recovered.

I believe DNA and dental records were used to identify all the passengers.

1. I am still waiting for the FOIA informatin from the FBI, the information from the NTSB was on Flight 77.

2. So where are all these parts the were dug up and do we have a report that they match flight 93?

3. In 2001 they did not have the DNA testing for bodies badly burned and crushed. NIST DNA experts had to come up with new testing that was not ready untill 2002, after they identified the bodies.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by JimmyCarterIsSmarter
I completely agree, however, let's not forget American Airlines Flight 587 and FedEx Flight 705. Both of which put large side loads on the engine pylons.

AA587 lost one or both engines before crashing. They have witness, and IIRC camera footage of them coming off. FedEx was damn lucky that they DIDN'T lose an engine.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Spoodily
So if it was flown into the ground like a missile, there should be more from to recover since it would be in a consolidated area. They were able to recover enough wreckage from TWA Flight 800 to reassemble it almost to its entirety, they recovered those parts from the ocean.


If anyone is planning on having me killed for knowing too much, then yes, that is me in the avatar.

You keep comparing apples and oranges. When a plane hits the ground at a steep angle everything compresses. I've heard of crashes like this that took an 8+ foot engine, and slammed it down to less than 3 feet. I've also heard of several like this where the first thing the investigators said when they got there was "Where's the plane?" Columbia and TWA800 were both in level flight when they came apart, so there was a lot more wreckage, and a much bigger debris field then there would be in an impact going straight down into soft ground.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
So do we know where these parts were taken, and what was done with them.
We have no reports of where parts were taken just like at the Pentagon.

They're in a government vault in a Pennsylvania mountain, along with a lot of other valuable objects.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58

Originally posted by JimmyCarterIsSmarter
I completely agree, however, let's not forget American Airlines Flight 587 and FedEx Flight 705. Both of which put large side loads on the engine pylons.

AA587 lost one or both engines before crashing. They have witness, and IIRC camera footage of them coming off. FedEx was damn lucky that they DIDN'T lose an engine.

The engines would of came off after the vertical stab snapped off... right?

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 08:58 AM
Yes. Once they lost the vertical stabilizer they went into a flat spin because they had no lateral control.

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