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Will you go to hell if you are gay?

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posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 10:59 PM
Will you go to hell if you are gay?


What's up with this question anyways? Do we even know for sure if heaven and hell exists? Oh that's right they do because it says so in the bible

People need to cut it out with this bull#. Lets assume for a second that there is such a thing as "heaven" and "hell". What makes you think that gay people are right up there on the list to go to hell anyways? I have a couple of groups that certainly deserve to go to hell way before gay people should even be considered:

1) Lying dirty sack of # politicians (ie. The current administration)
2) People who sell drugs
3) Murderers
4) Rapists
5) Child molesters
6) People who do stupid # like bungee jumping, rock climbing, skydiving. If you feel like your life is so empty and devoid of meaning that you feel like you have to cheat death in order to feel alive then I got something you could do, take this gun and blow your #ing brains out!
7) People who think the Matrix Trilogy "was like the most awesome trilogy ever"

8) Guys in this country that have been so pussified by women that they can't even find their balls anymore even if they looked.
9) People who believe in censorship. I got one thing to say to you people.... "Go shoot yourselves out of a cannon into a brick wall"!!
10) People who asks questions like "Are gay people going to hell?"

I could go on but what's the point. If there is such a thing as "hell" then you will only go there if you're a bad person. Simple as that. I know gay people that are some of the funniest and nicest people you could ever meet. So what if they like people of the same sex. They are not hurting anyone. I don't give a # who you like to have sex with. Why should it even be an issue when you die and you go to heaven or hell. My guess it that it doesn't even get mentioned.

Anyways enough of my rambling. Im out.


[Edited on 7-1-2004 by Ocelot]

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 03:07 AM
In order for one to understand the meaning of SIN ,one has to understand why a sin is not permitted to enter heaven......

QUOTE///There are clear and indisputable testimonies in the Bible about the inadmissibility of such relations between people for Christians:
'You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination',
'If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed abomination; they shall be put to death (Lev 18:22; 20:13).
St.Paul definitely said about 'dishonourable passions' of people who 'exchanged the truth about God for a lie': 'their women exchanged natural relations to unnatural,
and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another'.
The apostle pointed at the inevitable 'God's decree' not only about those whose conduct was improper and who 'were filled with all manner of wickedness, �covetousness' but also about those who 'approve' (cf. Rom 18-32).

Such people separate themselves from the unity of faith.
According to the Apostle,

they will not inherit the eternal life: 'Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters nor homosexuals will inherit the kingdom of God' (cf. 1 Cor 6:9-10).

For that which I do,
I allow not: for what I would,
that do I not; but what I hate, that do I (Rom. 7:15)

If one recognizes his/her own sin and confesses it, then God will forgive that sin , but if one cannot recognize their sin then how can God forgive it!

quote//St. Paul makes clear: Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things. (Rom. 1:22-23)

quote///The clear teaching of the church is that any sexual impurity is a serious sin.
This includes homosexuality, adultery, fornication, and other things even worse.
When does this sin separate us from God, and cause our guardian angel to flee from us?
The answer is equally clear: when the sin is not repented from.
If one is living a continual, habitual lifestyle in which sexual impurity plays a major role, and this person is not struggling to correct himself, he is estranged from God.
The temptation to be sexually impure is not a sin.
None of our temptations ARE sins.
Neither are our passions (but they are are probably the greatest source of our temptations).
One man may be inclined to be covetous, another easily angered, another may be attracted sexually to other men, etc.
Our crown is won by doing battle with these passions, and "winning the kingdom of heaven by violence". This scripture means that we must struggle, fast, pray, and do everything within our power (with the help of God), to humble ourselves,
and to uproot our passions,
with great labour and toil.
If a man is not struggling to do these things, he is not gaining the kingdom of heaven.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 03:16 AM
Ive just been reading this book about sexual behauvoir among animals. Its completely 'natural' to be gay since also in nature homesexual relations exist..well thats a good thing, discussion ends here :]]]

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by forsakenwayfarer
didnt read all 4 pages of this thread, because i dont have time to, sorry, but i want to add my opinion.

im sorry, but being gay is NOT genetic. these people were either abused as children, or had some other event that prompted them to be pavlovian-like conditioned into misleading themselves into the idea that sex and attraction to your own gender is right. from a natural standpoint, it is not. from a moral standpoint, it is not. from a spiritual standpoint, well you get the picture. this is not something they 'have no control over'. i cannot believe that, its a boldfaced lie. thats like saying murderers dont have any control over their actions.

mind you i dont hate these people, i dont personally care what they do, i just completely and totally disagree with their actions when brought into public, to the point of disgust. i dont bother gays, i dont care what they do, as long as they keep it private. i dont want to know what theyre doing behind closed doors, and as such it should be kept, BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. once you bring it out into the open, its no longer private, bottom line, and as such they cannot expect people to not take notice. thinking people will not take notice if you are blatantly public is a completely naieve and selfish action.

As to the argument about it being a choice put it this way. I may choose to either act on my desires or suppress them but I certainly dont choose to have those desires in the first place. Say I suppress them marry and have children what of my wife and the children, do they deserve to have second best ie a man who would far sooner pursue a relationship with a member of his own sex but sees the wife and kids deal as his ticket to heaven or a passport to acceptance by heterosexual society. Having seen the misery that nine times out of ten results from such actions I think that's a #ty deal for all involved personally and I'm refering not to those with bisexual tendencies who have at least one of the options open to them but to the 100% gay people.

There has been no incidence of sexual abuse or any kind of significant event in my life that caused me to be this way and most of my gay freinds readily admit the same so I don't think the above statement is really an accurate summation of the cause of homosexuality although I'm sure some people do suffer from confusion about their sexuality because of outside influences.

'Slippery slope' debates involving gays, paedophiles, bestiality Osam, Hitler et al only go to prove that each issue should be examined and judged objectively within it's own context and not tenuously linked to other more emotive subjects.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 08:36 AM
DISCLAIMER: The following statement applies only if the God spoke of in the Bible does exsist. Please no Heaven and Hell don't exsist because the original question was do gay's go to hell.

My question to gays and lesbians is just this: Why do you care if you go to heaven or hell according to the bible? Christianity has for so long maintained that homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of their God so why would you want to be a part of a religion that views you that way?

The reason is simple many people who are gay look for someone or something to approve of what they are doing. So what happens? Gays want to customize Christianity to fit their lifestyle and if Christianity will not customize its views then thats discrimination. Its pretty simple really gays just feel that if the church accepts them then its ok in the eyes of God. However, the problem that remains is that even if the men of earth change the views of Christianity to include the 'loving' lifestyle of gays it still want change the eyes of God.

Everyone these days wants to customize religion to include this or that because it is easier than adhearing to the rules. God knows that I would love for this to be true, but men on earth cannot change the mind of God. If gay's want a religion so that they can feel justified then they should make their own.

I have said before that I cannot answer the question of whether or not gays go to heaven or hell only God can, however my personal opinion on the matter tends to be what Christianity has maintained for 2000 years, homosexuality is a sin.

[Edited on 8-1-2004 by BlackJackal]

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 08:41 AM
To me if two people can find love and happiness in this screwed up sh*t hole more power to them.

Having said that it DOES say gays will go to hell so its just a matter of what you belive.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Amuk
To me if two people can find love and happiness in this screwed up sh*t hole more power to them.

Having said that it DOES say gays will go to hell so its just a matter of what you belive.

The Bible never says that gays will go to hell. It simply states, and has been a part of the christian religion for 2000 years, that homosexuality is a sin.

Will a Gay man go to hell? Thats between him and God.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 09:11 AM
Oh........ not this crap again.


The bible says those who work on the Sabbath should be put to death.

The bible says eating shellfish is a sin.

The bible says wearing two different types of cloth on your body is a sin.

The bible says beating your wife is okay.

The bible says shaving is a sin.

The bible says wearing gold or pearls is a sin.

The bible says eating pork is prohibited.

The bible says if you masturbate, you go to hell.

The bible says divorce is a sin.

The bible says if you are not baptized you cannot enter heaven.

...Amongst a lot and I mean a lot of other crazy things.

It is a simple case of picking and choosing. If you are going to pick out a verse to show that someone�s lifestyle is wrong, then live it all or shut the [V] up.

And I don't mean to be crude, but how many guys like taking their girlfriend/wife up the back passage?
If you do then you'd be well to remember that that is a sin equal to gay sex in the eyes of the Bible.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 09:13 AM
I'm not gay, but I'm going to hell without a doubt.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 09:37 AM
sorry about catching up to this thread a little late, but i just had to respond to this reply that was post earlier by "intrepid"

"This an interesting question. Different religions view homosexuality in different ways. Christianity & Isllam (some saying O.K. some saying going to hell) are split on it, and natives (north american) and Budism,(as I have read) think that gays are special people

I just so happen to be gay and a Buddhist too, and i can tell you that Buddhism does not treat or think of gays, as special or different from anyone else, in fact if i'm correct catholic are the only religion that are against gay's practice, buddhism does not hate nor teach followers to discriminate anyone or group and treat everyone as equal with respect for life and every living creatures. that's why everytime you hear a conflict on religions yo u hardly will ever see the word buddhism mentioned along with it.

[Edited on 8-1-2004 by cjlegolas]

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 09:46 AM

The Bible never says that gays will go to hell. It simply states, and has been a part of the christian religion for 2000 years, that homosexuality is a sin.

And if you sin you go to hell.

I did not say I belived this stuff but it does state that the penilty is death and suggest that they will go to hell.

I have a friend, a buddist, that is gay and if any one deserves to go to heaven he does

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 10:09 AM
O.k. my answer before I lock the topic (just kidding)...

It's up to you where you go after you die. God doesn't decide, the decision is made based on your beliefs and expectations. Should you decide to change those after you've died, you go elsewhere.

There are (alive) people who make it a hobby to "save" the dead during their astral projections. All they do is make the dead ones realize that the heaven or hell that they're in is false, so that they can continue their development and experiences.

That's it. Nothing else more to see.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 10:11 AM
to answer the question "if hell does exist" from a buddhist points of view, hell does really exist and you don't even have to wait til after life to go to hell, people who commit sin or do harm (against others) will most likely not to succeed or find happiness in life even if they do, it will never last, it's will always catches up with them sooner or later, and when it does, they will goes through life without ever finding true happiness and that for them is hell

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by forsakenwayfarer
didnt read all 4 pages of this thread, because i dont have time to, sorry, but i want to add my opinion.

im sorry, but being gay is NOT genetic. these people were either abused as children, or had some other event that prompted them to be pavlovian-like conditioned into misleading themselves into the idea that sex and attraction to your own gender is right. from a natural standpoint, it is not. from a moral standpoint, it is not. from a spiritual standpoint, well you get the picture. this is not something they 'have no control over'. i cannot believe that, its a boldfaced lie. thats like saying murderers dont have any control over their actions.

mind you i dont hate these people, i dont personally care what they do, i just completely and totally disagree with their actions when brought into public, to the point of disgust. i dont bother gays, i dont care what they do, as long as they keep it private. i dont want to know what theyre doing behind closed doors, and as such it should be kept, BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. once you bring it out into the open, its no longer private, bottom line, and as such they cannot expect people to not take notice. thinking people will not take notice if you are blatantly public is a completely naieve and selfish action.

[Edited on 7-1-2004 by forsakenwayfarer]

This is insulting. More ignorant assumptions by someone afraid of differences in people. There was no abuse in my family. No Pavlovian responses. It's always been this way. ALWAYS. No matter what you think or wish or hope or desire, there is no choice involved. Sorry to disappoint you.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by agentlopez
I am just trying to get some asnwers. Not trying to get sarcastic remarks. Now please!

I know you are not calling ME ignorant !?!?!?

Answers. To what? A hypothetical theology inspired eternal damnation for being born? You had my answer, you supplied the ignorance with the question.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:30 PM
So gay men are treated like evil sinners by most and a hot lesbian couple are treated like goddesses? What is going on here?

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:35 PM
I think its funny how hetrosexual people think they know everything about homosexual people.

it's almost

kekeke la ^^ worthy.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:39 PM

So gay men are treated like evil sinners by most and a hot lesbian couple are treated like goddesses? What is going on here?

If your a guy you get beat to death if your a chick you get a staring role in a porn film

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 05:41 PM
It's called a double standard. The world is full of them.

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by Ocelot
Will you go to hell if you are gay?


What's up with this question anyways? Do we even know for sure if heaven and hell exists? Oh that's right they do because it says so in the bible

jesus god. all were asking is that for the sake of debate you drop that one line and assume heaven and hell exist for the sake of debate. theres not argument if you ruin it for everyone and turn this into a heaven/hell existance debate make another thread if you want that

People need to cut it out with this bull#. Lets assume for a second that there is such a thing as "heaven" and "hell". What makes you think that gay people are right up there on the list to go to hell anyways? I have a couple of groups that certainly deserve to go to hell way before gay people should even be considered:

1) Lying dirty sack of # politicians (ie. The current administration)
2) People who sell drugs
this is bull#, just because drugs are against the laws of MAN suddenly becomes a reason for these people to go to hell? sorry, no dice. its the conscious decision of the user to use, not the seller foring the user to use. classic liberal argument, attack the wrong part of the problem with huge vigour to grasp at a soloution that is in itself inherently flawed. if people want to use, let them. its their body, im not hurting anyone but me if i decide to use drugs.
3) Murderers
4) Rapists
5) Child molesters
i also agree with 3 4 and 5
6) People who do stupid # like bungee jumping, rock climbing, skydiving. If you feel like your life is so empty and devoid of meaning that you feel like you have to cheat death in order to feel alive then I got something you could do, take this gun and blow your #ing brains out!
you sound like one dull mother#er. who are you to decide what people should be able to do with their lives, as long as they arent hurting anyone else in the process. hey dude, guess what, theres this new fad. its called OUTSIDE. try it once in a while, your life might get less boring
7) People who think the Matrix Trilogy "was like the most awesome trilogy ever"

8) Guys in this country that have been so pussified by women that they can't even find their balls anymore even if they looked.
9) People who believe in censorship. I got one thing to say to you people.... "Go shoot yourselves out of a cannon into a brick wall"!!
10) People who asks questions like "Are gay people going to hell?"

jesus, you have loads of double standards here. i also realise that my argument on the surface appears flawed, that gays arent hurting anyone by being gay. no, directly they are not. but im sure it isnt helping natures plan when two men screw and no child is born of it. thats not the way we are MADE to work, then why is it so right? its hurting SOCIETY in the end. a union of a natural couple is productive. a gay union cannot be productive to society, the human gene pool, etc. bottom line.
I could go on but what's the point. If there is such a thing as "hell" then you will only go there if you're a bad person. Simple as that. I know gay people that are some of the funniest and nicest people you could ever meet. So what if they like people of the same sex. They are not hurting anyone. again, society as a whole suffers. I don't give a # who you like to have sex with. Why should it even be an issue when you die and you go to heaven or hell. My guess it that it doesn't even get mentioned.

Anyways enough of my rambling. Im out.


[Edited on 7-1-2004 by Ocelot]

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