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Single Fathers Unite!

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posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 11:36 PM
Secret Titan that is parental alienation. Have you got a lawyer/legal aid ?

If it is cutting you up go get a doctor's certificate for the judge.

Also make application to the judge for a Forensic Psychologist to evaluate the impact on your child.

Go for an order for access. Once you have an order she can't deny access without breaking the law. She will keep using tricks to further alienate you so document everything and do not under any circumstances loose your temper.

Keep posting Cheers

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 11:49 PM
Hey WUK and others... I am at a difficult phase in my legal battle. Please take up the slack on this topic for me until I can focus again.

Welcome back trouble. You can rescue my hine when I get banned okay ?

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 08:29 AM
I have recently managed to get us ordered to a custody evaluation, which is my best hope for the court seeing what my kids' father is really up to. It's going to cost each of us $3000 to $4000. It takes up to six months, psychological testing is administered, home visits are conducted, and people involved in the childrens' lives are interviewed, such as therapist, babysitters, family members and school.

One evaluator I talked to said that they were detectives that play Candy Land.

It's going to take me 6 years to pay off my credit card, but it will be worth it, because I know who the problem is, and it isn't me.

In my jurisdiction, an evaluator's report is nearly always taken by the judge in entirety, and turned into custody orders.

Look into this WUK, ST. I don't know if it can help you or not, Sy. I'm not sure if you have an equivalent in your area or not.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 12:20 PM
Actually Sy. gave me quite the idea, I am not in a position to be fighting for my son right at the moment. but soon I will be taking an initiative and getting him back permanently.

his mother has no job right at the moment and she moved more than 50 miles without notifying me 90 days ahead of time as she was supposed to. Unfortunately I have to move to michigan at the end of the month but something Sy. said made some sense. The international court may be able to help me because I am still angry that nothing was done about the four months I was not allowed to see my son during the whole divorce.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 11:48 PM
Hmm if you want to share or if not U2U.

In my country we have a Human rights commission which can investigate breaches of fundemental human rights. They can also refer cases to the International Human Rights Tribunal which can make finding against your Government and order rectification and financial compensation.

Problem however is that often you have to exhaust the appeal process before you can approach them.

My advice too is if there are any official child welfare reports or files, use your rights as a Guardian to obtain the file first. It may reveal things you did not even realise were going on as I did recently.

I'm not sure if you have an equivalent in your area or not.

In NZ thankfully the Court pays for a forensic psychologist's report. One must first however persuade the judge to issue an order.

The other problem is if the Child welfare authorities are biased, then they can influence and slant the outcome of a report and that is a real risk. that is what happened to me.

I was declared vexatious for persistently trying to prove the mother was assaulting our boy. Child welfare convinced the judge to ignore my concerns and only a few months ago I got my son's file. It proves that child welfare actually knew about the violence, but were deliberately lying to the Court.

Their day is coming...

I am just here taking a break from the hard work of writing a huge cross indexed affidavit. Wish me luck.

Oh yeah... the other thing is where possible write letters to other agencies about your concerns, write letters to Congressmen or whomsoever can help.

What I found here was that child welfare wrote letters to the minister in charge of their government departments dismissing my concerns and giving false assurances.

When I go to my son's file and read what they were actually saying on the file it becomes clear that they even lied to their own Minister.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:05 AM

The manner in which this works here in the USA is similar. What is not told to the public is that this Child Welfare or Social Services here in the a government program. They get funds based on thier requirements...their rolls..attendence rolls. THe more people ie..mothers and children on the rolls the more matching government funds they get.

This is the same with Government Schools. THese are jobs programs. THe number one buisness is maintaining the jobs...not necessarily the welfare of the mother and child or in the case of public schools ..not necessarily education.

I learned of this fingerprint through a woman involved in the Foster Parent program. She wanted to adopt the children she was keeping through this Foster Parent program. They discouraged this because it would shift thier attendance roster and hence matching government funds. What a shock this was to realize the width and breadth of this type of thing.

This is a drug...matching government funds. A jobs program.

These groups, in order to maintain thier jobs programs/ funds, have learned that the most disposable and expendable commodity in the marketplace when going for matching government funds is the male/fathers. Next in line is the children. As time goes by this becomes more and more obvious.

Remember .. most of these places are staffed by women...for women. THey must continually play the victim card in order to default through and maintain the funds.

Socially what happens is that many of these women on the government dole go from a man as a financial breast to the government as a financial breast. YOU can also substitute "safety net" in place of financial breast.

For those versed in this ..the religious dogma is called "male expendabilitiy and disposability." This is not a term you will hear from the public avenues or public education while they put emphasis on thier version of "victimization " to play through unchallanged.

Many Many men have been caught up in this system. It is obviously a closed shop by the experiences of the posters in here. And now days many of the children too are caught up into it with predictable results.


posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 10:24 PM
I know that money plays a large role in custody battles. My schizophrenic ex who admitted (pleaded guilty) to using his military training to beat up our unarmed, underage daughter was excused from any penalty for the crimes of assault and battery, domestic violence. He maintains his CLEET certification and has a job where he is allowed to carry a gun. He even got the charges expunged from his record. His entire family is so nutso that the government gives them monthly checks to stay off the street but he has family members on the police force in the county in which I have to report his criminal activity and they have repeatedly refused to file a report. I was told that there is no such thing as stalking laws in Oklahoma even after I faxed them the statute and gave them the names of the 8 witnesses willing to testify.
When I filed contempt charges, the ex testified (and I quote), "yes, I was court ordered to pay child support. yes, I owe that amount of money, I just don't feel like I should have to pay it." He was found not guilty of contempt. Tell me money is not changing hands.
He was court ordered to not take the child out of the state. His own records he produced to prove his innocence condemned him and the judge said, "we'll give you another chance." My son is currently out of state-again.
When I produced documentation proving that he and all of his witnesses lied under oath, the D.A. said, "You have a slam-dunk case but I'm not going to prosecute it because the judges know that everyone lies under oath and perjury charges just clog up the courts."
It's not just men that get the shaft in court. Around here, it's whoever has the less attractive bank balance. And to add insult to injury, the courts decided that I can't move without his permission!

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 01:53 PM

I have not been back to this thread in some time as a result working so many long hours of late.

In reading your last post It becomes obvoius to me that your ex is entrenched in the system in a very similar manner to women who play the system and social services. A whole system is in place to take advantage of people...mostly to secure the jobs of those in social services. Hence no one wants to rock the boat with anything like the truth. This is what happens when you have government organizations in place enforce a type of feudal unaccountablity.

In the social system it becomes one of enforcing a type of Male expendability and disposability. IN your case it is the reverse. You seem to be expendable and disposable while protecting the feudalism of the government ex's position. It is a closed shop to use a union term.

While there are definitely men and women who should be paying support ..I object to the manner in which this system of feudalism makes people disposable and expendable to keep the system going...unaccountable. More and more as time goes by ...I notice that in the long run the children suffer accordingly. I find this very sad...even obscene. This is not entirely the fault of the is often the fault of the parents too for not being able to work t hings out and stay together for the kids. However I often object to how the state makes only one party expendable and disposable while so obviously promoting the security of the state. That is my biggest beef.

As you can see I am not a big fan of a feudal state.

Thanks for your post,

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