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Single Fathers Unite!

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posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:28 PM
MajorMalfunction... No animosity from me. My anger is with the injustice but sometimes expresses itself as exasperation in debate. Sorry.

The way that laws often take hold in my country is that legal experts hold international conferences and share ideas about what seems to work.

There are some common threads about injustice whether that is against women or men and I still say that we should fight an international class action to establish some basic human rights through litigation.

A New Zealand Barrister tony Ellis just won a case he took on appeal to the International Court of Human Rights. It held that the failure to speedily resolve a custody dispute and the lengthy denial of access throughout a child's formative years abused the human rights of the non-custodial parent. In that decision, the NZ Government was given 90 Days to respond why it should not finacially compensate the man and restore access. The 90 day period is still not over.

With decisions like this we can create Human Rights precedents which our own governments are obliged to recognise in their legislation. We the people can force law changes.

Where is it written that a bunch of unelected, dry academics at law conferences should decide the laws which apply to us ?

When was the last time you elected anybody to represent you at the UN, yet the UN makes decisions about treaties which bind you and your rights.

In this day and age with the internet, why do we need to be represented by people who never consult us ?

[edit on 12-6-2007 by sy.gunson]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:37 PM
Sy, I think we've successfully negotiated a truce.

I can get behind something trying to change the system. I've said since I left that my kids' and my human rights were being violated.

My government, sadly, has a terrible track record listening to the UN, but hey, I'm game. You never know until you try.

Let's see what we can come up with, and make a move!

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:47 PM
Well spliffy and I hatched a plan to use this thread to harvest names of those interested to try and start something. Spliffy and I also spoke with WhatUKNO and I guess that is why he created the thread here.

Maybe what we need is to first create a charter of what we stand for, what we don't stand for and will not tolerate. We need to form a nucleus of members and then look at how to create a website to spread the word and draw in more membership. It may have to be a free website sponsored by advertising.

I think it should have a forum of it's own.

I think it should campaign for no fault access

I also think it should campaign against abuse of children as weapons in relationship breakdowns.

I think it should also campaign for a universal standard of Family law which any individual can appeal to the International Court of Human Rights

I think we should campaign for all Governments to give legal recognition to the decisions of the International Tribunal in relation to their national family legislation.

My 2 cents worth

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:50 PM
I'll add to that:

Family court needs to be held to the same laws and standards as other branches of the judiciary and PAY ATTENTION TO LAWS OF EVIDENCE, including prosecuting people for committing perjury. I think that is the biggest problem, and one that should be easiest to fix.

I'll do what I can to help -- I'm still in the middle of the custody battle, and one with my daughter's school because my ex sabotaged them and they broke next year's contract and cancelled her financial aid. :shk: Two lawsuits for the price of one ...

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:59 PM
Oh bravo... yes mam.

I have always felt that the family Court was the worst of criminal and civil courts. Punishments are often more severe than a criminal court's but the standards of proof are far lower.

In my personal case the Legislators gave the NZ Family Courts a wide discretion what evidence they could consider. The original intention was clear. To be inclusive and allow as much evidence to be admissible as possible.

However the NZ Chief Family Court Judge Peter Boshier has introduced measures and announced an attitude of using those powers to exclude evidence and shut down litigation.

They take the view that where someone is fighting to be heard they must be vexatious and litigous therefore should be silenced. That is an abuse of a freedom which the Court should not have.

I am with you. We should let others contribute here to a common vision for a charter.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 07:04 PM
PS Major Mal... I also commented to spliffy that the problem is most people myself included are so up to their eyeballs in struggling with their own cases that they have no time or energy for uniting in a group.

Where is that darned spliffy anyway ?

Your best contribution at the moment Major Mal would be helping create a vision for this thing...

I told spliffy that this is our "Field of Dreams"

Build it and they will come...

[edit on 12-6-2007 by sy.gunson]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 08:38 PM
Thanks, Sy. I'm glad we are going to be able to work together on this. I think the whole gender bias thing is designed to keep people from getting together and actually working to fix the system for everyone, men, women and children alike.

BTW, that link I provided earlier about bias in the courts has some excellent suggestions throughout the whole document, on how to fix what is so obviously broken. I think it would be a good place to start.

After I get my kids to bed, I'll see if it's worth cutting & pasting, or if it's too big to do that here.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 10:03 PM
Lata Gata... okay well lets create a charter then. I was going to reserve a domain name "" but some ratbag already has it.

I figure we should first look at existing decisions by the ICHR and ask interested people to identify if these parallel their own case and then form sub clusters of people who would have a legal cause for action under that decision.

We need to create a website and a membership. Then see if we can fund raise for a class action or find legal aid some way ?

The European Court of uman Rights gave a 2005 decision in Steel and Morris v UK Government that denial of legal aid in a complex case is a denial of natural justice.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 07:57 PM
i am very sorry sy.gunson
i did not know this thread was going.
my daughter and my story
my daughter and i have spent about 11/12 years fighting a losing battle so i can speak from my side and my daughters side.
first of all, this is not about the sexs, we have guilty parties on both sides, not paying and stopping access. children were born with 2 parents and they need 2 parents in their life, they also need money to live and both parents should provide that, if the kids parents live together or not.
i was reminded of something the other day which has not been said yet, how many women who are reading this thread has stopped the fathers from seeing their kids because he has a new girlfriend. i know this is a very big point in the problem because i suffered it and i know a lot of men who have suffered because the mother of the kids did not want their kids with another woman but it is ok for the kids to have 2 dads. i even had my daughter say to me "i have a new dad now so you have no rights anymore" and i had to sit there and let her say what she was told to say and then we got on with our weekend, happy, but when it was time to go home my daughter cried her heart out, then her mother had too drag her out of the car while she screamed for me to help her. she held onto anything she could grip including me and i had too sit and watch.
i had done everything possible through the courts and it was a waste of time, money and emotions. i have never felt as bad in my life and my daughter suffered as much as me.
i am not trying to start a sexes war but the women have a very easy time in the courts, yes a lot of them women have had it very hard and i truely feel very sorry for them women and kids but it is time the courts played fair for the childrens sake.
after losing all contact with my daughter for almost 7 years, she rebelled against her mother and came looking for me when she was 15, she has been living with me now for just over a year and both of us have never been happier. all of the evidence that i have collected over the years do not mean a thing to her, i told her i had it all in case she believed what she has been brainwashed with, but she does not want to see it. she does not have to see it, she knows the truth, she has done from she was 8 years old. the only thing her mother managed to do was to mess our daughters head up and that is wrong.
the law will not do anything for the children and somebody needs to get that changed.
my daughter knows what me and sy.gunson have been talking about and is very willing to tell her side of the story and how it has affected her.
it is time for the children to have rights and my daughter and i will do everything we can so other children do not have to suffer this madness and we need honest people to stand up and help, male and female.
my biggest priorty in life is too see my daughter happy and smiling and i am 1 of the lucky few.
my daughter is in contact with her mother and i would never dream of telling her she is not allowed to talk too her mother, when she talks bad about her mother she is put in her place but she loves and needs her mother but OUR daughter has a lot of questions too ask and some day she will ask her mother WHY.
i hope you got my u2u whatukno and good luck for the future, i hope it works out.
and good luck to anyone else who is having trouble

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 08:30 PM
It's up to us for now, then. WUK isn't going to be around for now -- banishment.

Is there nobody else here on ATS that is interested in working on a project like this?

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 08:36 PM
can i ask why wuk has stopped or is that secret.
we need people to talk to each other and be truthful......

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 08:38 PM
All I can say about it is, he violated the T&C. All I have after that is rumor and hearsay and I don't want to violate the T&C myself by saying anything more.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 08:42 PM
sorry to hear that.
hopefully more people will come forward and tell their story

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:58 PM
Me too. I am sorry to see Matt banished. I hope I didn't cause something here in this thread ?

Jensouth31 is a friend if we want to contact him.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 07:49 AM
To any moderators who happen to read this a few of us have figured out why WhatUKNO did. We all feel that his sin was more of a misjudgement than any deliberate action to break the rules.

People make misjudgements all the time. That's human. I understand WhatUKNO is fairly cut up by his banishment.

Please moderators would ATS consider allowing him back on Probation. I think he has the support of all the posters here from the U2Us we've been exchanging.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by sy.gunson

Please moderators would ATS consider allowing him back on Probation. I think he has the support of all the posters here from the U2Us we've been exchanging.

i agree

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
It's up to us for now, then. WUK isn't going to be around for now -- banishment.

Is there nobody else here on ATS that is interested in working on a project like this?

I don't know how much I can help, but I will try. I haven't been to court (yet) and I just know I am not looking forward to it. My son lives 8 hours away from me and his mother won't even answer her phone when I call because she is "busy". The stupid thing is that she will talk to me if her boyfriend is at work, but otherwise, I just get ignored and cannot talk to my son. I only get to see him every 3-4 months, and it tears me up to have to drive 8 hours away from him knowing that I can only have a phone relationship with him.

Feel free to ask anymore questions about my situation if you want. I fully support this cause.

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 02:47 PM
I am back and I am up for supporting this cause. The family court system worldwide is broken and needs a serious overhaul.

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 02:55 PM
Welcome back, WUK.

Behave yourself this time.

Shall we start exchanging links to sites with interesting ideas, then?

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
Shall we start exchanging links to sites with interesting ideas, then?

Links are what got me in trouble to begin with
I'm gonna be kinda gun shy about posting any links here for quite a while.

but there is some things that can be done. You can write your state legislature about chainging the current state of the family court system.

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