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Let's speculate about what happened to the passengers of flight 93?

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posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 05:45 PM
i think we were discussing NAOC in this wasnt NAOC that wasnt up....but another plane....a C-130 sent to find out what flight 77 was doing....

also people make mistakes...and it's interpretted wrong...such as...the other day my buddy was over...and i was talking with him...and i said "i do that chic" and pointed at my wife....well she looked behind her and there was my buddies girlfriend......lets just say i was alone that night...

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 06:05 PM
Ok 11 11, post the video AGAIN. I want you to prove to me that I didn't watch the video because obviously in your eyes the video is be all and end all.

So go, prove it.

Shattered OUT...

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 08:47 AM
So, a SPEECH writer made a typo that wasn't caught with the countless proof reads that they do??

Rumsfield happens all the time. You can call it a freudian slip or whatever. It does not prove ANYTHING.

The so called two distinct debris fields is misleading. There was very LIGHT WEIGHT debirs found far away from the impact point. Debris such as nylon, paper, etc. If the second debris field was where the plane took a missle, there would have been some heavier debris which clearly there wasnt.

And PLEASE leave that PULL IT baloney out of this thread...not only is it derailing this thread..its the most assinine argument next to the laser beams from space!

[edit on 6-7-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999[/
Jeff Reinbold, the National Park Service representative responsible for the Flight 93 National Memorial, confirms the direction and distance from the crash site to the basin: just over 300 yards south, which means the fan landed in the direction the jet was traveling. "It's not unusual for an engine to move or tumble across the ground," says Michael K. Hynes, an airline accident expert who investigated the crash of TWA Flight 800 out of New York City in 1996. "When you have very high velocities, 500 mph or more," Hynes says, "you are talking about 700 to 800 ft. per second. For something to hit the ground with that kind of energy, it would only take a few seconds to bounce up and travel 300 yards."

If the plane went almost straight into the ground (as the official story states) the engine would not have bounced 2,000 yards away as mapped and you would not have 2 distnct debris fields so far away.

If you look at any other crash of planes hitting the ground going straight down thier are no debris fields found away from the crash site.

Map of engine and debris field

Originally posted by wenfieldsecret
i think we were discussing NAOC in this wasnt NAOC that wasnt up....but another plane....a C-130 sent to find out what flight 77 was doing....

No, there are also witness (and i beleive a photo) of the NAOC flying around the Pentagon also.

[edit on 8-7-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 12:28 PM
Maybe, but AT or AROUND the Bldg. 7 area was NOT IN the building, was it? Big difference. The only person that died in the 7 demolition was a secret service officer, Miller I believe, and it is a mystery why he was there at all at the time they threw the switch and imploded the building.

I have a personal hunch, not supported by evidence, granted: Pehaps this guy Miller saw that the whole thing was WRONG from the get go and was investigating or protecting certain areas or documents. He may even have been ORDERED to stay put due to him knwoing too much.

I would like to see a detailed story on this guy, his duties and why he was the only man remaining at the end. Just an aside.

But the real big picture is this, folks: you do not have one or two or a dozen ' inexplicable anomailes ' to contend with, but HUNDREDS of ' anomalies ' that swirl around this issue like a swarm of bees. There is NO WAY mathematically or logically that we can be asked to swallow this many telling and major denials of reality without wondering why they think we are so stupid that we will accept their story as fact.

As we know from looking at King George's poll numbers, there are about 30 odd percent of the American population that are brain dead to reality; Fox news devotee's, people who vote for one party without regard for candidate, intellectually challenged worker drones who follow the official line no matter how it insults the intelligence; HAVING intelligence and using it for rational thought is a prerequisite for being able to apply it to the reasoning process and those 30% who have abandoned such processes are mere sheep for the slaughter and blind to the truth.

They are not capable of emotionally and socially adapting to a scenario in which their entire belief system is thrown out the door and a new, and real, paradigm is shown to be the truth. They would lose their ability to deal with reality if they can not trust those who make the decisions for them, provide them with ' security ' and many other services. To believe that would frighten them so badly that it is simply unacceptable to them and therefore denied before allowed to become an accepted fact regardless of proof or evidence.

This is a telling commentary on the nature of mankind and psychology; but in practical application, we are seeing the reslt of such belief systems in the posts that disregard all material evidence that shows unequivocally that 9-11 was an inside job. trying to explain away hundreds of anomalies is an exercise in futility because even when convincing and proven evidence is presented, they simply change the parameters of the truth to fit their belief system in spite of the obvious fallacy of such attempts to dissuade those who present fact s that are irrefutable.

The people with their eyes closed will never see the daylight; they will insist it is night; until their eyes are opened they really have no choice, do they? Not hard to see why they hold fast to myths when the truth is apparent.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by eyewitness86
Maybe, but AT or AROUND the Bldg. 7 area was NOT IN the building, was it? Big difference. The only person that died in the 7 demolition was a secret service officer, Miller I believe, and it is a mystery why he was there at all at the time they threw the switch and imploded the building.
I would like to see a detailed story on this guy, his duties and why he was the only man remaining at the end. Just an aside.

There is no proof either way as to what happened to Secret Service Officer Craig Miller. He is originally from my area where I grew up and the newspaper reported that he died during rescue attempts in one of the towers when it collapsed.

Not much else on the guy though.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 06:44 PM
can you find me a link or something to the NAOC being up....the only thing i've seen is a stupid video where the towers collapse again and again....and then it skips to zooming in on the NAOC while it's making a turn...then starts pulsing with the music...but still shows these two different footages again and again....

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by redseal
Wow still alot of conspiracy hype when their are RECORDED cell phone calls, and family testimony from the passengers on 93!!!

May i point out that the couple of phone calls are highly suspect. and could and most likely where fake.

The point ive been trying to get everyone to look at is this, Have any of you have ever seen any other families of the supposed plane victims on the news, talk shows, radio or even the internet talking about the loved ones they lost?

I have searched for along time and all i ever see are families of W.T.C victims and pentagon victims being talked about.I want to see proof of any passengers on those planes. And not the supposed cell phone calls that where in my opinion totally bogus. That is the challenge I put forth to all skeptics and believers.And a report put out by the pentagon is not proof in my eyes since they are the ones that are suspect here.

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by russ1969
The point ive been trying to get everyone to look at is this, Have any of you have ever seen any other families of the supposed plane victims on the news, talk shows, radio or even the internet talking about the loved ones they lost?

I have searched for along time and all i ever see are families of W.T.C victims and pentagon victims being talked about.I want to see proof of any passengers on those planes. And not the supposed cell phone calls that where in my opinion totally bogus. That is the challenge I put forth to all skeptics and believers.

Well, If you happen to own a copy of the Film, United 93, on the DVD bonus there is the families there talking. Of course in your mind they are probably hired actors to perpetuate the story, but there is something anyway.

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 09:33 PM
The movie flight 93 was just that, a movie. and yes, it was all actors portraying what happened. And also if flight 93 is the only plane that was shot down , then why didnt the other planes get shot down. sounds like it may have been the only plane that had passengers. most likely they didnt even have a clue what was about to happen. What about the other flights that crashed into buildings? do you have anything that shows them families? And showing just a couple of people saying they lost someone on them flights is not proof. I want to see Something that shows a majority of victims families Talking about there losses. and not from inside the buildings. the actual flights.You see. it has been proven that cell phone connections are rare from an airplane. and the cockpit voice recorder supposedly recorded the passengers . It does not pick up voices outside the cockpit. so this supposed recorder that was found, in my opinion it was faked. And another fact is that in the history of all plane crashes, the only time the recorders are not found is when they lay on the bottom of the ocean and cannot be retrieved because they are to deep. But amazingly they didnt recover any of the other recorders due to what they claim. they melted in the fires
that is just insane for anyone to believe. Flight recorders and data recorders are made from the strongest metals known to man.

My question is why do all the people denying this was an inside job, dont even agree on some of the facts. The skeptics at least debate against certain aspects of events due to all the different reports and so called expert testimony. but the people saying that this was real and terrorist flew the planes into the buildings dont show any proof. they just debate the proof of the people saying it was an inside job. If i am shown real proof that it was terrorist than i will never say another word about it again. But ive seen to much to prove otherwise. So instead of debating our proof, please, show me your proof. I would love to see it.

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by russ1969
My question is why do all the people denying this was an inside job, dont even agree on some of the facts. The skeptics at least debate against certain aspects of events due to all the different reports and so called expert testimony. but the people saying that this was real and terrorist flew the planes into the buildings dont show any proof. they just debate the proof of the people saying it was an inside job. If i am shown real proof that it was terrorist than i will never say another word about it again. But ive seen to much to prove otherwise. So instead of debating our proof, please, show me your proof. I would love to see it.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 03:51 AM
Ok,first of all a video that the bush administration says was real is not proof. Did you ever watch the original tape they said was real? there where 2 things wrong with it.

1- it shows bin laden signing a paper with his right hand and also he was wearing a gold ring on his finger.It is in official documentation that he is left handed and wearing a gold ring is forbidden by islamic law.

2- if you compare pictures of bin laden with the video, it is apparent that it isn't him. So that fox news report you showed me doesnt prove anything to me. But at the least you showed me something that most people would take at face value.Sorry, i just see things differently then you. Thats what makes people so much different, there perceptions.

Im just looking at the bigger picture of why 9/11 happened. And i see that there was no reason for bin laden to attack us on our soil. But i see plenty of reasons why our own government would. And it becomes more apparent by there actions after the fact.But im still open to more proof if anyone can produce it.Thank you.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by russ1969
Ok,first of all a video that the bush administration says was real is not proof. Did you ever watch the original tape they said was real? there where 2 things wrong with it.

1- it shows bin laden signing a paper with his right hand and also he was wearing a gold ring on his finger.It is in official documentation that he is left handed and wearing a gold ring is forbidden by islamic law.

2- if you compare pictures of bin laden with the video, it is apparent to me that it isn't him. So that fox news report you showed me doesnt prove anything to me. But at the least you showed me something that most people would take at face value.Sorry, i just see things differently then you. Thats what makes people so much different, there perceptions.

Im just looking at the bigger picture of why 9/11 happened. And i see that there was no reason for bin laden to attack us on our soil. But i see plenty of reasons why our own government would. And it becomes more apparent by there actions after the fact.But im still open to more proof if anyone can produce it.Thank you.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 08:34 AM

Most of the truthers in here tend to lean away from the Loose Change claims since not only have they been proven false Dylan Avery and the other producers have admitted to intentionally leaving fasle claims within their video.

[edit on 12-7-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by russ1969
Im just looking at the bigger picture of why 9/11 happened. And i see that there was no reason for bin laden to attack us on our soil. But i see plenty of reasons why our own government would. And it becomes more apparent by there actions after the fact.But im still open to more proof if anyone can produce it.Thank you.

Oh please, share with us these reasons.

It only seems to me that the effects were the exact opposite of what any sovereign nation would want from a national catastrophe.

I don't think you're looking at the bigger picture. I think you're looking at the picture that's been handed to you.

Shattered OUT...

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by russ1969
The movie flight 93 was just that, a movie. and yes, it was all actors portraying what happened.

apex said the actual families were talking on a bonus part of the DVD, he didn't mean the movie itself.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Muppetus Galacticus

Originally posted by russ1969
The movie flight 93 was just that, a movie. and yes, it was all actors portraying what happened.

apex said the actual families were talking on a bonus part of the DVD, he didn't mean the movie itself.

Yes, thats exactly what i meant, and thats exactly what is there. Oh, and it was the one called "United 93" by Paul Greengrass(I think thats his name). I understand there was a TV movie called Flight 93.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by russ1969
Ok,first of all a video that the bush administration says was real is not proof. Did you ever watch the original tape they said was real? there where 2 things wrong with it.

1- it shows bin laden signing a paper with his right hand and also he was wearing a gold ring on his finger.It is in official documentation that he is left handed and wearing a gold ring is forbidden by islamic law.

even tho gold is a forbidden jewlery for men...not all follow that.....

and osama bin laden is left the middle east the left hand is your "naughty" hand...they use it to clean their rear.....this tape was shown thru al jazeer first, there for he prolly used his right hand as not to offend the middle east...people are ambidextrous (sp?) and in that culture...if you're left handed it's almost neccesary..

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 02:58 PM
Like i said, flight 93 may be the only plane that had passengers and they where brought shot down in my opinion without ever knowing what was happening. And I was asking for proof of passengers on the other three flights. And not once did i ever mention the video loose change.So please once again. show me something that is at the least decent proof of the passengers on these other flights. please. thats all im asking. And not any government reports or storys the news put out. Im asking for the impossible because for some strange reason the government has held all records and videos and any real proof of the whole ordeal. and you ask why i believe this was an inside job. I think that speaks for it self.

Thank you for your time, and like i always say, play nice.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 03:02 PM

Please download the Mossaui Trial Exhibits. In there you will see a list of phones calls made by passengers in all 4 planes, phone call recordings, cockpit microphone recordings, and a message that was left on an answering machine.

Not sure what your theroy is on what happened on 911?

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