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Legal Affidavit: Walter Haut Discloses Roswell Truth (released after death)

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posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 02:42 PM
Well, I think it's pretty sad. Walter Haut was not in the best mental health toward the end of his life, displaying signs of deterioration that could have been Alzheimer's. Many people doubt he had the mental acuity necessary to legitimize this affidavit.

Prior to this, he had repeatedly stated that he never saw any wreckage or bodies. And you can chalk this up to fear of the government boogie man if you want (Corso spoke up and nothing much seemed to happen to him), but all I see is a confused old man signing something he might not have even known what was.

It's no wonder that the New Testament only includes books from a few of the Apostles, and those were only really several variations of one account. Twelve Apostles would have probably produced 12 completely different accounts.

This Roswell stuff just gives me a headache with all the conflicting and changing statements. One would think that this event, possibly the most important event in the history of mankind, would be a little more clear and obvious. That it's so obscure and limited should give you a bit of a clue about its ultimate truth.

[edit on 2-7-2007 by SuicideVirus]

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Access Denied

Just in time for the 60th Anniversary too! Step right up folks, don't forget your wallets, and please leave your brains at the door...

[edit on 20-6-2007 by Access Denied]

Oh so many people will be bringing their wallets to this guys grave. His body will certainly enjoy all the fame and wealth now...

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 04:07 PM
It seems to me that his statements in the affadavit made sense with regards to sequence of events and what he witnessed, matches with other people's accounts pretty well. So he was delusional or not? Would'nt he be mixing up the facts and adding in things all over the place? Seems like he nailed everything on the head in what I read. Does'nt sound like a goofey old man to me..
And who are you to question his mental acuity..did you know/meet him in his last days?

Originally posted by SuicideVirus
Well, I think it's pretty sad. Walter Haut was not in the best mental health toward the end of his life, displaying signs of deterioration that could have been Alzheimer's. Many people doubt he had the mental acuity necessary to legitimize this affidavit.

Prior to this, he had repeatedly stated that he never saw any wreckage or bodies. And you can chalk this up to fear of the government boogie man if you want (Corso spoke up and nothing much seemed to happen to him), but all I see is a confused old man signing something he might not have even known what was.

It's no wonder that the New Testament only includes books from a few of the Apostles, and those were only really several variations of one account. Twelve Apostles would have probably produced 12 completely different accounts.

This Roswell stuff just gives me a headache with all the conflicting and changing statements. One would think that this event, possibly the most important event in the history of mankind, would be a little more clear and obvious. That it's so obscure and limited should give you a bit of a clue about its ultimate truth.

[edit on 2-7-2007 by SuicideVirus]

[edit on 2-7-2007 by wildone106]

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 04:12 PM
wildone, how do those statements match anyones? marcel or cavitt never talked about a meeting. Blanchard was on leave from the base etc it doesnt even match his own previous versions.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 05:46 PM
I guess this is the skeptics line of reasoning. He was nuts and he left behind this affidavit for no reason when he could have made millions from this disclosure when he was alive.

If the guy would have signed an affidavit that said everything about the weather balloon and other things were true, the skeptic would be putting him on a pedestal as a man of good reason.

This is the skeptics logic that actually is illogical. This shows you that alot of skeptics ar dogmatic about their skepticism. The only illogical reasoning they can appeal to is to call the guy crazy and that will satisfy their pre-existing beliefs. This is a freethinker?

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by wildone106

And who are you to question his mental acuity..did you know/meet him in his last days?

No, I didn't, but others did:

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by polomontana
The only illogical reasoning they can appeal to is to call the guy crazy and that will satisfy their pre-existing beliefs. This is a freethinker?

No, it's called being compassionate and sympathetic toward an old man who was sadly badgered by unreasonable people with their own selfish agendas.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 07:01 PM
I think you guys need to buy

The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence


There where 5-6 pictures taken with Marcel and the weather balloon. One of the pictures the corporal had a note in his had and they where able to zoom on it and fill in the words and matched every word in the dictionary to what could fit in the missing letters.

Really good watch if you want to know more on Roswell... No ridicule

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 08:00 PM

Don't push product to members... ever...

Is there somewhere were we can get a copy of the new Affidavid?

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by SuicideVirus

Originally posted by polomontana
The only illogical reasoning they can appeal to is to call the guy crazy and that will satisfy their pre-existing beliefs. This is a freethinker?

No, it's called being compassionate and sympathetic toward an old man who was sadly badgered by unreasonable people with their own selfish agendas.

I'm not sure any of us know what state of mind he was in at the time when he wrote this. But his 1993 affidavit says: "I am convinced that the material recovered was some type of craft from outer space."

His 2002 affidavit goes into more detail. If coerced in some way then we need proof of that first before we discount the story. Mr. Warren may have a point, but this is an opening "shot" of doubt not a conclusion.

I've had grandparents who in their waning years suffered bouts of dementia...BUT...they also had some days where they were sharp as a tack and crystal clear when it came to some very important and emotional memories. Never did they confuse the "event" and make up nonsense...the events were clear but "Joe" would now and then switch to "Bob" or "what's his name". I never heard some new "fantasy" told. We need to be careful what level of forgetfulness we are trying to describe.

I think Frank Warren has asked a tough question. If he wants, he has 4 days at Roswell at the end of this week to track some people down and get some answers. Coast to Coast will be on the air on the 6th again discussing Roswell...good time to call. The postings are already popping up on UFO Updates questioning Warren's claim.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by SuicideVirus
No, it's called being compassionate and sympathetic toward an old man who was sadly badgered by unreasonable people with their own selfish agendas.

Amen! Haut screwed up in 1947, let the man RIP.

BTW thanks for link to FW's post. Clearly DR doesn't get it as evidenced by his response in this post...

It wasn't a matter of him not remembering, it was Walter deliberately withholding information.


Again, he wasn't going to admit to it in public while he was. [still alive -AD]

Somebody needs to call him out (anybody here subscribe to UFO UpDates?) on this complete and utter BS! Anybody who’s even remotely done his or her homework on the Roswell case knows that in 1993 in response to Congressman Steve Shiff of New Mexico’s inquiry that the Air Force by EXECUTIVE ORDER released ANYONE who may have CLASSIFIED information regarding the Roswell incident from their OATH OF SECRECY!!!!


I find it beyond belief that Haut didn’t know this or nobody told him so somebody is obviously trying to cash in on Roswell again… not that there’s anything wrong with that… as long they call it what it is… Science Fiction.

(Yes I know it's important to the economy of the City of Roswell now and sorry for shouting... just trying to do my best to help Deny Ignorance!)


[fixed typos]

[edit on 2-7-2007 by Access Denied]

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 10:42 PM
I just happened on the old affidavit...kinda sad, since this story seemed to have a shred of believability to it!

Was the 2002 version a premeditated update to the 1993 version by Lt. Haut, or is it just publicity for the Roswell anniv?
Weird that this is being discussed as breaking news if it's been around awhile.

[edit on 7/2/2007 by badmatt22]

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Access Denied

Anybody who’s even remotely done his or her homework on the Roswell case knows that in 1993 in response to Congressman Steve Shiff of New Mexico’s inquiry that the Air Force by EXECUTIVE ORDER released ANYONE who may have CLASSIFIED information regarding the Roswell incident from their OATH OF SECRECY!!!!

I don't remember hearing about that Executive Order. Do you have the number? Thanks.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 11:16 PM
I don't think it is an update to the 1993 affidavit, it is a new document with a complete set of information. I think the Frank Warren take on the situation is interesting, though I don't think it discredits the 2002 affidavit.
He didn't seem out of it on the Larry King interview at all to me, just sick.

By the way, HERE are the trascripts from the Larry King/Walter Haut interview in July of 2003. Below is the conversation:
KING: All right, Walter, what supposedly happened at the air base, where you were the public information officer?

WALTER HAUT: We came up with the fact that we had in our possession a flying saucer, and Colonel Blanchard (ph) told me to put it out on every medium I can put it out on, which I did as best I could. And I went home that evening, and THAT telephone and everything that they can use was running completely on -- I don't know what kind of value, but I think it ultimately quit at about 3:00 o'clock in the morning. It was...

KING: Now, did...

HAUT: ... a long -- go ahead.

KING: Were you ever asked to countermand that release? Were you ever asked to change what you were first asked to say?

HAUT: No, I was not told to change it. I put out the facts that we had in our possession, a flying saucer.

KING: Did you, Walter, ever see any of the wreckage?

HAUT: No, sir.

KING: What was said in the days subsequent? Was there a lot of talk about this? Did people at the airfield say they had seen any of these bodies or seen any of these creatures? Was it a wide amount of discussion at Roswell?

HAUT: No. I think you have to take in the idea that the people on the base were accustomed to keeping their mouths shut, if I may use that expression. The need just to talk about information doesn't fit (ph). People that were working on the base knew what was going on in the aircraft that they were working on. The persons like myself, the flymen, we were accustomed to taking off at certain times and turning around and keep on going.

KING: I know that Walter is a little under the weather, so I'll just have a question or two left for you, Walter, and let you get out and get some help. Did not the next day General Roger Ramey (ph) in Fort Worth say that the object was a weather balloon?

HAUT: Yes. That's what came out. The general just put in a -- it's -- You're wrong when you talk about it. It's just a weather balloon, and forget it. That's about...

KING: The key question for you, Walter, is, what do you believe?

HAUT: Well, I believe, personally, that we had in our possession a flying saucer, and that's the whole sum -- the story, as far as I was concerned.

Doesn't sound completely contradictory to me, THOUGH he clearly states that he did not see the flying saucer himself. nor the wreckage. At this point he had already written the 2002 affadavit. He was obviously not intending to reveal this information yet.

[edit on 7/2/2007 by infinite8]

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
I don't remember hearing about that Executive Order. Do you have the number? Thanks.

I'm not surprised you weren't informed John.
It wasn't a presidential EO, it was from SECAF (Secretary of the Air Force)...


[emphasis mine]

While the historical document search was in progress, it was decided to attempt to locate and interview several persons identified as still living who could possibly answer questions generated by the research. This had never been officially done before, although most of the persons contacted reported that they had also been contacted in the past by some of the listed authors or other private researchers. In order to counter possible future arguments that the persons interviewed were still "covering up" material because of prior security oaths, the interviewees were provided with authorization from either the Secretary of the Air Force or the Senior Security Official of the Air Force that would officially allow discussion of classified information, if applicable, or free them from any prior restriction in discussing the matter, if such existed. Again, the focus was on interviewing persons that could address specific issues, raised by research and no consideration was given to try and locate every alleged witness claimed to have been contacted by the various authors. For example, one of the interviewees thought vital to obtain an official signed, sworn statement from was Sheridan Cavitt, Lt Col, USAF (Retired) who is the last living member of the three persons universally acknowledged to have recovered material from the Foster Ranch. Others were also interviewed as information developed (discussed in detail later). Additionally, in some cases survivors of deceased persons were also contacted in an attempt to locate various records thought to have been in the custody of the deceased.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Access Denied
Anybody who’s even remotely done his or her homework on the Roswell case knows that in 1993 in response to Congressman Steve Shiff of New Mexico’s inquiry that the Air Force by EXECUTIVE ORDER released ANYONE who may have CLASSIFIED information regarding the Roswell incident from their OATH OF SECRECY!!!!

AccessDenied, have you done your homework? I obviously have not, because I have never heard of an Executive Order stating anything like this. It is possible that you are referring to the Roswell Declaration which was written by Kent Jeffrey, signed by many, and sent to Congress in 1997. It is described in full detail HERE.
"The Roswell Declaration is part of a worldwide effort to end U.S. Government secrecy surrounding the 1947 Roswell incident. It contains an appeal to the Administration for an Executive Order to declassify any U.S. Government information regarding the existence of UFOs or extraterrestrial intelligence.

By the way, this attempt to get the Executive Order resulted in nothing. Maybe I have not done my homework correctly and I would love to learn if I have made an error in my research.

You aren't possibly referring to Executive Order 12356 which allows for Special Access Programs. Is it possible you are referring to the General Accounting Office (GAO) audit in 1994 that attempted to the records of a crashed alien aircraft?

[edit on 7/2/2007 by infinite8]

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by infinite8
By the way, this attempt to get the Executive Order resulted in nothing. Maybe I have not done my homework correctly and I would love to learn if I have made an error in my research.

See my previous post. I did not mean to imply a PRESIDENTIAL EO so I apologize for any confusion. My bad.

BTW I'm not surprised KJ's effort failed, the case was officially considered closed by the AF in 1994 so what's the point? I’m sure anyone who wanted to speak up that wasn’t contacted (BTW Haut WAS) or opted not to testify could invoke the 1994 investigation as a legal precedent if there remained any concerns about speaking up don’t you?

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Access Denied
BTW I'm not surprised KJ's effort failed, the case was officially considered closed by the AF in 1994 so what's the point? I’m sure anyone who wanted to speak up that wasn’t contacted (BTW Haut WAS) or opted not to testify could invoke the 1994 investigation as a legal precedent if there remained any concerns about speaking up don’t you?

I think the 1994 General Accounting Office study will stand as a deterrent for future investigations into the records of the U.S. military regarding the Roswell incident. I never expected the study to reveal any information of significance, though I do believe some unfamiliar craft crashed in 1947. I do believe that anyone who wanted to speak up regarding this measure has done so, at some point or another. In my opinion, I also believe that some of those carried their secrets with them to the grave (I have no eveidence of that).

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 12:36 PM
LOL, I have to laugh at the skeptic. I think this post is further proof that some skeptics are dogmatic about their skepticism. It's almost like a religion to them.

If Haut would have came out with an affidavit that said the official story about Roswell is coreect. The skeptic would be applauding his bravery.

If the man wanted to make millions off of this he would of opened up on Larry King and he would have got all kinds of book and even movie deals. Instead he chose not to say anything but he told the truth in a sworn affidavit.

The skeptic just wants to protect his pre-existing belief no matter how irrational or illogical they sound.

There is no reason for Haut to file a false affidavit and then not benefit from it when he obviously could have.

I think the skeptic of ufology is drowning in a sea of reason and they need to join the flat earh society LOL.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 01:28 PM
So it basically still all boils down to what you want to believe. Whatever backs up what you already think. Either you think he was lying all those years of denying seeing the ship and aliens, possibly to protect himself and his family from either UFO kooks or the government, or he was lying in his "deathbed" affidavit, signing something he didn't completely understand, that his associates or his heirs might benefit from after his death.

I'm just glad it finally puts the matter to rest, once and for all.

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