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Are '9-11 by Muslim Extremists' racists?

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posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 12:01 PM
:sigh: i been avoiding this ignorant thread and much of the 9-11 boards for some time now..but this is just one of those things that really bugs me because in fact it's just the opposite. The people who say that the arabs COULDN'T have done it, are the true racists.

When you say: "there's no way 15 arabs with box cutters could have pulled off 9-11."

You really mean: "There's no way a bunch of brown skinned sand eating savages could possibly have the education, determination, money, and intelectual ability to pull off this kind of attack. The only people who could have done it were elite whites because arabs are just camel riding monkeys."

That my friends is the honest truth. When you take into account that a large majority of people that belive in the conspirocys are white, it makes more sense to me that they simply can't accept the fact that some colored folk got one over on them.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 12:25 PM
Daaaamn Spawn.... I never looked at it that way

I agree!

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious

John F. Kennedy was president, His brother Robert was going to be president. Uncle Teddy is Senator (may have become president if he didn't kill Mary Jo) Daddy was a bootlegger ....anyway the family is of a powerful political dynasty.

[edit on 19-6-2007 by CaptainObvious]

Ok, let's see.

John F. Kennedy was probably the most beloved president in history in this country and abroad.

George W. Bush is hated EVERYWHERE.

John F. Kennedy was a threat to the very diabolical establishment that the entire Bush family has brought upon this country.

Did I mention JFK was a war hero in World War II, a MAN'S WAR?

Robert F. Kennedy was a very able Attorney General who prosecuted corruption in the labor rackers and fought the Mob when J. Edgar Hoover denied they even existed.

The Bush crime family is always caught up in some kind of scandal or corruption

Robert F. Kennedy was a champion of civil rights

George W. Bush probably hates blacks and betrayed the city of New Orleans post- Katrina.

Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated for the same reasons his brother was and that is because he was going to shake up the establishment.

Robert F. Kennedy recognized his father's faults and sins and tried so hard to separate himself from his father.

George W. Bush is just an arm of the Bush Crime Family

I don't think bootlegging compares to loss of thousands in 9-11 and a war on Iraq that has made Bush's constituents filthy rich at the expense of American blood.

In conclusion, just don't compare the Kennedy's to the Bushies or the other way around actually.

"For we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings..." President John F. Kennedy

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Daaaamn Spawn.... I never looked at it that way

I agree!

Well captain, it just makes the most obvious sense to me. REally for the reason that any time uses the excuses that the hyjackers couldn't have done it, they always make sure they ephasize the arab part.

It's always the arab men couldn't have done it..not just 15 people with boxcutters couldn't have done it. That's a very racist statement. i just wonder what people would have said if the hyjackers had been white.

Glad at least one person understood the point i was trying to make.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67

Ok, let's see.

John F. Kennedy was probably the most beloved president in history in this country and abroad.

George W. Bush is hated EVERYWHERE.

John F. Kennedy was a threat to the very diabolical establishment that the entire Bush family has brought upon this country.

Did I mention JFK was a war hero in World War II, a MAN'S WAR?

Robert F. Kennedy was a very able Attorney General who prosecuted corruption in the labor rackers and fought the Mob when J. Edgar Hoover denied they even existed.

The Bush crime family is always caught up in some kind of scandal or corruption

Robert F. Kennedy was a champion of civil rights

George W. Bush probably hates blacks and betrayed the city of New Orleans post- Katrina.

Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated for the same reasons his brother was and that is because he was going to shake up the establishment.

Robert F. Kennedy recognized his father's faults and sins and tried so hard to separate himself from his father.

George W. Bush is just an arm of the Bush Crime Family

I don't think bootlegging compares to loss of thousands in 9-11 and a war on Iraq that has made Bush's constituents filthy rich at the expense of American blood.

In conclusion, just don't compare the Kennedy's to the Bushies or the other way around actually.

"For we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings..." President John F. Kennedy

I agree with your entire post!! The comparison I was making was that families of politicians become powerful! The Bush's are Powerful as are the Kennedy's!

I was at a play in Boston Friday night called RFK(a portriat of his life). I know RFK Jr. ...(through constant e-mails)

I grew up a Catholic in the subbies of Boston.... you HAD to like the Kennedy's in my home!

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
:sigh: i been avoiding this ignorant thread and much of the 9-11 boards for some time now..but this is just one of those things that really bugs me because in fact it's just the opposite. The people who say that the arabs COULDN'T have done it, are the true racists.

When you say: "there's no way 15 arabs with box cutters could have pulled off 9-11."

You really mean: "There's no way a bunch of brown skinned sand eating savages could possibly have the education, determination, money, and intelectual ability to pull off this kind of attack. The only people who could have done it were elite whites because arabs are just camel riding monkeys."

That my friends is the honest truth. When you take into account that a large majority of people that belive in the conspirocys are white, it makes more sense to me that they simply can't accept the fact that some colored folk got one over on them.

My friends are Arab and you can keep that hate speach out of this thread, thanks.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 06:26 PM
The only racists I see are our "heroic" leaders. I say this sarcastically of course.For our leaders are nothing less that the equivalent of filthy worms.

Everything in American society is based on social division. The media marginalizes and lies whithout end. A culture of racist liars.

This whole idea of the "war on terror" is such extreme nonsense. I think a even children can see through it.The real terror is the white house, and it has been a terror to the world since its inception. Does the U.S. have weapons of mass destruction? Its chief weapon is consumerism, the proceeds of which it uses to enslave us and commit murder all over the earth.

I think the U.S. is the greatest threat to the earth there has ever been.

By the way I am a citizen. Just because its your family doesnt mean their not a bunch of scoundrels.

From shipping our jobs to india and blaming it on the defenseless Mexicans, to stopping all flights so that the Bin Laden family could be whisked off to safety, there is no end to American shamelessness.

What other shameful act is next? More torture, more fake flag waving heroes, or just beating women at the border or shooting the unarmed in the back on our city streets by bloated-all white teams of fat, swat clothed men?

I cringe to think.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 12:23 PM
I am sort of upset that I never received a reply to my post. I still am distressed by the contention of the OP that those who do not believe the 9/11 truth theories are somehow racist against Muslims, and I don't think the contours of the claim have been properly addressed yet. The conclusion made does not as a matter of logic necessarily follow.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Togetic
But I am curious to know if you sincerely think that just because someone thinks that terrorists committed 9/11 that they are necessarily racist against Muslims?

[edit on 6/18/2007 by Togetic]

Terrorists did commit 9-11. Why do you assume terrorist and Muslim are synonymous words? That's the point.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Spoodily
Terrorists did commit 9-11. Why do you assume terrorist and Muslim are synonymous words? That's the point.
I do not make that assumption, and I never have. It is unfair to make that accusation when there are prolific examples of me defending the Muslim religion on this forum.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:44 PM
hate speech? spoodily i suggjest you go back and re-read what i wrote, because clearly you did not understand a single word of what i was saying. the only "hate speech" i see is from the people that scream "9-11 was not arabs!"

also, how is someone who belives that terrorist muslims committed 9-11, racist? by this line of logic, everyone is innocent because it's racist to think that [insert race here] would commit a devious crime.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
hate speech? spoodily i suggjest you go back and re-read what i wrote, because clearly you did not understand a single word of what i was saying. the only "hate speech" i see is from the people that scream "9-11 was not arabs!"

also, how is someone who belives that terrorist muslims committed 9-11, racist? by this line of logic, everyone is innocent because it's racist to think that [insert race here] would commit a devious crime.

Originally posted by Spawwwn
"There's no way a bunch of brown skinned sand eating savages could possibly have the education, determination, money, and intelectual ability to pull off this kind of attack. The only people who could have done it were elite whites because arabs are just camel riding monkeys."

I reread it and you sure do have a lot of nice things to say about Arabs.

Terrorists can be anybody and any race or religion. That is the point everyone is missing. Terrorist is NOT another name for Muslim or Arab.

Terrorists DID commit the events on 9-11-2001. The question is who are the REAL terrorists that orchestrated 9-11. I believe some of those terrorists hold political office in our government and governments around the world and should be held accountable for their crimes.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 06:24 PM
See spoodily this is exactly why i stopped coming to the 9-11 forums. I was tired of getting my words twisted to make it seem like i said something, that i clearly didn't (like you are doing now).

Obviously you still need to read it again until you get what i was trying to say. I was clearly showing you what people who say "15 arabs couldn't do 9-11" really mean when they say that.

So still missed the point, and please don't twist my words.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
:sigh: i been avoiding this ignorant thread and much of the 9-11 boards for some time now..but this is just one of those things that really bugs me because in fact it's just the opposite. The people who say that the arabs COULDN'T have done it, are the true racists.

When you say: "there's no way 15 arabs with box cutters could have pulled off 9-11."

You really mean: "There's no way a bunch of brown skinned sand eating savages could possibly have the education, determination, money, and intelectual ability to pull off this kind of attack. The only people who could have done it were elite whites because arabs are just camel riding monkeys."

That my friends is the honest truth. When you take into account that a large majority of people that belive in the conspirocys are white, it makes more sense to me that they simply can't accept the fact that some colored folk got one over on them.

When saying there is absolutely no way 19 "ARABS" with box cutters could have successfully completed there operation on 9/11 is not considered racist at all.

Definition of Arab:

1. A member of a Semitic people inhabiting Arabia, whose language and Islamic religion spread widely throughout the Middle East and northern Africa from the seventh century.

2. A member of an Arabic-speaking people.

3. An Arabian horse.

In relation to the topic, there are racists in every religion & race. I think the mass media, the elite corporate media complex, has played a very large role in relaying and putting forward there image of "Muslims" as being Terrorists.

Not at all, i live next to a few Muslims they are fantastic people. Working class citizens, very educated. I'm pretty sure we know at least a few Muslims who we come across in our daily lives as being very educated and a working class citizen.

No Religion preaches violence in the form of terrorism or Violence in general. I am not a religious person myself, but i am highly educated enough to believe that in certain religions there are often those who abuse and re-write there religion to fit there agenda and in turn you have a form of brainwashing which continues as a dominoes effect on young kids who grow up with such hatred for the West.



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